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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Greetings Nesters,

    Sounds like everyone is right on track to success

    We took advantage of the warming weather & went & dragged home 250 lbs of chicken feed. Those girls really can eat, haha!
    I’m making headway sewing for the Aussie creatures in shelters. Not sure when I’ll have enough to ship to the hub in Maine, we’ll see. It’s nice to be part of national group lending a hand.

    Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Dublin, Pav’s advice is what I do to this day! Eat before I go and I manage and maintain my own drinks while out. Also, reward yourself with a wonderful cookie or dessert that might be available. Yum!
      As Ava says, TFIF.
      Im getting a fever blister in my nose! Ugg!
      It’s only Friday, not a ticket to BoozeVille! :rara: Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Dublin and Julia - you're both doing so well on your quits! Stay strong, stay the course, and keep thinking ahead about what might trip you up. Having plans for what to do instead or how to exit gracefully will definitely be helpful. And, as Pav said, you'll probably both find that most other people won't even notice whether you're drinking or not.

        Nar - it sounds dreadfully cold where you are. I lived in the U.S. Great Lakes area for several years and we had some pretty cold winters but I think you still win hands down. How soon is your trip (to Mexico, do I remember right?)? At least you'll have a chance to thaw out.

        Lav - great job with the rescue animal donations. I'm sure they'll be glad to receive however many you've got when you're able to send them.

        Kensho - great to see you, and glad to hear you're still keeping your eye on life balance even if it doesn't feel like you're acing it all the time.

        Hellos and waves to Pauly, LC, Byrdie, G, Ava, and everyone else stopping by the nest this Friday into Saturday. It's the freakin' weekend!


          Hey there [MENTION=15430]lifechange[/MENTION], I see you've been a bit absent from the threads. I tried pm'ing you but your message centre is full. Hope all is well and you're just busy.
          Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
          Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
          Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            the footer of your posts is beautiful and kind abcowboy.

            day 10: stilll feeling sick. except for walking my dog, i'm spending the day on the couch, trying to focus on reading articles and tonight i hope on a good movie. Pushing (AL) and playing (pot). Plan (thanks again Pavati): eat small things throughout the day so i don't get hungry. Surrender to acting like a vegetable instead of fighting it or feeling sorry for myself. Vegetables don't drink alcohol or smoke pot. They do read articles on philosophy though because they want to grow, even if slowly.
            It's difficult though. Especially the pot demon is lurking now that i'm on the couch so much.
            Last edited by julia1970; January 11, 2020, 12:40 PM.
            AF since Jan 2nd 2020


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hi, Nest--

              Julia, yes, feeling all of those feelings is HARD. Sorry you're not feeling well physically also - take care of yourself today.

              I'm with Cowboy - we miss you, LC. Hope all is well.

              Happy SOBER weekend. Stay warm or cool or whatever you need.



                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hola from the beach pad.

                Great work Julia. Keep it going mi amiga. Thoughts become things. Took me awhile to understand that i'm actually the boss of the committee in my head!

                Big Waves to all!
                Last edited by Guitarista; January 11, 2020, 02:36 PM.

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters,

                  G, you are so right - we are all the boss of the committee in our heads! How did we ever forget that?

                  Enjoying the oddly warm weather here because I know we will end up right back in winter soon enough.

                  Julia, hope you begin to feel better soon. You are doing great!

                  Hey there Pav, Byrdie, cowboy & Wags! LC, please check in soon, we miss you!

                  Wishing everyone a comfy & cozy night in the nest!

                  Last edited by Lavande; January 11, 2020, 06:58 PM.
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    LC - I echo the others...thinking of you and hoping all is well.

                    Julia - it's never fun to not feel well, and it sure adds a layer of challenge to pretty much everything else. Hope you wake up feeling much better tomorrow. Did you find a good movie? What did you watch???

                    G - great comment: I'm the boss of the committee in my head. I'm gonna steal that one if you don't mind - that's a keeper! Hope you're rockin' and rollin' right along amigo.

                    Great to see you Pav, Lav, Cowboy! Continue on with your fantastic weekends nesters.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      I’m the boss of the committee in my head. Good one G! I am using it too Wags

                      Life, check in please.
                      Well, I am going to read and hit the sack. Goodnight everyone.

                      "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                      "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                      AF April 12, 2014


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Hi Nesters!
                        Thank you for the shout-outs.. My plan was to read back and post here today no matter what. Sorry I've meen MIA... as I do believe that the more accountability we have here, the better off we are and the more we can offer group support. And I don't want to cause anyone to worry about me.. Especially when I'm not drinking! It was a really full week of getting back to work, lots of projects, plus the girls and all their stuff, plus beginning a new fitness journey which requires quite a bit of my time. I put so much energy into focussing on that this week, because I find that moving my body is my number one tool for positive mental health/having more energy/keeping other goals on track. But even though I KNOW this, it takes a lot of motivation for me to use my extra time to exercise. It's so much easier to watch series! Which I had been doing a bit too much.. I won't even tell you how many hours I watched! :egad:
                        So, now I'm into my routine and feeling much better already.. I've also had to turn off the news and concentrate on what I can do here to affect people in a positive way on a daily basis.. otherwise it all seems so overwhelming and hopeless and I don't do well when I go there.

                        Lav, I think it's so nice that you are sewing to help.. :love: 250 lbs is sooo much! How long does that amount last?
                        Julia, big congrats on getting into the double digits. Well done on coming here to talk things out and on making a solid plan. I really hope you'll begin to feel better soon.. it's hard to feel like that for an extended period of time. Glad you're getting some reading in and some good netflix time!.. as previously mentioned, I logged in a lot of hours these past 3 months! :hug:
                        Dublingirl, well done on your 6 days! How did it go last night at the party? I'll echo the advice already given... and the fact that you can leave a party early if need be. I have to say I often duck out of a party/dinner party early, after making an appearance. If I make it there in the first place!:happy2:
                        Wags, have a wonderful trip to the country.. that sounds like a perfect getaway, imo! Enjoy!
                        Byrdie, so happy to hear that the call went well! Still have everything crossed for the follow up this week!

                        Big hugs and love to Pav, Nar, NS, Ava, Gman, Pauly, Kensho, Cowboy, Belle, 3B's! Wishing everyone a nice and un-hung Sunday!xx
                        Last edited by lifechange; January 12, 2020, 08:30 AM.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Morning nesters, I
                          LC, there you are I understand that sometimes we get too busy to post or sometimes for me I just don't feel like I have anything to say, great job on the exercise, I try and do 5-7 miles a day but some days I'm on my ass watching TV and Fitbit keeps buzzing like crazy to get me up and moving so I get mad at it haha! Gonna try to make some sugar free, protein cookies today with some stuff I have around here, see what happens, I've made a decent "keto friendly" cheesecake before that I loved but nobody else did, hope all are well and happy, I've decided that health and happiness are the two most important things, if you had all the money in the world but had physical or mental health that money isn't gonna do you any good so think happy thoughts and do things for your physical health, much love to all and wishes for a happy and healthy AF day!
                          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hi, All:

                            There you are, LC! I knew you weren't drinking - you don't drink. Sounds like you were busy with your sober life. Thanks for checking in and saying hi. Good to see you, too, Pauly. How do you walk that much every day? To and from work? After in the dark?? That's great.

                            I am trying to get motivated to do more exercise. Currently I have a head cold - the one where you move and your head throbs... I don't think I'll be doing my exercise today, but am thinking about joining a gym so I can get a more regular routine in. The problem is that it will have to be mornings, and that is my nice, quiet, drink coffee and check in here time. I guess I'll have to switch it up. Right now the committee in my head is telling me that it is too much to get up early and work out, so I'll just have to grab the org chart and let them know what's up. I'm motivated by all of you. And waiting until it is light enough to hit the trails after work again... I know exercise is key to my mental health, so this can't last for long. I was out every day over the break, and I felt so much better.

                            How are you Julia? Dublin? Hope the weekend was ok.

                            As I said I have been fighting this cold. It is all deep in my sinuses and head so I don't have the outward symptoms, so NO sympathy whatsoever. Haha. We have my family coming for dinner tonight - we'll see how it goes. Generally we all get along.

                            Happy SOBER Sunday.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Happy Un Hung Sunday everyone!

                              Hello Life! Glad to see you here, like Pav says, I wasn't worried you were drinking- because you don't drink.

                              Yeah, its a good day to take it easy Pav and get rid of your head cold, those are the worst.

                              I am off to the market today. I like to walk around and talk to everyone, I am very social and love to just talk to people. Everyone at the market knows me so its fun, plus I need eggs.

                              It is starting to get really cold here now, this next week is going to Suck. This morning -23C and feels like -34C, ugh. This is the time to layer up and get the wool sweaters out.

                              Have a great day, and don't drink today xo

                              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                              AF April 12, 2014


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                hi you all, thanks so much for your kind messages!

                                I was rather proud of myself yesterday evening for not giving in while feeling so miserable and not being able to divert myself much. One of the committee members was telling me i was so nauseous that i could smoke weed in a medicinal way. (i'm laughing out loud now)

                                What helped:
                                • Pride. The thought of having to tell you and my love that i'd smoked pot was one i just couldn't stand!
                                • The realization that smoking pot would change NOTHING of the situation. I'd still be laying around on the couch watching movies (only not remembering them the next day).
                                  Only difference would be that i'd feel relieved for a short time, to regret it after just a few hits (but still smoking all of it).
                                • And after that reliazation, realizing that when smoking i might not feel so sick for a few hours, but the sickness would only go underground and grow there.
                                • Watching violent movies
                                  I watched "Dragged Across Concrete" Wagmor. That sounds horrible, and in some ways it is, but it's really a good movie. Film noir type, great dialogue, a bit surreal.

                                I'm starting to feel a bit better, at least tonight the nausea is a little less. I hope this is going in the right direction. I think it might be just the tension of ages that's emerging. And all of my pores are so wide open right now. Just have to get used to not being suppressed anymore.
                                I worked my ass off today. Had no other choice, i'm in a legal procedure that's decisive for an important professional opportunity (and a dream of mine). I had to finish some stuff for my lawyer, who has become impatient with me. At a certain point i almost threw up, but then it was almost done. Happy i got that job done!

                                Happy to hear from you LifeChange! I missed you as well. I like how the others are saying they know you weren't drinking because you don't drink! That sounds so firm!

                                Lavande, i love your profile pic. I presume these are your girls (i like that you call them that ). The chicken in front looks like she's got pointy ears (well, one pointy ear actually). After looking up closer i saw it was the head of another chicken in the back, but i'm dismissing that information, 'cause i like the ears.

                                This was day 11. Hugs for all of you wonderful people...
                                Last edited by julia1970; January 12, 2020, 04:32 PM.
                                AF since Jan 2nd 2020

