Hi Everyone! Thank you all for the birthday wishes. Another (sober) year on the books! The kids lavished me with notes and a foot massage (THAT'S love!), and we had a nice visit to our farmer's market. I have also been under the weather - I didn't know I could blow my nose so many times in a day. Ug. I'm feeling a little better today.
Wags, I'm sorry the wife hurt herself - but I was so relieved when you said it was her hand instead of her newly-fixed shoulder! I've had one bug or another for about 3 weeks now - so I sympathize with that too. Healthy is around the corner, I can feel it!
As for temp - hot here too. Don't get me started about the climate. It frustrates me to no end that we are so reactive as a race. I remember harsh warnings from scientists when I was a little girl - but too many of us looked the other way and found a reason to not believe the smartest people on our planet. UG!
Well, we have just four days or work, and then head to the California coast (much more south than you PAV) for a long weekend. I am looking forward to the beach, though it will be different this time since my husband's brother is meeting him out there to attend a music festival and get sloshed. YUCK. But I can focus on the sand and beautiful neighborhoods and my kids.

Have a great Monday!