Pauly, that's a good one, Don't drink-its gross. Haha, yes it is Gross. I mean the first drink is glorious and then it is a steep slide into grossness. If only any one of us could stop at one drink. One drink? What's the point? That is what I always thought.
Life, you are doing so well. Keep coming here, I am glad posting everyday is helping you. It gets easier for sure.Thank you for the well wishes for my weekend.
It sure is nice Pav, NS, Ava, G, everyone, not to be stuck in that battle of trying to moderate. I remember being consumed by regret and shame while trying to moderate everytime I drank. I failed over and over but still kept drinking.
Well, it is Saturday and I am going to have my coffee, hang out with my doggies, go for a nice walk and go to the community craft show. I know lots of people there so it will be nice to see everyone again, plus I might buy some crafty thing.
Have a good one and don't drink today- it's gross
