Morning nesters
Wags, new slippers, your life is complete now. Carl loves new slippers too, loves to take them outside, bless him.
Lav, i hope your hubs isnt too man fluish and recovers before xmas.
I had a thought this morning that xmas eve is tomorrow, i thought i had at least a few days more to prepare. Luckily everyone is bringing something and me not much. I am getting anxious that no one will bring anything and we will be having vegemite on toast though i always have enough food to feed a small army. Well i must be pissed, i have two days till xmas eve!

The weather has cooled here and i am not wearing a cardigan, i love melbourne weather!
Pauly, i had a chuckle about opening your daughters present, i have been tossing up whether to abscond with a pair of walking tights i bought for my daughter. i am hoping they dont fit her.
Pav, i love that we dont have firsts anymore, i didnt even think of that until you mentioned it. There is no anxiety on how we are going to get through an occasion, we just do now.
Today, i am going to go into the garden while the weather is nice. tomorrow will be house clean day. I have two weeks off so am looking forward to the break, will be going to visit my cousing early January which i cant wait to do. We have a lot of catching up to do after missing 30 years of each other.
take care xx