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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Quick sober fly-by this morning before a very full day. Last night I accepted a student for the last remaining slot in my roster (or the last one I can take and still have a life), and I raised my rates 20% immediately afterward. Now if someone irresistible comes along, at least I'll get paid a premium rate if I decide to add them to my load.

    Things are all good here - hope everyone has an easy day/evening and that those anywhere near hurricane-land stay safe!


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hi, All:

      Byrdie, what's the hurricane information? I hope you're safe! Are you lurking [MENTION=6067]Sunrise[/MENTION]? Thinking of you, too.

      Aaaah, the meaning of life. Yet another important topic in the nest... This is a Viktor Frankl video clip that I share with my colleagues: Why Believe in Others? (Go ahead and click the link, Ava, it is less than 5 minutes!)

      Byrdie - motivating adult humans definitely requires more than a phone call with a thinly veiled threat. I'm sorry you have to put up with that. Does turning 60 mean you get to retire soon?

      Ava, I hope Carl is healing nicely. My dog encountered a deer on our walk around the block last night. His high pitched shriek/howl was so pained (he REALLY wanted to chase) that four people came out on their decks to see if he was getting eviscerated. He is NOT well trained...

      Wags, great your business is so successful and that you can program balance into your life on your own.

      G, getting close to that ONE YEAR!



        Re: Newbies Nest

        Evening everyone,

        Everyone sounds really great here. I’m pooped to be honest. I think it’s the end of the week tiredness, but I do have to say, sitting in inservice and being trained on a bunch of new stuff is more tiring than teaching. The teaching is the fun part, really. The kids started today, and they seem like a nice bunch of kids. We’ve got a lot more learning support kids, autistic kids which is always a challenge. About 33 altogether out of around 110 kids. But they didn’t seem like a ‘bad’ bunch like we had last year. Really can’t tell after day 1!

        I had a chiropractic appt. today after work, and on my way there, I felt so exhausted. After I walked a bit on the treadmill, it revived me a bit. But I did have that thought of “boy a drink would be nice after that long, hard week.” So being exhausted is definitely a trigger of mine. I should include stress along with that. That wouldn’t be a good idea ever, and I know that. I’m not in any danger, and I would say if I were, but that fleeting thought...

        NS, you had a thought, too, but you did not act on it. Do you think feeling that it would be easy to pour a glass of wine was a result of your tiredness, too? I loved Rocketman! Elton will be 30 years sober if he’s not already. I thought I’d seen something about his 30 anniversary. He’s such an amazing man. Love him. I want to see that one again. That should be the next musical on Broadway.

        G, I loved your post and thank you. Yes, we’ve been practicing bad habits for a super long time. It takes practice and conscious effort to retrain our brains. I agree and that’s why patience is so important in the first years. Patience, practice, taking it ODAAT, and like NS said, recommitting daily to your sobriety through your support group. Shit, if I ever mess up again, I’m gonna see if I can hitch a ride with NASA to the moon as I’d be afraid of all of you coming to beat my ass. I’m grateful for that, really.

        Ava, I need to add a bunch of Phil’s songs to my playlist.

        Tony, you’re doing so well! Let’s keep our gratitude attitude going together!

        Byrdie, businesses suck as does public education (which is a business). They want to take everything out of us. More, more, more! It’s very frustrating. I had that conversation with a teacher at work today. The number of expectations is insane, unreachable which then makes one feel very inept because it’s unattainable to meet every goal. I feel my traps already getting hard from the stress of this week. I tense up so easily though, but I did catch myself with my shoulders up near my ears several times this week. Again, my thoughts are with you. I’m a hugger by nature. So this is for you x a trillion and I hope it helps lots. :hug:

        Wags, can we trade a few students!! Glad things are working well for you.

        Day 30 here! I feel good about that. We got a new roof on our house today. It looks beautiful, but now I need new shutters and need to redo the trim!

        Hey Ken, Nar, Lav, LC, and all. Have a good night.
        Last edited by jvo; August 29, 2019, 05:33 PM.


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Morning nesters

          Pav, you will be happy to know i clicked on the link and it was very interesting, then i thought i should click on more links! I had a chuckle about your fur baby not being well trained, carl is not either, he loves humans so much and they seem to look at him like he is a rottweiler and is going to rip their throats out, not lick them to death. You would not think he had had surgery the other day.

