Howdy Nest. Home today - for 6 whole hours. I find my brain struggles with the chaos of people around when I'm working. Glad to have a little break. Going to walk the dog as we finally have a sunny day, and then get to work. Goal for the day is to drink lots of water and get an abs workout in.
G, thanks for the reminder that it only takes 5 minutes a day to get centered and connect to our breath. Who doesn't have 5 minutes? And if given the opportunity to completely change our mental state with just 5 min - who wouldn't choose it? You inspire me - thanks for that. You da man.
Slo, that's great news about your sister. It sounds like she is doing so much better. I'm so glad to hear it.
PAV - Woa Sista... 14 hours is a very long day. Take care of you!!
Puppy, your plan is good. You sound like you're tackling the hard things and figuring them out along the way. That's exactly what we need to do - figure out other ways to cope and avoid the temptations. If you keep going like this, you will arrive at a day when alcohol is no longer your first choice for a fix. The other actions you've been practicing will become your go-to's. It really IS re-wiring the brain.

Wags, where you at?
LC, I'm glad to hear from you. And I'm sorry you're feeling bummed at work. There definitely are new generations with entitlement out there and it IS annoying, to say the least. I can only hope I'm not raising them myself! How are you feeling about being sober? Is this something you are wanting? LAV and/or NS posted a message I will never forget, when I was struggling awhile back. The message was: that I could probably continue drinking - maybe for years and years - maybe even without huge outer consequences. I could choose that. But what a shame it would be to lose those years to mediocrity. Once I realized that my life would always be mediocre - or worse - if I continued to drink, I began to really WANT a better life. That's when alcohol and I split up for good. No one ever told me I HAD to quit, I only ever said to myself, "I should quit". But it wasn't until I decided that I truly wanted to quit more than I wanted to drink, that I made changes in my life. And then the world opened up to me. I have had the time to re-form every aspect of my life, and with a clear and sober head, life has improved in ways I never, ever knew were possible. Having known you for years now, I can only say that I care about you, and I truly believe you deserve a better life. Only you can decide if you want that - but I really hope you decide to have faith and reach for that better ending. All the people with sustained sobriety here - every single one - will say that life really starts being genuinely rewarding once we do the work and get sober. Because we face the demons and find better paths. I wish this for you my friend. :heartbeat: