Morning nesters,Lav I seen a guy on the news last night who was doing a hunger strike to oppose something and I just thought nobody cares if he eats or not,what's it gonna do except hurt himself? Then I told my husband it's the same as drinking AT someone,they don't care and you're only hurting yourself,so dumb! Kensho they always make the people in movies or shows seem so together when they're daily drinking and solving the worlds problems,the reality is the bloated washed up lady in your book,I like to watch Ellen in the afternoon cuz she makes me laugh but she's gotten to where the booze jokes are getting stale,I watched a lady take 3 shots on her show yesterday and I don't even know what they we're talking about and how the drinking came into it,my point being is Ellen is funny,put together, successful,looks Fab for 61 and her points on drinking make it seem cute but obviously she's probably not one of us,just talks like she is haha,waves to all and wishes for a happy and healthy AF day!
