Hi, all:
BYRDIE AND NOSUGAR!!! I'm so glad you got to meet. This is the RomCom of the Century. How great is that?!?!
Touch, making dinner was my drinking time also. It was my unwind from work, listen to my podcast and chill alone time. I ended up getting a home carbonator (is that the word?), and I substituted alcohol for non alcohol. I make plain fizzy water and then put a dash of some delicious juice in it. I appreciate the ritual, and I find that now I crave that drink and don't even think about the alcohol. I pay a little more for good juice, which is WAY less than the alcohol I was drinking every day. Of course, it took some getting used to, but not it is a part of my ritual. I even bring my fizzy water to parties because I have found that most people don't supply enough non-alcoholic drinks. I didn't get into the non-alcoholic beer or wine because I was afraid it would remind my brain what I was "missing" too much. I loved the taste of beer, especially on a hot day, but not enough to risk re-activating my cravings.
I quit on December 2. I told people that I get depressed around Christmas (true), and that I was trying to go without alcohol to see if it made me feel better. I didn't say "I QUIT FOR GOOD," or anything - I was still too mired in shame. A friend of mine told everyone she was on medication. Lav would say don't worry about what others think, and she's right, but I did. You could "forget" to buy wine and say you're not drinking because of X so you forgot (if you want to make sure you don't have it in your house). If she's a "normal" drinker she'll be ok without wine for a night. If she wants some she can buy herself some the next night. Whatever you do, have a plan to avoid it yourself.
Nar - how did the interview go?
Happy SOBER Hump Day,