Dublin - welcome to the nest! Glad you found us. Sounds like you know what you need to do and you've set a target. We'll be here to help and support you as you move forward with your quit.
Julia - congrats on your day - you've got this!
3BoW - yep, cravings can be tough at first but they do dissipate. I always found that if I could postpone or distract myself for 15 mins (or maybe a couple of "15 mins") the craving would disappear. Take a walk, do a chore, sing 5 songs, anything that lasts 15 mins and directs your mind elsewhere. You'll be surprised at how well your brain will help you if you just point it somewhere besides that pesky al voice. Don't worry about day counting if that doesn't help you - this is about finding your way out after all!
LC, Pav, Lav, Ava, Byrdie, NS, Nar, G, Nursie, Pauly, and everyone else I'm forgetting at the moment - happy (almost) Fridays to all of you. Let's have a fantastic first weekend of the new year.