Good Unhung Monday morning, Nesters!
Just posted yesterday evening, but there are few things I love more than an Un-hung Monday morning.. The week in front of me and I'm ready for it. Actually a bit tired as I awoke at 1am and couldn't fall back to sleep.. but otherwise good.
Ava, that sounds like such a lovely time with your daughters! Well done putting that desk together! We had a similar experience a few weeks ago with an armoire.. almost killed it! You must be saving LOADS of money by not smoking! I know I am by not drinking! I'm not "saving".. I never do.. but I notice I have way more money than I used to. I much prefer buying concert tickets, going out to dinner, etc. If I'm adding conservatively, I've already won 300 euros by not drinking.. Good for you on the new nutrition plan! We just made a smoothie for my youngest's school lunch and she was a bit disappointed with the taste of the celery.. I may have added a bit too much..:happy2: So are you not drinking any coffee for 8 weeks?
Reinforcement, Kensho!:love:
Haha, G-man! I can just imagine..
Big hugs to everyone and a lovely Monday!!