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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Morning nesters,Lav I seen a guy on the news last night who was doing a hunger strike to oppose something and I just thought nobody cares if he eats or not,what's it gonna do except hurt himself? Then I told my husband it's the same as drinking AT someone,they don't care and you're only hurting yourself,so dumb! Kensho they always make the people in movies or shows seem so together when they're daily drinking and solving the worlds problems,the reality is the bloated washed up lady in your book,I like to watch Ellen in the afternoon cuz she makes me laugh but she's gotten to where the booze jokes are getting stale,I watched a lady take 3 shots on her show yesterday and I don't even know what they we're talking about and how the drinking came into it,my point being is Ellen is funny,put together, successful,looks Fab for 61 and her points on drinking make it seem cute but obviously she's probably not one of us,just talks like she is haha,waves to all and wishes for a happy and healthy AF day!
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hi, All:

      Wags - when my husband and son went away I really looked forward to being alone and drinking. Specifically I picked up Asian takeout of some sort (not hubs favorite and it is mine), and sit drinking and watching my favorite shows that he doesn't like. Really, I figured out I like the Asian takeout and the quiet time to watch my shows - and now I get ice cream instead of the booze. Actually, I enjoy it just as much - I savor the solitude, enjoy the ice cream, and actually feel great the next day. It was about escaping with no responsibilities or commitments, and I really can do it without booze. Wags, you did mention those fire lookouts. Do you just find them online? There must be some in the mountains up here. Do you have to reserve them or just hope no one else is in them?

      Kensho - that saying. I actually like sitting in the woods, so there! I used to think that camping HAD to be with booze - how else would you fall asleep? Now I actually like it even more. I have been reading about forests and how they are alive in ways we didn't really consider before - it is SO interesting and amazing how forests live and sustain, and so sad how they are dying. I work with a man from Mexico who knows a lot about forests also, and we talk about their power. Now I actually literally hug trees when I go hiking (not just a metaphorical tree hugger). I'm telling you, I can feel the energy pulling out my anxiety and bringing in strength. I know you all must think I'm cookoo, but try it. Tree hugging is not just for hippies any more.

      Narilly - I get what you're saying. I used to love live music and dancing but thought I could only really cut loose with booze. Now if I make the effort to overcome my shyness and reserve, I can get myself on the dance floor anyway, and once I do it is actually MORE fun. I don't have to miss anything because I'm standing in the beer line, and I can feel "high" just from adrenaline.

      When I heard long time sober people talk about how grateful they were and I was just starting, I really thought it was BS they were saying to make themselves and me feel better. But I suspended disbelief and followed what they did to get where they wore, and I can tell you from 5 years away, it is true. Not drinking feels normal to me now, and I really am much happier than I was before. All of you just starting out - you'll get here, too, one day at a time.

      Running to work now. Take care of yourselves, and don't drink no matter what!


      x Post - Hi Pauly! We are always here at the same time!


        Re: Newbies Nest

        PAV... don't think your coo coo at all... I'm a big nature lover. I believe we are symbiotic with nature, and it bothers me greatly that we are so irresponsible with the environment as a race. My husband ha said he wants a cabin, with a tv and wireless, etc. so he can relax in the woods. I tell him that it is nature without being wired that he is craving. The most relaxed I feel is with my bare feet in dirt and the smell of pine trees and fern-y black soil. Yum! I need to plan a hike!

        I stayed up until midnight working last night - mainly because I procrastinated on this client's stuff because I'm tired of her. She's a nice lady but SO picky - hard to please her. Made a lot of progress, but I'm tired!

        Time to leave to drop kiddos off, and I'm looking forward to an early bed time. Funny, my biggest "rewards" now are not shots, but my cup(s) of morning coffee, the smell of clean air (less fracking in my neighborhood so far this summer, so less diesel smell!!!!), and early bedtimes!

        If you are struggling with alcohol, take your power. I let alcohol chain me up every night for a long time. I fought it, and tried to control it, but it owned me until I said no more. I will never be owned or controlled again.

        Hugs to all!

        Done. Moving on to life.


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hello All!

          I am forced to stop for the moment, I ran out of supplies to refinish my table! It has been such a long time since I have done anything like this because I just couldn't due to my neck and I keep forgetting the supplies I need. Daughter helped me take the table out and I started stripping...the table...and I forgot how easy steel wool makes it and we don't have a bit of it. She went to an employment agency today and they have lots of places for her to apply to. She has to polish her resume up and go back tomorrow. She is in a much better mood. She called me before she left the agency and is picking up the supplies I forgot so I will be back out there later. It is HOT out there but I just do small sections at a time and drink plenty of water. When it is done, I am going to cool off by the pool!

          Made it through the war zone yesterday, Byrd you reminded me of that. I stopped to pick up some pistachios, across from the wine and an old lady turned around and asked me about a bottle of wine. I just turned around and said I don't drink. I kind of chuckled to myself because I had that wine before and it was swill and cheap, one that I would have bought just so there was not a big priced item on my receipt in case it was ever found. Geeze, who cares about oak, berry, nutty what ever, if was red, I drank it.

          Pav, still no drama, no word on the girls. They do not get out of school till, like, June 21st or something like that. I have no idea and really don't want to know what is going on just yet. I have been looking at a cheap way to do beds for them. Our guest room is my craft room/office and I had bought a really expensive air mattress to fit in here and thought we were good to go. One more thing about son and the horror GF he is with, she really didn't want to stay here but he really couldn't find a suitable hotel for her. The first night they used it she complained, the second night she opened the valve and let air out, the third night she used a thumb tack or needle or something and ruined the darn thing. We are looking at foam mattresses now.

          Wags, camping like that sounds awesome! That is a great use of ranger stations, my hubby and I would do it in a minute! We both loved camping with our kids but we have no camping equipment now. Camping equipment is an investment!

          Wags, thoughts of drinking when alone, I go through it about every time hubby leaves. His leaving was not that hard for a while, I had a plan also. Now my plan never worked out. I always planned on chilling with a glass of wine, relaxing some, getting stuff done around the house, get a nice glow going. The glow didn't happen. I was planted in front of the TV drinking wine in a tumbler so hubby would not see a wine glass through the camera, never get up from the TV, 'fall asleep' in front of the TV, wake up and repeat till bed time. I never got anything done and come the next day I would kick myself and do it all again. I am so much more productive now!

          Slo, congrats on daughter getting her license! Oh, it makes life so much easier when they can drive themselves! No more chauffeuring. With that said, I need to take daughter tomorrow for her annual blood work! Poor thing gets nauseated just when they take her blood! She is a basket case, not suited to the medical field at all!

          Kensho, Oh the Mommy Drinking! I see stuff all the time on FB about it, cutesy little memes, and fun mommy play dates. I have a niece with two adorable girls and I think she is about an alcoholic herself. Way too many posts of her drinking with other moms, drinking after work. It is hard on the kids.

          Matt, it sure is great to have you on here, you are a hoot! I hope that ice tea did not sting too much coming out your nose!

          Time for me to get back to work! Time to start stripping again! That will give my nosey neighbors something to talk about, I look way better in my big girl bathing suit.

          Happy Sober Monday all!


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hi Nesters,
            Wow! All the super strong and inspiring posts! Anyone reading here would have to be convinced of how much better a life without alcohol is!:love:
            I've been suffering!, trying to survive in 95°F with no AC anywhere! And cooking.. my colleagues and I must have been a funny sight today. A couple more days and then it should cool down a bit.
            Pav, I would love to know what you're reading about the forests (books or online?).. When I went on my walk a week ago, I hugged a tall, beautiful tree for a very long time.. at first I felt kind of silly because I hadn't done that for ages! But then I really could feel the energy. I quickly forgot about my little insect worries and just enjoyed it.

