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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Greetings Nesters,

    Wow, [MENTION=7261]Guitarista[/MENTION], the Universe clearly knows it's your anniversary today - Melbourne weather is beautifully sunny! CONGRATULATIONS to you, I hope you have the best day you could wish for, doing what you love!

    And best wishes to all,
    AF free since April 29, 2013


      Re: Newbies Nest

      G G G G G

      Congrats on One Big Year SeƱor G!!!
      Last edited by wagmor; September 11, 2019, 08:28 AM.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Happy hump day and eve nesters!!!

        Fairly quiet day here. I've got an early class, then taking my dad grocery shopping (he lives with us, almost 89 years old, can still drive but doesn't very much, has an unrepaired hernia that limits what he can carry/push/etc, plus... he's my dad!). My wife leaves for a short visit to the midwest tonight on a red-eye flight. Her mother's health is rapidly diminishing and dementia is getting worse, so it might be the last time my wife gets to see her.

        It's a crunch time for me with work (test date coming up in about 10 days) and so I'll be staying home with our pup and my dad, mostly working and sleeping!

        Will swing back by again later today. Have good ones everybody!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Good Morning Nest.

          It is finally Wednesday here on the USA left coast so I can say a hearty

          CONGRATULATIONS, MR G!!!!! I'm so stoked for you. Thanks for your positive energy, you focus on taking care of yourself, and sticking around to distribute the butt velcro. We are lucky you are here with us. And your speech was beautiful. My favorite part? "Keep showing up for yourselves Pardners." That is really what this is all about. I hope you're frolicking on some beach, eating something delicious and healthy, and hanging with your friends. You deserve an amazing day!

          Yes, NS and Ava - thinking about the things we do have or do get to do rather than the things we don't - makes a lot of difference. I'm going to try the lights, NS. Maybe a new pair of boots for the season? For now it is going to be over 80 degrees F here, so I'll keep the summer vibe going a bit longer...

          JVo! Hope you're still around. Remember that list of why you don't drink and what you might be giving up if you continue drinking? I hope you're lurking and will be coming back to check in.

          Happy SOBER Hump Day,


            Re: Newbies Nest

            You did it, Mr G! Thanks for sharing with us the evolution in your thinking over the last year. You definitely are not back where you started before addiction took over - you are moving up and out to being the best you can be. I'm so happy for you, SB


              Re: Newbies Nest

              G-Man! ONE YEAR! And you have earned every day - transforming and showing up for yourself along the way! Thanks for your positivity, enthusiasm and personality. Way to embrace life every day and show others how its done!

              Screenshot 2019-09-11 08.53.12.png

              Do something special for yourself today!!!

              Done. Moving on to life.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Mr. G, acceptance speeches such as your belong in the tool box. They offer such insight to those who have found us during some of the lowest points of their lives. It shows that we CAN overcome addiction and live more happily than ever! I wish we could all attend your lunch celebration on Sattidy!

                Happy Hump Day, all. Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Happy Hump day evening Nesters,

                  I guess your on to Thursday now G - the day after your big 1 yr anni

                  Hot & humid here, just as predicted, yuck. I am so ready for the cool, dry air to move in, love Fall!
                  Watching grandsons this evening but the younger has baseball practice so I got got my husband to take him. Too hot to sit out there for me.
                  I got to meet old work friends for lunch today, always enjoy that.

                  Hello to everyone & wishing for a safe night in the nest for all!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hola mi amigos!

                    Thanks for all of your congrat's and kind words. Yes SB. I made it! At long last. It's been a few years of 30 days here, 60 days there, 100 days a few times, 6 months once! All great achievements of course. But my real wish was to get to one year booze free. What i've noticed has happened is that my mind set has changed over the year, and seems to have become much more positive, realistic, kinder (to self and others), and stronger. A maturity seems to have at long last taken hold and residence in the G head! lol. I cannot say enough about focusing every morning when you awake on maintaining a positive outlook and mind set on your day ahead. List of steps towards goals that are important to me and taking daily action towards them keeps me sane and gives me some joy and keeps me light, free and agile.

                    All the best with the tests Wags. Is your dad gonna have a hernia op? There are some non invasive surgical options for some types of hernia i hear. Hope he's doing okay.

                    I'm not a fan of grey skies either, but as you alluded to earlier NS......If it was my last day on the planet, i reckon i'd be grateful to experience any sort of weather. There is beauty everywhere isn't there? If i'm thinking positive and looking for the good in every day, i'm likely to find it!

                    Find it i did yesterday on day 365. I went to a big wild surf beach and ran. Long desolate beach stretching for miles with sand dunes, rock formations, sea birds, and big beautiful roaring wild surf. In for a dip to be a part of the power and majesty of nature. It's much bigger than me. Any worries were soon relegated to the trivia bin and replaced by a spellbinding powerful total treat for the senses.

                    Have a good one out there. Thanks again evabody. Lot's of love to y'all. X

                    xpost. Hi Lav! Yep, thursday morning here. Bring on year 2. have a nice night.
                    Last edited by Guitarista; September 11, 2019, 04:48 PM.

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Morning Nest. Your run on the beach sounds great G - soul warrior. Hope you enjoyed your day!

                      I'm in a quiet house sipping coffee with my chocolate lab at my feet. I already got my son off to the bus, but my husband is asleep (working from home - big interview later) and my daughter is still sleeping. She had a fever last night so we will keep her home today. Makes sense now that the weakness, and shaky yuck I've been feeling has been a virus. This one has been weird - hot then cold, weak, can't think, and lots of weird stomach pains and spasming stomach muscles. But no cold or other flu symptoms... I wasn't sure WHAT was going on.

