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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Ugh I forgot it was Cinco de Mayo weekend my neighbors will be rowdy all weekend,funny how everyone is Latino on Cinco de Mayo and Irish on St.Patricks day around here
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hello All!

      I have to check is just good for me and I am better off when I am accountable for my day and my sobriety. Today is a sober check, dinner and reading for the rest of the night.

      Slo- I hope it is your last snow! Oh, how I loved the snow once upon a time. Loved it when I was kid and when my kids were little. We really only got about one fair snow a year in the part of NC that I lived, and once was enough. I am just getting old. I am enjoying the wonderful FL weather! 86 today and the pool nice and warm. I do have to plead guilty to over doing it . I did my exercises today and went for my walk and the endorphins kicked in, I walked an extra .5 miles. I know I will feel it tomorrow, I felt it today but still plowed through even though I didn't want to this morning. I was probably way too active today but I loved it. There is just something about alcoholism that keeps us from putting the brakes on things. I used to drink too much and pay for it, now exercise?

      Pav- you are so right about becoming complacent! I can't let that ever happen again, it is a slippery slope that is too hard to climb up again. Getting this far has been harder then the first quit. I did go into the war zone today and I did glance ever so quickly at the wine aisle. No Sugar, you have given me something to think about, how many of the people on that aisle are struggling wanting to quit but haven't gotten there, or thinking that one glass will not hurt. I just always think of them as "normal" drinkers.

      Nar- I know it is hard when your husband leaves but I am so glad that you have choir to help keep you busy. I would not ever try choir, I have already gotten looks at church when I sing so mouthing the words works really well for all involved.

      Avail- GREAT on the no smoking!!! That was even harder for me then quitting drinking! You are doing a great thing for yourself!

      I do hope everyone has a good evening. I know I should sleep good tonight and get up in the morning sloooowwwwly. I will find a balance there too.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hola evabody!

        Was wondering what an IP was for a sec. Some kind of computer tech or app? But now i know. How does the thing work? Like an oven, microwave?

        Hi Sunrise. Keep up the great work!

        Ava, congrat's on 30 days orf the fags. That is a great achievement. Giving the smokes away was one of the best things i've done. No regrets and zero cravings these days.

        Narilly, love the choir action! Loving the convo around your 5 course meal and drinking thoughts. As you Pav and Kensho have mentioned, i am seeing more and more the importance of the little daily things i need to do to support my sobriety and health. For me i've found a daily self care practice of some sort has become my routine. I have no idea if it is helping, but it very likely does when i step back from myself and look at the science, anecdotal evidence, and a bit of simple logic. I believe it does have a positive effect on my general health (sobriety) because every morning i am turning up for myself and checking my head. I do this with a non negotiable minimum of 1 x set of yoga moves, and 5 mindful breaths. That's it! That's all i have to do every morning. if i want to, i do more. No stress, no barriers to self care. It's up to me and i've made it easy for myself. Going to add a gratitude list to my morning ritual too. I know i need to keep my head balanced and on the job, in the game. It must also be a ritual i can handle and not too long, hard, or time consuming. The Yogi's call this daily practice Sadhana. It's a known way of building new habits. It's def a head game.

        Pauly, Bars around here cash in on Cinco de mayo or St Patricks day too anyway they can. So did i. lol. Happy Cinco de mayo to my Mexican friends for next weekend. Take it easy out there.
        Last edited by Guitarista; April 30, 2019, 05:15 PM.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Good evening Nesters,

          Nice day but it didn't go up to 80 as predicted & I'm happy about that. I don't handle hot weather very well, never did
          I took my husband in today for the first of two minor surgeries for his melanoma, I bigger one scheduled for next week. The surgeon invited me in to observe after hearing I was a nurse. I didn't mind it a bit, haha! The doc is very positive about the outcome & I sure hope he's right.

          G, the IP (Instant Pot) is an electric pressure cooker that does amazing things in mere minutes. You can even 'bake' cakes in the thing. Easy cleanup & you don't overheat your kitchen which is awesome

          Narilly, I make soup often in my IP, usually vegan & my husband adds cooked chicken or turkey when he wants that. I love the darn thing, LOL

          New Sunrise, learning to balance things in life takes practice but definitely worth the effort. Maybe you can write out an exercise plan & try to stick to that so you don't hurt yourself.

