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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Evening nesters

    A week off for me and enjoying it completely. Today i went for my walk and to the gym, its getting easier but next week i move on from arms to some other exercise that will make me not be able to move. I am enjoying doing something different and for me.

    Slo, i love the way we overthink situations. I remember i worried over every occasion the first year and second, now i dont worry. If i dont want to go, i dont, and if i want to leave, i go. My care factor of what anyone thinks is zero. Lavitude i call it. A very wise person!

    G, when are you going away and where to?

    LC great to have you back. For me, there was never a good day to stop drinking or smoking, we just have to man up and take that step. I am now 3 weeks smoke free after numerous relapses and i feel i have got this BUT i still have days where i would murder for a smoke and it takes all my will power to not go to those shops. I find now that the gym and walking gets me out of my head and i feel so much better. Ive booked in to see a psychologist in a couple of weeks to talk about ways of dealing with stress so i dont reach for a smoke as a go to. Maybe some outside help might be of benefit?

    Carl is doing well, he is a great distraction for me when i get sad and has so much energy. He is teething so being a typical toddler, wanting to chew everything and anything.

    Hi to everyone, take care xx
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hi Ava. Great job on the smokes.

      I'm going to sth america. Columbia, Peru, Ecuador most likely. End of may through all of june.

      CBT is worth a look when you talk with psychologist. Regard's to that troublemaker and rogue Carl. Take care.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Good morning, Nesters. I really envy you Aussies and others who have MONTH LONG vacations! I was hoping to take this week off, but got drafted to do a tradeshow next Monday in Denver so couldn't take that much time out of the loop. This morning, I'm faced with a challenging customer who is threatening to leave us (they have 122 locations with us) because we won't send out his favorite service technician. Then I'm dealing with a service call I placed last Tuesday that somehow didn't get logged so that customer is mad, had to get thru the Easter holiday without a security system. To those of you who love your job, you are very lucky.
        LC, it's great to see you back. Do whatever it takes to get sober. We're so glad you have Day 1 in the rear view.
        Off to face the day.....UGG. Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hi, all:

          LC! Great to see you here. I know what you mean about having the determination, but I also think that there is no perfect day to quit. I'm glad you jumped in, and I know you'll make it, one day at a time... Each time you come back, you are not a failure - it is another step in the process.

          G - WOW, I am also jealous of those Aussie holidays. Sounds like a great trip.

          Slo, that happens to me all the time - the anticipation is way worse than the actual event. Glad you survived.

          Woke up later than usual so I'm out the door to work. Happy SOBER Tuesday...



            Re: Newbies Nest

            Good Morning All!

            Slo, I am so glad that things did go well for you on Easter. It is best to be prepared for the worst and hope for the best. I did have a wonderful time with the kids! I am hoping by fall, I will good enough to volunteer at our local elementary school. I was media specialist for a long time and then ran my school's technology program. I miss the kids so much! I know this school has no librarian, as is the case for a lot now, so I am sure they could use a helping hand.

            Life I am glad you are here and reading. I know you want to do it and I know it is hard. I too read on here for a few weeks and then posted. The tools on here really help and we are all here for you. Sobriety is tough but so worth it. I am coming on 30 days myself. They have been a long 30 days some times but everyone has helped so much. I have not made it to 30 so one day at a time and after that, one day at a time.

            I have my doctor appt this afternoon. I am not looking forward to it. I have not dropped a pound and the last time I went she talked to me about diabetes. Now, granted, I had been on a boat load of steroid for about a year and the drinking, which can really mess you up, but maybe it is time to take it seriously. My younger brother is a diabetic, though he drinks way too much. I have others in my family who are diabetic too. Since I am taking care of myself, I might as well do it right. What is one more pill.

            My brain tumor is still going strong, I mean my allergies! Not much else can be done about that except to wait it out. I just call it the brain tumor here to get more sympathy out of daughter and hubby, it has lost its effect though.

            Hubby is coming home tonight!!! He represents his company for EPA testing and the weather has been so bad up there that the test had to be cancelled for today. He has done his work so hopefully they will put on their big boy pants and let the state inspect them without manufacturer representation. As long as the company does not change the adjustments that hubby made they should be good, time will tell.

            I hope everyone has a wonderful day and wish me luck for this afternoon!


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Good luck this afternoon New Sunrise! Hope it all goes well. I find it helps me make dietary changes when I consider that it's all about habit. After eating a new way for awhile, it too becomes habit. I often begin craving the better food too, if I let myself get through 1-2 weeks of cravings! Sorry to hear about your brain tumor. I hear they are really bad this time of year.....

              G - you are living my dream! I don't know why S. America / Peru calls me but it does. Have you seen the new Lydar technology that is revealing the Mayan civilizations hiding under the jungle growth? It shows it to be 10x large than people once thought... 12M people vs. 1M! Find me a ruin and say hello for me! So glad you can plan and enjoy your vacations without the added complication and bummer of drinking!

