Julia - congrats on 7 days!
Nursie - congrats to you on 25+ days, woohoo! Good job sitting with the sad feelings and just letting them be. Sometimes that's the best thing to do.
Byrdie - yay that the call went well! Your hard work is paying off and I'm sure the lucky shirt helped a bit too

Dublin - great to see you and glad things have started off so well
Nar - plane crashes are always incredibly sad, and I'm sorry in this case that so many of your fellow Canadians (and 30 from your province) were lost. Sounds like we won't ever know what actually happened given the lovely tension we have again between the U.S. (and thus Boeing) and Iran.
I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with the news and life right now. Not worried I'll drink - there's no chance of that, and thank goodness cuz there would be plenty of excuses just in the last two weeks, but needing a break for a little while. I'm looking forward to our 3-night escape to the mountains - lots of fresh air, exercise, and a mini break from the internet and other media. I'm planning to take a couple of good light-reading types of books and some of my Spanish learning materials (I'm intermediate but working toward fluency or at least advanced). We'll be hiking and snowshoeing and curling up by the wood stove in the evenings. Our pup is coming with so there'll be plenty of doggie snuggles. Sounds like just what I need right now!
Hope you're all finding ways to do self-care too, regardless of what your level of need is. Have great days and nights in the nest everyone!