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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Originally posted by jvo View Post
    G, are you making fun of me! haha!
    Yes ma'am! But only with the intention of putting a smile on your face.

    Originally posted by Byrdlady View Post
    You can't imagine how much I appreciate your thoughts and prayers. BIL had the stint put in and Sis sent me the Before and AFter x ray, that artery was 100% blocked. They say he has another one that is 50% blocked, they aren't sure what will be done about that. He stayed in ICU last night, they are moving him to a regular room today. I haven't gotten an update this morning yet. Sis was staying with him. This is surely a wake up call that life is not guaranteed to anyone. This is a guy who exercises regularly and is in shape, he is 6 months older than I am.
    Byrdy, hope he'll be ok. Out of interest, re that artery 100% blocked: what's his food intake like? Gr8 he exercises but do u know if his diet would've caused that blockage? Any heart issues in his family history? None of my business of course so no stress. I only ask out of interest coz i exercise regularly too, and keep the junk fatty deep fried foods to a bare minimum, so i'm wondering if diet in his case (as a fit guy) caused the problem. Either way i think the message is get regular checkups for all essential organs. Hope your working week is not too loco.

    Originally posted by paulywogg View Post
    last night thinking of that Kenny Chesney song "Don't blink" about the guy who's a 100 and says it goes faster than you think,it really does! I'm not 100 of course dunno if I'll see it (or want to) but thinking how fast this first part of my life has gone and really pissed I spent part of it in a fog is really sad no mas! Waves to all and wishes for a great booze free day
    Yo Pauly! How r ya? Life does go in the blink of an eye as they say don't it? I am trying to retrain my brain to be in the moment more, and do things that are meaningful to me. e.g. do something daily that moves towards my big dreams, or maintains the dream i might even be in right now lol.

    Originally posted by lifechange View Post
    Pauly, we've just got to let go of those regrets! Nothing doing about the past.. but right now, and the future?! We've got this. I keep reminding myself that I never have to make those mistakes again..:love:

    So important LC. One of the big game changers for me. I leave the past alone as best i can these days. I've looked it in the eye and attempted to make my peace in my own way, and that's good enough for me.

    I'll tell you, what's helped me TONS! is to come home and have a 20 minute power nap on the sofa.. I set the alarm and nap or if I can't sleep, meditate in the supine position. I'm usually so mentally and physically exhausted after work and this really helps..
    20 min Power nap straight after work LC? I might try it. I'm knackered too after my working days and sometimes find myself nodding of around 6.30-7 ish lol. A power nap at some stage might keep me in the game a little longer allowing for a full evening! Thanks for the tip mi amiga.

    Welcome back Tony. Gr8 job on day 1 and taking back your precious life mate. Keep it going. you're worth it.

    Ava and Steady. Are weekends best for youse for a party? My anni looks to be Sept. 10th.

    All's well here. Crazy, new, strange.......but pretty fine. Big waves to all.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Well it looks like I'll be a night owl again tonight... I don't even feel like sleep but I know from before that will pass in time.. on a positive note I'm safely through day 1 and (just) into day 2 .... I'd love to report it's been easy but that would not be true. I was fine, mostly, until around 6pm ... worked until 11 so I was still on shift, but I got quite a few pangs and that feeling that seems to be in the back of your throat...what's that about:exclaim:?

      All safe now though, because I'm home, all bars shut and you can't get off-sales of alcohol in Scotland between 10pm and 10 al in the house so I am safe until tomorrow and know I'll be ok then...

      I just keep asking myself why I put myself through this again when I knew it would all go wrong...of course the answer to that is easy...addiction!!!
      Last edited by tonyniceday; August 21, 2019, 06:51 PM.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Tony - Look at you already into Day 2. That's the way to get it done.
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Tony - so glad to see you back here with us. You've got the hardest part done already - deciding to quit and then doing it! Tuck yourself into the nest and get comfortable. As NS said, the sleep will come once your neurotransmitters return to normal levels and patterns. For now, at least you've got some great threads to catch up on. Maybe something on netflix or youtube? Jvo has been sharing some good youtube documentaries recently. Anyway, welcome back :hug:

          Byrdie - good news about BIL, and hopefully they'll figure out what might be contributing to the blockage (diet, genetics, etc). Thanks also for helping Tony get back in!

          Lav - enjoy the senior pup

          LC - great idea about the power nap. I should probably try that at least some days. I like the idea that it doesn't always have to be a nap per se and may sometimes be meditation.

          Hellos and waves to everyone stopping by the nest today/tonight. Happy sober hump days!


            Re: Newbies Nest

            afternoon nesters

            Byrd glad your BIL is ok, he will be back to his energetic self in not time.

            LC great to see you checking back in and you are sounding great.

            G, weekends are great for me, week days not so good but i can definitely be available after 1pm or middayish on the tuesday of your anniversary if that suits you better and it is your big day. it is totally up to you. my work is flexible now.

            Welcome Tony and glad to have you back with us albeit under the circumstances. Ahhh who needs sleep i say, mine has not improved in 5+ years, i average 5 to 6 hours a night and am a great believer in naps if i can though this can create a vicious cycle of less sleep at night.

            Slo, i am so happy for your sister, onwards and upwards.

            I am loving not working atm, forgotten about getting the house in order but am trying to get into a routine of going to the gym every 2nd day, walking every day and spending time with carl. Today i met my daughter and we went for a 5 kilometre walk (in the rain) and then had breakfast, carl then had his first big boy groom and looks like a different dog (pic to come). He gets desexed next week so hopefully this will stop him cocking his leg on everything. Now 4 months smoke free so pretty impressed with myself about that. No more relapsing on that front, i just dont smoke now.

            Going to sort out some socks now. What an exciting life i lead.

            take care xx
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Greetings, MWO-ers,

              I've been posting far and few between, but MWO and it's people are never far from my thoughts. I get in a bit of an anxiety pickle trying to catch up with all that's gone on and post responses, so I'm just going to wish everyone well - those who've been here a long time, those who've recently joined, and those who've been members since way-back and have now returned.

              The past month or so has been a challenge. Hubs has had various symptoms and finally agreed to get checked out. We saw a specialist today, as he been diagnosed with widespread artherosclerosis (blocked arteries). He recently quit smoking (tobacco and weed), and today doctor asked about his drinking. Reality hits awfully hard when one is told they need to change their habits or risk heart attack. So tackling the Al beast will be next.

              Not long to go now [MENTION=7261]Guitarista[/MENTION]! I am more than happy to fit in with what time and days suits you and [MENTION=6487]ava[/MENTION] to catch up, as I am still "between jobs."

              I'm sorry I don't post more often, hopefully with things changing on the home front I'll be less distracted and anxious.

              Best wishes to all,
              AF free since April 29, 2013


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hi all,

                Sheesh Steady. that's tough re ur hubby. Gr8 start with him ditching the fags. I hope he'll be ok. Byrdy mentioned above that her BIL had a stent put in after some heart problems. Re meeting up, cool. Tuesday's aren't real good for me, so given what you and Ava have said, maybe a saturday arvo after the 10th sept? I'll be in touch.

                Ava, sounds like you're having a blast with ur time off. Having the week off here and loving it.

                Take it easy y'all.
                Last edited by Guitarista; August 22, 2019, 04:48 AM.

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Good morning,

                  Getting closer to my official work start date and I can feel the anxiety creeping up a bit. I’d rather have a little anxiety and learn how to deal with it soberly than numb myself and feel like crap when going back to face the school year. A bit inside me is excited for a brand new year, but I think that’s also a result of feeling better physically and knowing my life is different without al. I know deep down things can and will annoy me less. I did get a bit disappointed yesterday at some things at work, but I know that I have a few very good friends at work I love and can talk with about it, I have the cutest classroom on earth (well, that it, until I went on pintrist and saw these beautiful classroom ideas but they probably cost an arm and leg for the decorations), and I have this feeling of being ok. It feels great to be just “ok.” I’m grateful for my very first school year to be completely sober through it. I may find that it’s still doable for me and I may handle things differently. We will see!

                  G, thanks for making me giggle. My students always make fun of me and I love it. ItÂ’s goofy stuff that makes me laugh.

                  Congrats dear Ava on four months smoke free. ThatÂ’s huge and so impressive. Keep it up. IÂ’m a bit jealous you kids can meet up. Have a great time.

                  Steadfast, sorry about your husbands diagnosis, but IÂ’m sure youÂ’re grateful that he has found this out so he can make the changes before itÂ’s too late.

                  Have a good day.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    G, My BIL came home yesterday and seems to be feeling good. They warned that a bit of depression may creep in as the gravity of what happened sinks in. His dad is in his 80's and overweight, diabetic and has high blood pressure and a laundry list of ailments. Seeing the writing on the wall, BIL has tried to anticipate what his genes may have in mind and watched his diet pretty carefully. Sis said there is always room for improvement, so they will be making course corrections on that. They live on a farm and fresh veggies are readily available to them. I have to think that his exercising and watching his diet HELPED him in this case.

                    Steady, always good to see you! I'm jealous of your soiree with Available and G! It is just amazing to meet MWO'ers in real life!

                    Work continues to be a **itshow. Glad I don't drink! Hugs to all, Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Morning nesters,just wanted to wish everyone a great AF day back later!
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Hi, All:

                        Tony - Hi, and welcome back! You own/work in a bar or restaurant, right? I'm wondering if there is any way you could take a week or two off. The Day 3-6 is usually ROUGH with cravings, and I'm wondering if you could take yourself away from temptation for a moment? I'm glad to see you here.