          NS, glad you thought of us when you saw that bottle and yes accountability means a lot to me, i dont think i would be very good left to my own devices in the long run.

          Wags, a great idea upping your prices and not over doing your work. After 3 weeks off work i am going back with a different attitude for sure. i keep telling everyone i will fix things up on monday, i am going to have 5 mondays next week.

          Off for an ultrasound today, have some medical problems which is annoying and not in my plans atm but still walking and going to the gym. Age is not for sissies. Why do people tell you at 55 you are getting old. Im just starting to live so choose not to listen to that one. Another beautiful day so my last effort to sort out the house, its getting there slowly, cleaned some windows yesterday and they look great, doing the other two is not appealing though.

          Pauly, my daughter is enjoying vegas, she visited the grand canyon yesterday i told her to take a raincoat as the waterfalls would get her wet and she said "mum thats niagra falls". oh i am a bright spark!

          take care xx
          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Good evening Nesters,

            I think my chickens are noticing the shorter daylight & responding with fewer eggs. BUT I still have plenty to share if you can pick them up, Lol
            Nothing terribly exciting to report but that’s perfectly OK.
            Learning to be patient with ourselves while we heal is vital. It supposedly takes 30 days to form a new habit - I learned that when changing my negative thinking habit into positive thinking with a huge dose of gratitude. It worked for me so I know everyone else can do it too

            Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              You're so cute Ava, Niagra falls is a looooong way from here glad your daughter is having fun
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Re: Newbies Nest

                That was a good video Pav.
                Well, we have tomorrow off and it’s a long weekend. I am going to enjoy the time off. My job is stressful and I don’t think the girl I work with is a big ‘Nar’ fan. Hopefully after a few more months she will come around but that certainly makes my job less enjoyable.

                Byrdie, I’m sorry about your job. It sucks when your boss calls like that.
                JVo, it’s great you like the teaching part at least.

                Ava, NS, yes it makes a big difference being accountable. I need that too.

                Pav your dog sounds hilarious. Mine would have gone crazy if a deer showed up on our walk.
                Hello G, Wags, Tony.
                Life where are you?

                Don’t drink today xo

                "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                AF April 12, 2014


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Hi, All:

                  I am crawling to Friday this week. A lot going on in Pav-land, as it seems in other-lands as well. We got this, Nesters! Take an extra supply of butt velcro and settle in for the long weekend. Take care of yourselves, and don't drink NO MATTER WHAT (yes, I'm shouting).

                  Happy SOBER Friday,


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    AVA, the young doggies seem to heal so quickly! Glad Carl is up and at ‘em!

                    PAV, loved that video. What we could be = what we should be. Potential. Love it.

                    Hang in there Byrdie!

                    JVO, I second (or third) the notion of creating new habits. Once we replace the bad ones with better ones, it gets so much more automatic to ignore alcohol. Glad you’re feeling positive about the returning kiddos! Thank you so much for what you do. You’re helping to build the next generation - we need good people like you!! It doesn’t take perfect “performance” according to the school - just touching a few hearts that thrive because you cared. :heartbeat:

                    We are camping for the last time this season - leaving today. I love camping - just don’t love the preparing. I have so many work loose ends to tie up this morning, as well as pack. Not sure how I’ll get it all done, but I’ll just do my best. I won’t have wireless access (thank God), and I’ll be enjoying the forest, not drinking.

                    Hope everyone has a good weekend. Be gentle and kind to yourselves!
                    Last edited by KENSHO; August 30, 2019, 09:29 AM.

                    Done. Moving on to life.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Friday afternoon and I’m off next week! Wooohooo! Nfortunately, that hurricane looks as if it may impact us. Never a dull moment up here.
                      I hope New Sunrise is ok.
                      Just had a celebratory scoop of Moose Tracks, let the vacation begin! I’ve only got a ticket to the weekend, NOT BoozeVille!
                      Mr G, am I reading you are going to be a PaPa? Holy, I mean holy toddlers! I’m so happy for you! Congrats all around! Keep us posted!
                      Hugs to all, Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Byrdie,I've been splurging on Moose tracks too! Enjoy your time off and I hope you don't get too much of that storm
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          I had a very shaky several hours today. I was literally shaking with anger and after that, I wanted to drink so badly. If it weren’t for my husband, I would have. He hasn’t drunk since I haven’t.

                          It started with work shit. I was so very angry (as all of us at work were) at what the new superintendent sent to us. She sent an email that said we should not have any of our own tech devices in our classroom. So I’m not allowed to use my iPad on my break. We are not allowed to bring in any devices for the kids to use even though we have very little technology. Next, she said we need to take out any appliances such as small refrigerators or coffee makers or fans...I have all of those. It’s freezing in my room (I have a small heater) in the fall and spring. In the winter it’s hot as hell because I have no windows and a small room. So when the air is on, I’m freezing all day, when it’s freezing outside, I sweat. There’s no air circulation. So my small refrigerator will have to come home, where I put my lunch, my coffee creamer (won’t need that anymore) diet cokes..., my Kurieg will come home, and my fan. The small heater which is about 4” by 4” (tiny) will come home. My biggest anger was the no coffee. I know I can get a thermos, it’s just the control issue. I hate being told I can’t have coffee. They are controlling every aspect of our day. So I came home hungry, angry (so angry) and tired. Three of the HALT things. I wanted to drink AT my principal and superintendent whose been sending a thousand emails a day telling us we need to do this and that, cut out our only morning time to get ready for the day and created useless duties, and looking for those that are not on useless duty. A few people were late to duty and they were reprimanded but late because they were taking down posters that are not allowed anymore. Posters that are not related to education are not allowed up. So if you like Star Wars, those posters must come down because one student may feel afraid of the poster. Wtf. Our rooms should reflect our personalities. Everyone’s room is much barer than it was. She could have told us this poster thing before everyone went in an decorated their rooms, but no, she waited. My superintendent was a woman that came from another school district last year. She was the special education director. Her contract was not renewed as she was found harassing her special ed teachers. 16 teachers had resigned under her. There were lawsuits against her. And my stupid board of directors and district hires her. She’s an evil person. Well, that was the straw that broke the camel’s back today. again, i was shaking, so angry about all of this bs. They gifted all the teachers with coffee mugs on Monday. I told several of my colleagues to take their coffee mugs and put them on the counter in the office on the way out today to make a statement. I did and several others did. Screw their coffee mugs when I can’t make my coffee. I had to take an anxiety pill and I hadn’t been smoking for a few weeks and that went out the window. But i didn’t drink. And I have my husband to thank. So that’s all. I need to sit and relax a bit and I’m going to bed super early as I did last night. I’m so tired. And tired of the bullshit. I hate every little thing being controlled. I thought it was bad last year. Good night..
                          Last edited by jvo; August 30, 2019, 05:51 PM.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            And it didn’t help that everyone walking out together was going for drinks. Yes. I was mad. But I won’t be tomorrow morning.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hola nesters!

                              Hi Jvo. Incredible job on holding it together as far as not boozing goes. I have encountered such control freaks in management positions too. There is just plain idiocy afoot with some folk, especially the ones that hire such behaviour to work with people doing honourable work like you and your colleagues. There must be a work health and safety issue with the heating/temps/ventilation? Surely star wars is ED related? It's a journey forward and outward into the unknown by a crew demonstrating principles of teamwork, collaboration, and communication (maybe i'm drawing a long bow). This is a challenge for you no doubt. But there are no limits when we are living sober. I bet you will somehow soon enough turn this situation into a goldmine of love, humanity and quality education. Scream and shout to the sky if u have to. Don't go loco in the process! Take care of yourself mi amiga. You're worth it.

                              It's just the weekend, see. Not a freakin ticket to no doggone boozeville!

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Good evening Nesters,

                                Jvo, you (meaning all of us) have to learn to let go of the shit we cannot change. That was a big lesson for me but definitely one I needed to learn so I could move on. Be grateful in that probably everyone you work with feels exactly the same way. There’s strength in numbers. Good job choosing to not drink

                                Byrdie, I hope the storm doesn’t come up as far as you. Back in ‘92 my niece lost her just purchased house when hurricane Andrew blew thru. We are facing bigger weather threats these days

                                Kensho, have fun camping.
                                Hello to Pav, Nar, G, Pauly & everyone checking in tonight.

                                Wishing a safe night in the nest for all!
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

