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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Good to see folks checking in. If anyone else is lurking or feels like they don't have time to post, please drop a quick hello and let us know if you're ok.

    LC - are you out there and able to check in?

    Gratitude is the perfect attitude for times like these. Good thing we all have so much practice with it!

    Take care everyone and be safe.


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hola evabody!

      Looks like some hope on the horizon - Big waves to all. Take it easy out there.

      ‘Cure’ found for coronavirus in Australia | Chronicle

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Good evening. Nesters,

        Great to see everyone & it’s great that we do have this established on-line support system. Something i have always been grateful for, honestly!

        Steady, wonderful to see you & glad you are OK. Stick around with us for a while just for some extra :hug:

        Pav, bone broth, homemade especially is awesome. I make it often to help keep my gut happy
        Tossing a chicken or turkey carcass in the IP with some veggies & seasoning (no salt) & let it cook for 2 hours is so easy. Sometimes I just freeze bones until I have enough to fill the pot, works great.

        G, a cure would be a wonderful thing & just what the people of the world need right now!

        Wags, NS & kensho, hello!

        Julia, a big :welldone: on your 75 AFD days!!!
        There is such a thing as chronic sinusitis, taking the right antibiotic helps. Sometimes surgery is required but let’s not go there yet.

        Just living small here, didn’t go anywhere again today & that’s fine.
        Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Good Morning Nesters,
          Just read back and it looks like everyone is doing alright in these crazy times. Thank you for the call outs..:love: It sounds like it's about the same everywhere.. everything closing, empty shelves. We spent the last week setting up the studio I work in for as much home office as possible, those who have to be in the workspace are broken into small groups. The kitchen is of course closed.. for at least 5 weeks. I have to say I felt quite doomsday-ish the past weekend. But now I'm finding gratitude again and figuring out how I can best spend my time.

          Kensho, the sun is shining here as well and I am sooo grateful that we are still allowed to go outside for a walk or run.. people are very much respecting the social distancing (as far as I can tell) so hopefully we won't have to go into complete lockdown. I'm also looking forward to some projects with the girls (I want them to show me how to sew a wrap around skirt!) and I'm hoping to use the time they have to spend studying researching for work or learning something new.. at least reading! Do your kids have to study at home, too?

          NS, such a nice post about staying in touch virtually! I don't why I've let myself get so out of the habit. I always feel best when I'm here, checking in and sharing with all of you.. I guess I'm not very good at posting when I'm feeling down. I have periods where I just don't feel like I have the energy, I don't have anything to add.. and I know it always passes. To be honest, it probably would be easier to "get through" if I stayed consistent here. Now I have lots and lots of time to work on consistency.. thank you for the 3P's video. I like that one a lot.

          Julia, congratulations on 75 days! Great work, you're doing. I loved what you said about wanting to feel everything, the good and the bad/uncomfortable. Thank goodness you don't have to stand in those long lines to get your fix! Gosh, that would be stressful.. trying to buy enough for the next couple of months!

          Pav, I'm sooooo envious (as usual!) of your hiking trails. If/when I move again, it will definitely be somewhere closer to nature. And now the gym is of course closed. Today I'll go for a run/frisbee throwing with my younger daughter..and then some resistance exercising with body weight, which is unfortunately more than enough atm! How is your son? Will he be heading home or does he live off campus? I think I'm going to try that bone soup as well.. mmmm

          Lav, I like living small. How are your girls holding up? I guess they don't notice that anything has changed!:happy2: Will you have the grandkids more now? Have their schools closed?

          Great big virtual hugs to Byrdie, Ava, Wags, Gman, Pauly, Drifty, Nar, Steady, all of you flying by or stopping in the Nest today.. xx
          Last edited by lifechange; March 17, 2020, 03:04 AM.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Here's a nice list of things to do.. lots of things already mentioned here in the Nest!xx

            17 Ways to Stay Sober When You’re Stuck at Home | The Temper


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hi, all:

              SO good to see you here, LC. I miss you when you're gone. I have been wondering how you are doing, and I imagine your work has slowed considerably. One of my biggest sources of anxiety is all of the small businesses and service workers who will be permanently crippled by this. My son was thinking of taking the quarter off college and working - I asked him where he thought he would be working?

              I AM glad to have this online community during this time. I don't have much to add this morning, but I will. I am feeling a bit disconnected and like I'm in a bad dream, but I work to stay grounded. Here is an exercise a friend posted on FB.

              Any time you feel like you are beginning to spin out into the tornado of panic and thinking about all of the horrible things that might happen, sit in a comfortable position with your feet firmly planted on the ground. Look around you and find:
              5 things you see - study them in detail
              4 things you touch - touch them and consider how they feel. Soft? Textured? Smooth? Cold?
              3 things you hear - close your eyes if it helps you concentrate.
              2 things you smell - you may have to go into another room or outside.
              1 thing you taste - toothpaste? lunch?
              It's impossible to be two places at once - you can not be worrying about the future (or the past for that matter) when you are fully present in the current moment.

              Stay safe and sober everyone.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                I missed you, too, Pav!:love: I'm off work for the next couple/few weeks, but am in the very fortunate position that I will be paid further, at least for the time being.. I also feel so sad for people who aren't supported. I know that here the government has promised/will try (supposedly) to support small businesses/restaurants, etc. Not sure how that's looking in the U.S.?
                Will your son do distance learning for the quarter or are they still in school? That is a great list.. I'm not panicked or stressed at them moment, but I'm curious.. going to try it out right now! xx


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  This site has given us skills that are really helpful now - staying in the moment, distracting ourselves when necessary, sitting with unpleasant feelings, serving others...
                  I am handling this so much better than Old NS would have done (not perfect and I enjoyed my screaming, cussing, crying meltdown I had last week at Trump on TV :egad.

                  I used to be convinced I had much more control over my life than I do. The last 7 years have taught me how wrong that was. Many around me are finding it out for the first time. They are miserable and in great pain. I'm sad and scared, but also curious as to how this plays out and what we will learn from it. I so hope that on a global level we come out on the other side of this with greater compassion, empathy, and love, much like that which can come from getting past an addiction. The world was not ok a month or a year ago and it is worse now but just maybe it can ultimately be a better place when we put the pieces back together, just like when we put the pieces of us where they belong. I hope so. xx, NS


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    day 76.

                    too tired to think of anything else to write. i'm going to read a bit and then off to bed.
                    AF since Jan 2nd 2020


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hey all. Day 2 of staying in. We have been watching Manhunt It’s about the Centennial Park bomber, Eric Rudolph and Richard Jewell. It was fantastic, I highly recommend it.
                      We went to the store last weekend and I bought some frozen dinners that have made this whole sheltering in place that much more unpleasant. I was lured in by the 230 calorie badge on the front. I fell for the succulent chicken and artichoke hearts shining through a rich tomato-ey sauce. In reality, it was a bland, tasteless mess of not much. Salt kicked it up a little, butter would have made it almost not bad, but I resisted the extra calories. Instead, I broke out a bag of cookies and ate 10 of those. I must do better. I have 3 of these frozen meals left. I wish I had spent the money on taters. Ha!
                      I am living smaller, too. I’m using 2 squares of tissue instead of 3. I don’t like this change, but one must do what one must do. Conservation of a girl’s tissue is the order of the day. I used to pull it off the roll with impunity, nearly laughing with glee. So this unwelcome curbing of its use is hard, but I must do my part. It sure makes you appreciate the good ole days (last week).
                      I can only imagine what my stockpile of booze would look like. I’d have to be stashing jugs upon jugs of the stuff! And what to do with the empties, dear lord, THE EMPTIES! At least, that is ONE problem I don’t have during this time. Thank the good lord!
                      Julia, I took AD’s for 5 years and quit cold turkey (I got a bad liver reading and thought I better quit any med I could live without...god forbid I should give up BOOZE) and two weeks later, I was in the ER having withdrawals! It was awful, then I had after effects for weeks, depression, etc, it was a nightmare. In fact, I had nightmares! You are smart to A/ get off them and B/ taper. I started taking them because I felt depressed. What was the real cause of that depression? Alcohol. If I ever write a book, I’ll call its Numb and Numb-er’. It was awful. As I said once I got off AL and the AD, it was like my world went from black and white to color! I’m so happy that you are digging out! Anything worth having is worth fighting for.
                      Stay strong, everyone. Don’t touch anything if you don’t know where it’s been! Butt bumps to all, Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nesters,

                        LC, glad to see you checking in today! These are definitely weird times but I believe we will be OK. We simply need to follow the few rules set out for our protection, hand washing, social distancing & keeping ourselves healthy as possible. I just saw a picture of a crowded beach in florida, packed with college aged kids. WTF? Do they think their immune? Do they even think?
                        I have more knowledge of infection control than the average citizen but how hard is it to follow a few simple rules? I hope your time at home is good for you.
                        All of the grandkids are out of school so I guess I will see them at some point. Stay well

                        NS, I still think the universe is guiding us to a newer & hopefully better way of living with this crisis. I’m not feeling panic, just doing a lot of soul searching, if you know what I mean.

                        Pav, I learned those techniques back when I was dealing with killer anxiety & they do work!!!

                        Hello to Julia & everyone.

                        I came across a bag of spelt flour in a local Amish store & baked up a batch of really tasty rolls to go with tonight’s soup, yum! As you can see I am easily entertained, haha!
                        Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hello NS, Lavande, thanks for your nice words. (It seems the 'thanks' and 'like' buttons on this forum have disappeared since I last posted!?)

                          Hello Everyone! I'm choosing to distance myself from too many news bulletins at this time. Once or twice a day will suffice! It's been good to witness numerous acts of kindness and general positivity, in my local community and further afield.

                          I look forward to us all being able to look back on this time and feel proud of the way we coped, and the things we were able to do and achieve despite it.

                          Sorry I can't think of anything else to say right now, wishing everyone well,
                          AF free since April 29, 2013


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hi, All:

                            Forgot to say a hello to you, Steady. Good to see you here. I'm glad we have this place to check in, and REALLY glad I'm not drinking right now. I know a lot of people are drinking every day and using this as an excuse. I understand that for sure (see my sugar intake), but so glad I am out of that particular addiction cycle.

                            Spelt rolls? Sounds delicious. Well, I don't know what spelt tastes like, but any homemade roll fresh out of the oven sounds delicious. Baking during the quarantine? Maybe I'll take that up.

                            I'm trying to figure out how to support any small businesses I can. But I don't want to go out either.

                            Keep calm and carry on. Sober.



                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Byrdie - I can't even imagine the empties that would be accumulating and providing *evidence* during this time! Nope nope nope - this is a challenging situation in some ways but I'm glad that figuring out how to drink, or rationing of al, or anything along that lines isn't one of the challenges.

                              Lav - The beach pictures are surprising in some ways and totally reflect our culture in others. I've seen several comments from folks who are essentially saying, "I'm gonna do what I want" because they aren't concerned for themselves (and can't see through to why some of these actions they're asking us to take are for others or for the group. It's tempting to hope that there is some Darwinism at play here, but even that feels uncomfortable to wish for. Sigh... I guess we'll have to wait and see.

                              Pav - I am one of those small businesses who has been impacted heavily by this situation. Although I conduct most of my training online, universities and professional schools are all closed, and the tests my students are prepping for have all been cancelled for at least the next several weeks. I have about 4 people who are hanging in there because they aren't taking tests until June and thus they are hoping some things will have been sorted out by then, but even that work might dry up. It's terrifying, and I am spending part of my self-isolation trying to come up with some other ways to make a living, as even unemployment relief won't help us self-employed folks. I'm also trusting that the big schools and the test companies have WAY more money at stake than little old me, and I'm sure they are scrambling to figure out how to conduct things like law school online and how to still offer these tests in ways that don't require dozens of students together in the same room. My hope is that once they figure that out, my work flow will resume. Fingers crossed!

                              Kensho - how are things for you? I imagine you're still able to do some of your work, but maybe the market for it has been impacted by these uncertain times? Thinking of you.

                              Who else in the nest is in a tough economic boat? How are you coping, since drinking sure as hell won't help (and we don't drink anyway)?

                              And how is everyone's health? I personally feel pretty healthy and I know I have a strong immune system, but with my 89-y.o. dad living here and my wife having already-compromised lungs, I'm treading very very cautiously. On the bright side, we now havee plenty of time to fit in our daily workouts, and for the time being we can still take long walks and bike rides outdoors, and yesterday we started tackling the long-overdue garage organizing/cleaning project. Ugh! There is stuff that my wife squirreled in there 10-15 years ago that I've never even seen in our 5+ years together! Send me strength :egad:

                              Happy healthy days and eves everyone :heartbeat:
                              Last edited by wagmor; March 18, 2020, 09:34 AM.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Morning nesters

                                Hey Steady, stay safe. The news is just becoming more unnerving every day. Seeing what is happening o/s and what is to come here is surreal. Im just happy we are all not drinking.

                                Working from home has its positives although work is mad, trying to slow down patient to dr contact and keep people away from our hospital. People just dont want to listen though, they dont want to stay home here. Its the unknown and if our government is like everyone elses they say you cant be in crowds but then turn around and say you can catch public transport to work. be around no one but then be packed like a sardine in a train. Well that will work NOT. Luckily our hospitals are all working together to provide as good a service as possible in the coming weeks and months ahead. I see what is happening to you all and know we are in for some hard months ahead, winter is coming (sounds like Game of Thrones). I am busy getting my garden ready to plant vegetables and settle in for winter. One of my daughters is moving home, her bf went to visit his parents in New Zealand and has decided to stay there, not impressed about that but what can you do. My other daughter is worried about how she will pay bills and if she will have a job and my boys are just cruising along as per usual. My job is at least safe for the time being but it feels like nothing will be as it was.

                                Today i am going to meander to the shops and see if i can get some elusive toilet paper and some almond milk. next door gave me a small extra fridge which was lovely of them. I am lucky to have such great neighbours.

                                Wags, i hope you do find work along the way and i can imagine the health of your dad is a worry. I have finally gotten through to my mum that she has to stay home, whereas my cousins mum is still going out shopping etc without a care in the world.

                                Byrd, i had a chuckle about the loo paper, how did it become that we count our sheets of loo paper. I hope you are settling into retired life a lot easier now. Add some mashed potatoe into those meals, makes them edible.

                                Back to work i go. Take care everyone xx
                                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom

