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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Morning nesters

    Wags, new slippers, your life is complete now. Carl loves new slippers too, loves to take them outside, bless him.

    Lav, i hope your hubs isnt too man fluish and recovers before xmas.

    I had a thought this morning that xmas eve is tomorrow, i thought i had at least a few days more to prepare. Luckily everyone is bringing something and me not much. I am getting anxious that no one will bring anything and we will be having vegemite on toast though i always have enough food to feed a small army. Well i must be pissed, i have two days till xmas eve! osteroops:

    The weather has cooled here and i am not wearing a cardigan, i love melbourne weather!

    Pauly, i had a chuckle about opening your daughters present, i have been tossing up whether to abscond with a pair of walking tights i bought for my daughter. i am hoping they dont fit her.

    Pav, i love that we dont have firsts anymore, i didnt even think of that until you mentioned it. There is no anxiety on how we are going to get through an occasion, we just do now.

    Today, i am going to go into the garden while the weather is nice. tomorrow will be house clean day. I have two weeks off so am looking forward to the break, will be going to visit my cousing early January which i cant wait to do. We have a lot of catching up to do after missing 30 years of each other.

    take care xx
    Last edited by available; December 21, 2019, 08:19 PM.
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Vegemite on toast (with avocadoe not butter) sounds tops to me Ava!

      Lav, hope hubs is feeling better.

      Byrdy, more cake creation? Right on!

      Thanks Pav and NS for your observations on year 2 AF. It has inspired me even more! I am taking a fair bit of positive action in my personal life at the moment. Romantically and financially. The music stuff is rolling along and taking care of itself with regular live gigs and albums created last year and more in the pipeline for 2020. The powerful undercurrent of year 2 no booze is no doubt giving me the energy, confidence, insight and clarity to see the way forward. Life is truer today. It is real and the possibilities are endless. The longer i live AF and keep an open growing mind and heart, the more i understand that there really are - no limits. Where is my head at today is the daily enquiry. Then tweak if necessary.

      Hope y'all are having a great weekend. Big waves to evabody.
      Last edited by Guitarista; December 21, 2019, 06:22 PM.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Re: Newbies Nest

        G - glad to hear that year 2 is treating you so well. You're really living life to the fullest, which is what it's all about!

        Lav - hooray that your husband is feeling so much better already. I've never had need to use Tamiflu (knock wood, hard, repeatedly) but I've heard good things from several folks now and will keep that in mind should the need ever arise.

        Ava - that's wonderful that you have two weeks off over the holidays and into the new year. Whereabouts does your cousin live? Will you have to (get to?) travel very far to visit?

        Hope everyone is having fab weekends thus far. I enjoyed a day off today, and will be at the market early tomorrow morning to get christmas meal shopping done before the crowds hit. Then teaching the rest of the day. I've got a light week coming up due to the holidays, but the only day with zero classes is xmas day itself.

        Catch you all tomorrow!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hi all, sorry I went away like that, it wasn't the right time...10 years of sabotage just didn't cut it for me, needed a few months more! I have decided not to think about the pain and destruction this alcohol crap did but am just going to focus on now, now I don't drink. No pressure - it will always be now so that works!

          Starting in the first day of the year, the day after winter solstice, seems very fitting, change happening in the universe, I feel supported by this.

          I will log my days here every day, without fail and I hope to contribute and help anyone if I can.

          It's a disease, it turns up and pretends to be your friend and ego gets enhanced by it.

          Especially the next day.

          Have a wonderful Sunday all
          Life is better sober


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hi, all:

            Welcome, 3BOW! The solstice is as good a time as any - the shortest day of the year. And welcome the light, I say! I hope you are doing ok. Stick close.

            Lav - yum, pierogi! I'm a sucker for ALL dumplings from all cultures. I haven't met a savory, filled pillow I haven't liked. I make 75% strength coffee so I can drink a bit more in the mornings. I would cut back to 50% but my husband might mutiny...Enjoy your time with family.

            Wags - that is quite a schedule you have. I'm glad you get at least one day off. Enjoy!

            Byrdie - I've taken to wearing wool socks and Crocs for my slippers. Not very elegant, but the Crocs support my feet from the plantar fasciitis that I keep getting, and the socks keep them warm. I am not winning any fashion competitions, but I'm comfortable!

            G - sounding good. Love that you're creating more without the booze - so much brain space made available by not intentionally shutting it down every night.

            NS - Hope YOU are well. You are so sensible and logical here - it is hard to believe that logical people have trouble with booze. There's the rub. Any and all people can have trouble with booze...

