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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hello All,

    Okay, I am basking in my 30 days and thank you all for the congrats!

    I celebrated out on our deck reading! My spelling may stink, but I do know how to read. It was so nice to be outside with lemon water and reading. Holding my head down long enough to actually get into a book is something that I have been able to do for years. It was another milestone for today. Tomorrow, more exercising since I don't have restrictions now. I look forward to it but I know that Epsom salts will probably be called for. I am breaking lots of bad habits now, sitting around is one of them.

    Hubby leaves tomorrow and 30 days or not, I still get that gut twisting feeling, but NO war zone tomorrow! I looked and daughter and I have plenty to eat for a few days.

    Slo, Happy Sweet 16 to your daughter. What fun! My daughter had a formal dinner with all her girlfriends at our home and a sleep over. The girls loved it. They were so proper during dinner and silly girls afterward. It feels like it was just yesterday.

    I hope everyone has had a great day and I thought I would just check in and let you know how much I am enjoying this day. I would not have made it to this day without you all! Now to reach Slo's 40!


      Re: Newbies Nest

      New Sunrise, on behalf of the whole NN, please accept a little token of a big job.....your hat! :guy: congratulations on this huge milestone!
      Slo, look at you, rocking it with 40 weeks, that’s something you don’t see everyday! Keep it going! :welldone:

      I’m not sure what the next step is with that deal. It’s like whack the weasel, whenever we overcome one objection, another one pops up. I’ve never encountered anything like this in 34 years of sales.

      Talk to you from Denver! Hugs to all, Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hello everyone, thanks for the comments. I think you are right Pav, NS, Wags, I shouldn’t put myself in those situations. Next time I will pass.

        Byrdie, hope your week goes ok at work.
        Wags, yes, I don’t drink! And neither do you
        SLO, 40 weeks, woohoo! Keep up the good work.

        NSun, way to go on the 30 days!

        Hi Pauly, blueberry pie? Yummy I will share it with you G.

        Have a good day everyone!

        "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
        "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

        AF April 12, 2014


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Good evening Nesters,

          It's suddenly getting chillier here, crazy weather!

          New Sunrise, CONGRATS on your 30 AF days :welldone:
          That was a great milestone for me, I felt empowered so you should as well.

          Slo, Happy Sweet 16 to your daughter. Hope your day & hers was wonderful

          Narilly, a 5 course meal? I don't think I could sit thru something like that. Good for you staying true to your quit

          Byrdie, I hope the trade show at least goes well. Maybe the deal will surprise you & fix itself somehow.

          G, Pav, wags, Pauly & everyone - hello

          It was a quiet weekend here, nothing to report really.
          Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hi, All--

            Monday morning and nothing really to report. Had dinner with friends I've known for a LONG time but haven't seen much - it was a lot of fun to catch up and find out that they are still so much like they were 35 years ago...

            A ton going on at work today, so I am trying to prepare mentally, and also trying to avoid going! Hah, but I guess that's not going to work. Have great days, everyone.



              Re: Newbies Nest

              Good morning everyone!
              Have a great day, hope things go smooth for everyone.
              Hang in there Byrdie, Pauly

              Yeah, the weather here is nuts. We had a big snow storm on Saturday. Roads were closed, it was a total shi_ show. It is sunny now but only +1C.

              Hey, nice to be Un Hung this Monday morning. Thank Goodness I did not drink this weekend. I have to be more careful of situations like the 5 course meal.

              Take it easy and don't drink.

              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

              AF April 12, 2014


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Good Morning All!

                I do hope all goes well for you at work Bryd and Pav. I can tell you that I do not miss working one bit, well the responsibilities of it. Right now I would be doing a state audit of our technology along with a classroom-by-classroom inventory for the district. Someone else is doing that now and I do not envy them at all. The end of the year always stunk and I will sit and be grateful that it is some else's responsibility now, not to mention kids ready for summer break and the state tests. I am grateful for early retirement.

                I am grateful for my recovery period being over on my neck as of today, I think. I did all my exercises, walked a mile, straightened out the house and now ready for a nap! It is hard to get back in the swing of things and not have to stop after I do every little thing. Time to build muscles back now!

