Greetings Nesters,
Not much going on with me but that’s perfectly OK.
Julia, I can’t take credit for that quote but I absolutely agree with the sentiment ~ drinking is always a choice.
I found success when I finally took that option off the table. Made a solemn vow to myself to never ever drink again & that’s how I got my self respect back. You can do it too

TBoW, glad you worked thru the cravings, be proud!
Pav, shutting my mind off & keeping everyone out of it several times/day is such a gift. All you need is a few minutes here & there, easy

Wags, welcome back & happy to hear you had a great trip! Snow is fun, when you’re prepared for it, haha! FB reminded today of a huge storm we had 4 years ago, Lol
Hope you can keep your schedule easy for a while!
Narilly, good to see you!
Byrdie, a big congrats to you & your company on the big deal!!!! FINALLY!!!!
Befofre you know it you’ll be baking your brains out & entering international contests, Lol
I am happy for you!
Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!