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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Moffitt - glad to see you and to learn you're still fighting for your own sobriety. The thing that struck me about the pattern you described that you're in (about 12 days AF, then a few days drinking, then back on the horse) is how much *work* it sounds like (and from my experience, IS). You're doing the hardest part of quitting over and over again. You know all the things you need to know - you wrote them in your post - now how can we translate that into different choices? If you're on day 3 or 4 now, you've got time (based on your pattern) to things up differently. What tools work best for you? How can we best support you in making this upcoming Day 13, 14, 15... different? Hugs to you :hug:

    Kensho - I agree with the others: the post you wrote was wonderful and should definitely go in the tool box. Glad to hear your beach getaway was so nice. Makes me think about escaping to the coast myself, even though we won't have sunny/warm weather along our stretch of the Pacific. There's something about the ocean (and mountains, in a different way) that feels so powerful and big, always reminds me of how connected everything on this planet is (whether we like it or not). You're sounding really good!

    Pav - agree on the craziness of politics. I fear that the rift that has developed (no, has been crafted and fed) here in the U.S. may never be mended. Sometimes I think if we could just get a bunch of everyday people together in a room with no politicians, no media, nobody stirring things up or trying to sell stories or products or values - if we could just talk as neighbors, we could find the common ground that we *do* share and build on that rather than focusing so hard on taking sides, blaming/hating others, etc. What we're living in is exhausting and non-productive no matter where one falls on the political spectrum. I'm so glad I stopped drinking before the past few years started. I wonder if there has been a rise in al consumption during that time period? It wouldn't surprise me.

    Ava and G - hope that the pills you each got from your Docs bring the desired effects, albeit very different ones. Go enjoy that ocean G, and have fun with Carl at training Ava!

    Gotta run for now - Thursdays are one of my fullest teaching days and I need to start prepping for my first class. Have wonderful days and eves everyone!


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hola friends,

      Hope your teaching day went smoothly Wags.

      Friend Kensho! (loudspeaker voice).....'put your hands on the desk, and stand up slowly'........Now back away from the desk Ma'am.......Back. away. from. the. desk!

      Hi Moffit! Yo Pauly!

      Hope you're enjoying the local hills and trails around there 3BDubbya.

      Congratulations on 7 days + LC! Cool beans Senora.

      Big waves to evabody. Tudo bien aqui. L8tr g8trs.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Good evening Nesters,

        Glad to see everyone checking in today
        The temp has dropped 36 freaking degrees since this time yesterday - thank the gods, haha!
        Now if we could get some rain to avert a near drought situation. It’s always something.

        LC, congrats on your AF week. Enjoy your visit & I hope you & your Mom can talk things out a bit.

        I went in for a routine physical today & of course was asked: Do you smoke or drink? I proudly answered Nope & Nope, haha!! I love being able to speak the truth
        Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

        Last edited by Lavande; October 3, 2019, 05:37 PM.
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hi everyone, just a quick read through and everyone sounds good.

          Moffit, like Pav I am asking if you can give us 30 days of sobriety? What do you say?

          3BOW, nice to see you here, keep coming back.

          Big waves to you GMan, I like your note to Ken. I don’t know how you do it Ken. I need way more sleep.
          Byrdie, hope your job is bearable, tomorrow is Friday! I think eating sweets sometimes helps deal with a crappy job.

          Wags, I bet you are a good teacher. It must make a huge difference when you are sober. I can’t imagine teaching with a hangover.

          Well, time to sleep.
          Don’t drink today xo

          "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
          "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

          AF April 12, 2014


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Good Friday morning, Nesters,

            I'm so glad it's Friday! Talking about sleep. Yesterday at 11 I had an hour long nap.. then after a walk with my mom, I slept from 4-6pm.. I hadn't meant to, but obviously my body needed it. I hope that won't be my pattern the next couple of weeks!:happy2:
            My youngest is coming home this evening, after having been away 3 weeks for an agricultural internship.. something they do in the 9th grade at her school. I can't wait to see her!
            Right now I've got to get ready for work..
            Big hugs to everyone stopping by today.xx


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hey Ho all!

              Just checking in, I agree LC, I am happy it's Friday too but probably not as happy as most others are as I am a freelance web developer living on the coast of Spain - a Friday can be a Monday and visa versa!

              I just want to say to anyone looking at this and is deciding whether to give up alcohol or not - please do. Because I can only write so many words to describe how amazing it feels, I wake in the morning early and go for a jog and have breakfast in my favourite café and go back to my office and have real good meetings with a clear head and a dedicated attitude, knowing I am sober, awake, fresh and able to do anything - really - this is what sobriety can do and I used to think it was the other way around!!

              I also don't know how to explain something extraordinary that is happening to me, I feel so much love for life and people and the Universe and just being, a beautiful calm peaceful state of being which is totally drug free!

              I have been experimenting with a few things and one thing lately I came across was a story about someone who doesn't complain - yes - sounds bizarre hey? But I decided to try it for a few days - so when I found my mind complaining about something, anything, a person, a tree, a car, a wasp - anything - I would say to my self "Thank you for everything, I have no complaints whatsoever" and the thought would go away - and I then started using this in real life scenarios and when the postman starting complaining to me (long story) I just said "Gracias por todo, no tengo ninguna queja." which is the Spanish translation - I noticed the tension drop and the love between two humans appear - (I want nothing from the postman except letters by the way) but since this I have been perceiving the world so differently. So I printed this off and framed it and put it in the bar where I used to drink and wozers! the response was incredible! So much came from this and is coming from this, people are realizing they are complaining ALL the time, to each other and in our heads so we drink or take drugs to stop the voice!! amazing realization.

              So - yeah - I feel so much love and so much at peace, I would highly recommend giving up drugs and being grateful for being here today, sober and free.

              A link to the story is here if anyone is interested.

              Have a wonderful day all

              Thank You for Everything. I Have No Complaints Whatsoever. - Spirit as Jeff

              P.S. It's also my signature
              Last edited by ThreeBottlesOfWine; October 4, 2019, 07:31 AM.
              Life is better sober


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hi, All:

                Gracias por todo, no tengo niguna queja! Thanks for sharing that story, 3B. It is quite similar the Lavitude of Gratitude that we cultivate in these parts as well. Sometimes it is hard to find that thing or those things to be grateful for, but a practice of gratitude is so important.

                I think we cross post a lot, Pauly - we must get up at the same time. I feel you on your husband. We used to get up from the dinner table and mine would have left a half a beer. Who does that?! There's BEER in that glass??? That should have been an indication to me a LONG time ago that I wasn't a "normal" drinker...

                Kensho take care of yourself.

                Lav - it feels like you're always telling us about rain and now there's a drought?? You do have crazy weather.

                Happy SOBER Friday. I have a way too busy weekend but I will relax tonight.



                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Whew, sleep does a lady good! It felt so rewarding to hang with my family then sink into the sheets last night after working so tirelessly the past few days. I didn't need the reward of a drink - just to connect with my kids and know I could relax. When I work so hard, I do still crave an escape - the quick and easy way - but then I remember the image of any drunk person I've seen, and that option sounds terrible. The guarded inebriation, trying to have proper coordination, hiding my breath, thinking only about more alcohol, being "gone" and acting like I'm there. YUCK! A bed will do just fine, thank you!

                  I also really appreciate the time I have gained. This morning I woke my daughter up and laid in bed with her for a few minutes, talking about her question..."what is sleep in your eyes when you wake up?". These moments were not something I had the patience or desire for after drinking too much the night before. The price I paid while addicted was far too high. SO glad I am not wasting time any more.

                  Thank goodness its Friday! Have a great day Everyone!
                  Last edited by KENSHO; October 4, 2019, 08:53 AM.

                  Done. Moving on to life.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hi Nesters,

                    Just stopping by to say I am still in the game...not giving up. On day 2 here. thank goodness I got a good night of sleep as I have a lot to deal with today.

                    Boob biopsy negative. I think they put me through more angst than was necessary. The sonogram showed nothing, but they recommended biopsy (ouch!). Now onward to colonoscopy in a couple of weeks. I call it the Ass Spa.

                    I have been reading and there have been some incredible posts that I have gone back to read a couple of times. Definitely agree with others the KENSHO's post should go into the toolbox. Wags had some good words for Moffitt and I am going to take that advice also. Idk what has been wrong with me lately. I KNOW what AL does to me. Doesn't do a darn thing to help me, and makes me feel like shit the next day after a poor night's sleep. I have been going up to like 5 days without drinking and then I do it all over again. as I said before I'm not drinking much, but it doesn't take much to mess me up. I have to get through 30 days. Lots of stressful things going on but I need to be mentally 'there' to deal with it all.

                    Thank you all for being here and giving me, and others a soft place to land.

                    Alcohol does me no favors.

                    Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      The "Ass Spa" haha that's hilarious Belle it's a good spin on it though,3 bottles,I love your positive spin on your thinking too,I really need to practice it more cuz although I'm grateful for alot I still bitch about stuff alot and work myself into a mood that does nobody any favors especially myself Pav, yeah we probably are on the same timeline,kids tease me about getting up early but hey I gotta be to work by 8 I can't get up at 7 get ready,shower,get fully awake then drive in an hour- no way! Waves to all and wishes for a wonderful day for us all
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Getting ready to book an ass spa monday. Will they throw in a bleach?

                        Great work on day 2 Belle. Life's stresses will come whether we're boozing or not. If we can get through the early days and build some inner commitment and direction, we can start to thrive again. Slowly slowly and easy does it. Small chunks at a time.

                        Have a gr8 weekend evabody. Ain't no cottonpickin ticket to no boozeville round here pilgrim.

                        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          I had my physical today, too, Lav! He told me to watch my cholesterol, which I will do. Got my flu shot, didn’t get a monkey sticker this time, but I was a big girl. :sohappy:
                          Had my review this morning, that went ok.
                          Wags, how right you are that we repeat the hardest parts over and over! Hadn’t thought of it that way, but that first time I finally hit day 13, I knew I could do it. I had done 1-12 many times, I just didn’t realize the freedom until I got over that rough edge. What a blessed relief.
                          3Bots, I MUST adopt your new mantra. All in all, I really have nothing to complain about! It’s even Friday!
                          Hugs to all, Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Good evening Nesters,

                            Just jumping in to say hello. I am almost finished packing up my car for tomorrow's craft fair. This is work, haha! Grateful to be clear headed so I can really enjoy these events

                            3B, I'm picturing that quote you posted embroidered in a wall hanging, hmmm just may do that & hang it in my work shop. Glad you are reaping the benefits of an AF life!

                            Byrdie, I didn't get a monkey sticker either, very disappointed, LOL

                            Great to see everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Good Saturday Morning, Nesters!

                              Loved that post, 3B's.. and thank you for sharing the link. A great reminder in letting things be as they are... definitely a couple of people and situations I can practice with.
                              Lav, I think I missed out on what you decided to make for the craft fair.. What is a monkey sticker? And why didn't you and Byrdie get one?:happy2: Well done on the physicals!

                              It's a cold and rainy day here and I think we'll probably have to change our market day plans.. maybe to the movies or a museum.
                              My youngest came home with her best friend last night. Part of the internship is making the traveling plans, getting to the location of the farm and home without the help of parents.. they were in northern Norway and had to fly, then take a train and a bus, all in all about 14 hours of travel..there, they worked each day, as farmers do and shared very close living quarters.. she really grew up again during that time..:love:

                              I'm feeling so relieved to be out of the vicious circle of drinking. ANYTHING is better than that.. I've been so tired, but I'm enjoying coming down a notch, taking naps, reading, watching movies, then, not being irritated at listening to long stories, feeling like I can handle my life, noticing the details.

                              I hope everyone has a nice Saturday.. big hugs all around.xx
                              Last edited by lifechange; October 5, 2019, 06:25 AM.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Hi, All:

                                Belle - an ass spa it is. Hah. Glad the biopsy was negative, and I hope it all comes out all right on the other end. Heh. Do you have anyone in your life you can do a "health kick" with? I was just wondering if there is someone there you could commit to 30 days not drinking with - whether he or she knows you intend to keep going? That in-person accountability might help you get past that 5 day hump.

                                LC - that sounds like an AMAZING program. What a great way for kids to learn. I think our US education system needs a kick in the pants - it can't all be about sitting still and regurgitating facts! I live in a small town and when my kid was in 6th grade (11 years old) I gave him a $20 and had him ride his bike to get a haircut before riding home. Other people couldn't believe I would "let" him do it on his own. I could rant about this forever, but I'll give you all a break. Have fun staying out of the rain.

                                Kensho - sounds nice. Love those little moments.

                                Byrdie - glad the review went well. In that crazy place you work I guess you never know. I wish we could contribute to the narrative - what a leader you are here and how much you help our success.

                                Pauly - I like to get up early, make a cup of coffee and come here every morning - a good meditation.

                                Hi, Wags. Hope your busy day went well. Any amazing travel plans in the works? I like to live vicariously...

                                Good luck with the show Lav. I can't remember what you decided to sell?? Have fun.

                                Happy SOBER Saturday. I have a big fundraiser party tonight. Have to put on my dancing shoes and get past my inertia to sit on my couch. Will do!

                                Last edited by Pavati; October 5, 2019, 09:18 AM.

