Good morning everyone, love waking up on Saturday UN Hung

Happy Birthday Byrdie! I love that you dressed up like toothpaste. Thanks for the warm witches, haha, very cute.
Wags, I gotta admit, I was a bit confused because you were talking about your wife. I thought you were a guy, then a girl... whatevs right? I love you no matter what. We all are human and are in this struggle of fighting AL together :heartbeat:
NS, drinking in the tub? I never think I did that but was probably in the middle of a blackout so I don’t remember.
Pauly, yeah, that feeling is gross, I agree. Your puppy sounds really nice, they grow up quickly.
I had that feeling of deprivation at the beginning but gradually it faded away. LC, the fact you don’t care about not drinking around your friends. That is a huge step. Yeah, Byrdie, Kensho, having fun at parties without drinking, who would have thought?
GMan I love the quote you posted. I try to reign in my thoughts and be kinder to myself. I am getting there. Thanks for the post Life.
Ken, your hubby getting up all cranky about the dog sure is a reminder about how much it sucks to have a hangover. I remember cleaning up after my dogs and being SO sick. Or having to get out of bed with a hangover to let them out and then going back to bed.