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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    i wonder if i am so calm amidst all this turmoil because this feeling of disconnection from the 'normal', living with existential uncertainty and estrangement is a rather familiar thing to me. anyway, i've had quite some practice, as i guess we all have over here.

    and i cherish my daily meditation routine before eveything else. it clicks. and ii take it with me throughout the day.

    i wish you all some quietness inside and out! beaming it to you!
    AF since Jan 2nd 2020


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Good evening Nesters,

      I may have already mentioned that I don’t really feel more disconnected from people than usual. 17 years ago we chose to move here & build a home where most of our neighbors are 4 legged & don’t want to talk much. I have to admit i do miss seeing my grandkids but we’re connecting virtually. If we keep this distancing up we should be seeing the apex of this virus by the end of the month so I think we’re doing teh right thing
      Made a pot of mushroom & farro soup today & threw in lots of extra veggies. Bakes up 2 loaves of Polish sauerkraut rye bread - yum . I did get out for a walk but I probably should take another one after eating so much bread, haha!

      Julia, you seem to be doing fine & I am happy for you!

      NS, I can’t drag myself out of bed to do a 6 am shopping trip, not me, Lol. Glad you got what you needed.

      Hi Narilly, Pav & Steady!
      There’s certainly not going to be any drinking going on here, no way. I convinced myself a long time ago that AL is never the answer I’m looking for & this is no different. I am also sewing up bunches of face masks to be donated. If they give someone a little protection then great! Our government has not protected the people in any way, shape or form. My son has 4 days left on his quarantine then goes right back into the viral jungle

      Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Greetings Everyone
        [MENTION=22154]Pav[/MENTION]: You have some great weapons in your stocks to ensure you stay AF even during this crazy time. I don't see your post as "all about you", it's really quite universal, speaking to all of us about staying AF, and I thank you for it :thanks:

        @N.S: Thanks for the virtual hug and support! I agree wearing a mask when in public helps one feel easier about things. And yes, I'll keep my AF pride to protect my sobriety

        @Lav: Your kitchen smells delicious! I hope your son stays well, and you too of course. :thumbsup:
        [MENTION=6487]ava[/MENTION]: Congrats on your smoke-free year, that's fantastic! Also, nice to see you on FB :love:
        [MENTION=654]eve[/MENTION]ryone: Yes, I agree with others, we on the Sobriety Wagon have honed our endurance, and can use our sobriety tools to get through the Covid-19 nightmare. I have a headache and feel very clunky in this post, but posting is GOOD, VERY GOOD
        AF free since April 29, 2013


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Yikes, I'm not doing well at getting to the nest every day. My work has definitely started picking up although still only about half as many students as I would like. The ones I do have are all "high needs" though and taking lots of time for prep and mid-week check-ins etc.

          Ava - huge congrats on one year smoke free! I worry about you all in the southern hemisphere with colder weather coming as that's supposed to bring a spike in the virus (like they're telling us we'll have again come November in the northern hemi). Glad you got some social time with folks at work though.

          Julia - interesting that some of the other things you've worked through are giving you a different perspective on this current situation. I too am enjoying the quiet and the blue skies. Just having the traffic calmer is big, and I'm not even driving in it very much! Wishing you continued calm and steadiness as you move forward.

          Kensho - what a great conversation with your daughter! I agree that this honesty is a huge gift you are giving your children.

          Byrdie - when can we sign up for cake classes???

          Pav - sorry to hear about the cold and hope you feel better soon

          Ok, I am exhausted and need to chill a bit before turning in early tonight. Stay safe nesters near and far!


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Good evening nesters

            Julia keep up the great work, i dont know how i would deal if i was in early sobriety with all of this chaos going on in the world. Proud of you. There is something to be said for accountability each and every day. I was a lunatic in my early days and due to the time zone everyone woke up to so many posts!

            Steady be safe and sorry your SO is busy getting into the booze and weed with his health but we can only focus on ourselves.

