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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Good Late Morning All!

    I did not sleep well last night and did not feel well most of yesterday. I guess it is allergies? IDK I had a headache most of the day and my allergy medicine worked for a little bit but then the headache came back. I took a nap too, but that didn't help and probably why I didn't sleep well. I was up early and got all my big chores done, so now just puttering around the house. Pool in order here...

    Kensho no snow here, a hot 92 yesterday. You guys really need a break already. Put a calendar out to remind the outdoors that it is spring! Are you ready for summer vacation? Yeah, those last weeks are kind of waste, after state testing done, we were done too. The kids always behaved better those last two weeks, they got to be kids instead of minds we had to fill for the state test.

    Narilly- I should have gotten on here Sunday. I was kind of ashamed of myself for being so weak. I came right up to the line but didn't cross it. I did get in and out of the grocery store without even looking at the wine. I kept my head turned like I was avoiding looking at a bad accident. I do wish you luck on your interview!

    Byrd- Sorry that your co worker had to rush home like that and I do hope all is well. That was a lot of drinking to do before going home for an emergency.

    I wish everyone a great sober day! I am glad I am in a better place today and so far no headache. How much can I really be allergic too around here?


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Congratulations on 2000 days Ava!! Waves to all
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hola Pupstar and y'all,

        Pup, good to hear from you. Keep it going.

        Pav. Happy 2000 days mi amiga! Wowza! Congratulations. Thanks for your posts and your continuing presence 'round the joint. Hope you do something special for yourself.

        Sheesh Byrdy! I hope you get some time off at least. That job seems like a circus no matter where you go. I suppose ya gotta laugh! or cry.....! Take care.

        Quick check in. Waves to evabody. X

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Re: Newbies Nest

          morning nesters

          2000 days today, woo hoo to me. I still sometimes think this life is someone elses but in reality i have done the hard work, i have walked the walk and talked the talk as they say. As i said to my psychologist yesterday i am ready after 5 years to get rid of the baggage from the past and to completely move on. Sobriety is a journey and obviously i am not in a hurry to complete it as it will never be finished. Im still a work in progress and ive given myself ten years to be completely complete. I am very proud of how far i have come from the drunk, blacked out addict to a sober, somewhat together menopausal woman and lets not forget non smoker too. Those awful days of not loving myself, not caring if i lived or died are long gone, those days of feeling so guilty i tried to be there for everyone to make up for my being an alcoholic are long gone. I am me and i love me. i never thought i could love myself but i do and i am happy.

          Now im sorry i cant reply today, im doing two jobs as the PA is now on leave. As i like to say Rome wasnt built in a day but Rome is getting there and is looking pretty good from this view.

          take care xx
          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Good evening Nesters,

            It's late but we just home from visiting with our daughter & granddaughter for a few hours which was nice

            Ava, yay for you & I hope you are very proud of yourself. Yes, you have done the hard work & it's paying off now

            Byrdie, your trip has been a nightmare, so sorry! I hope you get a chance to chill out a little when you get home.

            Hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for everyone!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hello Nesters

              Nothing to report really, except that I'm still sober, and still struggle with anxiety.

              However I really want to congratulate Ava on her 2000 days - way to go, Ava! :welldone:

              Keep going everyone,
              AF free since April 29, 2013


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Good Morning All!

                Congratulations Ava! 2000 days! :welldone::hug: That really is a great accomplishment and I hope you celebrate your success.

                8 weeks for me! Last week I was surprised with a stress free visit to the war zone, this morning I was surprised by a bear visit! It is officially summer here. He was a young member of the Yogi family and spent a little time in our front yard around 1am this morning looking around and trying to figure out which way to go. We got some of the best pictures we ever got of the young'un. I really need to figure out how to get one of the videos on here!

                Just a quick check in today and glad to see everyone is doing well. Doc appt this morning, gastroenterologist and I know what will follow. I grow polyps at a quick rate but everything has been good so far. Every polyp is bigger then the next, last one was 1cm but benign. It is an adventure I go through every 3 years now. Oh well, it is life.

                Good Sober Thursday to all!


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Sorry....I keep trying to figure out how to post a video without my name...I will keep trying.
                  Last edited by New Sunrise; May 23, 2019, 07:47 AM.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    It's officially the start of the second summer that I will be alcohol-free! I pick the kids up at noon and they're off for 11 weeks! Now, if I could just find the sun....

                    We're headed camping, to the very spot that I ruined a 6 month quit a couple years back. I was more curious than anything... I had weathered through a quit and wondered, "now what?" If only I had known that I would drink for several more months until I realized that alcohol would always have me in chains. What a waste of time drinking is for someone like me!

                    I will go visit a friend of mine in the hospital today. She had a minor surgery and they found low-grade cancer that they removed. Who knows when any of us will get news we never thought was coming! We must take stock of our bodies every day, breath some deep breaths into them and eat well. Or they may revolt!

                    New Sunrise, glad you didn't cross the line. It is so easy to cross it at the beginning of a quit, and then the merry-go-round continues. All it made me was dizzy and dumb. Don't get back on no matter what you do! So proud of all you've accomplished!

