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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Just checking in to say howdy to all. Both Ava and Pav have 2000 days? Did I get that correctly. Well congrats to you both, no matter how many days. you guys rock and have shown a lot of people the way.

    I'm just lost with so many issues with my son. Husband and I need to have a long talk about him. He seems to have mentally checked out of his college path. I don't see any other plans for him other than working at the grocery store 20 hours a week. that will barely pay for his eating out all the time 'high life'. There is just so much going on with him that it is taking me under too. He had another lawyer appointment and there is no resolution yet. There's more, I just cannot go on writing about it. I'm just so tired.

    Daughter's boyfriend's family invited us over to a cook-out this weekend. My policy is to not get too close to my kid's SOs families, but I guess since they invited us, it is the right thing to do. I'm not much into cookouts and it is not about the booze. I'd rather be home napping or working in the garden or my new hobby chalk painting. I painted my first piece the other day and it is pretty cool. I need a hobby to keep my mind out of bad territory.

    Better start heading for bed after taking Piper out. Ava...I took Piper for a stroller ride yesterday. It was clear that she thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm tired, but at least I'm sober today.

    Alcohol does me no favors.

    Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hi, All:

      Hang in there, Belle. Not all paths are straight. With your support, your son will figure it out eventually.

      Kensho - good luck with that job. I hope it works out for you!

      LC - glad to see you check in.

      I didn't calculate, but given the Aussie time difference 2,000 is today or tomorrow for me I think. That's a pretty fat milestone - thanks for all of your support!

      No Friday tickets anywhere but home I think. I did get a good hike in yesterday - I just left from my house so more of it was on concrete than usual. I feel refreshed and ready to go!



        Re: Newbies Nest

        Congratulations on your 2000 days Pav!! Haven't posted much cuz I had a stomach bug that knocked me off my feet,my daughter has it too and we both agreed it felt pretty close to a hangover,just awful waves to all and wishes for a Fab AF day
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Good evening, Nesters..
          TGIF and I mean it.
          Quick check in to say hi. Happy to be here and to be sober.. looking forward to the weekend. A lot of you have a long one!
          Hugs all around..xx


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hola friends!

            Happy 2 months AF Sunrise! That's monumental. Git yourself something nice.

            Happy 2000 to the Pava!

            Hope you have an easy weekend Belle.

            255 days here. Sheesh, not far now to 300. then it's not far to............................Holy moly - one year!

            No ticket to boozeville here. I did notice some scalpers on the corner trying to offload tickets, but i told 'em that circus left town.

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Re: Newbies Nest

              My coworker went home because his wife told him to. He is henpecked BAD (apologies to Stella, the chicken). She orders him around and he dutifully obeys. She made him scrub all the floors before they left for Chicago so they could come home to a clean house. That would be okay if it were after hours, but he tends to stuff like that and leaves me hanging during business hours. It’s nuts. He is maddening to work with.
              Congrats, Pav/Ava Twins (Pava) on 2000 big days! Just amazing!
              3 day weekend, hallaloooya! No ticket to BoozeVille here, either! Hugs to all, Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Re: Newbies Nest

                morning nesters

                Pav happy 2000 days to you. I am very proud of us both that we stuck together in this journey and shared our ups and down and listened and learnt to be and stay sober. Sending you lots of love and hugs today. xxx

                Sunrise congrats on 2 months a wonderful achievement and keep up the great work. I love reading your posts.

                G, not long till your year or your trip, i hope you have all your tools packed for your holiday.

                Belle, it sounds like you are pretty overwhelmed atm and children and animals are my greatest stress also. You do need to prioritise yourself in your sobriety, remember that. If you drink it will only be worse. I remember those teenage years and i went through them drunk, dont make that mistake. Talk to him and see what he wants, you wont be able to change his mind (they know EVERYTHING and we are just morons). Take it off your plate so there is one less thing to deal with. Remember we all make choices we regret in life afterwards but at the end of the day we can only be there to support them and be a mum. Just make sure you dont check out! Make time for you and it will get easier until the next hurdle arrives. sending hugs and so glad piper enjoyed her walk, bet you did too seeing how happy she was.

                A quiet weekend for me, the psychologist is going really well and its refreshing to talk to someone about my past and to let it go. Physio is going pretty good, my hip is a lot better but still has its moment, apparently may take 2 months to heal but i am trying to listen to what she is telling me. i did manage to take carl for a walk yesterday and he loves running through puddles. a total joy to watch. Today is a bike ride in the hope i dont fall off but feeling positive about that. in for some yuk weather so need to get out today. My daughter is visiting tomorrow so that will be nice.