                Hubby left early this morning and a week of quiet sobriety for me. My gut is not squirming as much today for that run to the grocery store to buy wine and groceries to make my trip look legitimate. I have to go sometime this week but not today. I look forward it not being such a war zone soon. It is getting better, but I don't want to put myself into harms way for right now.

                Good news for daughter, it looks like she may get a job that she has wanted since we moved here. She has been a working temporary job till she can get in the field she has gone to school for. She needed the income and has stayed on top of this one place of business and persistence seems to be paying off. My fingers and toes are crossed for her. She has found a gentleman that she is almost ready for us to meet. Things are coming together for her.

                Hoping all has a wonderful day. Avail and Lav I am sending warm thought your way!


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Originally posted by narilly View Post
                  Thank Goodness I did not drink this weekend.
                  I agree! And think how miserable you would be if you had. The difference is ENORMOUS!

                  This part of your original post cracked me up but I didn't want to seem to be making a joke about it at the time:
                  I went out last night to a 5 course meal and there was lots of wine. I wanted a sip SO bad but I ignored the feeling
                  A sip :haha:?? Sips are for people who aren't even sure they like the stuff and here we are, totally addicted to it. A sip sounds like the worst annoyance in the world. Heck, one glass sounds annoying. Anyway, good job on letting it go and enjoying the rest of the event (although I must say, 5 courses would really try my patience!).

                  It is great to hear your neck is better, [MENTION=24351]New Sunrise[/MENTION]. Just don't push too hard!! I was born with a couple of fused vertebrae in my neck and so always have to be really careful, too.

                  Believe it or not, the time will come when you look at the liquor department at the grocery store and feel ambivalent or disgusted and even a little sad for the woman who fought and lost so many battles there. You're doing great! xx, NS


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hi everybody!

                    I hope the trade show in Denver goes better for you than some of them do, Byrdie.

                    LC, how was the confirmation day? I bet you made some delicious food for the big event! I just took the easy way out for my daughter’s 16th and got carry out food and bought a cake. It was just a small supper; she had been away at a vacation area with a friend’s family for most of the weekend. Hope you were able to keep your balance and get your sleep.

                    Lav, I signed up for Rick Hanson’s newsletter —and I bought an Instapot! I haven’t actually opened it and learned how to use it yet though.

                    Kensho, an all-day track meet! That’s as long as an all-day swim meet! But, if we don’t keep them active, then it’s constant battling with their endless screen time.

                    The video you posted was funny, Guitarista! -nowadays we wear ACTIVEWEAR for everything except being active!
                    You said with booze you become “a red-faced, puffy eyed, grumpy, depressed whinger”. And me too! One of the things I like best about being AF is to no longer have that red, puffy face. And to not be so prone to grumpy outbursts.

                    Pav, that’s so fun that you could re-connect with very old friends again, after setting boundaries to not overextend yourself over the weekend. I had that experience calling an old friend on the phone this weekend, and it was like no time had gone by at all!

                    New Sun, I like how you are continuing to be careful about things like going to the grocery store in early sobriety.
                    I can see why you’re grateful for early retirement! While it was once fun to be the school librarian, nowadays you have to wear more hats such as also being the “media specialist” for the entire school, etc. Too much!

                    We had a weird big snowfall this weekend on top of the daffodils and budding trees. That should be the last one for the season!
                    Last edited by Slo; April 29, 2019, 03:19 PM.
                    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Morning nesters

                      Quick check in from work before the hordes arrive.

                      Congrats Sunrise on 30 days and Slo for 40 weeks. Huge achievements from your both. I used to mark off a calendar when i first stopped drinking and when i had marked a full month off no one could wipe the smile off my dial and they still cant. Life is so much nicer sober.

                      How is your sister travelling Slo?

                      NS, yes i had a chuckle at a sip too. Pour it down my throat i would have said but just the thought of wine and the smell and the taste is enough to make me want to vomit these days. Some times i think how nice it would be to go out for dinner and have A wine and be normal but that will never happen so lemon, lime and bitters it will be, with no regrets.

                      Nar, i would have wanted to leave after the first course. great work for making it through the event.

