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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Great posts these past few days. Love the discussion about FB and its associated pros and cons. I think it can be a good tool, but it also is contributing to our global culture/society in some really negative ways. Comparing our lives to the cherry-picked aspects of others' will almost always feel bad. The whole part of social media in general that is feeding this wave of "here's what I had for lunch and here's what I was thinking on the toilet and..." is not good or psychologically healthy in my opinion. On the plus side, people can reconnect or stay connected with friends and family around the world in a fairly efficient way. I know several fairly isolated people (geographically, politically, or otherwise) who would have almost no support network if not for their FB friends. But I think on balance the negative outweighs the positive.

    Kensho - regarding how the other dad reacted to your not drinking, I think drinking is just one of many ways in which we (generic collective "we") do things because we're "supposed to" do them, everybody does them, we almost do them without thinking or making a considered choice. And then when someone opts to get off of that cattle train, others sometimes react with what is probably jealousy. It's almost threatening. Like it doesn't occur to people that they can choose otherwise, and when someone else dares to, it triggers cognitive dissonance which then causes people to either justify their own choices/behaviors or sometimes triggers growth and change.

    Lav - I love the cool that sometimes follows big storms. I hope you were rewarded with this!

    Byrdie - the right job will come along - just keep putting out into the universe what you're looking for and hopefully it will come your way - maybe when you least expect it!

    Jane - good to see you!

    Hellos and waves to everyone stopping by the nest today. Hope you all have great Friday days and eves!


      Re: Newbies Nest

      I hate alcohol. I read through some of my past posts from a long time ago. What a mind game it was - and is - for me. The head-space it took for me to evaluate, calculate and control my habit was ridiculous. I have felt such freedom from just letting it go - understanding that I would never be at peace until I just let alcohol go. I've been thinking about it a lot over the past few weeks, and I've been right back in that boat of negotiation and consideration and blah blah blah... it's all addictive chatter. I'm so tired of it. I built a life around sobriety over the past 20 months. I developed healthy ways to cope, better communication skills, and a peace that doesn't exist with alcohol in the picture. I've had some shakes recently, but the discomfort that has come with that is enough to scare me straight and sober. I never, ever want to repeat the experiment of being a drinker. Thank you for being here Nest. I couldn't do this without you.

      Done. Moving on to life.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Love that post Kensho
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Good evening Nesters,

          That’s right Kensho, never give up our hard fought for freedom, no matter what

          Wags, the good thing about FB is you can just turn it off if you need to feel peaceful. I have actually hidden some of my relatives pages so I don’t have to see what they are griping about. That brings me peace
          It still went up to 90 degrees today but the humidity has dropped way down so it’s not too bad.

          Pav, I think it was you who asked about further treatments for my husband? The answer to that is No, so far. He was told in the beginning that if they had to do anything further it would be in the form of immunotherapy (not chemo). Keeping my fingers crossed.

          Hello to Pauly, NS, Jane, Byrdie, Ava, G & everyone.
          Wishing a sfae night in the nest for all!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Fingers crossed Lav!

            Wags, I logged off Facebook today. IÂ’m done for awhile. It brings out my insecurities and makes me start the comparison game. I donÂ’t need that now, or ever. I went off Facebook all of last summer and it was fine. I realized I didnÂ’t need it. So it wonÂ’t be difficult to do now.

            Kensho, wow. Great post that completely resonates with me. As you said, the “addictive chatter” gets me all the time. When someone asked me what happens when I quit trying, that’s exactly what it is and what happens! Now you’ve given me the correct terms and it’s so spot on for me. I start the negotiating, tell myself,”I’m not that bad, blah, blah, blah.” I never had a DUI. I never did this or that. What I do manage to do is ignore all the awful stuff alcohol has done to me. The list is freaking huge. Keep that peace within yourself. You deserve it.

            I was walking around the neighborhood today after having a bit of a pity party. Before I logged off, IÂ’d seen too many people happy, partying, having a grand olÂ’ Time here and there. I started to get jealous and cranky. I realized that itÂ’s time to bite the bullet and just quit FB. If IÂ’m going to react that way, I have no business being on there. So as I walked, I realized IÂ’ve never given myself a chance to see the good side of myself. I want that chance but I wonÂ’t see it unless I break those heavy chains. I need to get strong in order to break them, and IÂ’m willing to do the work it takes. I know the crabby attitude will come and go, but I think it came on strong as itÂ’s Friday. Friday ainÂ’t no ticket to Boozeville. Or Saturday. Or Sunday through Thursday!

            Damn. It’s happening again. The A thing.
            Last edited by jvo; August 9, 2019, 07:41 PM.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hello everyone, I'm back here again. I can't remember when I 'left' but it's irrelevant. I was doing pretty well, and events have turned me back to heavy drinking, white wine, never spirits. I want to stop, I need to stop, but I'm scared. For the last few months I have been back to drinking a bottle.... then 1litre, and now I can drink a litre, then phone the home delivery and order pizza and a 750ml bottle, and drink the lot. I am too scared to just stop incase I get a severe withdrawal. I don't remember exactly how to taper. I start drinking around 6pm. Please can anyone advise me the best way of tapering, and suggest what to do to stop me from just drinking the entire lot, or calling the home delivery? I know, I'm pathetic. Thank you in advance for any help.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hi nesters

                Feather you are not pathetic, you are an alcoholic, that does not make us pathetic people.
                Welcome to the nest, doesnt matter how long ago you were here, you are back and that matters.
                I was a 2 bottle a day wine drinker, every single day except the weekends where of course i gave myself permission to drink more.
                I stopped cold turkey though did take valium for a few days as my anxiety was through the roof worrying if i would have seizures etc.
                You need to change your whole routine and use pure grit and determination not to ring for takeaway, have food in the house to eat, when you have those thoughts take a shower, call someone other than the takeaway people. Habits can be changed.
                Maybe if you feel confident enough make an apt to see your doctor who can advise you on the best way to stop drinking if you are worried. I didnt want to admit to my doctor i drank, i was too ashamed. its a catch 22 really.

                Keep on here and read around the different threads, be accountable and be with others that can and will help you and understand what you are going through. no one knows an alkie like another.

                take care xx
                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Feather,I agree with Ava that it's probably best to see your doctor about trying to get some help for withdrawal, tapering CAN work but it takes alot of grit and determination and sometimes if it's not done right you'll just end up drunk again and the cycle continues,I wish you well and I'm glad you're here
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Welcome Feather, glad you are here. I don’t know much about tapering but a doctor sounds like a good start. Go to one right away and start the process. You don’t need AL in your life, it will kill you. Keep coming back.
                    Maybe try an AA meeting in your area, they also might be able to give you some good ideas. I have gone to AA many times myself, everything helps.
                    Great post Ken.
                    Yeah JVo, when FB starts making you feel bad it’s time to turn it off. It definitely is a time sucker. I try to spend minimal time on it.
                    Well it’s Friday and I am looking forward to a nice weekend although it is raining here. That’s ok, I won’t be hungover which is all that counts.

                    Don’t drink today xo.

                    "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                    "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                    AF April 12, 2014


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Good morning.

                      Up early on a Saturday again, and not for a swim meet. Going to do some work in an old Victorian house. We are redesigning one room for charity. But its in demo stage now and we will do some work. I do miss sleep. I also miss checking in here on a regular basis. It's amazing how a little time away leaves me off balance!

                      Welcome Feathersnfur! I"m glad you're back! You're not pathetic, alcohol is pathetic. I can't offer advice on tapering personally, but we are here to support you, so tell us how its going.

                      JVO, leave that bad stuff behind. It might feel empty and weird for awhile, but that hole fills in with much better stuff with time.

                      I have to run... mountains are calling (and a heap of carpet I need to pull up). I don't like Saturday work much - it's usually the only play day I get! Best to all!
                      Last edited by KENSHO; August 10, 2019, 09:21 AM.

                      Done. Moving on to life.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Kensho - great post, definitely one for the tool box!

                        Jvo - a break from FB, either periodically or for good, seems like a very good thing.

                        Feathersnfur - welcome back, really glad you're here. When I quit drinking 5 years ago (my 2nd-to-last quit, so not the 3+ year one I now have under my belt, but back in 2014 when I first joined MWO), I had been drinking so heavily that quitting cold turkey would have been potentially dangerous. I was in really bad shape and started my quit with a taper. It was extraordinarily hard, not just physically but also mentally, as I'd made up my mind to quit but now had to buy al so that I could consume solely to ward off withdrawal symptoms. I was honestly quite scared and was also completely miserable.

                        I was really wanting to get through the taper on my own, but I finally ended up going to get help from a dr who gave me a few meds to help ease the process. He also carefully evaluated the withdrawal symptoms I was experiencing and gave me medical input regarding whether I was in danger, what to watch out for, etc. I don't recall the specifics, but he gave me some things through an IV (vitamins & electrolytes I think) and then a few Rx's to take for just a week or so. I didn't really have a primary care physician at the time, but instead went to one I found who advertised expertise with addiction and withdrawal. It helped a ton and I was able to stop drinking altogether within just a few days.

                        The biggest lesson for me was, if you're concerned enough about your drinking that you think you need to taper, it is probably best to get medical help. Al withdrawal can be deadly, and it's definitely terrifying when you think you're on the brink of it.

                        Hugs to you, and please keep us posted :hug:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Agree, Kensho, that post would be a nice additions to the Tool Box. It is that negotiation that is our undoing, isn’t it? One chink in the armor is all it takes. That’s where and when I had to draw the line and make it NON Negotiable. I took the choice off the table, just as you’ve done. It has to be nonnegotiable, otherwise it is going to kill me. I will not allow that. It IS my choice. I’m so glad that you have muscled through some tough times, they are always going to present themselves, we must be ready. You are shoring up YOUR toolbox, and that’s what it takes. There’s nothing like going back thru your own posts to see how far you’ve come. :heartbeat:

                          Welcome back, FnF. When I was in the throes of active addiction, I switched from vodka to wine. After all, I didn’t have a problem with that, until I did. When I quit vodka, I limited myself to 2 glasses of wine a night. Over the next year, that increased to about a bottle and a half a night, more on weekends. The moral of the story, it doesn’t matter the carrier, AL is AL. Good advice on getting medical help. In the past when you’ve quit, did you have any problems? We are glad you’re here.

                          The interesting story this this trip is going to the bathroom and there was a lady in there brushing her teeth, they were in her hand! Yikes!
                          I had a good interview, but I declined the job. I just didn’t want to start over. Hopefully, I will be able to quit this one soon.

                          Great posts, all. Happy Sattidy. Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Haha, Byrdie! That was a funny one about the teeth.

                            Good morning. It’s a beautiful Saturday morning and I’m grateful to be, as Nar says, unhung. I guess this is how adults wake up to a Saturday, with a clear head and energy to enjoy the day, even if there’s a to do list. I’m ready to be an adult.

                            Welcome Feather, Glad you are here in the nest. So much good advice, and being that I’m only 11 days sober today, I can’t give better, but I will say that you can do this with me. I quit once again (not my first, but my last) due to struggles with my health, self-esteem, and just the lack of life. I don’t want to lose anymore as times a ticking. Let’s do this together.

                            I’ll be visiting my aunt today for dinner. Some other fam members are going also, including my sweet little great nephews. Looking forward to it.



                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              morning nesters

                              Byrd i had to read your story about the lady 3 times before i understood it, too early to be awake is my thoughts.

                              Im on holidays for two weeks and it feels great. have my daughter visiting today which will be lovely, she seems to be making this a weekend date and thats lovely. They are all starting to follow down my af path and are realising that waking up with a hangover just loses a day out of your life. i lost so many days, weeks, months, years.

                              Lav, i hope your hubs is ok. thats a lot of cutting to get the melanoma, i hope they get it all and you can relax and not play nurse! I am a bad nurse and im not even a nurse. im a bad patient too.

                              Jvo, a break from fb cant do us any harm, i hardly pop a post up now unless its carl or a trip away. In my drinking days, well i thought i was so cool and funny so posted every damn thing. sighs of regret here. messenger is what i normally use fb for. a wonderful tool.

                              well time for a cuppa, carl is awake and wanting to dig me out of bed or maybe look for a bone!

                              take care xx
                              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Hola Nesters,

                                Welcome FnF! Great to see you taking back your precious life. Keep us posted on your progress.

                                Jvo, Huge congrat's on day 11! Bravo mi amiga. Time is a tickin' to be sure. That's fine, except when i look back at the amount of time i've really wasted sitting and drinking from dawn or earlier in a chair just looking out a window watching people, life and time pass me by. Numb, a shell. There was some strange joy in my self created melancholy at times, but mostly it was emotionally painful and boring as i knew deep down i was ripping myself off (and the world) BIG TIME! I finally stopped when i'd had enough and luckily some small pilot light of hope, life or common sense prevailed.

                                Ava. Ripper on your holidays!

                                Day 334. Unreal maaaan! Big numbers. They began with a day 1, then a day 2, then day 7...........

                                Big waves to evabody. Do what you love today.
                                Last edited by Guitarista; August 10, 2019, 04:09 PM.

                                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

