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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Ken, good answer to your hubby. He is acting a bit juvenile like Lav said. Too bad you can’t kick his ass

    Well, I am just watching a bit of tv and then going to bed. I look forward to waking up Un Hung in the morning.


    "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
    "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

    AF April 12, 2014


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Ok nesters, I'm gonna be gone for the next few days - we're heading off to one more fire lookout in the forest for 3 days and then to a friend's little cabin on a wild and scenic river to have about a week away from the fireworks here in our part of the city (and a vacation from work for me!). I'm almost certain we won't have any sort of signal the first place we're staying so I don't expect to be able to get online. The second place is supposed to have wifi but I never totally believe those things until I am there. Either way, I'm looking forward to the break. We've done several "long weekend" types of trips this year but having a full week off from teaching will be wonderful.

      I'll check in again as soon as I'm able, but I'll carry all of you with me into the peace and quiet and beauty of the pacific northwest wilderness :heartbeat:


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Originally posted by wagmor View Post
        Ok nesters, I'm gonna be gone for the next few days - we're heading off to one more fire lookout in the forest for 3 days and then to a friend's little cabin on a wild and scenic river to have about a week away from the fireworks here in our part of the city (and a vacation from work for me!). I'm almost certain we won't have any sort of signal the first place we're staying so I don't expect to be able to get online. The second place is supposed to have wifi but I never totally believe those things until I am there. Either way, I'm looking forward to the break. We've done several "long weekend" types of trips this year but having a full week off from teaching will be wonderful.

        I'll check in again as soon as I'm able, but I'll carry all of you with me into the peace and quiet and beauty of the pacific northwest wilderness :heartbeat:
        Are you a lookout relief? My ex and I did that for 3 years. No vehicle access. 2 1\2 Mike hike up the mountain but absolutely an awesome time.
        The easy way to quit drinking?:


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Have great day everyone. DON'T DRINK! I won't
          The easy way to quit drinking?:


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Wags, I was in a swanky hotel across from Disneyland in Anaheim and I didn’t have a cell signal! You just never know! Have fun!

            Kensho, I am with you on the brewery thing, I have no business in a brewery or a winery! I am very proud of you for sticking to your convictions.

            Narilly, I was struck when you said your new coworkers were helpful and positive. I almost sent a snippet of that to my boss, saying, I know this is possible! I’m so happy for you.

            I was surfing channels yesterday and hit Shawshank Redemption just right...a quote from Andy, ‘Get busy living or get busy dying’. I have to think that this resonates with all of us here, because we have done both. Here’s to our collective strength to help each other!
            Happy Sunday to all! Byrdie
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Happy Un Hung Sunday everyone.
              I am just going to have my cuppa, it is a beautiful day here. We are gearing up for Canada Day tomorrow, should be fun.

              Wags, have a nice trip. We will be here waiting for you to get that internet access.

              Byrdie, so sorry you are in such a toxic environment. I have had jobs like that and they truly suck. Xo

              Grateful to be sober.
              Don’t drink today everyone.

              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

              AF April 12, 2014


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Happy Sunday from the great state of Texas! Busy week for me this week, summer is in full effect which typically results in a busy hospital. I work at one of the biggest pediatric hospitals in the world. The influx of heat related emergencies are in full swing- we're already seeing crazy amounts of drowning and near drowning incidents. One of them really hit me hard and kind of resonated with me. A family get together with heavy drinking turned into everyone passing out and a toddler found their way to the pool.
                I recall times in my drinking days where my addiction allowed me to put my kiddos at risk in some form or fashion.
                I still have regrets and remorse which I know can be toxic. If a person feels deserving of punishment means that they may sabotage their own efforts to find happiness, which can lead to the "fuck-its". I say all of this as a reminder to myself to continue to use my darkest days/guilts and remorseful feelings as tools and assets to reinforce my quit foundation.
                Anyway I'm rambling.