                Thank you all for your congratulations, if it wasnt for MWO and the love and support of here over the 2000 days i would not be the person i am today, sober and happy. You guys are my family and i appreciate each and every one of you.

                take care xx
                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters,

                  Ava, this is family :hug:
                  Glad your hip is improving so you & Carl can get out for walks.

                  Belle, your son just make need an extra year or two to mature. They're not all ready for college right out of high school & that's OK. Maybe after a year or so of working he'll be ready to tackle college again. Be kind to yourself & focus on the things you can change - you

                  Byrdie, I wonder if I can get that guy to come scrub floors in my house, LOL
                  That's just ridiculous behavior for a grown man. Even the Stella sit down & shut up when I show up. haha!! Enjoy your weekend, glad you are home

                  Pauly, feel better soon!

                  I'm hearing some thunder in the distance & my sinuses are driving me nuts so I guess rain is on the way.
                  Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Good Morning All!

                    I didn't post yesterday and I know you were all prepared with your AF drink, snack, and ability to sit with a bathroom break!

                    Yesterday was busy and sober. Daughter has been working as a sub for a few of the local elementary schools and yesterday was her last day of work. She has so been hoping to get a permanent position, higher salary, insurance and just nothing has come through. Teachers in these schools don't leave like they did in the city, but her work has been steady and she has been requested often. She applied at a local camp for disabled children for the summer and interviewed yesterday. Hard work for 6 weeks, 3 weeks living there, 3 weeks home, then 3 weeks back. It would be a hard adjustment for me to make, but I couldn't guilt her into thinking that I would be too lonely.

                    Hubby will be home today! Yay! When they mentioned 2 weeks straight they forgot about Memorial Day and he was at a stopping point anyhow. He talked with his sister, he had quite a talk with his sister. Things are not going well for her . Long story, but she and hubby are having problems. He is a very nice guy and a great father, but ya know they just are not suited for one and other. They were to marry at one point, he ran off and married another, that failed and he came running back to her. I mentioned that my husband comes from a large family and she is the youngest. Her girls look at us as grand parents and she wanted to know if we could have them stay for a while during the summer to remove them from the tension at home. Hubby was thrilled, started looking at ALL his flyer miles and no problem, round trip on us and lets make it the whole month of July :egad:

                    Now I love these girls to death, really good girls but one is now a teenager, the other preteen. Teenager constantly has her nose in her phone. I know I am not saying that right, it is nose in a book when I was young, but the phone thing gets on my nerves. Hubby, of course, will not be home and now daughter may not be. We, or I, will have to take them to Disney or one of the attractions around here, keep them busy, keep them fed and move our guest room around to accommodate them. Oh, what happened to being a 'grandparent' and handing the kids back! Good thing about them coming is I will not drink during the time I have them even if temptation creeps in, a fail safe it you will.

                    I talked SIL, and, oh boy, more info then I needed to know but I know she had to get it off her chest and she knows that I will not blab to the family. It kind of sounded like my former marriage and I don't see a good out come for them.

                    Any how, no more bear visits in the last two nights. Funny thing about the bears is that I noticed last year they would show up about every two weeks. None of us keep our garbage unsecured so there is not much eating on our street. I swear I will find a way to post one of my Yogi videos! I think the bears are so neat. Doc appt went well, due for a roto-rooter beginning of June. We don't have to pay a thing, I met my deductible and stop-loss already. Geeze, I am getting old.

                    Avail- I am glad your hip is doing better and therapy is going well. There is nothing like a good therapist and it is so hard to find one that you are suited too.

                    Kensho- Great on your second summer sober! I am sure you will enjoy camping as long as the sun comes out. I used to love camping with my boys, that was truly a fun time we had as a family.

                    Slo- thank you and I do feel more on an even keel, I think, yesterday kind of threw me, but I didn't think about drinking through the situation. I am having way more good days then bad.

                    Byrd- you mentioned your co-worker and I pictured my son! His gf certainly has him wrapped around her finger, she says jump and he says how high. For the life of me I don't understand it, but it is what it is and it is not my problem. I can imagine that it is very disruptive to your work.

                    Narilly- glad to hear the job interview went well and I am sending good thoughts your way. Alcohol, even if we are not drinking on the job, certainly effects our work.

                    Belle- I can totally relate with you and your son. Sons are challenging, at least mine were. My little buggers would get in trouble, get a good talking to, maybe something taken away, sit and 'yes' us to death and go out and do the same thing again! Maddening little buggers. The one thing about my daughter is, she will argue me under the table but we always knew where we stood with each other and we would come to a compromise.

                    I wish everyone a great, sober, long weekend! Hubby home today, tomorrow is his birthday, and Monday off. We will talk about the girls coming and just how we will do this. We just planned and are paying for a cruise now!

                    Happy Sober Saturday All!


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Good Morning--

                      Wow, Sunrise, two kids for a month is a lot to take on. How generous of your husband to volunteer YOU! Sounds like you'll have some fun, though, and some company also. Teens definitely think we're morons, but maybe with an Aunty instead of a mom they'll tolerate you better.

                      Sorry for the crud, Pauly. Good to hear you're on the mend.

                      I agree, Ava. MWO and the love and support have made a difference for me. I was NOT in a position where I was going to go to AA or another in-person group, so MWO allowed me to quit drinking a lot sooner than I would have probably. THANKS everyone.

                      Take care of yourselves and don't drink, no matter what!



                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nesters,

                        Everyone must be busy grilling burgers, LOL
                        Happy Memorial Day to everyone & thank you to the service folks who gave their kids all for us.

                        New Sunrise, I wish you much luck with the girls this summer. That sounds like quite an adventure. Are there any local camps/day problems available for them? That would be a nice way to spend some of their time.
                        I hope your daughter can locate a full time job, that must be difficult for her.

                        Pav, I hope you have a very relaxing weekend if that’s at all possible.

                        I spent some time in the garden, planting seeds for my butterfly/hummingbird garden. The sun never arrived until after 4:30 this afternoon so it wasn’t too hot out.

                        Hello to the rest of the crew & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Yikes - sorry I missed posting a few days - it's a crazy time before a big test date and I've been working my tail off. I've got to push hard for about 8 more days and then I get a self-gifted "recovery week" with a very light schedule.

                          Belle - sorry to hear that things are so rough with your son, especially if he seems to be falling off what was otherwise a good path. Having said that, is there another path that would suit him well? Maybe a trade school or similar? Or something like a year off then return to college? I took 4 years off between my soph and jr years of college - partly to figure out what I wanted to do career-wise (and actually to start doing it!), and partly to save up enough money to pay for two more years. It turned out to be the *best* decision and I gained valuable life skills and insights that actually made school a lot more relevant once I went back. On a different note, I'm intrigued by your interest in chalk painting - I don't know what that is and will have to research, but I'd love to hear more about it from you sometime. Hugs to you friend, and hang in there.

                          Pav - congrats on now 2002 or 2003 days!!! Sorry I missed the round number on the dot but I'm so happy for you!

                          You know, these big celebration numbers got me thinking... I haven't really been counting days, but it dawned on me that I'm coming up on my 3-year milestone this July, and that made me realize I must be somewhere around 1000 days myself. Well, I ran the "How many days since...?" calculator, and I'm proud to say that today was day 1035 for me!!!

                          New Sunrise has 8 weeks! And G-man, you're cruzin' toward 300, then a year, then the moon!

                          Celebrating sobriety is really fun. So glad to be celebrating with all of you nesters :heartbeat:
                          Last edited by wagmor; May 25, 2019, 10:49 PM.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Good Morning, Nesters!

                            Everything hunkydory here. Just a quiet weekend, which is exactly what I ordered up. I'm going out of my neighborhood boundaries today, hopping on a train for an hour to do a 13k walk around a lake.. I'm always complaining about not getting out into nature enough and I'm excited to be finding a way. I'm having a pretty easy time of it all right now, with the mind chatter, daily obsessiveness, negativity, etc. at an all time low.. I'm sure enjoying it!:happy2:

                            Congratulations to everyone celebrating milestones! and to everyone celebrating each day! I'm also thinking it's pretty fun to be celebrating sobriety.. as we always say, the little things become apparent when we aren't in the fog.
                            G-man, amazing work with that accumulation of days! I'm really happy and proud of you and very excited for you with regards to your trip! This week already!
                            Wags, great idea, to create a recovery week after so much work.. continuing to take care of yourself. Good luck to you these next 8 days!
                            New Sunshine, Congrats on 2 months of freedom! So happy that your ac is fixed and that you aren't suffering the heat.. Yes, least you are the "Grandma/Aunty", so your responsibility is keeping them safe and spoiling them. Maybe imparting some lifetime knowledge, if the chance arises!:happy2: Where is it that they normally live? I also like the idea of finding some local day camps/workshops, if something like that exists.
                            Nar, well done on the job interview! I hope you'll find one you really like, that allows you to grow in your career as you'd like to! With all the extra energy and brain power you have.

