Greetings Nesters,
It’s cooled off quite a bit this evening so I’m out on the deck with my iPad, nice

We’ve grown some really nice strawberries this spring, now I’m trying to find ways to use them up without adding a ton of sugar. I’m working on some ideas.
Wags, hope the yard sale was a huge success. The last time we had one here the Amish showed up, tied their horse to the mailbox post & jumped right in haha! We need to do that again, it was fun.
Feral Pup, Congrats to you on your 6 weeks AF :welldone:
That’s huge, keep going.
G, sounds like you are having a great time.
When yous said ‘small town of 400,000 you were kidding, right??? LOL
Hi there Slo!
Murph, a good plan is essential! Don’t hesitate to leave early if you must.
Ava, I have a feeling Carl has adopted you

He sounds like he’s going to be a great friend for sure.
Hello to the rest of the crew & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!