              LC, glad to hear from you! You get to decide if you want to stop drinking or not. If you do, we're here!

              I'm slurping down a salad (if that's possible) and I'm off to the next task. I did my meditation/breathing this am, so I'm moving at a manageable pace. But I'm definitely MOVING! Having a nice home office day. I find that I really DO need lots of quiet time to myself.

              Have a good day everyone!

              Done. Moving on to life.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hola nesters!

                Good luck at the docs Sunrise. Hope all is ok.

                Byrdy! Gee whillikers! Golly gosh! Complications out in the field with zero company back up.....great! Good luck.

                Will do Kensho. I didn't know that re Lydar tech about Peru. Will check it out. I was stopping over in Lima, but i'm gonna make special effort to get to the Inca ruins. I'll have my guitar, so will play for everyone past and present.

                The sth america trip is a G man music tour less so a vacation. But i'll be surely seeing some sights and meeting some new and interesting folk. Last year i played some little bars and busked at some train stations ('Metro'). I'll be doing similar this time too. A great way to meet the general public and get a local slice of life. I might even sell some find a wife!

                There are no negatives in living sober - in hindsight at least. I have had to rise above my own chaos that's for sure. Rise above into the relative peace above the clouds to look down at what is really happening, and what is really important to me. Living sober is paving the way to do what i love and be my best self.

                How are you doing today LC? X

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Good evening to all (and good morning Down Unders!):

                  Welcome back, LC, and glad you’re feeling ready now to go for it!

                  G-man, hope you’re getting all your flights & destinations sorted, and finding good airfares.

                  Lav, sounds like you have had an influence on your husband if he drinks very little beer now. My husband just said to me, “I’m trying to drink less too.” I was shocked!! Shocked I guess because he started out being so insensitive to my plight, but is coming around to being sensitive to it now. Like he was assuring me that a get-together with his friends this weekend is not going to be a big drinking bash!

                  Narilly, I go out of control with sugar also, just like with alcohol, and especially if I haven’t had much for awhile.

                  Kensho, I really need lots of quiet time to myself as well, and especially to do the kind of focused, creative work that you are doing.

                  Ava, a week off -wonderful! Just what you need. I wish Byrdie could have that too.
                  Smoking cessation is tough, so I imagine any help you can get with it would be of benefit.
                  The walks and gym workouts are great ideas for dissipating stress and distracting cravings.

                  Thankfully the full moon is over and I am feeling more on an even keel finally! -less tired, achey, moody, & overthinking everything.

                  Stay strong, everyone!
                  Last edited by Slo; April 23, 2019, 08:44 PM.
                  Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Good Tuesday evening Nesters!

                    We had a nice day here, warm thought at 81 degrees. The rest of the week will be in the 60's, normal for this time of year.

                    LC, we are all very happy to see you again :hug:
                    Why don't you think about writing yourself a new plan, start out fresh. The Tool box has everything you need to cover your triggers.
                    I absolutely loved the clearing CD. Glad you have it & are making good use of it too. One thing I want to mention to you & anyone else dealing with 'fear of quitting'. I had such a fear of quitting although I really & truly wanted to quit. Turned out there was absolutely nothing to fear. I thought I wouldn't know how to be a non-drinking, non-smoking adult. How was I going to handle everything? I had been dependent on substances for so long that I completely forgot who I was before. I found out that I am a smart, fully functioning human being who didn't need all that crap in my system. The same goes for you as well. Start treating yourself with love, like you would treat anyone else. You can do this :hug:

                    G, sounds like you are going to have a wonderful trip, working or not!!

                    Ava, enjoy your week off, nice!

                    Byrdie, sorry you have so much sh*t to deal with at work. Denver might be a nice trip.

                    Slo, I got zero help or encouragement when I quit smoking & drinking. I think he observed my happiness increasing (despite his lack of happiness) & wanted the same for himself. Hard to explain his thinking, Lol

                    Kensho, I've been known to slurp salads too, haha!

                    Hello New Sunrise, Pav & everyone.
                    Wishing a safe night in the nest for all. I'll be getting my grandsons after school tomorrow so I may not check in until very late. Can't think much when they are here, haha.

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      G-hombre I'm so excited for you and your upcoming trip. How's your Spanish study going? I have traveled extensively through Latin America and absolutely loved Peru in particular (Bolivia as well, and Ecuador, and, well, pretty much everywhere I've been). Will you be going to Cusco? Machu Picchu? That whole area is fantastic with MP being a big highlight but lots of smaller ruins as well. I cannot wait to hear from you during your travels and afterward!

                      LC - really glad to see you :heartbeat:

                      Quick pop in for me tonight - I'm pretty exhausted and am going to hit the hay early. Tomorrow I'll be taking my dad to do a bunch of stuff as follow up to his hospitalization two weeks ago. It was a wake up call and we need to get a few loose ends in his affairs in order just in case.

                      Happy Hump Day everyone! Make it a good AF one


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Good Morning, Nesters,

                        That's a really good idea to re-visit the Toolbox and re-write my plan, Lav.. and to get some outside help, Ava. And exercise.
                        I've got myself back into ODAT mode, which is where I need to be. Not worrying about next week, just doing what I can today.
                        I slurped a tuna salad yesterday, Kensho.. didn't realize it till I read your post!

                        ok. I have to run off to work extra early this morning, as a colleague is sick.
                        Wishing everyone a nice day.. xx


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Good Morning All,

                          I am glad to see that everyone is doing well.

                          Life Change, I sure am thinking about you and glad that you are doing well, the tool box helped me a lot.

                          Physical went well. They did some blood work and all that. The doc said not to worry about my weight right yet, this is my final week of healing so I should be taking it easy. She said that it is not a wonder I was sore, I should be healing. I see her again in July, then she wants to see a weight change. I am sure she will because I am backing off the sugar and now I need to back off the carbs. I do like pasta so I guess there is something else to quit.

                          Hubby is home! I hope for the rest of the week, one never knows though. I just am glad he is here today.

                          I hope everyone has a great day, now off to pay bills .


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hi, All:

                            Lav! That is some solid advice as usual. I would agree that I had WAY more fear than I should have. I didn't have any idea who I was without alcohol (other than that one month a year when I was "dry" to make sure I wasn't an alcoholic - waiting for the calendar to roll over so I could drink again). LC, ODAAT!

                            Mr. G - You'll slay SA, natch. South America is on my bucket list. The problem is that my family have higher priorities. We'll see who wins (right now it is the bank account or lack thereof).

                            Glad you had a good physical, Sunrise. Carbs were my ticket to losing weight. All carbs for two weeks and then I just kept off the wheat but ate other carbs. Over time I dropped 40 pounds. I was saved because bread and pasta are my thing, and I just don't really like the gluten-free versions so I was safe. Lately I've been eating everything, and too much of it. I can feel my clothes fitting a little more snug. I really am struggling to get into the right mind frame right now - I have a lot going on in my life and feel like it is daunting to eat right. That is a ridiculous sentiment, as I know eating right is part of putting my oxygen mask on first. I'll get there - but I am going to talk about it a lot here first, apparently... Thanks for listening.

                            Kensho - I need quiet time, and it is impossible to find in my work. My husband and I love music and he always has it on when I get home. Sometimes I just have to go into my room and be in the quiet before I join in.

                            Off to the salt mines. Take good care, everyone.



                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              I was thinking last night. Before I quit drinking, I would try and evaluate "how bad" my problem was. I knew I had a problem, but I found lots and lots of reasons why it wasn't bad enough yet to stop drinking completely. I hadn't lost friends, had huge blow ups, hadn't had troubles with work, hadn't had a DUI or crashed my car, hadn't made a fool of myself, hadn't fallen, never blacked out, never drank more than "X" per night. I would play these games with myself.

                              Now, almost 1.5 years sober, all I can say is that I am thankful EVERY DAY that I didn't try to wait until I felt my life got really bad. Honestly, it could have been much worse for me in outward consequences, but inside - I was suffering every single day. I wasn't living my best life. Now, I have happy, kind kids that I'm there for, my career has taken off on a new level, and my relationships - particularly with my husband - have improved beyond measure because I'm there for myself. I listen to myself. I take care of myself. THANK GOD I didn't wait for a lower bottom.

                              And truth is I was worse than I told myself. I HAD said things to my step-siblings that affect our relationship still today, I HAD huge un-restrained blow-ups with my husband, I didn't crash my car, but I DID have a DWAI. I'm certain I lost a new project inquiry because I was drinking when he called at 4pm and I sounded out of it. Sure, I never did fall or blackout, but it took an enormous amount of effort to keep my drinks to a certain limit each night.

                              It could have gotten worse, but I thank GOD I quit before then. I don't see any reason to NOT be happier and healthier. At first I missed alcohol, but now, I don't wish I'd hung on to my dysfunctional life longer so I could have a few more drinks. I had a problem with alcohol, and I removed the problem.

                              Done. Moving on to life.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Good morning everyone!
                                Take me to S.A. G! I went there once and really loved it. What a beautiful place.

                                Ava, way to go on the cigs. I bet you feel a bit better.

                                Ken, you didn’t black out? Sheesh, I started to black out really quickly the last few years of drinking and my hangovers were unbearable. It’s amazing the stupid things we do when we drink. I am so glad you hit.

                                NSun. I have backed off sugar the past few days and it is hard but am gonna stick with it.

                                Life, Life Life, you can do this! Yeah, counselling, posting here, taking it day by day, exercising, listening to The Bubble Hour, feeling grateful instead of feeling deprived. Do Everything it takes to stop drinking. Hit it from all sides.:hug:

                                Hello Lav, Byrdie, Pauly, Wags, everyone.

                                Don’t drink today.

                                "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                                "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                                AF April 12, 2014

