Morning nesters,J-vo I think 80's music makes everything go smoother haha,glad you're getting the prep done early so you're not rushing around last minute,I get so stressed doing that! Byrdie,great news about BIL! I'm so glad they got him to the hospital in time 100% blocked sounds very scary,Nora,glad you decided to sit down before anymore damage could be done,those baby teething gels have been banned cuz they were hurting babies they had some chemical or something in them so when Romeo was teething it was me who suggested whiskey on the gums,Kell refused of course but he was in so much pain I couldn't think of anything else,doc just told her icy stuff to suck on,Wags,I often catch myself thinking wow last time I did this I was drinking,could be something as small as going to a store I haven't been to in awhile or something big like a trip,I hate those ugly days and will probably always have my regrets,was laying in bed last night thinking of that Kenny Chesney song "Don't blink" about the guy who's a 100 and says it goes faster than you think,it really does! I'm not 100 of course dunno if I'll see it (or want to) but thinking how fast this first part of my life has gone and really pissed I spent part of it in a fog is really sad