                        J-vo - you definitely have a challenging job. Take Byrdie's advice and don't drink AT anyone or anything. Hopefully you'll use your support network and come up with a solid plan for when work has you down in the dumps the most.

                        LC - Thanks for checking in. You, too, Steady. I know posting regularly isn't for everyone. I'm too afraid of relapse to wander too far, but DON'T stress about not being caught up - that would be impossible.

                        Wags and Nar - you must be busy with work. Hope it is all going well.

                        Byrdie - how's BiL today. Those heart attacks out of nowhere are scary. My husband had a major health scare several years ago and it changed NOTHING in his lifestyle. Very frustrating to be someone who loves him, but he has to make his own choices.

                        Happy SOBER Thursday!


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          [MENTION=20191]Pavati[/MENTION] I can't remember exactly where I was, life wise, when I was last here but Mrs T and I separated at the start of 2018 so I am just a silent partner in the restaurant now and its 60 miles no issue there which is good as there is around £3500 (wholesale so about £10k retail) of booze there at any wasn't always easy trying to be sober in that environment.

                          I now have a proper job!!


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hi Nest!

                            Byrdie, glad to hear your BIL is home and recovering. I would love to have farm-fresh veggies for my every day use! Hopefully he is able to make some productive changes in his lifestyle.

                            Welcome back Tony! I would imagine it’s pretty hard to see alcohol in your face all the time at work. Good for you for stopping back in the nest. I worked in restaurants for 4 years and saw a lot of substance abuse. We talked a long time ago about mocktails…. Maybe you can make it a focus to come up with awesome non-AL drinks! Good to see you!

                            Ava, so glad you’re enjoying your time off. I always get more exercise when I’m on break, and it feels so good. The trick is to keep it up when life hits again! Totally awesome job on 4 months of no smoking!

                            Steady, sorry about your husband’s health troubles. It’s wonderful that you can be a support to his alcohol reduction or elimination! Please don’t feel like you have to write a book when you come. I, for one, would rather know that you are ok, than you not visiting because you feel you must write more!

                            JVO, its so good to see you regularly checking in here. The name of the game is dealing differently with stresses when they come. Have you listed the challenges that may be causing you anxiety, and ways which you might cope with them other than alcohol? It’s good to be prepared for them, because it’s hard to come up with spur of the moment options when we really feel in the weeds.

                            My kids are getting back in the swing of school, and I am too. The new schedule rocks us for a bit, but generally things are positive. I’m enjoying more exercise and continue to try to balance my life between work and family and personal nourishment. Generally, I’m happy. I feel like I’ve passed through the little stumbling moment I had with the f-its. I’m back at feeling proud of my decision not to drink, glad I’m healthier and happier for it. I’m so glad I am not poisoning my body and spirit with alcohol any more.

                            G, when’s the party??

                            Have a great day everyone.
                            Last edited by KENSHO; August 22, 2019, 11:41 AM.

                            Done. Moving on to life.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Good evening Nesters,

                              Can’t wait to wake up to cooler weather tomorrow. If the forecast is wrong, as usual someone’s going to pay!!! LOL
                              Seriously sick of the excessive heat this summer.

                              Steady, sorry to hear your husband has health issues. This must be the year for stuff to go wrong. My husband has had multiple surgeries to remove melanoma this summer. He just had the last sutures removed this morning. Hang in there & hopefully he will change his mind about making changes once the shock wears off.

                              Tony, glad you are no longer stuck working around all that AL anymore. That must have been difficult.

                              I see lots of people checked in today, that’s awesome & it’s how we get this job done
                              Hello to all & wishing aa safe night in the nest for all!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Cooler here tomorrow also, Lav. Bout time!

                                Pav and Ken, my challenge will be to get through the day and keep myself somewhat calm. Deep breathing during lunch for a few minutes, not caring about being perfect. Gee, that doesnÂ’t sound too good of a plan. But when I think too much, I get myself into trouble because that stresses me. I will continue to talk to a few people outside of mwo and listen to them. IÂ’m going to continue taking it one day at a time. I will keep my priority of sobriety before work stuff. And that means I have to let go of trying or pretending to be perfect. Being perfect is such a stupid thing. Really so dumb. IÂ’ve done what I can to prepare for the start of the school year and that gives me peace. Keeping up with the workload and admin expectations are always a challenge as are kids behaviors. IÂ’ll just do what I can do. This is my 28th year so nothing I havenÂ’t done before except...NOT DRINK at things or when things happen. I will not make excuses to drink. IÂ’ll come home and close my eyes, walk, post, message or text. ThatÂ’s my plan.

                                Byrdie, glad BIL is home.