            LC, Belle don't forget to check in. We're here for you every day... Hi, Nar and Pauly and everyone else I missed.

            Happy SOBER Sunday. Don't drink, it's gross!

            Last edited by Pavati; December 22, 2019, 10:40 AM.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hi Everyone!

              PAV, I sneak the 75% coffee into our routine too. If I go to 50%, my husband notices. And I do the crocks and socks too... so easy! Have you ever tried to adjust your diet for your plantar fasciitis? I had it for nearly 2 years, and it went away when I did the Whole 30. Might have been related to inflammation.

              Hi ThreeBottles! Make this your beginning! Life is SO much better without alcohol, after the initial cravings subside. If you can get through that, you will be amazed at how life changes for the better!

              Wags, thanks for the reminder about early shopping! I often forget and end up with semi-empty shelves!

              My husband is Jewish, so I get the distinct honor of shopping for myself for stockings and little gifts. It seems weird to others, I'm sure, but it works out well for us. He doesn't have to deal with it, and I get to buy myself all the little things that I want!

              Happy Haunkkah to the other Jewish folks out there!

              Done. Moving on to life.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Good evening Nesters,

                Happy Haunkkah to those celebrating!
                Today was a day to catch up on little stuff, tomorrow we go pick up our granddaughter for an overnight stay. Husband is feeling much better, such amazing medication I have to say. I’m not usually impressed by things like that but this was spectacular, haha!

                Welcome back 3BOW! This is a great time to get started on your AF life. Get a good solid plan together & stick to it, not matter what. We all know there is never a good reason to drink, not us.

                Wags, great that you get 1 day off for the holidays, geez. I hope your students truly appreciate you

                Pav, Kensho, I am another person who wears lightweight clogs (Propel) all year long. I ruined my feet with nearly 30 years of running hospital hallways, ugh. It’s painful to wear real shoes so it has to be a special occasion, Lol.

                G, honestly, every year AF brings more peace & joy. That’s why i remain eternally grateful.

                Ava, I also was concerned that tomorrow is Christmas eve, haha. Glad we have an extra day, phew!!!!
                Enjoy your cooler weather,sounds nice

                Hello to the rets of the crew & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Morning nesters, well I kinda wish it was Christmas Eve, just cuz I'm ready for it to be over haha! 3-Bow glad you came back but it's very important to connect EVERYDAY, what's the point of an anti-alcohol site if nobody's gonna use it? Ava I hope the leggings don't fit your daughter haha, I have my eye on a purse I bought my youngest I'm terrible for that, Lav glad the tamiflu worked but I hope I never hafta use it! See the chicken I made for dinner still sitting on the counter, darn kids ignore my culinary expertise and go and buy fast food when I go to bed little shits! Oh well a treat for Winslow and Spencer I guess, waves to the gang and have a fabulous AF day!
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Good morning. I'm officially done with work until I choose to start again - hopefully a full week from now. The last two days were a bit stressful trying to work with kids and husband in the house - AND being mindful of upcoming celebrations. There's a lot to plan for, but I think I can relax now. The only MUST DO for today is exercise. I really, really want to become fit again because I know I feel so much better when I am. But, as I learned with alcohol, really really wanting something does not make it happen. We have to choose to actually DO it.

                    So not much else to say here. My mom wants to make me mocktails on Christmas. She called to ask what I like, and I told her not to worry, that I can figure stuff out here. She said that she goes to trouble bringing drinks for others, why shouldn't she go to trouble for me? She's the single biggest supporter I have. :heartbeat: My kids are up there too.

                    Sorry you only have a day off Wags - what's up with that? Take care of yourself!

                    LAV, say hello to the chickens for me. Do they get a special holiday dinner?
                    Last edited by KENSHO; December 23, 2019, 10:25 AM.

                    Done. Moving on to life.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hi, All;

                      Kensho - that is SO nice of your mom. I was at a party with another non drinker and she brought a rosemary "shrub." Basically a vinegary, rosemary liquid that we put into our sparkling water. Felt special and tasted delicious. I'm going to try to make one for New Years. My plantar fasciitis is at bay right now - these shoes just help them stay that way. But I'm in for the fitness challenge. I went on a hike yesterday and I'm more sore today than I should be if I was in shape. Felt good to get out and about for sure.

                      Pauly - My kids do that, too. Leftovers all the time, or I don't cook enough because I don't expect them. It is definitely on them to let me know more effectively... Hope your dogs enjoy.

                      I got all of the shopping done I needed to do yesterday. Phew. Just wrapping, cooking and hiking left to do. I'm lucky to have this whole week off!

                      Happy SOBER Monday.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Lav, so glad your husband is feeling better!
                        Kensho, your mom is awesome!
                        Good to see everyone in the nest. Gonna be a busy few days so we have to stay connected!

                        My 11 year old walked into the house yesterday with a gift of wine (Christmas gift) from a neighbor. She saw him outside and gave it to him to give to me. I told him “hmm, who can we give this to that drinks wine?” He was happy I didn’t drink it. We regifted to a different neighbor hahaha

                        Everyone stay close to the nest!
                        Day 1 again 11/5/19
                        Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                        Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                        Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                        11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                        12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                        One day at a time.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hi dear Nesters,
                          Hi Nar!! I see you're also here at the moment.

                          All is well here, though I had some down moments which I think were due to the lack of light. We've had shades of gray on these already dark days and it takes work for me to get up and motivate myself! But today is already a bit lighter!:happy2: Now I've had a lovely time reading back on all the posts, have the tree lights on, Frank Sinatra and I'm going to wrap some pressies. Tomorrow exercise is my number one goal.. agree completely with what you said, Kensho. It won't just happen without the effort! Great tip with, "The Crown".. I've needed something to distract myself these past days. Nursie, you're sounding solid.. I will be here every day again these next weeks in particular..but it's actually always my plan.
                          Gman, loved your post.. and all of those following with confirmation that it keeps getting better!
                          Happy Holidays to all of you! Wishing you warmth, love, as little stress as possible..
                          big hugs all around!xx


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Happy Un Hung Monday everyone! Glad to be feeling good this morning.

                            One of my Daschunds was sick last night and puked on the floor 3 times, it was totally disgusting. At least I was sober and able to clean it up. If I was passed out I would have woke up to it and it would have been even more disgusting especially with a hangover. I don't miss that!!

                            Welcome 3Bottles, glad you are back. You can do it, you know you can. Just get on the sober train with us, we will help you.

                            Way to regift Nursie. I did that all the time at the beginning of my quit. Its funny now, I never get booze as a gift anymore, go figure.

                            My kids seem to like my food a lot more- Paulie, Pav- now that they have to pay rent. My daughter comes over to visit quite often because it is a lot cheaper to eat at my house AND because I am a fantastic cook, haha.

                            Have a nice day everyone. We are having an early Christmas Eve tonight because hubby goes back to work tomorrow morning up North. It was it the -30's (Celsius) last week when he was working. Cowboy is way up north too on the other side of the province from my hubs.

                            G Man, you are sounding SO happy. Your posts make me smile. Way to go, you are raawkin!

                            Dont drink today, its gross. xo

                            "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                            "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                            AF April 12, 2014


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              3Bots, welcome back. As they say, there's no time like the present to start this. We're glad you're back with resolve to get 'er done. We are right beside you.

                              Pav, my hubs won't eat leftovers, what's with that? I love them, but he turns his nose up and I eventually throw it out.

                              I have received 3 bottles of wine (ha, 3Bots) and that wine preserving system. For grins, I looked up the Savino Wine preserving system on google and that darn thing cost $49.99! I'm going to have to regift that to a high ranking friend! I wish I could trade it in on an interesting cake pan!

                              We went to a neighborhood party last night. As always, I ate a little something before I went (a gingerbread house...ugg) and took my own drink. She had a diet cranberry ginger ale thing I tried that was quite nice, I'll have to look for that, it is only available at Christmas, but it was delicious. A couple of neighbors came in preloaded, like I used to do. I got stuck with one for almost an hour. At one point, she started crying, OMG! I wanted to cry, too, because I couldn't seem to get away from her. I went to the buffet table trying to get away, but she followed me. The slurring and swaying....tell me I didn't do that! Makes me cringe. By 9:30 I was chit chatted out so we came home. As I said my prayers last night, I was so thankful that parties don't stress me out like they used to....what will people think if I don't drink? I know the answer now....How inflated was I to think that my not drinking would cause someone else not to have a good time at a party? After having received 3 bottles of wine this year for gifts, I realize that nobody is paying attention like I thought they were! :haha: Anyway, another party survived without my drinking.

                              I have 2 days off, I'm just giddy! Hugs to all! Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Greetings Nesters,

                                We have our granddaughter here now, lots of fun
                                Looks like I’ll be putting on 2 dinners, one on Christmas eve & one on Christmas day. Work schedules with my kids always interfere, what can you do?

                                Byrdie, why don’t you suggest a neighborhood gift swap or something along those lines. You could get rid of all the wine & maybe come home with some nice candles or something, haha!!!
                                It’s true, no one notices what you’re drinking or not drinking!

                                Great to see everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