                    Have a great day everyone!
                    Last edited by KENSHO; May 23, 2019, 10:23 AM.

                    Done. Moving on to life.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hi, all:

                      I worked over a vacation and took today off to compensate, but now I have to get my car serviced and will be stuck at home. I thought my husband was working from home today so I could use his car, but now he has to go in. I feel like it is "forced" isolation! We'll see what happens...

                      CONGRATULATIONS, Ava! I love your posts. I love you, and I love me, too. That transformation is the most amazing things about being sober - I'm not disappointed in myself at all times. Keep rocking it!

                      Good to see you pop by, FPuppy. Glad you're sober.

                      Hi, Steady! I'm sorry you have anxiety, but glad to see you pop in.

                      Have fabulous, SOBER Thursdays.



                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Hi Nesters!
                        I'm so happy for you, Ava, on your 2000 day anniversary!:love:
                        and Lav, I'm not sure if I congratulated you here on your 10 year NF quit, or if it was just in my mind..Congrats!:love:
                        Not so much going on here.. or at least, I don't have much to say. I'm reading every day and you're all in my mind!
                        And I'm sober! I'm very tired from all of the work I have but my mind is in a good space.. and I'm managing to take care of myself.
                        I hope to have more energy this weekend, after some good sleep.
                        love to you all.xx


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Pav, are you celebrating 2000 days today??:love: I think you are. Congratulations, dear Lady, on your 2000 days of freedom! I hope you have a lovely day of isolation.. any hiking trails you can walk to? xx


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Congratulations on reaching the gigantic milestone of 2000 days, Pav! You’re steadfastness and determination are always so inspiring to me.
                            Sorry you’re stuck at home if that’s not where you want to be today...can you bike somewhere?

                            I am starting to feel more on an even keel now, [MENTION=24351]New Sunrise[/MENTION], and I hope you are too. We don’t have bears in our lawns here! But we do have deer and turkeys.

                            Summer break doesn’t start for another two weeks here, [MENTION=20476]KENSHO[/MENTION]. I’m glad it’s your 2nd sober summer that you’re heading into, and that you already have one under your belt. Good luck with the camping, and I hope it’s fun and not triggering. Oh, and the sun is over here today...

                            Lav, I like that you find your non-drinking SIL to be a good husband & father to your girls.

                            Byrdie, working the trade show sounds brutal. And I question why your coworker had to rush home and dump you when his “child” having the surgery is an adult who had her mother with her.

                            Thanks for an inspiring post, Ava. It is hard work, but you have crawled out of the pit!

                            We finally have warm weather here again, and I could get out for a bike ride yesterday! That makes me feel better.

                            Waves to LC, FPup, G-man, Nar, Wags, Pauly, NS, and all who visit the Nest. Hello, Steadfast!
                            Last edited by Slo; May 23, 2019, 01:38 PM.
                            Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Happy Thursday everyone, thank you for the good luck wishes for the interview. The interview was awesome, if I had a choice this would be the place I work. The manager is very good and would help me with my career, we really hit it off.

                              I feel like my career would have gone way farther if I did not drink before. I spent so many days hungover at the office, there is no way I could have done optimal work. All I cared about was when I was going to have my next glass of wine. After I quit drinking the market went to crap but now I feel I have a second chance. If I get this job I am going to work my butt off and really see where I can take my career.

                              Your good wishes might pay off!!

                              Hello Steady, good to see you here. You too Feral Pup.

                              Cioppino? Ken, I looked it up and it looks YUM! Let's make some of that hey GMan.

                              Nice having a day off Pav. I have every day off these days, haha.
                              Ava, you are doing so well, I am glad you are so happy.

                              Yeah, Ken, I am grateful everyday to be healthy and I never take that for granted. I am so glad I am not poisoning myself anymore.
                              Hey Byrdie, your job could be a sitcom. Poor guy drinking all that tequila and then having a co worker comment about it. I am positive that has happened to me more than once.

                              Have a great sober day xo
                              Last edited by narilly; May 23, 2019, 03:14 PM.

                              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                              AF April 12, 2014


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Hello Nesters,

                                We’ve been receiving severe weather warnings all day. So far we’ve had nothing but a few quick showers, no big deal.

                                NewSunrise, Congrats on your 8 weeks AF :welldone:
                                That was about the time I finally believed in my ability to quit & stay quit. Keep going!

                                Pav, CONGRATS to you on your 2000 AF days :yay:
                                I am very happy for you & I hope you have a good weekend!

                                Narilly, I hope you get this job - sounds like the right one for you!

                                Slo, I’m with you in having deer, turkeys, groundhogs & raccoons roaming the premises. Much better than bears, oh my

                                LC, thanks & I hope you can catch up on some sleep this weekend. Glad you are moving forward with us.

                                Hello to Ava, Kensho, Byrdie, G, wags & every single one of you.
                                Wishing a peaceful & safe night in the nest for all!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