            Matt, Congratulations on 5 years and welcome back in the Nest!

            ""If you are struggling with alcohol, take your power. I let alcohol chain me up every night for a long time. I fought it, and tried to control it, but it owned me until I said no more. I will never be owned or controlled again.""-- love this, Kensho!
            Also your quote, Byrdie.."I am not a product of my circumstances, I am a product of my decisions!"
            Pauly, I agree that Ellen has too much drinking on her show! She's had some great episodes with Dax Shepard.. have you seen them? He's been sober quite a long time and speaks openly about it.. he's really sweet and they have a nice chemistry.
            Sunshine, your description of your reality when you drank is exactly the same as mine! So many wasted hours, sitting in front of netflix or youtube.. wanting to escape and then waking up at 2 or 3am, hating myself, back to square one minus. Yuck

            That's about as far back as I've read, but I wanted to hop in and say hi before any more time passes.
            Love and hugs to all of you!xx
            Last edited by lifechange; June 4, 2019, 02:26 PM.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hey all!

              Kensho- you said something that really got my wheels turning "If you are struggling with alcohol, take your power. I let alcohol chain me up every night for a long time. I fought it, and tried to control it, but it owned me until I said no more. I will never be owned or controlled again.

              I spent soooooooo much time planning, scheming, strategizing, manipulating everything and everyone for the sole purpose of consuming AL.
              I had this Mf'er whooped, I had it figured out. NOT!
              I was being played like a fiddle, I was a slave to Al , it's bitch, Al was my master.
              Realizing this and being liberated from it is an indescribable feeling. I often wished I could share a small dose with people still struggling and having to go back to day 1 time after time.....

              Taken from the AA promises
              1. If we are painstaking about this phase of our development, we will be amazed
              before we are half way through.
              2. We are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness
              AF 08~05~2014

              There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Pav - the fire lookouts around here can almost all be reserved online. Some of them tend to book up within minutes of the dates opening up (they do it a certain number of months in advance), but others - usually farther from our bigger cities - have nights open even on semi-short notice. We have stayed in 3 or 4 so far, and this summer we are spending one 3-night stint in a new one and then another 3-night stay returning to one we loved from last summer. They are fun! I like the historical aspect to them, and most have logbooks where you can read entries from other visitors. It's kind of a way to have a "mountain cabin" without the cost of actually buying and maintaining a cabin

                Thanks to everyone who shared your thoughts re: what you used to think was so fun/appealing about drinking, and whether you still try to fulfill any of those things through other means. When I drove my wife to our friend's house this morning so they could head out on their camping trip, we drove right by a liquor store I occasionally used to go to, and it really hit me how during my drinking days that would've been the very first place I headed after dropping her off, only to go straight home and start drinking. Ugh! I am so glad to be free of that prison.

                Instead, I came home and played with our pup for awhile, did some prep work for classes tomorrow, then went for a bike ride, and now am getting ready to take my dad out for a Mexican food dinner.

                I'm so glad I don't drink.

                Have great days and eves everyone!


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters,

                  We were blessed with another very pleasant day today, very nice. Tomorrow night I’ll be here C/O heat, humidity & storms, LOL

                  Slo, I meant to say Congrats to your daughter getting her license! That’s such a big deal, a real milestone. When my daughter got her license I put her in charge of driving her brother to his scout meetings, music lessons & all that. It was awesome!

                  Glad to see everyone checking in & keeping the faith. We are stronger together, there’s no doubt!

                  Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hi, All:

                    LC - I just read the Overstory. It is pretty depressing novel, but there is a lot of information about forests. I also LOVED The Wild Trees. I listened to a podcast about trees "talking" to each other (I can't remember where/what podcast, but if I do I'll post), and my son has grown increasingly interested in mycelium and the function they serve in forests so he talks and shares articles. Glad to hear there's another tree hugger here.

