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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hi, All:

    Quick fly by. I had some crap life stuff this week, but TGIF. I'll be looking for some down time this weekend.

    Sounding great, LC.

    I'll post more this weekend.



      Re: Newbies Nest

      Good evening Nesters,

      I have the company of my 2 grandsons this evening, peaceful so far!

      Pav, hope everything is OK & you get some time to rest this weekend.

      G, I forgot to mention when Jedd got on stage & introduced himself he also said he was sober 4 years this Christmas - loud & proud!!! You guys would make a good team

      LC, you made it thru a tough week & stayed on plan, great week!

      Hello to everyone & wishing a safe nice in the nest for all!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hi everyone!

        Quick fly by. Lav, so cool re Jed. I bet that's how he got to Nashville and a stage in front of you guys. He knew as we all do - 'i can't have the life i want and drink', to paraphrase a local legend.

        Have a gr8 weekend evabody. No time for no freakin ticket to no cotton pickin' boozeville round here.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Re: Newbies Nest

          LC - glad for you that it's Friday and your tough work week is over! Hope you have a relaxing weekend, and also that you find the exercises bring some relief for your neck. Your mom will still be visiting for a few more weeks, right? Got anything fun planned?

          Pav - hugs to you, and hope everything is ok. :hug:

          Lav - enjoy those two grandsons! Sounds like a fun time at the concert.

          Hellos and waves to everyone. Here comes the weekend, with no trains to boozeville in sight!


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Good Unhung Saturday Morning, Nesters,

            Saturay is the morning I most appreciate being sober. How many saturdays did I waste away with a terrible hangover? After waiting all week for a couple of relaxing days, where I could sleep in and then do whatever I want, I'd f*** it up by having A drink (with my ticket to Boozeville!) to "come down", which would turn into way too many once again. Gosh, that made me soooo depressed. To wake up, first in the middle of the night to confront the decision I'd made.. then in the morning, if not totally hungover, feeling off. I'd usually decide to drink again around noon to feel better.. and one might have been able to help, hair of the dog.. but I'd do the same thing as the night before and drink so much that I'd also ruin my Sunday. As Byrdie loves to say, those were so NOT the days.
            So instead, I get to stop by here at the very early hour of 6.. have to help my youngest get ready for a frisbee tournament.. then I'll head to the gym for a bit, then my mom and I are heading over to a small museum I like, featuring Paul Klee and Picasso.. it's a nice, manageable exhibiit..:happy2: Then we'll have lunch, maybe go to the market to get a couple of things.. then relax at home. How much better is that?!

            Lav, you're so lucky to live close to your grandkids and have so much time with them! Hope it stays peaceful for the remainder of the visit!!
            Wags, my mom is here till the 29th.. we're having a very nice visit. Low key as she can't walk too far.. but she loves quiet time at home as much as anything. Do you have any nice weekend plans?

            Big hugs to Pav, Byrdie, NS, Gman, Kensho, Pauly, Ava, 3B's, Nar.. to everyone flying by or stopping in today.. wishing you a lovely and relaxing Saturday..xx
            Last edited by lifechange; October 11, 2019, 11:20 PM.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              I don't miss those Saturday mornings pretending I'm fine, either! And not really enjoying the many fun events available on autumn Saturdays. We have so many markets and festivals at this time of year, it is a shame how many I attended but couldn't really enjoy. It sounds like you're really in sync with your mom, LC. It's great you get to have this time together.

              Hang in there, Pav. Sober You can get through whatever life throws you with your head held high. I'm so sorry about the fires and power outages affecting your state. Adjusting to this changing climate isn't going to be easy. Take good care of yourself. xx, NS


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hi, all:

                LC I LOVE LOVE LOVE reading that post. You sound so strong and moving forward. Yes, I am SO grateful that I don't have to feel like that on a Saturday morning. I usually pushed myself to do a million things to show that alcohol wasn't in the way of my life - running on fumes and feeling so bad about myself. I am so grateful to wake up and have a nice cup of coffee in the morning and get the day going.

                Yes, NoSugar, it is so much easier getting through the lifey parts of life with a clear head. I think about trying to do it all while drinking - I know I would be a mess.

                G, Wags, enjoy your Boozeville free weekends. I hope you both get out and enjoy the fresh air and beauty around you!

                Lav - enjoy granny time. What a bonus that you are close to your grandkids.

                Happy SOBER Saturday. Getting ready to get going!



                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Morning nesters

                  LC belated congrats on your 2 weeks af. Its great to see you sounding stronger and moving on with sobriety. It does get easier. I know my first year sober the focus was just on being sober and now i dont give al a second thought. My tools are always packed to go everywhere with me just in case. What you said about the vicious cycle al gets us into made me shiver, i still havent forgotten those days. I lived on paracetamol and promises of not drinking. Thanks for the reminder on that LC.

                  A quiet time for me atm, not feeling 100% so trying to take care of me. Took Carl for a walk yesterday and he is just such a joy. big boy carl training seems to be settling him down and we all look forward to our Wednesday training. My eldest son turned 31 on Friday, wow time flies, i am glad i had them so young or else i would be feeling so much older than i am! He has now gone to visit his father for a few days which is lovely and gives him a break from my mother.

                  Good to hear everyone is doing well. Out for breakfast this morning and ready to enjoy the day.

                  Take care xx
                  AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Good evening Nesters,

                    Quiet day for me & that’s perfectly OK
                    Still waiting for the real fall weather to arrive & stay put. This may be it so I’ll keep my fingers crossed.

                    Glad everyone seems to be doing well. I think we have had quite a few success stories here over the years so we’re doing something right!
                    Hello to G, wags, LC, NS, Pav & Ava & anyone dropping by later.

                    Wishing a safe night in the nest for all!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Happy Sunday, Nesters!

                      We are having a few amazing Indian Summer days, with 75°F, sunshine and a slight breeze.. my absolute favourite weather!
                      Just got back from the flea market with mom and the girls.. bumped into my dumb ex again and we walked around with him a bit. I don't know why I can't just chill out around him. I felt old and ugly and insecure.. and as soon as he left I felt just fine. Anyway, that's why I don't need to see him or try to be friends with him.. It just doesn't make me feel good to be around him.

                      Ava, did I miss that your mom is staying with you now? How nice that little Carl is growing into himself!.. we need a photo update..
                      Pav, here's to getting through with a clear head! It is soooo much easier. I'm feeling like I can stand back, evaluate and make a decision when necessary.. no fog in my brain!

                      I hope everyone has a nice day.. Pav, I hope you aren't being affected by the fires..?
                      Lav, I hope some autumn weather comes your way soon.

                      Hugs and love to all of you!xx


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Ava - sorry to hear you still aren't feeling well, and I hope you're able to get back to 100% soon :hug:

                        LC - sounds like lovely weather and a wonderful day even with the brief time with your ex. I think sometimes we give other people power over ourselves (we all do this). It definitely takes work and the choice about whether to do that work depends partially on how likely we are to encounter these people (and whether they have any on-going role in our lives, like co-parent or similar). You strike me as very self-reflective, and I'm sure you've done a fair amount of that type of work -- I hope you continue to move in the direction of freedom from him in this way.

                        The talk about dealing with life with a clear head, waking up in the mornings ready to tackle things or relax (as the case may be) is such a huge gift we continue to give ourselves. I actually like thinking of it that way -- that this clear head and sober life is something I wrap up in a big bow and present to myself every single day. Keeping my tool box handy is essential for me personally, and I periodically pull them out and shine, polish, sharpen, or otherwise tend each of them.

                        I had a weird drinking dream last night. The details are fuzzy, and what I do recall is very strange/nonsensical, but I was meeting friends at a festival or event of some kind and there was some reason you had to accept an unopened cold bottle of beer on your way into the event. I had gotten there ahead of everyone else so I was walking around with this beer in my hand, and in my dream I suddenly thought about how I could drink it very quickly before anyone else got there, and then just pretend like I had given it away or something. And that thought made me very sad -- more like, I thought ahead to how I'd feel afterward and determined that drinking the beer would make me feel sad later when I had to wake up and realize what I had done. It was powerful -- really touching base with that "morning after" regret and sadness, and recognizing immediately that I did NOT want to feel that way.

                        I didn't drink the beer. I'm not sure what happened in the dream -- I woke up soon after the above parts happened, but I do know I firmly decided "NO" and felt good about it. I woke up feeling grateful for the lesson and the reminders from my subconscious.

                        And on that note, happy Sunday days and eves to all. Don't drink today. Wrap up your quit in a big bow and present it to yourself instead!


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          LC, it’s a good feeling when we stay sober in our dreams! It makes me think that this IS who I am now. Of course, I’ve had the ones where I did drink and they scare me sick! The GSR’s are alive and well. Even in my dreams I’m not a normal drinker! It’s always ‘a thing’, in fact, it is THE thing of the dream. The power of this addiction is mind boggling.
                          A relaxing Sunday here, I’m planning my next cake; Mint Chocolate Chip.
                          I hope everyone has an easy day! Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            ""I actually like thinking of it that way -- that this clear head and sober life is something I wrap up in a big bow and present to myself every single day. Keeping my tool box handy is essential for me personally, and I periodically pull them out and shine, polish, sharpen, or otherwise tend each of them.""
                            Love this, Wags!!

                            Byrdie, I'm curious to know how you're going to do that cake.. chocolate with mint icing? or chocolate mint ice cream? mmmm.. chocolate and mint-still one of my favourite combos.:happy2:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              LC, chocolate cake with mint chocolate chip frosting. I’ve got Andes mint chips I’m going to put in the frosting.
                              Mint chocolate chip ice cream is one of my favorite flavors, I can’t wait to see how it translates to a cake. I want to take it to Thanksgiving next month. Thank you for asking! B
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Byrdie, that sounds delicious, yum. I am sure it will be delish.

                                Wags , those drinking dreams scare the crap out of me. Thank goodness they are only dreams and we can just forget about them and move on.

                                Life, you sound great and I am happy to be Un Hung today too. Yeah, those shitty mornings trying to pretend I was ok, ugh, I don’t miss them AT All.
                                G, the legend, that’s you and you Raawk! So glad you are enjoying life to the fullest.

                                Ava xo- get better sweetie.

                                So, I went to my neighbours for an amazing Thanksgiving supper last night. The wine was flowing and part of me felt like I would have a glass of wine but then I thought there was no way I would come here and post that I had a glass of wine. Plus I would probably decide I could have ‘one’ tonight which would lead to the whole bottle.
                                So thank you for being here and keeping me on track. Just the thought of Ava kicking my butt really scares me to be honest.

                                Have a good one. We are going for Chinese Food tonight instead of cooking a turkey.

                                Hi Lav, Pav, Ken, everyone, Don’t drink today.

                                "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                                "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                                AF April 12, 2014

