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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Kensho, that was a stellar post. I'm so glad you didn't have to find a lower bottom in order to quit (like I did). It really IS amazing what we can get ourselves to believe. You were very smart to recognize the issue and take action. I really admire you for that.

    Hump day, that's all I can say... Hugs to all, Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hola evabody.

      We spent so much time boozing and installing that software. The opposite can happen when we stop. If we develop a healthier routine with as much gusto as we did drinking, then that software will be installed. A new updated program. Delete what we don't need and keep the good stuff.

      LC, you haven't given up on yourself. I believe this is a huge statement in self care. Self care. Daily self care is a new free download we can install at any time we choose. 2 of the self care basics we discovered thousands of years ago are known to be - Daily mindful breathing, gratitude list. You raawk mi amiga.

      Narilly, there's plenty of room for you. Can you re string a guitar?

      Thanks Pav. Sheesh you are busy!

      Yo Wags! S'up. My Spanish remains basic, but i'm progressing. Google translate isn't perfect but it'll be my ally. Finalising travel dates/flights friday i hope. I've looked at Lima - Quito - Machu picchu tour options and it looks really cool and do able. Trying to shuffle things and keep these flight prices down and close to budget. See how i go. Hope all's well with the Missus.

      Have a gr8 week with hubs Sunrise.

      Friend Kensho - Raaawkin!

      Big waves to y'all.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Good evening Nesters,

        Great to see everyone checking in on this Hump day
        I just had my grandsons for a 5 hour visit & now they are on their way home. Grateful to be able to help out with them when needed.

        I think my brain has had enough stimulation for one day, haha so-
        I'll wish everyone a safe night in the nest!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Good Morning, Nesters,

          Yes, Kensho, great post. My bottom doesn't need to go any lower. It surely could, but I really don't want that.
          I'm trying to stay grateful but it's a challenge at the moment. That's probably been my biggest obstacle these past couple of months.. keeping gratitude present instead of falling in with the f*its. I listened to the cd's again yesterday and they help me to relax deeply, which is soooo nice. Right after work, it helps me to let go of all the crap.
          G, I was just thinking about that last night. It's within our power to make the switch and to begin to move forward in ANY moment. We just have to do it.
          I'm super tired but feeling better.
          Wishing everyone a good Thursday. big hugs.xx


            Re: Newbies Nest

            The other thing I had to do was decide that I wanted a better life, and that required me to believe that I deserved it. Hard to do when self-loathing in the pits of alcohol addiction. I found a vision - created a vision board actually - of the kind of life I wanted (income, relationships, lifestyle) and I focused hard on it. I believed I could have and deserved to have that life, and alcohol was not a part of it!

            Done. Moving on to life.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hi, All:

              Kensho, fabulous post. All of that is true. I actually had no idea how much my use of alcohol was permeating every facet of my life, which has improved in ways I never thought it would. I am so glad to be rid of that anchor.

              LC - Deep relaxation is a great idea. I'm glad the CDs help. Hope you're well.

              Last night I had some tension about something and my husband opened a beer. I looked at it and thought, "he's lucky, he can relax in one can," but I didn't want a beer. Instead I did some breathing techniques and read my book to shift what my mind was thinking about. That was pretty quick relaxation as well, without all of the side effects.

              Happy SOBER Thursday,


                Re: Newbies Nest

                G-dude - your trip will be amazing, er, fantástico! Having even a grasp of spanish pronunciation and then google translate will help a ton. During my early travels when my spanish was fairly basic, I found that in cities, hotels, airports etc people spoke enough English for us to muddle through almost any need, while in small towns, open air markets, and other non-tourist places, Spanish was pretty necessary but google translate - especially if you've got wifi and can use the audio function - you should be muy bien. I can't wait to hear...

                Kensho - great post, and great job halting your downward slide before you hit the bottom below the bottom. I feel fortunate to have enacted a similar halt - I'd suffered plenty of negative consequences but nothing that destroyed my life or health.

                LC - glad the CDs are helping you center yourself. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step (and is carried out in the same way).

                I've been thinking quite a bit over the past few months, maybe nudged by my wife's surgery/rehab and my dad's medical scare, doing a mini eval of my life thus far and how I feel about how I've lived it. Generally feeling pretty good, still looking forward to many joys and adventures for sure, but also grateful for a decent highlight reel so to speak. I'm grateful I didn't lose all I had, all I have, to drinking. And it struck me that for me personally, a key to maintaining my quit is wanting what the quit provides for me more than whatever al seductively tries to suggest that it offers. Although I've mostly reached a point of not being the slightest bit tempted by the lies of al, it helps to have a solid "cost/benefit analysis" to fall back on should something try to sneak past my defenses.