          Pauly, all the amateur drinkers use holidays as an excuse to tie one on. I have no interest in that BS either.

          Byrdie, you doing OK in Denver?

          Hello to everyone checking in & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hi everyone. I hope you don't mind me squeezing in here. It's a nice nest - I've been here before. This is going to be my last new start, I do believe...


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hey FeralPup! Snuggle in right next to me! We’re so glad you are back and ready to tackle this thing once and for all. One day, one hour at a time.
              I was packing for Denver on Sunday and checked the weather, 73*, I thought, HECK, this is our kind of weather, almost didn’t pack a coat, but threw a light windbreaker in at the last minute. It snowed 6 inches last night and it is ffffffrezzzing! What was I thinking?
              The trade show has been brutally slow. In 3 hours we only talked to 3 people. I had a great visit with a friend this morning that made the whole trip worth it. A win-win! Meanwhile, my feet are ready to divorce me. I’m showered and in the bed and it’s not 8 o’clock yet! Hope I don’t wake up at 3 like I did this morning. Toledo!
              So far, so good! Hugs to all, Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hi Nesters!

                Today is our May day, Labour day, so we are enjoying a day off in the middle of the week! It is a huge excuse to drink and party here.. almost akin to cinco de mayo. The Napoli pizza place downstairs is grilling Bratwurst (everyone seems to pull out a grill and set up on the street) and playing incredibly loud and annoying music.. it's like a techno club. But I'm spending the day with my younger daughter and we're doing our best to have a relaxing one, with a bit of ping-pong, card games and a yummy lunch.. dessert coming up with a film!

                Congrats, New Sunrise on 30 days! I haven't read back far enough to know the details of your injury, but I'm happy your able to be getting out and about again! You sound to be in a strong state of mind and aware of possible problems.. :happy2:
                and Congrats Slo on 40 weeks! Amazing! Pretty soon we'll be celebrating your year anniversary.. Sounds like a nice 16th bday party! You were smart to order in.. I almost killed myself preparing. Not really, but it was a lot of work with a lot of little sticks in the spokes.. broken elevator at work (where I was cooking and borrowing the cutlery and dishes) so it was necessary to carry everything up and down the stair well. That was my gym!
                Speaking of, Ava, I'm super impressed with your dedication to exercise! Good for you, getting in there and working out! And a big congrats on 30 days sans smokes!
                Lav, thank you for the link.. I've also signed up for the newsletter and read some of his past writings. I also have a BIG case of negavity to put behind me. Unfortunately, I feel like it's gotten worse the past couple of years.. age? I don't know. But I have a lot less tolerance for people. At work it is becoming a problem, which I can hopefully come to terms with. We have a large amount of entitled 20 somethings working and they seem to have a very different work ethic. I guess I'm getting tired of trying to "teach" people (grown ups) how to be part of a team, how to be thoughtful, how to help out. I'm not even sure it's possible to do so.. I just keep trying in vain.
                I have really loved this work for the past 12 years but I'm feeling like it doesn't fit any more.. I don't really have any thing else to do, though.. and on paper, it's actually a good job so I think I should quit complaining! I don't really complain, but I've lost sight of how to make myself happy there and it has been a huge source/trigger to my drinking.

                I loved all the positive posts .. Byrdie, so nice that you could meet your friend on the road!, Nar, love that you've joined the choir!, Gman, with your travel plans and your daily morning routine!, IP stories, Pav, getting to hanging pictures a year later! lol, Marie might not approve. I had to think of her this morning as I vacuumed months worth of dust bunnies from behind the piano! Hi to NS, Wags, Pauly, Kensho, Welcome to Feralpup! Hope I didn't miss anyone. But if I did, it doesn't mean anything, as I think of each and every one of you at some point during my day! xx


