KENSHO - Personally, I never wondered why you were here - I could hear the disordered drinking behavior in so many of your posts, especially the sneaking of extra shots or things like that. I noticed it because it was so much like what I did as well. As Pav said, it isn't about the amount a person drinks (although that can make things worse) it's about how it controls us. People who are "normal" drinkers do NOT sneak al, and do not finagle ways to get extra without others knowing. I am super glad you're here and am SO proud that you kept coming back after trying to moderate and you seem to now be so solid in your quit. :hug:
SoberJ - welcome to the nest!
Steady and Daisy - glad to see you both

Pav - I love how you described that your life is better with your husband, even if he isn't your "everything". This sounds very healthy, as it's unlikely that any single person could be everything for someone else, and it's unfair to both if either partner expects that.
I'm exhausted and falling asleep as I type so I'll say goodnight for now. Happy Fridays to everyone!