                            I was reading something from the Temper a while back, an article about finding a sober community, how important it is to recovery. I thought about all of you, many of whom I've known now for many years.. how fortunate I am to have such a strong and close group of sober sisters (plus G ) here in the Nest. The support is wonderful, the love and warmth and honesty. I've had a million starts and stops and in my darkest hours I've been able to drag myself into the Nest, feeling fearful and shamed and like I'll never get this!, to get the help I need to start again. To have hope and to find new ways.. I love you all very much and thank you for helping me. xx
                            Last edited by lifechange; May 25, 2019, 11:43 PM.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Happy Sunday, nesters!

                              So many congratulations to hand out (I'm surely missing some and have previously mentioned some also, so apologies in advance, BUT...) - congrats to New Sunshine on 2 months!!!!! I'm roughly a month now and I'd like to catch up, but of course - you will always be a few weeks ahead of me. Let's just make a deal to never drink again and I'll happily concede the advantage!

                              Also congrats to GMan, LifeChange, Wagmor, Belle, Ava, Pav, Byrdie, Kensho, Slo, Lav --- and everyone else on this journey.

                              I'm pretty happy with myself for having gone on a little mini-holiday out of town on my own, without any household pet responsibilities. In the past this would have been a golden opportunity to throw any resolutions right out the window and drink up a storm. But ya know, I had a lovely time visiting old friends and old places and remaining entirely sober.

                              I'm extremely fatigued and in a bit of a brain fog, but that's to be expected. I had awful stomach pains for a couple of weeks that have seemingly subsided as well. Tomorrow (not a holiday here) I have an appointment for a medical consult where I will be honest about my drinking and get some real investigations started into what damage I may have done by pouring poison down my throat for so many years. I'm also booked to start one-on-one therapy to investigate the mental issues - I've done quite a bit of counselling over the years to deal with depression and anxiety and chronic pain, but I conveniently forgot to mention my drinking in all cases. Clearly, it was more important to protect my ability to continue poisoning myself than to actually resolve my problems. What a maroon!

                              It's lucky we all got another second chance at this life stuff. Never too late? Last night my daughter texted at 8:30 to see if I wanted to take the girls for a late turn around the dog forest before bed. I was so glad to be sober and able and not gaffed out on the couch with my face in the booze. Plus: forest therapy!

                              Have a great sober day!!!!


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Good Morning All,

                                A sober morning! It just felt great this morning to get up, clear headed and ready to hit the floor running to make hubby's favorite breakfast for his birthday. Today is just one of those days that I am so glad to be sober! Yesterday was a plus too because I realized I have finally lost a few pounds! Not many, but no alcohol and easing off the sugar is finally showing benefits. I still have a way to go, but maybe I will not be limited in the pairs of jeans I can wear come fall.

                                Oh my, SIL and the girls :egad:. She messaged to hubby that maybe she will just bring the girls down and stay with me for 2 weeks now. Poor thing, I don't think she knows which way is up right now. I do not think she is a big drinker but I have noticed on FB that she has been going out with the girls more to wine tastings and craft breweries. I am not loosing my sobriety over her problems, I lost it the first time over my broken marriage. I don't want to hear her whine over her wine either, that sure would not be good for the girls. I think it is best if she just lets us fly them down here and they get out of the situation. It will be such a friggin strain on our budget but I would rather just have the girls and not go back there, if you know what I mean. I guess our talk was too comforting to her, but I can't listen to that for 2 weeks.

                                With that said, it is so great to hear about everyone being in a good place this weekend, the beginning of the drinking summer for some. Pav and Feral, I have to agree the MWO is a life saver! In the months before I started posting, I had plenty of stops and starts. I CAN'T do it on my own! I could not the first time and I am glad to be officially at 60 days tomorrow! AA was great but just something I can't do now. It is supposed to be anonymous but it is anything but in a small area. I was lucky to live in a large city before and could go cross town and not be known by neighbors. I believe here that if they just see your car parked at the church at meeting time, you are tagged and talked about. Everyone here is so supportive and we don't have to weed out the court ordered attendees who suffer through the meeting and look for someone to sign their paper. We are all serious and that makes us all more successful.

                                With that said, I wish everyone a great Sober Sunday! I am truly glad to have hubby home and have him to celebrate.

