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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Thank you Kensho... I know I have to be AF...but given the amount I drink....I need to taper off safley & then I have Antebuse to take, my life is a mess....but if I keep going down this road I'll end up dead.....either by my own hand or from AL


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Checking in after a busy week and weekend. Not sure how I functioned and maintained any quality if life when I was scheduling Al in my already hectic household.
      I'm very grateful for my sobriety-
      Hope to get caught up today and read the nest.
      If your new here or struggling and considering heading back out. Don't, just for today don't drink know matter what!
      Stay hard freaks!
      AF 08~05~2014

      There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Just want to mark myself as "present" and sober. Day 6. Son gets wisdom teeth out today. It was his birthday on Saturday, Father's Day on Sunday and discussions about his future as he is unsure about going back to college. Glad I'm not drinking.

        Have a good day all. bbl

        Alcohol does me no favors.

        Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          We're back from our fire cabin trip and I've got a lot of posts to read through and catch up on. Thus far I've just caught the highlights, but will go back through the past several days of posts today. We had a wonderful time, great weather, almost total solitude for 4 days. No cell or wifi or anything, which can be challenging in some ways these days (hardest for me because I worry something might happen with my dad, and also not being available for students), but honestly it was fantastic!

          When we finally emerged from the forest and had signals again yesterday, I fully expected to be bombarded by messages waiting to get through, but since everyone knew we were off the grid, no such bombardment occurred. I feel rested and restored and ready for the next two weeks of hard work before we take another short break over the 4th of July.

          NS and Byrdie - I'm so glad that you two got to meet and share a few hugs! I just love everything about that :heartbeat:

          Byrdie - Sounds like you had a nerve-wracking but also serendipitous trip on several fronts. That's amazing that you had an additional chance encounter with the woman from your old company, and I hope that whatever is best for you works out in the long run (not too long - let's get you out of that current job if possible!).

          Witchy - welcome (back)! Sorry to hear you're in a bad place. Keep working on your quit, focusing on one day or hour at a time if need be. Sending you good thoughts :hug:

          Belle - hugs to you as well. You've got a lot on your plate, especially with your son, and I hope things smooth out for you very soon.

          Hellos and waves to everyone else. I'll catch up with your news today and I hope you all have wonderful starts to your weeks!


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hi, All:

            Witchy - that was a scary statement. Do you have someone in person to call and confide in? Tapering off is VERY difficult. After a drink or two it is no longer you making decisions - it is that alcoholic brain. It is very hard to keep that brain in check once you start drinking even a little. Can you see a doctor about safely quitting? PLEASE take care of yourself. There is nothing wrong with getting help, and with help, you will get better.

            Kensho - That house sounds amazing. Glad you posted feeling sort of blue and left out. As NS says, good thing we don't act on all of the thoughts we have. Are you in the North Carolina mountains?

            Belle - Glad you're here. It will all work out with your son.

            Happy SOBER Monday.



              Re: Newbies Nest

              Good morning!! TMI, but I’m in the potty and licked the door... sometimes the only way I can get away from my demanding family!!

              PAV, yes, in the NC mountains. Outside of Asheville. It’s such a different type of forest than ours and I love the different bird sounds. I love birds, they are such happy and beautiful little creatures.

              Great sleep here. I can imagine how HORRIBLE I would be feeling right now had I decided to act on my thought to join the evening with a drink (or several). Not only would I feel physically awful but the guilt I would have toward my better self would be excruciating. That was always the worst part... letting myself down. I DO need to buy some tasty AF drinks today though. That was the biggest problem last night. As long as I have something else to drink, I’m distracted and fine.

              Off to take the kids zip-lining today. Not that I need more adrenaline.

              WAGS, glad enjoyed your fire trip!!

              WITCHY, I know it feels hard in the beginning, but it's not worse than death. You will get through it, and it won't feel any worse than it does now. Then it will only get better. Hugs!
              Last edited by KENSHO; June 17, 2019, 09:08 AM.

              Done. Moving on to life.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Kensho, I hope you mean you locked the door, lol!! That made me giggle.

                Good morning everyone. So grateful to be Un Hung this beautiful morning in Calgary.

                Witchy, please hang in there, it will get better. Take it day by day and don't let AL win. This is the fight of your life and you can do it. Go for a walk, eat ice cream, ride a bike, go for coffee, an AA meeting, anything that helps. Bubble Hour Podcasts really helped me plus everything else.

                Have a great day everyone!

                "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                AF April 12, 2014


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Hello everyone! It is good to be here. I have been reading about your struggles and successes, and can relate. Today is day 19 and I have to say it has been a struggle. It seems, now that I am an observer, that alcohol is everywhere! Ever movie, every TV show, even commercials. Our twice yearly theater trip, everyone had their cocktails and wine. To make matters worse, my friend is a member so before the show and during intermission...FREE wine and beer ������. Previously I would gulp down at least two glasses of wine, maybe three, while others sipped their one glass. This time I did not even go into the members lounge...stayed outside and looked at the gardens. And of course, cocktails and appetizers back at the hotel. I thought this would get easier, but I think the first “high” of trying and excitement is wearing off. I am seriously thinking about Antabuse..for six month to a year. Also, since I have retired the drinking got worse...hey, I could start maybe something part time or more volunteer work. Anyway, meeting a friend for lunch today at a place that does NOT serve �� . I will check in tonight.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Kensho Good morning!! TMI, but I’m in the potty and licked the door... sometimes the only way I can get away from my demanding family!!

                    My kids can drive me to want to lick doors and windows
                    Last edited by Matt M.; June 17, 2019, 07:26 PM.
                    AF 08~05~2014

                    There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      How are you feeling today? Concerned and thinking about you . . .


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Haha Matt!

                        Hey Murph, hang in there. Do what you gotta do, if that means getting Antabuse then go for it. It is crazy how booze is everywhere. I think it is more available in the States than it is here in Canada but it is almost as bad. We never used to have booze at the theatre and now we have it. I thought it was crazy when I went to a movie in Florida and they had booze back in 2015 and now we have it in our theatres. Its all about money, damn liquor companies. They don't care about the harm they are doing to people.

                        Talk later- don't drink today.

                        "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                        "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                        AF April 12, 2014


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Good evening nesters,

                          I had a super busy day & am just now sitting down to write a few posts. We are both retired & wonder how we had time to get things done before, haha! Plus the extra time to drink.....geez.

                          Witchy, please take care of yourself & be careful. You have to stay hydrated during this weaning time so be sure to get plenty of fluids in each day. Some people get an Rx from their doc to take the edge off (Serax) or something similar. Be sure you have someone close you can contact if you need help. We are all wishing the very best for you right now.

                          Kensho, enjoy that mountain vacation!

                          Wags, glad to hear you enjoyed yours.

                          Belle, good job on your 6 days!! I hope your son heals up quickly. Keep focusing on you.

                          Murph, AL is everywhere BUT we can successfully learn to ignore it, honestly! It is hard at first but it gets easier with practice

                          Hello to Matt, Narilly, Pav, Touch, Byrdie & everyone checking in later.

                          Wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Good morning to all in the US and good ??? to those elsewhere.

                            Nurse Ratched reporting in after having to administer pain meds to wisdom-toothless son through the night...however I woke up for the 3am dose and he was zippy-do-da on his computer editing a movie he and his friend made. He might be in more pain today as the long acting numbing agent has worn off. Thankfully he did well enough not to scare his sister who will be going through the same thing on July 1. Thank my lucky starts I'm not drinking...because I don't drink. It would have been crap to do last night drunk.

                            I was cracking up about [MENTION=20476]KENSHO[/MENTION] 'licking the door'. Yes [MENTION=21483]Matt M.[/MENTION] my teens drive me to lick everything.

                            I went back and read Byrdy's story about the early airport meeting. sometimes the universe puts us in the right place at the right time. That is kind of how I got my current part time job. I hope something good comes of it, Byrdy, because you deserve better. I don't know how you do what you do. Are you superwoman?

                            Hi to everyone else. I need to catch up on my own stuff today and help hubby with some of his mother's paperwork. Daughter's boyfriend is away for the week, and she is keeping plenty busy with friends, which unfortunately means that I have to drive her places.

                            I think I miscalculated and today is day 6. whatever. any AF day is great no matter what the number. I'm not good at keeping track.

                            Alcohol does me no favors.

                            Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hi, All:

                              Murph - yes, you are in the doldrums. The "pink cloud" effect is the giddiness you feel at first, and it wears off. Google it. This time is when many relapses occur. I remember feeling very sorry for myself and ashamed that I had "let" myself get as far as I did with alcohol. I had many pity parties. The one thing I didn't do was open the door, to AL even a little. I had resolved that alcohol was NOT going to be a part of my life no matter what. Even if I was bored and sad for the rest of my life. Thank goodness I had people here to show me that I wouldn't be bored and sad forever, so I slogged through, trusting that they were telling me the truth (although sometimes I faked even that). I read back in my journal to remember how much fear I had when I was drinking, and played that first drink through to the last. I never wanted just one drink - what made me think I would settle for just one now? Reading up on relapse, and listening to the Bubble Hour helped get me through. Hang tough - you got this.

                              Bellle - Yep, you don't drink. Imagine if you did? Keep it up!

                              Kensho - so funny, the places we'll find solitude.

                              Welcome back, Wags. Four days off the grid sounds delicious. What a great trip.

                              Hi, Matt, Lav, and everyone else.

                              My teen is giving me a run for my money at the moment. SO stubborn - it is exhausting to hold the line with him. He's away at a camp for the next several days - thank goodness!

                              Happy SOBER Tuesday,
                              Last edited by Pavati; June 18, 2019, 08:50 AM.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Good morning everyone, I have a second interview at a place where I really want to work. Thanks goodness! As much as work can suck it sucks even more to be unemployed. If I get this job it will be good because there is lots of opportunity for me to develop my career. Now is my chance because I am sober and not showing up for work hungover trying to be a 'high functioning alkie'.
                                Lav, I am super busy all the time and I wonder how I can actully find time to work- I understand what you are saying about being retired.

                                Yeah Pav, teens can be tough, thank goodness for camp! My boy really gave me a run for my money, I was so worried about him all the time. He was depressed, smoking pot, not going to school on time, drinking...and now he is an amazing young man. He doesn't smoke pot, works really hard and is just a joy to be around. He drinks once in awhile and he still has the drinking gene I have but I think he is way more aware of problem drinking.

                                Witchy, Belle, so glad you are here.

                                Stay hard Matt

                                Don't drink today everyone. xo

                                "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                                "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                                AF April 12, 2014