                Kensho- I'm sorry your husband is not supporting your quit, it almost sounds like he wants you to fail, so things can get back to "normal".
                He sounds a lot like the old me, in the way he is choosing Al over anyone and anything.
                Stay hard little lady

                Narilly congrats on the job front, you sound great.
                AF 08~05~2014

                There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Well, back here after a hiatus and unsuccessful moderating!

                  Sick of the hangovers, sick of the cloudy head.

                  Day 1 again everybody.

                  Hope you are all well, don't drink today :exclaim:
                  Last edited by Change; June 30, 2019, 05:30 PM.
                  One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Originally posted by narilly View Post

                    Don’t drink today xo.
                    Narilly, please keep saying this at the end of your posts, you have no idea how much it is needed ��
                    Last edited by Change; June 30, 2019, 05:43 PM.
                    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hi, All:

                      Forgot to say HI to you [MENTION=19794]TJAF[/MENTION] - Love when you stop by.

                      Change - Glad you're back. When I first came here I told everyone that it was for good, but in my mind it was for 90 days because then I was going to be "fixed" and I would be able to go back to my love, alcohol. I think I lasted about a week, then headed to a concert and decided to drink for four long nights in a row. It was AWFUL. I also was big into "moderating" that last year before I quit, and I just ended up drinking with more ferocity in between times. I'm glad you're back - sorry for your experience, but make it a lasting lesson and you'll be good. What do you need from us?

                      Wags - sounds delightful. I'm looking forward to a short trip off the grid later in the summer.

                      Kensho - I'm sorry your husband isn't being supportive. I really feel for you. That adds a whole other layer to this whole thing. It would be very hard for me. Good for you for taking care of yourself.

                      I'm exhausted after the long party for my mom - but we had fun. A LOT of drinking, but no one got wasted or anything. Bummer that my teens saw that everyone was drinking to have fun, but oh well.

                      Happy SOBER Sunday,


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nesters,

                        Still hot here, so much for cooling rain storms. They don’t seem to happen anymore, oh well.
                        The ‘blended chicken family’ seems to be doing well so far, no major brawls have broken out yet, haha!!

                        Hello & welcome back Change! Glad you decided to drop in the nest. Update your plan with some great ideas from the Tool box, be sure to cover all your drinking triggers. You can do this

                        Wags, enjoy the peace & quiet & no students!!

                        Hello to Overit, Narilly, the cake baking Byrdie & Matt!

                        We ran out for a quick, easy dinner in honor of our 46th wedding anniversary. We went to Applebees & were seated right next to the bar & it didn’t bother me a bit. Husband drank 1 glass of beer & that was it - no bother whatsoever. We decided today that if/when we make it to 50 years we’re gonna throw a big yard party & have one of the locals come & do a pig roast, LOL

                        Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Originally posted by Pavati View Post
                          What do you need from us?
                          Nothing Pav, just for you guys to keep being yourselves and recounting your stories, and daily scenarios, it’s nice to read ��

                          Interesting about the golden 90 day idea. I kind of know what you mean. Somewhere in my mind, i've thought i'd be better after 30-40 days.

                          I'm not putting any pressure on myself, only to get through 'this day'. I am literally one day at a time right now.

                          Will be looking at toolbox later. 6-8.30pm is the hardest for me, when the loneliness kicks in. If i can make it through that time, i am usually okay.

                          A friend is about to become homeless due to his drinking. He won't admit that though.. It is stressing me out. I want to call him on it, but he will probably turn on me. I had to help him move about two years ago, similiar situation. Late night phone call saying he was about to be 'locked out' of the house he'd not paid rent at for God knows how long. I don't think i can go through it again, packing up his things in a rush and moving him and his few belongings in one car load at 10pm, when i've got better things to do. This time is worse, he has no job.

                          I'm thinking about sending him a whole lot of links for homelessness support (in an email).
                          Last edited by Change; June 30, 2019, 07:33 PM.
                          One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            morning nesters

                            Well Monday here and i just cant find any motivation but i can surely look busy.

                            Are you home yet G? the weather has warmed up for you.

