Good Morning All,
It has been so great to catch up on everyone's posts. I have been radio silent for a few days because my mom always said if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything. Well maybe it wasn't my mom, but someone's mom. I have been riding the wave of great irritation and doing without alcohol, a real test, but something that I am more than happy to work through to get to the other side.
First, hubby being away does befuddle me, I was a day off all last week and when I said I had 12 weeks, I was a day early, but made it to my 12 weeks! Hubby did come home a day early because he got his job done a day early, yes he is that good. It is great to have him home! Today feels like Sunday because he leaves out again tomorrow

Got over my brother calling me a bitch. That really got to me, but hubby knew he was drunk and a couple of hubby's cousins chimed in on how they were wondering how he was getting away with not eating right. Hubby did take my nudge in stride because that was really the first time I mentioned his eating habits publicly. Brother was sober the next day and wrote profound apologies, he did not hubby was diabetic, so yes I should stay on him. It really stinks to walk back drunk utterances.
We bought the bedroom set yesterday. What a deal! Queen bed, two MATCHING night tables, dresser, mirror, matching hamper and trash can for $250! It was in fabulous shape and I am so glad the woman held it for me till hubby was home with his work van to pick it up. It is now our bedroom set and our old one is for what ever guest shows up when ever. It was a 5 year old set that she had for guests and the mattress has hardly been used. I felt kind of funny taking those, used mattress, ick, but her house was immaculate so I am sure no bugs. We put in the room for our guests with a sealed plastic cover. They do not have to know where the mattress came from.
With that said, it doesn't look like sister or nieces or husband are coming down. I asked my husband to call her or text her yesterday about their plans and when he went to the phone she had already texted him for our address so she could send something down to him by mail. Ya can't send kids by mail, I don't think. That was our answer. Pissed me off but I have been riding that wave anyhow so I just continued the ride. She could have just said she was not coming down outright.
Sober and it is getting a bit stronger! There is a lot to be thankful for. Maybe deep down I am just old Maxine from the Hallmark cards, who knows?
Laura, I remember the nest emptying for a short time and it was an adjustment till I realized that I could do what I want when ever I wanted! Now my mother, I mean my daughter, is living with us again. Since I have had some medical issues she acts like she is taking care of me sometimes and it gets a bit annoying. I may just mess with her and buy some Depends and tell her I need help getting them on. That would make get more out of my space and stay in hers when she gets over protective.
Kensho, I love Asheville and yes they have a lot of craft breweries! I did get some of the best ginger beer I ever had up there so I hope you find a good one. Thanks for the support on the feelings thing. I know I have to ride the wave out and I am almost at the shore. I will tell better when hubby leaves tomorrow.
Lav, great going with the grandsons! Boys can be something acting like bears when they are really just cubs.
Narilly, Congratulations on the job!:yay: I wish you lots of success. I do hope your MIL is doing better.
Belle, great going hanging in there! 15 days! 3 weeks! :goodjob:
Murph, I only know too well how hard family is to deal with, geeze, I have had enough of my own for the last few weeks. I am riding the wave right over their heads and I secretly hope I hit them in the head as I am going over them:egad:
Guitarista, I am so glad you are having such a wonderful time!
Avail, feel better. The flu is awful to deal with and I hope it doesn't last long.
Over it, glad you are doing well. I never used AB but I know it has worked for lots of people. Knowing me, I would just push the plate and see just how bad it makes you feel. Not a great idea.
So this is me folks, today IS Saturday (I looked on my phone) and I hope you all have a wonderful, sober one! Laundry today for me, then pool. The sun has finally come out here and we are done with storms for a few days. Cooking out today and plenty of left overs for tomorrow and Monday, so we are good, no visits to the war zone!