            Wags, i worry for us too, i dont think the public realises that the worst is yet to come. 5 floors of our hospital are being turned into covid wards and we only have 7 floors. Glad to see that your work is keeping you reasonably busy and i hope your dad is doing well.

            I may mention to my mum that she should start sewing masks and maybe donate them to drs surgeries or something. she told me she feels very tired so i think she is a bit depressed, which she would never admit of course but we are all in the same boat and i did tell her to mention it to the nurse when she has her flu needle.

            I did take my two children for their flu shots today, last year they always seemed to be sick and never ended up getting it. Now they are complaining about a sore arm but that is fine by me. I am waiting for our hospital to start giving it out but they are a tad pre occupied at present. At least things have quietened down at work thank goodness and i am having next week off through to after easter. I will do a bit of work but at least i dont feel obligated to do 8 hours plus.

            Lav, i would so love an addiction at this time but everytime i want a smoke i just cant. other than the cost, it was way worse to give up than drinking and now i just cant stand the smell of it but its one of those "go to" things i used to think helped with stress.

            Pav, i hope you feel better soon.

            Take care everyone, sending hugs. xx

            Ps: does anyone have a link to a pattern for the masks?
            Last edited by available; April 2, 2020, 05:01 AM.
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Re: Newbies Nest

              AVA, I made my first mask last night! From fancy design fabric that I had in my office. I followed a couple tutorials on Youtube - let me know if that would work for you and I'll post the links. I found it to be too big though, and can't wait to get the sewing machine up and running. Sewing by hand took about an hour, but I had the time last night!

              Wags, glad you are keeping busy. I have found that even half-pace feels intense right now; how was I ever running at the speed I was at before? Gosh, I could get used to this slow-mode. I guess we have about a month more here, so we will see if that feeling lasts.

              The air is SO clean!!!! I may have to find a hike that is not closed this week. Even the rain smells better because its not dragging down the air pollution. Maybe people will realize that working from home could make a dent in our problem and keep doing more of it!

              We still have a trip planned for Italy in June. We waited three years to plan it. May have to wait another year or two. I feel terribly for that country, though I hear we are on the same trajectory in the US because people are just not taking the distancing thing seriously. We really are quite dumb as a species at times. It doesn't help that our leadership is dishonest, unclear, minimizing and lacks sincerity and coordination of prevention efforts. It's disappointing.

              Its colder here today with snow/rain - so I plan to help the kiddos with school (I find that they really do need me to be sitting right there), and maybe work on my March billing. It shouldn't take long!! HA! And I'm SO sore from exercising the past 6 days! Even my dog won't raise her tail because she is also sore from running and playing with us! Glad we have a cooler, quieter day.

              Now is no time for sinking into addiction, it's a time to reflect, experience, address and become stronger. Keep up the good work everyone!

              Done. Moving on to life.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hi, All:

                AVA, Congratulations on being smoke free for one year!!! That is an amazing feat. Do you feel better because of it? How did you celebrate? Flu shots??

                Kensho - I don't blame those kids at all. I find myself really struggling to be productive and engaged in work, and I've had a lot more practice than they have! I hope all these kids get to get back to school at some point.

                I saw something that said even if wearing a mask didn't keep the droplets out, it would keep you from toughing your face while out. I also saw a design for a bandana/hair tie mask with no sewing. That might be up my alley... My problem is my hair - i always need to get it out of my eyes. I have to just start wearing it back at all times.

                California has been pretty good at staying home, so there is some belief that we'll "flatten the curve." My question is - then what? If we all come out of quarantine, won't we start getting it again? Is our hope that they'll get a vaccine? An anti-viral? How long does this have to last? I was walking the hill by my house and encountered a father and two young kids. One of the kids shouted in fear - "DAD! PEOPLE?!" It was very sad for me. We'll see how these kids grow up...

                Wags, glad you have work - sorry they're needy. Stay steady, Julia. You, too, Steady. Hi to everyone else. Lav, I'm intrigued by sour kraut bread...



                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Happy Un Hung Thursday everyone. I am starting to get the days mixed up.