                            Change, i realised that alcoholics cant moderate otherwise we would not be alcoholics. like Pav i decided that i would not drink until i turned 50 and then surely i would be able to drink normally. after 4 months of not drinking i decided that i could not drink again. i never said never though, that was too painful to get my head around, not being with my best friend but now after many years sober, i hate alcohol. I never want a day 1 again and it has been one of the hardest things i have ever done although the best and the most rewarding. We all have the badge for moderating and failing. Concentrate on yourself Change, make you the priority. We need to help ourselves before we help anyone else. Sad as it is and it could happen to any of us if we choose to let drinking take over our lives.

                            Kensho, just ignore hubs, that might work as he is full of s**t. i get told i am boring sometimes but better boring than dead i say.

                            You are sounding happy Nar.

                            well i am busy trying to now do billing so best get on with it.

                            take care xx
                            Last edited by available; June 30, 2019, 09:34 PM.
                            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Good Monday Morning, Nesters!

                              I'm sitting in a woodsy hotel living/breakfast room with my mom, waiting for the girls to find their way downstairs.. we'll be heading back to the heat today, though it's cooler than June usually is. Yesterday we went on an adventure course in the trees, with climbing harnesses, obstacles and ziplines. I'm so afraid of hights and had never done anything of the sort, but had to accompany my younger daughter for her to be allowed to go. We finished 3 out of 5 of the courses, and though I was quite proud of myself for overcoming some fear, it isn't anything I ever need to do again!
                              I'm reading a great mystery, in which one of the main characters is a highly functioning alcoholic.. it's heartbreaking and that along with reading here each day is helping to keep my mind on track. I had some stupid thoughts about drinking on Saturday.. I was still (after a week!) quite constipated (TMI!) from our travels, which sometimes happens, and that popped into my mind as a way to deal with it. I've been eating well and exercising so I was quite frustrated and feeling terrible.. anyway, I didn't pay attention to those thoughts. I know the truth and what it means if I decide to drink for any reason.

                              Which leads me into a big Welcome back to Change! Glad to see you back in the Nest! We all know what it means to try to moderate and fail at it.. for me (and I tried a million times) it was such a time sucking, life and energy sucking venture. I know that "one" or "a couple" of drinks now and then, for this or that occasion will always be a lie. It will always lead to more, it will always be difficult (at some point) to get myself back on track. Stay close by! Day to day, minute to minute is great as long as we don't drink.. they add up.:love:

                              Great post, Matt.. I'm so sorry for that family. I thank god that my drinking never resulted in hurting anyone. I realise that I'm also lucky that it didn't. I like what you wrote about losing the feeling of deserving punishment.. I think that was/is my last obstacle. Getting past the guilt, letting the past be the past..keeping it somewhere in mind to learn from it but not beating myself up over it.

                              Oh shoot. Everyone's down for brekkie so I have to go.

                              Love to everyone and see you this evening.xx


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Hiya Nest. Nice moist morning here in dryland, and the air smells good.

                                Change, that is a great observation that your cravings go away. It helped me tremendously to know that I just had to get through my "witching hour", and then I felt much better. Remember that and distract yourself in any way possible! You're doing great!

                                AVA you crack me up. I feel you on at least looking busy. It's my first day back to work and I'm not sure how productive I can really be! Thank you for your honesty about BS comments... it helps to have proper perspective. And you're right. My husband is clinging to his way of life and making me wrong to do it. I lost that perspective on vacation... thank goodness you all were here when I needed you!

                                You sound good LC. Acceptance is where it all starts. Do you find that reading about drinkers is helpful or harmful? I've found both, depending on how the story is spun. Enjoy your visit with your family, and kudos for facing your fears on the high wires. Remember that with alcohol. Fear of dealing with life kept me trying to moderate for a long time. None of my fears ended up turning into anything I regret now... you can face it and survive, I promise!

                                I had a drinking dream last night... I only had a small amount and decided I could pretend it was nothing because it was so little... but the reality ate at me horribly. SO glad it was a dream. !!!!!!!

                                I saw someone stumbling the other day in a haze, and remembered how it felt to get fuzzy. The thing is that I pitted this woman. Felt sorry for her for escaping life. I love living!!!

                                Done. Moving on to life.