                    Slo, that IS a great milestone - your life is forever changed. I did not buy a car for my kids, but my mom lives close by and she loaned them her car a lot. Both of them had their first crash on her car (!), so that was a win-win situation for us (win-win-lose if you count my mom :egad

                    LOOONG work day yesterday, and another night event tonight. I'll make it, but I'm tired! No booze in sight, thank goodness.



                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hola friends!

                      Good morning from sunny Santa marta. Day 267. Great posts indeed! There is a direct correlation between me posting to you now from a magical (and colourfully crazy vibrant) place in the carribean making music with my guitar, and not boozing. This adventure would not be happening if i was still boozing. It would just be a nice dream and all talk. Yo LC. I'd be struggling without aircon here i reckon. 31C average, but feels much much hotter than same temp where i'm from. Loving my morning runs to the beach via a little public workout station in the park near me. Sadhana done and dusted. Will try post some pics soon.

                      Big waves to evabody.

                      xpost. Hi Pav! Will try hug a tree today when no one's looking......
                      Last edited by Guitarista; June 5, 2019, 08:42 AM.

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        ok here goes with some pics.....

                        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          [MENTION=7261]Guitarista[/MENTION], your trip sounds fabulous and it is great that you're aware you wouldn't be having this adventure if you hadn't quit drinking. Have FUN :smile:!

                          I don't have anything nearly so exciting going on but I am extremely busy in all aspects of my life and numerous times it has occurred to me that there's no way I could have managed this before I quit. I'd have let some people down, done other things poorly, ignored my own interests and needs, and overall been a mess of self-pity and -hatred.

                          Some of the recent posts on this thread have been EPIC! Anyone lurking is getting a glimpse of all an unaddicted life can offer. There is enough that happens over which we have no control. It's great not to be giving up even more to alcohol.

                          xx, NS


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Originally posted by NoSugar View Post
                            [MENTION=7261]Guitarista[/MENTION], your trip sounds fabulous and it is great that you're aware you wouldn't be having this adventure if you hadn't quit drinking. Have FUN :smile:!

                            I don't have anything nearly so exciting going on but I am extremely busy in all aspects of my life and numerous times it has occurred to me that there's no way I could have managed this before I quit. I'd have let some people down, done other things poorly, ignored my own interests and needs, and overall been a mess of self-pity and -hatred.

                            Some of the recent posts on this thread have been EPIC! Anyone lurking is getting a glimpse of all an unaddicted life can offer. There is enough that happens over which we have no control. It's great not to be giving up even more to alcohol.

                            xx, NS
                            Right on SB. I'm only 5 days into this trip and just starting to settle in after all the travel getting over here. I suspect the best is yet to come. Living sober raaawks, feels better, truer, and simply makes a hell of a lot more sense. Life is short.

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              I am not quite sure how to navigate this thread so the newest posts are at the top. Help, please. Anyway, the last few days have been a struggle. There is no alcohol in the house but now it seems like every TV show and commercial shows booze. 😩 I am trying to keep busy. It also seems that I am eating and snacking a lot more these past that normal? Today I am meeting my group of friends for our monthly happy hour a.k.a. Book Club. I have confided in my closest friend and asked for help and support in this journey. Okay, going out to weed my gardens. Thank you for the support.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Hi, [MENTION=24381]murph54[/MENTION]

                                Eating more is totally normal. You might especially crave carbs because they activate the same part of the brain that alcohol does. In the short run, eating is a good tool. Be sure not to let yourself get hungry!

                                Newest posts in threads are at the end so you have to jump a few pages backwards. But- you can click on the link so that it takes you to your last unread thread, which makes it pretty straightforward on future visits.

                                If you think book club is going to trigger you to drink, you might consider skipping this month. I pretty much did nothing except read MWO and other addiction information and Not Drink for 4 months!!

                                No matter how uncomfortable or agitated you feel for awhile, I PROMISE you, it is worth it. And, you NEVER have to feel this way again!! NS

