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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Originally posted by Byrdlady View Post
    Hey, I found Mr G!
    Looks like Mr. G decided to join in with Ava!
    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hey G! Lookin' HOT! Or cold, actually. Great find Byrdie!

      Husband is out of town for a couple days. Always a great way to have more quiet (he's always got music or sports on)... but we do also miss his energy. It feels weird without him. And the kids really miss him. I have to step up my goofy when he goes.

      Coffee in hand, I'm ready to tackle the day. I got 4 more new PT exercises yesterday. Three was manageable and I did them without a problem every day. 7 seems like a lot, but I'll try not to get overwhelmed. It has been making a difference.

      I didn't knit for the past two winters... not sure why. But I have been looking at my yarn bowl thinking I might try to make a couple of hats this season. I find that people love hand made hats - as long as they don't look too homemade. And I absolutely love shopping for yarn!!!

      Not much else to say. Hi to Ava, LAV, Byrdie, PAV, LC, Narily, G, Pauly, NS and ....... Slo!!! How are you Slo?

      Done. Moving on to life.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Lav - great suggestion about Pinterest - I actually always forget that site exists!

        G - looking good on the mountain there amigo

        Kensho - sounds like you've got a lot on your plate and yet still under control. I hope the additional PT exercises help you out a lot

        LC - the concert sounds lovely - what a nice little escape with your mom!

        A semi-busy hump day here - I usually take my dad grocery shopping Wed mornings (sometimes just go for him, but he usually likes to have the outing), and then today I have a new student consult plus two scheduled sessions with current students. I've had a flurry of new student inquiries over the past 2-3 days and my roster is nearly "full" (an arbitrary decision made by me, depending on how hard I want to be working and/or how much money I need to be earning). I feel very fortunate to have the work that I do, and to have so much control over my work volume, the students I accept, etc. It's for sure one of my top "Gratitude" reflections on a regular basis.

        Hellos and waves to everyone stopping by the nest today. Hope you all have fantastic middles of your weeks!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Good Thursday Morning, Nesters,

          Day 14 here! How the time flies when you're having fun!:happy2: And, actually, even if I'm not, it seems to be flying by quickly at the moment.

          Kensho, I hope you enjoy the quiet for a couple of days. Gosh, I've been meaning to go see someone about the chronic neck pain I seem to have. I've been doing a bit of stretching.. but I would love to have exercises to do to strengthen/stretch that really help.

          All you knitters and sewers! Something I never really "had the patience" for. I'm fortunate that if I need something, something made/ fixed, my girls can do it for me.. but they won't be here forever. I've thought of having the younger one teach me the basics of the sewing machine. Something she'd love to do..I can pretend to be interested!

          Wags, how nice that you're at the point in your career that you can choose who you want to teach! And how wise to set yourself a limit.. I have friends who teach/work freelance and they are often taking on more than they can handle, being unsure of when or if they might have future work. I do understand that.. but the work does always seem to come. You've done a great job building up your business.. and I'm sure it's spread around via word of mouth! Do you do other advertising?
          and you, Kensho? Do you advertise your business? and how? I'm just being nosy!

          Quiet day here, yesterday..
          I finally made it back to the gym (my favourite and most often said sentence!).. That's another thing I will never quit trying to get "right".. fitness is so important to my state of mind and to my physical well being. I'm still searching for the most sustainable, sensible plan. I always feel so good afterwards.. it's just getting there!

          Big hugs to Lav, Byrdie, NS, Pauly, Nar, G-man. Belle, Slo, J-vo, Ava, .. wishing you a nice day..xx


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hi Nesters

            I just posted but got booted out of the site without my post being saved, grrrr!

            What I said was something like: I really don't want to let go of MWO, and am always surprised at how much time's passed between my posts.

            I also congratulated LC on her 14 days - :thumbsup:

            Then I babbled on about all the various things we do in support of our quits: gym or other exercise, knitting or other crafts, pampering and escapism via music, books and movies. The really great thing is when these 'supports' turn into things we really love to do, when they become a passion. That's what strength training at the gym is for me now, something I never thought would happen when I was drinking!!

            I mentioned the weather here in Melbourn (hello Ava & Mr G!) and said something profound about learning to 'weather' things going on in life....

            Then I expressed concern that my post was a bit incoherent or something, attributing it to my anxious, spinning brain. :cuss:

            Take care everyone, happy Thursday-friday

            Now to try and post :egad:
            AF free since April 29, 2013


              I tried pm'ing you [MENTION=15430]lifechange[/MENTION], but your message box is full. Great job on 2 weeks!
              Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
              Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
              Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Happy 2 weeks LC! Don't stop, whatever you do!

                It's a snowy morning here, and I turned-on the fireplace!! Cozy! It occurred to me this morning that I've been so focused on my work lately (ebb and flow that naturally happens) that I have not been as focused on my kids. I know they're ok, and generally happy - but I don't want to look back and wish I had done more with them. I told my son just this morning that maybe we could all take a sewing class to learn how to use the sewing machine we have. I always get things tangled up. I think that would be lots of fun. I often wonder how much better of a mom I would feel I was if I had decided to only work half time. I am always trying to do too much - mostly because I am ambitious, and I want to be a part of so many things. So I get so busy that I neglect some of the most basic things in life. Maybe time to reevaluate.

                LC, I have paid someone in the past to specifically find me work. Being a mom, I never wanted to attend lots of marketing events. And my "headhunter" was a more sure thing than paying a magazine to advertise.

                Time to do my stretches. Neck has been hurting more since this new round... she said that might happen. I'll have faith in the professional.

                Hope everyone has a nice day. You Aussie people must be shifting to Summer soon? Are you having a nice spring?

                Hugs to all.
                Last edited by KENSHO; October 10, 2019, 08:38 AM.

                Done. Moving on to life.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Quick sober fly-by hello this morning. Great work everyone - keep it up!


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    So Once in a while I thing of the nest,
                    And it always puts me in a wonderful state
                    A state of Gratitude...

                    Coz here I found my life
                    True meaning of life
                    Made me realized
                    That’s I need to love myself
                    A bit more ,..

                    Here I found that missing love
                    Guidance, support
                    Helped me face the reality
                    And Reality ain’t that bad
                    It’s the Alcohol that was bad

                    I am strong today but by life begin here
                    Then I was week then
                    Barely could stand
                    Can’t talk or share
                    Guilt, shame, loneliness
                    All gone ...

                    Listening to. Classic Pink Floyd song
                    I feel a bit nostalgic
                    And a lot of gratitude
                    So came here to share
                    And thanks you all

                    For all the support for which
                    I wish to thanks you all
                    With my head low
                    Hand folded
                    With a sense of pride
                    And confidence

                    Today I shine bright
                    I love life
                    I love living it
                    It’s not worth to trade it with Al
                    It’s so is not ...

                    Thanks you all. And keep sharing
                    Keep helping
                    For every word of support counts
                    And help change lives
                    And it did for me ..
                    Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                    Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                    Rebooting ... done ...
                    Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      link didn't work
                      Last edited by NoSugar; October 10, 2019, 01:24 PM.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        but I would love to have exercises to do to strengthen/stretch that really help.
                        Hi, @lifechange. I have a couple fused vertabrae in my neck so it easily gets out of whack. These very gentle stretches have been really helpful. This team has many great videos from stretching through cardio. I also do the shoulder and hip ones when those body parts act up. 15 Min Neck Exercises for Neck Pain Relief - HASfit - Free Full Length Workout Videos and Fitness Programs

                        It is good to hear from you, @Rahulthesweet. I share your fondness for and gratitude to the Nest. It is such a cozy and gentle rehab. I know I would never have willingly attended a 28-day or 90-day rehab program but the Nest has been available 24/7 for thousands of days. And that isn't even getting into the cost difference!!
                        Last edited by NoSugar; October 10, 2019, 01:25 PM.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hey Rahul!
                          I was thinking of you yesterday! I saw a picture of a mountain (like your avatar) and wondered how you're doing! I'm so glad you checked in with us!
                          Yes the nest IS a very special place. It gave me the strength and tools (and support) I needed to quit killing myself with AL! You are so inspirational, stop in more often and let us know you you're doing! Hugs, dear man.

                          Friday is on the horizon, we've almost made it to the weekend! Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Good evening Nesters,

                            We had a great time at the concert last evening. Didn’t get home until a few minutes before midnight - way late for these two oldies, haha! I think my hearing has returned to normal, geez.

                            LC, CONGRATS on your 14 days, yay! Keep moving forward & you’ll have nothing to regret.
                            You know you can learn just about anything on you tube these days. Check out a few sewing videos & surprise yourself

                            Rahul, great to see you & it sounds like you are doing very well.

                            I just dragged three huge bags of old clothes & household stuff out front for pick up tomorrow. I came in sweating, lol. I like to be able to donate stuff that still has some life left to help others.
                            Hello to wags, Pav, Kensho, Byrdie, G, NS & everyone stopping by later.
                            Wishing a safe night in the nest for all!


                            PS: G, the opening act for Vince Gill last night was a young man on guitar by the name of Jedd Hughes. He’s from South Australia originally & lives in Nashville now. He was so good we purchased his CD.
                            I’ll bet Nashville would love to have you too
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Originally posted by Byrdlady View Post
                              Hey, I found Mr G!
                              Hola friends!

                              Byrdy, the resemblance is uncanny. I also have a hat like that. lol.

                              Congratulations on 14 days LC! That's huge mi amiga. Keep it going. X

                              Lav, i'll give Jed a listen. I'm sure i'll git to Nashville one day. Probably via some obscure Flamenco Oz style route that blends a little blue graaaass.

                              Big waves to evabody.
                              Last edited by Guitarista; October 10, 2019, 06:52 PM.

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                Re: Newbies Nest


                                Morning, Nesters,

                                Good to see you Rahul! I'm happy to hear you still doing so well,,
                                NS, thank you for the neck exercise video.. looks like just the thing to start with. I'll wait till this afternoon when I'm a bit warm.. So true what you said about MWO being available 24/7 and for thousands of hours.. I've thought a couple of times about going to rehab but I know that what I need most is help way beyond the 30 day mark plus something that isn't AA based, something that is sustainable for life.. finding MY way out.
                                Sounds like a really nice concert, Lav! Something fun to do with your husband.. I don't know Vince Gill but I do like country music sometimes. Good idea with the youtube video.. and pinterest.
                                Thanks for answering, Kensho.. I had no idea how one would go about getting the jobs. I didn't know there were headhunters for that.. Gosh, your home sounds so cozy with the fireplace and snow outside.. enjoy!

                                I'm so happy that it's friday. Today has been a tough week with one of my coworkers on vacation and one sick.. that left just 2 of us for 3 days which means we were running like chickens and were as well quite limited in what we could do. It was ok but I'm quite tired.. I thought a couple of times about how awful it would be if I was hungover! I honestly don't think I could have managed.. I'm saying, "Thank God I don't drink anymore" several times a day these days! I'm really and truly grateful to be out of that mess.

                                Hi to G-man, Byrdie, Wags, Kensho, Ava, Nar, AB, Pauly.. come back, Belle and 3B'S!
                                Wishing everyone a nice Friday..xx
                                Last edited by lifechange; October 10, 2019, 11:46 PM.