                I'm so grateful to have this nest as a place to land every day (well, it's here and you're here every day, even if I don't manage to stop by). Hope you all have fantastic days and eves!
                Last edited by wagmor; April 25, 2019, 08:45 AM.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Wags, beautifully stated, as always. I've been taking some personal inventory, too. I'm so grateful for my many blessings. It was a shame that I had to hit a rock bottom to find my way out, but at least I didn't keep digging! I FOUND my way out. Available says it again and again, but it bears repeating, you have to be coachable. That was something I wasn't the greatest at doing. I thought I knew what was best for me, but alas. Humbling, really, to learn that others knew more about my disease than I did (Lav). I'm just thankful that when I was READY to do it, I had all the tools in place, I just had to use them.

                  If I'd had a chainsaw and that Project Manager in front of me this afternoon, I am sure that I would have cut off something he needed. @#$%^! Fortunatley for him, he is 600 miles away.
                  Stay strong, everyone, a sober life is worth the temporary discomfort! Hugs to all, Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Good evening Nesters,

                    Byrdie, I think all chain saws should be removed from your reach immediately, LOL
                    Tonight I am grateful that none of us resorted to chainsaws today

                    LC, I was just thinking about all the books I've read since beginning this AF journey. I had a massive case of negativity to get rid of before I could even take a step towards day one. One book in particular I think would be good for all of us to read is: "Resilient: How to Grow an Unshakeable Core of Calm, Strength, and Happiness" by Rick Hanson, Ph.D & Forrest Hanson. I have most of my books on my Kindle app so I can easily jump in & reread a favorite chapter if I feel like I need a little tune up
                    I'm glad to see you back today & every day!

                    Wags, sometimes it's just a good idea to do a little self-evaluation. Some things happen (like turning 65 last December) shake me a little harder than I like but I have found gratitude helps me over those hurdles.

                    Hello to Pav, Kensho, G & everyone checking in today.
                    Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Good night everyone. Have a good sober night.

                      "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                      "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                      AF April 12, 2014


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Good Morning All,

                        Kenso, your post really hit me hard. When I first quit, many years ago, I did hit all the alcoholic red flags. I was starting to fall when drunk, bumps, bruises, and a badly sprained ankle. Drunken arguments with ex before he was ex, that I had to try and remember the next day. Turning off the lights and going to bed with a half a glass of wine that I stumbled and spilt all over a freshly painted wall. The next morning I had to figure out how the stain got there. Hung over so badly in the morning, swearing not to drink again, only to come home and pour a glass of wine as soon as I put my purse down. I did the most inappropriate things and just passed them off. I was miserable but kept doing it till I got tired of creating my own misery. It floors me now to think I could ever drink like a normal person again. I started down the same path taking different steps but finishing a bottle of wine at 6am to get it in the trash for pick up was not appropriate and I am glad I stopped. Yesterday was my 4th week sober, woohoo, and the 28th I can mark 30 days! I am so glad you guys are here because I couldn't do it without you!

                        I have had two busy days! Wednesday we had a surprise party for one of the ladies in our group. It was great. We went to a really nice restaurant and enjoyed a wonderful meal together. Thank God no one drinks in this group. Our project for this month will be a yard sale to raise money for our little local library. The library in this little town is not used much because it is so small and I am not sure how we can really improve it, but I am sure the support will be welcomed. We will probably all still use the library in the next town over because their selection is better :egad:

                        Yesterday my husband I went on a quest to find a heater for our hot tub. The hot tub came with our house and the former owners did offer to get rid of it for us but hubby was sure he could fix it. We went to about a half dozen stores to find the heater and was so proud when we came home, then the project started. We could not find the breaker for the outlet. I had to find the inspection we had done when we bought the house to find the hidden breaker box. It was hidden in plain sight, of course. Hubby got the heater in, thought we were good to go, filled the bugger up to add cleaner and clean all the hoses but found the pump didn't work. Draining has taken all night and hubby is determined to get a sup pump so we don't have to do this again and we are going to have to find another water pump. He is sweet to do this because I get to start exercising more next week and he wants me to have the hot tub to help with inevitable soreness I will feel. Is he a keeper or what?!!! We embark on the next leg of our adventure in a little bit. This is beginning to feel like the Amazing Race!

                        My brain tumor is healing nicely, in case you were wondering. The doc gave some wonderful prescription allergy medicine and I went the whole day yesterday without a head ache!

                        Hello to everyone and I hope you all have a wonderful sober day!


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          New Sun, wonderful that you’re getting some allergy relief! It must feel good to be most of the way healed from neck surgery and off steroids too. And...30 days AF this weekend!

                          Kensho, yes, you were worse off than you were telling yourself, and I also was way worse off than I was telling myself. So your post really hit home. Luckily we both got out before we suffered any more significant outward consequences than the ones we were already having.

                          LC, that clearing CD sounds like a great way to decompress after work. We need some substitute to having a drink. Like Pav used breathing techniques & escaping into a novel for a bit.

                          Lav, I might have to take a look at the book that you recommended. Having an unshakable core is probably where it’s at, and I’ve never really had one.

                          Happy booze-free Friday to all!
                          Last edited by Slo; April 26, 2019, 09:46 AM.
                          Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Originally posted by Slo View Post
                            Kensho, yes, you were worse off than you were telling yourself, and I also was way worse off than I was telling myself. So your post really hit home.
                            Addiction can cause otherwise moral people to become outright liars - to others and most of all to ourselves. I was being torn apart by living a lie. It was when I finally realized I just couldn't do it any longer that I came to MWO, committed myself to telling the truth here, and got the support I needed. I saw that my "fellow-liars" were not bad people nor irreparably broken. Like me, they were decent people who were or had been addicted to alcohol.

                            The whole time I've been here, I've posted the truth as I understood it. But, like [MENTION=20476]KENSHO[/MENTION], over time what had really been going on became clearer and clearer. I never intentionally lied but I can now see I wasn't letting myself face or share the actual truth until I was healthy enough to handle what I had been and the price I'd paid. When I see that evolution in others, it makes me feel really good about their chances for success, which I don't think is possible until we're honest with ourselves.

                            Well, I'm in the allergy/cold/sinus mess that you were in [MENTION=24351]New Sunrise[/MENTION]. I don't like to take drugs but right now I'm taking everything the doctor will give me! So glad I don't have to worry about alcohol interacting with any of them or heaven forbid, not being able to drink!!


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hi, All:

                              Good reading. When I accepted what a liar I was to myself, I also accepted two things - 1) I had to have someone in my life to whom I would NEVER lie who knew about my issues with alcohol. For me that was my husband and a therapist. 2) I had to suspend disbelief and follow the path of successful sober people. That's where I have MWO to thank - Lav, Byrdie and NoSugar (and JackieClaire, MollyKa, Mick, ETC) lit the path, and others have supported along the way by letting me know their experiences and what worked for them. I had to check my ego at the door and jump in.

                              Happy SOBER Friday!



                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Morning nesters

                                Have the heater on for the first time so winter is coming (sounds like something out of Game of Thrones).

                                I think when i first came to MWO and it taking me two years to quit that "i was not as bad as others on here" so i justified that i could keep on drinking and stop whenever i wanted. Two years later when i realised i was just like my fellow liars, i knew i had to leave my ego at the door and be completely honest and be 150% accountable and listen, really listen to what others said. No one on here is ever blunt or cruel so learning to actually read and understand what was written took me some time to get my head around. When i drank everyone who knew how bad i was, was blunt in telling me i had to stop, i had to do this or that but no one understood that the way they spoke did not entice me to give up something that i knew was killing me. No one understands an alcoholic except another alcoholic.

                                There is no way in this world i would not be approaching 2000 days if it wasnt for MWO, if it wasnt for listening, if it wasnt for the friends i have found that i communicate with daily, if i had kept isolating myself. The list would fill a book of what i have achieved sober, instead of the old book of "justification to drink".

                                30 days sf soon and i was told to use the same advice i had given myself when i stopped drinking and suprisingly it is working. I cant have one, i cant have a drag of a smoke, no one is worth smoking AT. I still dont believe in myself but i didnt when i stopped drinking so all i can do is ODAT.

                                Today i am finishing Carls coat, he has grown so much. He is bigger than rupey and smaller than mads so their coats just dont fit. I will try and locate my shoes that he has spread throughout the house and finish my wardrobe clean.

                                Take care xx
                                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom

