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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Whoa...time to check in. live moves so fast. for the past couple of days I have been dealing with daughter issues. apparently she met some 18/19 yr old guy at the lake this past weekend and thought it was a good idea to go out to lunch with him yesterday. and then they guy invited her to his house. NOOOO. 'get your butt home and start applying for jobs'. I have not even met this guy and from what I have heard, and seen on his instagram, he is not the best. And she still has her sweet boyfriend but they are working on 'relationship issues'. Going out with someone else is not how you work on those issues. if she wants to end it with him, that is up to her. but don't 'play' him.

    Sorry for my rant, had to get that out. if it is not one kid giving me issues, it is the other. This whole thing with daughter came out of the blue. last week she was pining for boyfriend who was away on vacation and how much she missed him, blah blah blah. now she wants to run around with this other guy. geez I'm ranting again.

    I know keeping my quit is not negotiable with all this going on. I have been able to come here and read small bits and pieces, but not much time to post. i had better go. got to 'clean before the house keeper' arrives. daughter's room is a mess and has not unloaded her baggage from the lake weekend (and I mean that physically and emotionally). ugh.......lord take me now.

    Hi to all, and keep up the good (and hard) work.

    Alcohol does me no favors.

    Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hi, All:

      Belle - I know it is hard when you're in it, but those really are typical teenaged problems. She's probably not going to be with her current boyfriend forever, and she'll have to learn to negotiate all of this stuff as an adult. It IS a tad concerning that the new guy is an adult and had her over to his house, however. You certainly will be able to get through all of this with a sober head. I had a teenager fight yesterday - he was blaming everyone but himself for something that he had control over. So challenging to reason with them - actually so impossible to reason with them. Good luck!

      Wags, where can you go where there are no fireworks? Have fun!

      Mr. G - good luck. Did you encounter these women online and make dates with them? That's impressive travel planning. I hope you find what you're looking for.

      Lav - Hope you stay cool. Thank goodness for air conditioning.

      Over-it - YES. We used to have a thread called the 100 day club or something like that. I remember I was SO STOKED to be able to post there. Keep on keeping on!

      Happy SOBER Hump Day,


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Good sober morning everyone! It was a late night visiting with out of town cousin so slept in this AM instead of hitting the gym. So be it!

        G-you're quite the go getter in the lady department. Have fun.

        Teenagers? UGH. Mine is 33 today.

        Have a great day everyone. Our computers just came up so it's time to start being productive at work.
        The easy way to quit drinking?:


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Happy Hump day, all.
          Got a bit of good news today about one of the deals I'm working on. We'd sent over a contract for his legal department to look at. Well, after our conversation he sent it back and half of it was marked out. Our legal department will never accept it. Everything comes with a string attached.
          I sent an order in today, I wasn't really expecting it to happen, but was glad it did. The hag admin sends a note back saying 'I asked you how many orders you would have this week and you didn't respond'. I wrote back telling her I didn't have a crystal ball. She would have to deal with the unexpected just like the rest of us. She wrote a snippy note back which I forwarded to my boss. He said he would address it. I've had this job when there was a different person in her position and it was a pleasant job then. She has made it absolutely miserable. It is amazing to me that #1, someone in her role can have such an impact on a sales team and #2, how she still has a job after so many complaints about her.
          It would be really easy to drink AT her. As with all things I used to drink at, it wouldn't hurt anyone but me.
          Looking forward to my week off next week. Had a customer that wanted to reschedule a conference call for Tuesday but I said NO, I'm off next week! Good for me!
          Hope everyone has an easy evening, Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Byrdie-I like your boundaries
            The easy way to quit drinking?:



              Re: Newbies Nest

              Good evening Nesters,

              Hope everyone had a decent Hump day
              I have my grandsons here, they were dropped off with a large pizza just before dinnertime so that was easy. Only one bloody nose so far in the injury department, haha!!

              Byrdie, good for you protecting your boundaries & upcoming vacation

              Belle, just make sure the ‘adult’ boy friend knows that your daughter is under 18........
              Otherwise stay cool & don’t react & get yourself upset. You will live thru your teen years, I promise.

              Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest! I have the AC cooling down my personal nest LOL

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hi Nester Friends!