                      I'll admit that I've been on and off feeling a little pessimistic the last couple weeks. I have had this weird bug, and my neck pain is worsening (scheduled a PT apt) and the news in the world has some pretty bad stuff. And I think... I could just become a drinker and numb the pain. It's not that I crave actual alcohol - but an escape. So I'm back to one of my best strategies... asking myself what I REALLY need. I can't have alcohol, so what do I need? Well, I need a break, and I need to feel better physically. And I probably need to focus on more positive things in general, and practice gratitude. So that is what I will try to do today!

                      Best to everyone. Hope you all have a beautiful quiet morning like I have!

                      Done. Moving on to life.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Hi, All:

                        Take good care of yourself, Kensho. Hope you feel better soon.

                        Sounds like a wonderful frolick, G. I wish I was closer to the beach (and the water was a TAD warmer up here...) Actually, I am going on a mini beach vacation this weekend. I can't wait to get away and breathe in the salty air, walk (I don't run!) in the sand, and sleeeeeep.

                        After years of sleeping very well (after quitting drinking), I'm having bouts of insomnia suddenly. I was sleeping so well I thought this wouldn't happen to me... Ah well, another phase of life.

                        Happy SOBER Thursday.



                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          How about a massage, [MENTION=20476]KENSHO[/MENTION]? I used to never get those unless someone gave me a gift certificate. I guess I didn't think I deserved nice things because of how "bad" I thought I was. Think of all the chunks of $70 I used to spend on bad wine! Now I sometimes spend that on a great massage. Maybe I'll even get one today...

                          I had a really weird experience yesterday. I was listening to a show on the radio and they did a segment about the hard seltzers that are getting really popular now. Kind of like spiked La Croix (Pampelmousse being one of my favorite beverages). Anyway, they were singing its praises -- tastes good, low-carb, lower in alcohol like lite beer, etc. etc. But, they said it was usually malt-based so that would mean it would contain gluten, like malt beer does. I was then at the grocery store and there was this big display of one kind of spiked seltzer - Truly. The packaging is gorgeous and one variety included various citrus flavors. It occurred to me that I would really like that. I read the ingredient label and it didn't have malted barley in it and it was labeled gluten free. I was thinking this would be good until all of a sudden it occurred to me that I DON'T DRINK!

                          I'm pretty sure that if I didn't stay involved in a sober community, I would do something crazy like buy and drink that Truly. I wasn't craving a drink or interested in drinking but that radio story had gotten my attention and then, there was the product at the next place I went! My focus had shifted to the good things about that product, apparently blinding me to my real situation. If I weren't actively sober, I think it would have been really easy to convince myself that I would be ok drinking this low-alcohol, low-carb, gluten-free tasty beverage. It is so weird how our brains can work!!


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            That is scary, NS, a seemingly INNOCENT drink! My first thought, I mean MY FIRST thought, was to SPIKE it with something that had a kick! Now THAT is the thinking of an alkie. These low AL drinks are for sissies....ha! In the famous words of 3June, why bother? These marketing companies know what they are doing. Yes, being ACTIVELY sober is key for me, it wouldn't take much for me to believe I could now handle a little here and there. After 10 years of being on this site, I KNOW better. I know ME better than that. When it comes to AL, all I want is MORE. It's nuts!
                            When I was actively drinking vodka, I went to the store one time and this was when the fruity stuff was gaining vodkas and such. I made a comment to the guy at the counter about it and he said, "it's a marketing ploy....they make oranges", he said. That took the veil off in a hurry. After all, I wasn't concerned about the flavor, I was chasing the buzz. Kensho, the escape. I understand your current mood and I hope it passes as quickly as it came up. I realize that the escape I am seeking would be very short-lived (a few minutes, an hour?) and in so doing, would create a chaos who's price is just too high. I hope you feel better soon!

                            Hope everyone has a magnificent, sober day! Mr. G, you are an inspiration! Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hola friends,

                              SB. Yes that makes a lot of sense to keep our head in the game and remember where we came from. I don't think it has to be a 24/7 anti booze, anti booze, anti booze information/thinking onslaught, not for me now anyway. I see the common sense in checking in myself daily and keeping tabs on my emotions and thoughts. It doesn't have to be laborious or difficult. It's very real for me. Maintaining my sobriety could be a lifesaver. It sure is proving to be a life changer eh Kensho? A break into some stunning BIG nature might be the ticket mi amiga.

                              Pav, you're off to the beach? Right on. Make sure you jump in!

                              Thanks Byrdy. Hope you're having an easy week.

                              Big waves to y'all.

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Good evening Nesters,

                                Grateful for the bit of rain we just had. It was 95 humid degrees this afternoon, yuck.

                                Kensho, I never realized how important self care was until I began this journey. I spent all my life taking care of everyone else & ignoring myself, look what happened. We go thru so many changes as we age & they’re not easy. Sleep has basically been absent from my life for the past 23 years, believe it or not. Zero AL intake, decaf or herbal coffee or tea all day, exercise as I can, etc - nothing ever seems to help or make a difference. I know this is all hormone driven & there’s nothing I can do but accept it for what it is. The days preceding a full moon are particularly bad for sleep. Tomorrow is Friday the 13th & a full moon, look out! I hope you feel better soon :hug:

                                Pav, the sleep changes could be hormone/age related for you as well. My daughter is 42 & experiencing difficulty sleeping too. Hang in there!

                                NS, marketing can be fierce today, honestly! I think any of us could fall victim & end up drinking something we really don’t want.

                                G, you’re at the end of winter, right? Doesn’t the ocean get too cold for swimming like it does here? I’m curious

                                Byrdie, I’m watching that tropical storm taking aim for the Bahamas & FL. I don’t think we need another so soon

                                Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