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Morning nesters, FeralPuppy glad you're here Byrdie, doggone it! Figures it would snow when you packed for nice weather,oh well an excuse to buy a new coat yay!( If the stores are even carrying any,they already have swimsuits in Walmart! LC,ugh I'm right with you on the job front, shouldn't complain but I do cuz I'm just burnt the feck out! I was so iritable with some of my regulars yesterday who I don't care for, usually I can put on a fake happy smile but yesterday I was just a crab and they could tell,I cut their hair in alot of silence like a weirdo,Ava, awesome job on the smokes big waves to all and wishes for a great AF day!
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hi, All:

                    Welcome to the Nest, FeralPup - glad you joined us here. I'd take Byrdie up on her offer and sit close to her! If you've been here before, you know the drill. One day (hour, minute) at a time. We're here for you!

                    Mr. G-
                    Originally posted by Guitarista View Post
                    I believe it does have a positive effect on my general health (sobriety) because every morning i am turning up for myself and checking my head. I do this with a non negotiable minimum of 1 x set of yoga moves, and 5 mindful breaths. That's it! That's all i have to do every morning. if i want to, i do more. No stress, no barriers to self care. It's up to me and i've made it easy for myself. Going to add a gratitude list to my morning ritual too. I know i need to keep my head balanced and on the job, in the game. It must also be a ritual i can handle and not too long, hard, or time consuming. The Yogi's call this daily practice Sadhana. It's a known way of building new habits. It's def a head game.
                    SUCH a head game. I am playing the "I worked so hard I don't 'have time' to exercise" game with myself during the week. This post is a reminder that I can add a simple and short daily habit just to get the blood moving. Thanks for that inspiration.

                    Byrdie - glad you had a good visit with your friend, and sorry the trade show is such a bust. One thing I LOVE when I'm traveling for work is getting into bed early and reading or watching TV. I USED to "love" being in the bar all night, but thank goodness that is over.

                    Nar and Pauly - I had a chuckle. I went to church with a friend when I was young and people literally did turn and shhhh me. I actually LOVE to sing, but I am not good at it. I can hear that I'm not good at it, so that gives me hope that I could be teachable as opposed to someone who is tone deaf? For now, it is my car, my shower.

                    LC you sound a bit down. Sorry you're not feeling right. It does sound like you had a good day with your daughter, however, and in general like your job. Sending you positive vibes!

                    Off to work. Hi to everyone else. Thanks for being here!



                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Welcome Feral Pup, one day at a time right!
                      GMan, that is such a good thing to do. I am going to try that, yoga and breathing every morning. Just 1 set and 5 mindful breaths, I can do that.

                      Byrdie, glad you had the visit with your friend, that made your day better.
                      Pauly, I can totally see how you could be grumpy with customers that are not your favorite!

                      Pav, I am not good at singing but they say "if you can talk, you can sing" that is the motto of this choir. Nobody recruited me because of my talent, haha. We have to pay to be in the choir but it is totally worth it. I feel like it really helps my breathing and my vocal chords.

                      Life, it is so nice to see you here. You sound good. I am still looking for a job so your 12 years at one place is hard for me to imagine! Have a great day.

                      Take it easy everyone.

                      "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                      "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                      AF April 12, 2014


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Welcome, FeralPuppy! And thank you for reminding us about the importance of keeping our current quits!

                        LC, it’s nice to have you & your insightful posts back in the Nest! Ugh, Labour Day there sounds annoying. I know what you mean about your workplace: when I was a young adult I often loved working with the people older than me because of how they were so thoughtful & hardworking, pitched in when help was needed, and used teamwork. The last job I tried was with a bunch of very young people; they weren’t friendly & supportive, and I didn’t feel welcome...ageism I guess.

                        Ava, my sister is doing well as far as I can tell! She couldn’t hardly digest food for the last half year of her illness, so she’s probably having an easier time staying sober since she can use food for energy now instead of having to default to alcohol. So many of her lab values were out of whack, so with those corrected, and the raging infection gone, and no longer having to drag around the giant belly, she has a new lease on life!
                        Congratulations on your successful work ditching the smokes.

                        [MENTION=23208]wagmor[/MENTION], hope your two patients under your new roof are recovering well!

                        Hi to Pauly, G, Kensho, NS, Lav, Byrd, Pav, narilly, New Sun, & all!
                        Last edited by Slo; May 1, 2019, 04:00 PM.
                        Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hola friends,

                          Hi Feral pup. How are you doing?

                          Pav and Narilly, all the best with your Sadhana. Re a daily gratitude journal, I'm told (science, various studies) that writing something out, is more effective for internal change than just thinking it. So....i'm gonna s.l.o.w. d.o.w.n. and git myself a little gratitude journal book thing to write a line or 2 in every morning. Actually write something down on paper. A thousand things in my head to do, none of it complicated lol. Break it down to small do able chunks G man! Oh yeah, ok!

                          Nice post LC. How was your day with your daughter? I work with all ages, and i'm heartened to note that 2 colleagues in their early 20's are pro active, can do, what can i do, positive presences. Then there is a bloke in his 20's who is ok, but not as strong a work ethic as these two. Then there are a couple of older workers who are blatant passengers and want an easy ride, along with older folk who kick ass. All in all, i'm lucky to work with a generally positive thinking, pro active team.

                          Sth Am. trip is spicing up......Holy moly.

                          Big waves to y'all!

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Good evening Nesters,

                            Kinda cloudy & cool here but nothing to complain about
                            I spent half the day traveling with my husband so he could get his pre-admission testing done. Didn't sleep much last night so now I'm dragging. That's what I get for being so old, haha!

                            Hello & welcome FeralPup, glad you found us! Settle in & let us know how you are doing, Checking in daily is highly recommended

                            LC, I'm glad you explained your feelings about work, it's a big deal.
                            Personally I found myself having less & less patience with all that stuff after I turned 40, especially after the hormones started to drop off a bit too rapidly. We had to deal with a lot of college age student nurses & I understand your thoughts & feelings about that age group. They were all expecting to graduate & immediately come in & take my job, LOL. No team work, no low man on the totem pole for them - they all expected to start at the top! That got very tiresome indeed.
                            I follow a doctor on Facebook who makes funny videos about real life important topics. He just did one a few days ago about 'Burnout vs Demoralization'. It's not that we burn out in our professions it's more likely that we become demoralized for any number of reasons. We are only humans after all. Hang in there & keep working on you :hug:

                            Hello to G, Slo & everyone checking in today.
                            Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest so we can continue our AF journeys.

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hi everyone

                              Thanks for the very warm welcome. I will check in every day that I can.

                              My immediate challenge is tonight. I've done several days AF now - but that has become a very normal pattern for this "daily" drinker. Since I've been in a long-distance relationship (4ish years) with a non-drinker, I've regularly gone a few days/weeks without booze during visits. BUT always gone right back to the daily routine thereafter, albeit at a somewhat reduced rate.

                              Tonight will be the first evening after a visit that I don't pick up a couple of tall cans of strong beer. Yikes! I'm going to a SMART Recovery lunchtime meeting and will plan something for early evening - I'm not sure exactly what yet. Maybe a movie at the rep theatre that I'm not really interested in. It doesn't cost any more than drinking after all...

                              Have a great sober day everyone!!!!!


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Hi, All:

                                Good thinking, Pupper, planning ahead is key. One technique that Ava mastered was putting on her PJs just as she go home so she wouldn't go out again. I took a lot of baths. Find your thing or things and go for it.

                                Nar - that boom and bust in your industry must be so stressful. Hope you find a job soon.

                                G, so jealous. Just learned three good friends are in Spain together. I am jealous that I'm not there, and jealous of the travel. This paying for college is for the birds!

                                Lav and LC - I have many non-entitled young people at my work - great work ethics, great colleagues and teammates. I know they're out there... One thing is that I get to hire my staff, and those are all traits we screen for.

                                Slo, glad your sis is better. The way you describe it sounds like such a relief.

                                Pauly, I was looking at some pictures of the area around LV - it is SO beautiful. I hope you are enjoying spring.

                                Have to run - 14 hours at work yesterday and I'm back in the saddle.