                I've been reading to catch up here the past couple of days.:love:
                I'm up in pine country, 80 miles north of phx, with my girls, my mom and her guy.. we're having such a lovely time, hiking and hanging out by the river. I have so little time to myself, but now that I've caught up on everyone, I'll post at least a couple of words each day. Spending time with this side of my family is so easy and alcohol doesn't ever enter the equation. My dad's place is trickier and I have to have my plan in place so as not to get side-swiped. It's interesting to me that my younger daughter doesn't even want to be at his house.. a couple of hours is ok but she doesn't like to stay there.. I asked her why and she couldn't put her finger on it.?

                Anyway, that's not until next week.

                Kensho, I felt sad when I read your posts.. very glad and relieved that you came here to get it out, but sad that you were questioning yourself. I was thinking on my walk, about what a creative, empathetic, fun-loving, happy, strong woman you are.. nice sense of humour, ambitious, thoughtfu, confident. It's come out for all of us to see clearly this past year and a half.. You're not in any way boring.. just hangin' with the wrong people sometimes. :hug: I hope the rest of your vacation is going well..

                Ok. I have to go. My private time is up for the day!
                Love to all of you,,xx
                Last edited by lifechange; June 26, 2019, 10:20 PM.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Hi everyone, my jab is awesome! My lead is such a positive person and our team is the same way. I have never worked with such a helpful, positive group of people before. I am afraid it’s just a dream This is such a good opportunity for me and I am so grateful.

                  Thanks for all your well wishes. I am going to sleep now...verrry tired zzzzz

                  "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                  "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                  AF April 12, 2014


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Nar, I meant to say yesterday, CONGRATS! on your new job. You really deserve it and I'm so happy that it's starting off so well..
                    G-Man, I've enjoyed reading about your travels! Good luck with chica number 2.. someone wonderful will definitely show up in your life. And with you being your true self, clear in mind, body and soul, you'll be ready for it and able to give it your best.

                    I was thinking recently that I've never begun a relationship without quite a lot of alcohol being involved.. right from the get go. And most of the time alcohol remained a very important part of the relationship.. in fact, none of them survived without it. I'm looking forward to the possibility of meeting someone at some point (or not:happy2 and alcohol not being part of the equation. Let's see.

                    Today we're off to hike to a waterfall/swimming hole.. the rock formations are breathtaking here, the smells take me back to my childhood.. we caught a little horned toad yesterday. Haven't seen one of those guys since I was a kid.. It's so nice to be able to share some of my past with the girls. Living in Germany, although it's home now, we're so far removed from the country that feels like it's in my bones. They can put pictures/experiences to stories and "know" me a little bit better.

                    I'm thinking of all of you and am with you in spirit.. Everyone is doing such a great job, staying strong and being accountable to themselves during difficult times.. building those sober muscles, holding on to the better, AF life..
                    New Sunrise and Belle:love:, NS, Byrdie, Lav, Pav, Ava, Overit (glad to see you back!), Murph, Wags, Slo, Matt, Feelfree, Pauly (where are you?).. everyone else flying by or stopping in today..xx

                    edit.. saw you in the café, Pauly..:happy2:
                    Last edited by lifechange; June 27, 2019, 08:09 AM.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      LC - so great to hear your updates, and I'm glad you're enjoying some wonderful time with family. You sound good! Your comment about relationships starting with/without al got me thinking - I know my current one started during the two most recent years of drinking in my life, and at the time I used al as "liquid courage" because dating in your 40s is hard. I quit drinking after we'd been together about 18 mos and I haven't looked back (this current and final quit, coming up on my 3-yr milestone). I'm lucky because even though my wife is a very regular drinker (craft beer lover), she is not a problem drinker and has been very supportive of my quit.

                      Nar - so glad to hear that your job and co-workers are fantastic!

                      Byrdie - excellent job protecting your boundaries. I hope you have a wonderful week off :heartbeat: I think you said you have family coming to visit (?) but do you also have some "Byrdie" time built into the week? Seems like some personal R&R is in order. It is shocking the hag still has her job, but it doesn't surprise me a bit how much an admin can affect (+ or -) an entire work team or department.

