LC, I can relate to your frustration re: your credit card company. I've been dealing with Verizon, Comcast, my job benefits, and on and on for the last couple days. It can all be so confusing and this business with chatting with what must be a bot online to solve problems is for the birds. I sat down to knit and relax and promptly made a big mistake, making it so I had to tear out several completed rows. To not make the day a total loss, I decided to give my local stores the chance to give me the immediate satisfaction of an item I otherwise need to order. Well 4 stores and several miles later, Amazon here I come. Days like today used to do me in when I was trying unsuccessfully to quit. I'm glad tomorrow isn't going to be yet another day 1.
Your idea of a road trip sounds like a blast! I would love to be one of your stops on your way west :smile:.
I'm so glad you're feeling this, Mr G: