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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hi Everyone,
    Today I tell the hubs to keep his darn wine in the outside fridge. he does not bring much wine into the house except for the holidays, which started this week and will go through January. I don't want to see this in my fridge any more. I do not want to go through this stress fighting the AL. My fridge is full anyway from all the thanksgiving leftovers. I need to fight for my sobriety. Time for my real BADASS to come out.

    Yes, this is day one again, but I am getting damn angry. did not do any damage last night, but any AL is too much al. Until I can get my AL free muscles built up, I need help and that is by keeping the darn stuff out of my sight. thankfully there is no hard liquor in my house which is what I used to do the most damage with.

    Thanks friends for being there with advice, butt kicking and support. I know I've got this. with all the stress going on , this is no time to let down my AL guard.

    And I just read back and CONGRATULATIONS AVA on 6 years!!! that is huge. You are my idol! :welldone:

    happy Sunday all.
    Last edited by BelleGirl; December 1, 2019, 08:58 AM.

    Alcohol does me no favors.

    Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hola nesters,

      Great post Ava. Congrat's again on 6 years mi amiga. that's Yuuuuuuugely badass!

      Badass Belle in the house! Good move re no wine in the house. We need to take a stand sometimes in our environments and action some sort of realistic plan. Often people will do what we ask of them in such situations. i like Ava's line - 'I Protect my sobriety like i would protect my children'. We have to take a stand and give ourselves a basic level of commitment. Set up the conditions and control our immediate environment as best we can to keep it safe and as stress free as possible. Some sort of simple customised plan we can handle can be a lifesaver in these early days. It's an opportunity to start building and forming healthy daily habits/routines.

      A big weekend done and dusted here. Work then gigs at night x 2. Long days, but what a great time, and what a lucky man i am to be able to strum my guitar in a band with people responding and enjoying themselves. I continue to cultivate and nurture a daily attitude of gratitude. Why? Coz i can't be grateful and complain at the same time. They cannot co exist! Complaining brings suffering doesn't it? Where as gratitude brings contentment and good stuff. Which one do u reckon i am feeding everyday?

      Do something you love today pilgrims.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Good evening Nesters,

        We’ve had a cold rainy day but better than snow I guess!!

        Ava, a BIG CONGRATS to you today, 6 years AF :yay: :welldone:
        Life is much better when we are free of addiction. You have maneuvered thru a lot of big deals during these years & done so well! Wishing you the very best always!!!!

        G, you’re so right - grateful we are!!!

        Belle, sometimes you have to raise your voice a little just to get certain people to hear your message,. I get that! I also told my husband to keep his beer & anything else he had in the garage fridge, nothing wrong with that. Stick to your plan & you will succeed.

        Wags, I have zero energy today so aside from taking a shower & getting dressed this morning all I accomplished was making a turkey pot pie & some animal care of course. And I’m happy with that!

        Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Ava congratulations on 6 years! Wooooo!!!!!

          G- my son has been playing guitar and piano for about a year now. He’s in a band. He’s 11! I love it!!

          Lav- we got hammered with snow and all schools are cancelled tomorrow.

          Had a good relaxing weekend. Got the tree up.

          Night all! Xoxo
          Day 1 again 11/5/19
          Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
          Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
          Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
          11/27/19: messed up but back on track
          12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

          One day at a time.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hi, All:

            Ava! QUIT TWIN! I have been thinking about you all day. I am so very proud of you and your sober self. I am very grateful that you share your story with us every day. Your honest, straight forward and funny contemplations are very helpful to my own sobriety. I love that it is tomorrow there, so you are one MY 6 year and I am still on yours. You are a sober superstar and I am so very lucky to have hooked my success up with yours. I will be making my 6 year post tomorrow!

            Last edited by Pavati; December 1, 2019, 10:24 PM.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Way to go Ava and Pav!! 6 yeats, oh yeah baby!! I am so proud of you both, both of you have helped me SO much in my sobriety, I followed your lead. Way to go ladies, you are kickin ass

              It’s warming up a bit here, it may be 0C tomorrow which is nice. We have snow on the ground of course.

              Belle, you can do this.

              Nursie, that is cool your son is in a band. I would love that too.

              Way to go G, you sound Greeat!