                      G, loved the youtube vid. just after i watched it and went to the gym, i was in the shops and saw a woman who was in her active wear and really didnt look very active at all but then i thought "im in my active wear too". I so dont wear it if i am not walking or going to the gym though, too trendy for me.

                      Well better get back to the grind. Going to start walking with Carl today and see how far those little legs will carry him. my gym guy told me i have to walk more, as if an hour isnt enough! My body is out of whack apparently due to the fact i did absolutely nothing for 2 years, ha ha and i need to eat 3 meals a day and chocolate isnt one of them! Im just going with the flow and enjoying that i am going to the gym and i am walking and i am feeling better. Tomorrow is 30 days without a smoke and i am feeling good about that also.

                      take care xx
                      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nesters,

                        Wow, Congrats to you Ava on your 30 smoke free days
                        That was one bear of a quit for me that I never ever want to have to go thru again!!!

                        Slo, enjoy those newsletters from Rick Hanson, I certainly do.
                        Yay for the IP, hope you learn to love it too. I stared at it for a week or so then decided to plug it in & see what it could do. I started easy with a big batch of brown rice, then a bag of dried beans & was impressed. Eventually I decided WTH, just drop a whole chicken or turkey breast in there & that was it - I was in love LOL
                        You only need 6 minutes per pound of chicken or turkey & it comes out awesome. I hope you have fun & don't forget to Google IP Recipes!!!!

                        NS, New Sunrise, Narilly & everyone - Hello

                        I had a nice afternoon with an old work friend & feel grateful to be healthy & able to do what I want hangover free.
                        Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Quick fly-by tonight to check in sober and happy for it. Hope you all have great nights and days, depending on where you are on this big blue sphere


                            Re: Newbies Nest


                            I was planning something for this weekend and realized Sunday is Cinco de Mayo here in the US. It is allegedly Mexican Independence Day, but really it is a US Drinking Day. And it is on a Sunday this year, which means people will be coming to work hungover on Monday. SO grateful I won't be one of them.

                            Narilly, that temptation after 5 years is why I won't become complacent in my quit. Keeping a sober community is one of the keys to avoiding relapse - I'm sure one of the things you thought about was having to report the drinking to us - at least that is one thing that goes through my head if I ever "fantasize" about "one sip." I am still checking my ego at the door and following in the footsteps of those who are in front of me.

                            Happy SOBER Tuesday, all.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Pav, Ava, NS, the LAST thing I ever want to do is come here and say I had a drink! Holy crap, the wrath of you all would kill me. Seriously, I sat there thinking that I would just post here that I had a sip of wine and that's it. HA! HA! I knew that you all would not support me in that decision. (which is awesome) I may have been able to have one sip on Friday but then it would be 1 glass on Saturday and then eventually 1/2 bottle... you know Exactly what I am talking about!

                              Thank you MWO, friends for helping me to have the life I want :heartbeat:

                              Pav, we don't really celebrate Cinco de Mayo here. Some people do but it is not such a big deal. Our Mexican population is way smaller than the one in the States. Yeah, watching people coming to work hung over really makes me grateful to be sober.

                              Way to go Ava on 30 smoke free days. That is really amazing!

                              Lav, I made ham broth yesterday in my Instant Pot and holy moley it is yummy. I mostly make broth in it but I will eventually try other stuff.

                              Yeah SLO, the active wear video that G posted was hilarious, lol. I showed my husband and he laughed.

                              NSun, my hubby left yesterday so now I have a week to myself. I joined a choir and last night I sang my heart out (I am a terrible singer). It was really fun though, they sing pop music sort of stuff and it is a real work out on the vocal chords. So fun and no booze. Love it! I went with my friend who was my previous drinking buddy, it is so nice to find new things to do together that don't include booze.

                              Have a great sober day!

                              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                              AF April 12, 2014


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Happy Tuesday Nest! I just met with an old friend, who’s one of us. It meant the world to me. Having support in our situation is so important and I’m so, so glad I was lucky enough to find this group of stellar people.

                                I’m off to pick some fabrics and drapery hardware then meet with a client. Work is a little nutty right now. Trying to keep my balance. I’ll read back when I have a few minutes. Hugs to all!

                                Done. Moving on to life.