                      Pav - to escape the fireworks we're heading back into the forest/mountains! We don't mind the city or even neighborhood run fireworks shows or some of the "family displays" parents do with little kids in the street -- it's the neighbors (next door in particular) who set off illegal fireworks and firecrackers on the 4th especially but also throughout the week that we seek to escape.

                      Belle - good to see you as well. Sorry to hear about the on-going teenager stuff. Definitely not easy years, but your quit is precious and so worth protecting.

                      Hellos and waves to everyone stopping by the nest today. Hope you all have fantastic days and eves!


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Originally posted by narilly View Post
                        Hi everyone, my jab is awesome! My lead is such a positive person and our team is the same way. I have never worked with such a helpful, positive group of people before. I am afraid it’s just a dream This is such a good opportunity for me and I am so grateful.

                        Thanks for all your well wishes. I am going to sleep now...verrry tired zzzzz
                        Narily-won't it be fun! I see it as exciting to think that no one knows you. You can start right off the bat and be known as someone who just doesn't drink. No reasons, no excuses, you just don't. The foundation is laid.
                        The easy way to quit drinking?:



                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Originally posted by lifechange View Post
                          I was thinking recently that I've never begun a relationship without quite a lot of alcohol being involved.. right from the get go. And most of the time alcohol remained a very important part of the relationship.. in fact, none of them survived without it. I'm looking forward to the possibility of meeting someone at some point (or not:happy2 and alcohol not being part of the equation. Let's see.
                          Agreed LC! .....and thanks for welcoming me back.
                          The easy way to quit drinking?:



                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Good morning everyone!

                            Last night my neighbors kept me up until close to midnight. I had a smile on my face though. Young adults, bon fire, horse shoes under lights, and I'm sure lots of AL. I was a little jealous, not of the drinking, just remembering carefree nights like that when I was young, just a group of friends hanging out. But let me tell you..............They would be jealous of me today I'm sure. I almost feel sorry for them like I should go deliver some soup and tuck their blankets up around them, close the blinds, etc. It was only Wednesday night for goodness sake!

                            Anyway, good to see everyone. 3 weeks here today! Have a great day and don't drink.
                            The easy way to quit drinking?:



                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Morning nesters

                              G, you sound like you are having a wonderful time and are very secure in your sobriety. The weather has gotten a bit warmer, a balmy 9 degrees at 5am so we are hotting up for you.

                              LC, good to see you checking in and you sound like you are in a beautiful spot. Dating sober is daunting but i know for me that i cant possibly be with anyone that drinks other than occasionally. I am happy in my life and dont really need anyone else in it to fulfill what i already have.

                              Belle, oh teenagers. as Pav says we know they arent going to be with their boyfriends forever, the problem i used to find was that i got very attached to the boyfriend and then the girls broke up with them. I was like "but i like him". You can only be there to support and give advice, which they wont listen to as you know nothing! ha ha.

                              Over, like you my daughter turned 32 in May and i still think where did the years go. I do prefer my adult children to the teenage ones i must say and its nice to be so close to them all. They are my reason (among a couple of others) for getting sober.

                              Nar, so glad you love your job, i wish i had your enthusiasm. I love my job but since my pay review i just dont seem to have the same enthusiasm. As they wont pay me what i asked as i dont fit the criteria, i am trying to get the job description of what they are now paying me but they seem to be a tad slow on the uptake with that. i do have another meeting in September to see if they come to the table and if not then i need to reassess my job which is a bit daunting as i have been here 12 years. I do know now that i wont be walked over and ignored.

                              Finally over the man flu but the energy levels are depleted after working all week. I am looking forward to the weekend and having some me time.

                              Hows that holiday Kensho? are you home yet?

                              Back to the salt mines, take care xx
                              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Good evening Nesters,

                                Had a quiet day here (no kids) but it was so hot, not my fav weather. I heard today that Fall is only 66 days away

                                LC, nice to see you & I’m glad you are enjoying yourself. I hope the rest of your vacation goes well too. Maybe next week won’t be so bad for you.

                                Overit, Yay on your 3 AF weeks :welldone:
                                It keeps getting better, always remember that.

                                Ava, glad you are getting better & I hope you can catch up on sleep this weekend.

                                Narilly, loving the new job is awesome!!

                                Hello to Wags & everyone checking in today.
                                Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