              Good night everyone, don’t drink today xo.

              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

              AF April 12, 2014


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Congratulations to you [MENTION=20191]Pavati[/MENTION], on your six years' sobriety! Another member who walks the talk and helps many others. You and Ava make lovely twins!

                love and best wishes,
                AF free since April 29, 2013


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Evening nesters

                  Belle, i hope your hubs listened and respects your wishes, i remember you said something about him not liking your drinking. If he doesnt respect your wishes then pick up the bottle and put it in the outside fridge, he will soon get the hint. I would tip it out but he might get a bit touchy about that. Keep up the good work, we are all a work in progress.

                  Thank you all for the lovely birthday wishes. I remember logging on here back in the day wondering how i could ever be "one of those long termers", how they must have had it easy, how they seemed so content, how did they ever get those years up their sleeve and how did they ever get al out of their lives and seem to say that they hated the shit. Didnt realise that i would ever feel that way and share that contentment without al, that i could absolutely hate the shit called al and that i would have that contentment in my life. There is something to be said for accountability and gratitude and when i finally clicked with that then i clicked with the rest. I have come such a long way and im still a work in progress, i drank for ten good years so another 4 years of working on myself and i will be "normal" apparently. My psych just laughs at me and keeps reinforcing how far i have come and how i just keep walking the walk, sometimes its hard but there is a lot of shite to get out of my head, no more guilt or shame or worthlessness for me anymore. Sobriety is not a race, there is no end unless i drink.

                  Enough waffling.

                  Pav, my twin, my buddy, the one who helped me immensely in the early days, i hope you have the best 6th birthday and enjoy the serenity and peace that it has bought. Im so proud of you and its lovely to know that the Pav-Ava twins are so solid in their sobriety that we will keep on celebrating the years forever. Sending you big hugs for today

                  Steady, i owe you an email girl and we need a catch up (listening G). After the silly season ends a coffee/lunch catch up sounds like a plan. x

                  take care xx
                  AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Love to read all your wonderful encouragement towards each other. Your all the best support system and long term .

                    Wish I could say that I have a very interesting story about parachuting from a airplane and landed and broke both ankles. Actually ItÂ’s a very boring story stepped down one step and landed on my ankles wrong . Was in hospital at 70 yrs old and Past midnight drs kept me in the hospital. This happened on thanksgiving evening my son was coming for dinner and thatÂ’s all I could think about how I will never see him again. I keep reminding myself heÂ’s at peace.
                    Doing much better with air boots , feel like Herman Munster. I have been in the O Zone since my sons death and not paying attentive to things that require the care necessary for walking.
                    I received his ashes today.... just have to keep reminding myself he is finally free.

                    Please remember you have family who dearly love you! You are deeply needed and have children who love you and depend on your ability to remain healthy. Stay positive and take one hour to one day at a time. You will rise. That was always my parting words to my son when talking on the phone.

                    Love and hugs to you all...
                    "Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never -- in nothing, great or small, large or petty -- never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. " by Winston Churchill .


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Morning nesters,Belle great idea to put your foot down with hubs and his wine! At least for now it's better to have it nowhere close,Shades,I'm sorry about all you've been through just heartbreaking,Pav,congrats on 6 years!!! I made you a thread hope that's ok,I'm just proud of you and Ava and I love seeing success stories why do Mondays feel like Mondays? Just hard to get my mojo,waves to the gang and have a wonderful day!
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Good Morning, all:

                        Six years ago I logged in with FEAR and acceptance. I had honestly accepted that I couldn't have alcohol in my life and life the life I want - with my family, my job, my health - and I was SO afraid that my life would be ruined without alcohol. I was sure I would be boring, bored and have no friends. I didn't know life without it - it didn't know ME without it. I was skeptical about what Byrdie, Lav and NoSugar had found - I thought they must be boring, bored and have no friends, too. But I suspended my disbelief and hung on for dear life. I listened to what they said, did what they did, read, posted and reached out for help. I came here several times a day to read back the old posts, and to make connections here. I hiked more than I ever had in my life, listened to the Bubble Hour, and read sober blogs. I read research and analyzed the science with NoSugar, found my gratitude with Lav, and the practical humor in it all with Byrdie.

                        Well, I don't have fear any more. I am astounded at how much life I have found. My relationships are better, my health is better, my job is totally different in a way it wouldn't have been had I been drinking. I fight with my husband and kids less, have kept off 20 pounds, and don't take high blood pressure medicine any more. And I still find joy - find more joy - in the things I love to do. I love hanging out with my friends, but I don't always have to be the last to leave a party. I love live music and can remember the sets I hear. I can unwind with colleagues at a happy hour and look forward to a drink my friends now call "The Pav," sparkling water and lime.

                        I am so so grateful to everyone here - Nar, LC, Mr. G, Wags, Pauly, Nora, Jackie and the Shouter Outers, the International Army, and all the other OG MWOers especially. And of course, Lav, Byrdie, NoSugar and Ava. I hate naming people because I always miss some. I am grateful to you all!


                        And perfect that we cross posted, Pauly!
                        Last edited by Pavati; December 2, 2019, 09:32 AM.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Ava and Pav - huge congrats to both of you on your 6-year milestones!!! You're both such strong and steady presences here in the Nest - truly wouldn't be the same without you. Thank you for leading the way and showing how this can be done.

                          Shades - oh no... sorry to hear about your ankles!!! That cannot be fun at all. I hope the boots help with comfort and pain management. Sending you strength :hug:

                          Quick fly by this morning - it's a day off from teaching but I've got to take my dad on several errands and then my wife and I are off to buy.... wait for it....
                          a new vacuum cleaner!!!! Yep, you know you're adulting well when you're excited about a new vacuum. Our old one has served us well for many years but it just can't keep up with our indoor-outdoor lifestyle plus having a dog, and it's time to invest in one that should last 10+ years.

                          Woohoo! Hope the shopping trip doesn't suck! Hahaha... that pun was for you Byrdie since you're so good at them

                          Happy Mondays everyone!


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hola Nesters near and not so far.

                            Hi Shades. Thanks for your always encouraging and supportive posts here despite the devastating loss of your son. I think you are an amazing woman. And........jumping out of a freakin plane? Wowza! Now that is badass! I've never done it, but it's on my list for sometime soon. Wishing you a full, speedy recovery with the ankles. Take care of yourself.

                            Pavi! Congratulations! Thanks so much for your always cool posts and for sticking around the joint. Have a beautiful day. Huge congrat's to you and Ava.

                            Yo Steady! Great to see you. Yes Ava, i'm up for another cuppa anytime.

                            It's so great to be living sober. That ball and chain have kinda rusted away and crumbled to dust from around my ankles. Daily action of a simple self care routine that i can handle has def become my anchor.

                            P.S. Wags, when i find myself getting interested with a partner in what vacuum cleaners are on the market, i'll know i've finally settled down and in one of them r...rr.....relash......r, er, relationships.

                            Have a bewdy out there. Big waves to y'all.
                            Last edited by Guitarista; December 2, 2019, 02:40 PM.

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Happy 6 years PAV and AVA! You were at 1+ when I arrived in the Nest, and I really appreciated having your example and words of wisdom. Nothing makes it easier to quit than to see the successes before you! I hope you both do something nice for yourselves for bday #6!!

                              Steady, thank you for your reminder about cherishing family. I have thought about you several times since you posted about your son, and I want you to know that though you are in pain, your message is helpful to me. I hope the best for you today friend.

                              We made it through the turkey week in good shape. We also had two big birthdays to plan - so I was tired of planning and hosting!! But I managed to clean out several of my kitchen cabinets yesterday, which were feeling like a wreck - and I feel so much better now!

                              I was also downstairs yesterday and noticed that I have not stepped in my husband's bar more than 3 times in the past year. Memories flooded back to me about grabbing shots, searching the beer fridge for drinks he wouldn't miss. That is not my bar any more, and I don't miss it. Nearly 2 years, and people know I am not a drinker. It is easier for me to offer wine to others during celebrations - and I've found that as long as people don't feel I'm judging them, they couldn't care less whether I drink or not!

                              Have a good day Everyone!
                              Last edited by KENSHO; December 2, 2019, 02:34 PM.

                              Done. Moving on to life.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                x post friend Kensho. Hola!

                                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