                  Everyone sounds good- just listening to our Prime Minister, he is on every morning. Crazy times.

                  Ken, the masks sound nice. I found some N95 masks in a drawer that are about 10 years old so I will use them. Hubby used them for painting.

                  Ya, Pav, I know it is so weird to have kids say that. Who knows what the long term effect will be.

                  Ava, Congratulations on being smoke free for a year! Yippee! Yeah, flu shots are an interesting way to celebrate.

                  Pauly, hope you are hangin in, xo.

                  Take care everyone.

                  "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                  "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                  AF April 12, 2014


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Ava, here is a very simple pattern that some hospitals are accepting: How To Make a Face Mask | JOANN
                    Your mom should make sure her hospital approves this design first, though.

                    The ones I've been making are more fitted and complicated so would be hard to make in bulk, I think. When I get these done, I'm going to more on to the easier ones which some hospitals here accept.

                    I read a funny anecdote about all this yesterday. A boy asked his mom if when she was a kid, they all had to stay home during COVIDs 1-18. Thank goodness that wasn't the case!

                    Stay well and stay in the Nest! xx, NS


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hey, all. Happy that the sun is out. We watched 1917 (the movie) and it was quite good and intense. Took our minds off things for two hours.
                      Hubs went to Walgreens for a prescription and it made me sick with worry. I’m with you,Pav, if we flatten the curve, what next? Having autoimmune issues makes me very anxious. I belong to a group on Facebook and they have explained in graphic detail about how the virus progresses in people with autoimmune issues. I may should stop reading about it, it scares me. I’ve always been a germ-a-phobe, this may make it worse!
                      I’m falling into the face mask camp myself. I just don’t see how it can hurt.
                      Stay safe and sober, everyone! Now more than ever! Hugs to all, Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        i'm 3 months AF today
                        no inclination to drink whatsoever.

                        in the end, stopping smoking was easier for me than quitting booze. started smoking when i was 14, i smoked a lót, a few packs a day, and after quitting (3 times in end twenties / thirties) i relapsed everytime after a few years. but i never could keep clear of AL, not even for a day.
                        the longest i managed to stay sober was about 13 years ago using antabuse/refusal (i think 3 months, but not without relapsing once during those months even while on those meds.. ugh what a nightmare..), and then after going AF using baclofen, 9 years (?) ago. i stayed sober for 6 months at that time, then started tapering down with baclofen and starting drinking again, mostly moderately due to the baclofen i was still using (moderately for my doing at least) and sometimes binging. in the end of course this got more.
                        i finally quit smoking 5 or 6 years ago now and somehow even managed to sometimes smoke without completely relapsing. and of course i smoked my pot the last few years with tobacco. which of course made the pot way more attractive. but still not smoking on a daily basis or like in my haydays. no (or hardly any) regular cigarettes. peculiar. i never quite understood how i could do that. it's impossible for a real smoker to smoke without total relapse. i'm SO happy i didn't!!!

                        memory lane...
                        so this is the first time ever i've managed to stay sober for this long without using meds. since i was 18? what happened??

                        take care dear people.

                        edit: no i was once in intensive 24-hour therapy for almost a year when i was 24. drinking was strictly forbidden and after almost being kicked out for not taking this rule all too seriously i stayed sober for the rest of that treatment. and then it was over and i made a toast to my regained freedom.
                        Last edited by julia1970; April 2, 2020, 04:23 PM.
                        AF since Jan 2nd 2020


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Good evening Nesters,

                          We had a sunny but somewhat chilly day here, that’s OK. Got out for a walk with the dog but saw no one.

                          Julia, Wow, CONGRATS on your 3 AF months, that’s a big deal :yay:
                          I quit smoking about 3 months after I quit drinking & I still think about smoking but I won’t. I know I would be hooked again immediately & I’m pretty sure I don’t have another quit in me. I’m very happy for you & all the progress you have made!

                          About sewing the masks - so far i have used 3 different patterns & I’m still not 100% pleased. After wearing masks at work for 30 years I know how they should fit & a lot of these patterns just don’t fit the adult face. You want good coverage - ear to ear, top of nose to under your chin. I’ll keep playing with them & maybe enlarge them a bit.

                          Pav, if you want to try the Polish sauerkraut rye bread I’ll post the link. You can find it on It’s so good, honestly worth a try

                          Byrdie, don’t want you getting scared. Just grab on to my tail feathers & hang on

                          Helllo to NS, Kensho, Ava, Narilly, wags & everyone.
                          Wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hi all, Happy almost Friday and weekend to everyone. Whew! Today was my first "full" day of work in about a month, and it felt busy but good. It's almost harder just having one class per day because it feels like such a swing from what's going on in the world, whereas today I got into "work mode" and kind of just stayed there without hearing any news or seeing covid statistics etc.

                            Lav - will be curious what you come up with for mask design. I'm sure after 30 years you have a very keen feel and eye for how they should fit!

                            Julia - congrats on 3 months friend!!! That's seriously awesome, especially in light of how hard you've found it to quit previously. Kudos to you!

                            Byrdie - that would be terribly hard to read such details about the virus progression - I think I would skip that as well if I were you (and if I were ME as well!)

                            Pav - yes, it will be very interesting to see how this period in history impacts our society in general and the young kids right now in particular. One thing I've already noticed is that some people seem reluctant to even make eye contact out walking in the neighborhood. Lots of people out walking for exercise/health or walking their pups, and social distancing just fine, but then looking straight ahead or at the ground like it's contagious just looking at someone who might have it. And then other people seem warmer and friendlier, like we need to try harder to connect since we are so limited in how we can do so.

                            Kensho - congrats on your 6 days of exercise! That is one of the few things keeping me sane right now. Fortunately I started my routine way back in August or Sept so it's totally habit by now. My wife started joining me in maybe November, so we're both pretty regular with it at this point (and definitely fitter and stronger as a result). What all do you like to do?

                            Hellos and waves to NS, Ava, Pauly, Nar, Steady, and everyone else stopping by the nest. Have great ends of your weeks.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Morning nesters, Wags I was walking to the gas station to get a coffee(farmer brothers an absolute fave!) I was gonna say hi to a guy passing me but he just looked straight ahead, think maybe people are just in weird moods right now, I know I am,glad you're keeping busy, Julia, fabulous job on 3 months! Ava, congrats on a year off the smokes, I'm not even gonna attempt it yet, I usually only smoke 2-3 a day but still it stinks! What an awful smell, Kell had to use my car for a few days and smoked in it! Witch! To me that's just disgusting, are your daughters still working? I was telling the Steppers that I really miss that interaction with my customers, thought I hated them but I miss them haha, some are older and I really hope none of them get hurt with this virus, been walking my arse off but weight stays the same, I'm only trying to lose like 4 pounds but it's clinging oh well enough rambling for me (sorry) lonely I guess, lonely but don't want to be bothered if that makes sense? Anyhoo waves to the gang and wishes for a happy day for us all!
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Hi, All--

                                OMG, Pauly. Lonely and don't want to be bothered - you hit the nail on the head. My husband keeps setting up zoom meetings with friends and family, and I drag my butt to them. I am always happy to say hi, but I also just want to be alone - even though I'm lonely. Weird, feeling.

                                Wags, what is your exercise routine? I am having trouble with a routine other than on the weekends as my work day is so long. I know that many people with long week days still exercise - I am aware I don't really have an excuse. A friend started doing an online HIIT workout twice a week, so I'll have that at least. I walk the hills a lot, also, but hard to do when I'm so tired at the end of the day. Like I said, a million excuses.

                                And yes, that averted eyes thing is weird. We are overly friendly, but it seems like people don't want our breath heading their way...

                                Congratulations, Julia! Quitting during this pandemic IS a feat. You're sounding great...

                                Lav, what is the easiest, most delicious bread recipe you have? I've never baked bread but I'm willing to try (once our store gets flour back in!) I don't mind kneading (I know there are no knead recipes), but I'd like to give it a whirl. Also, I have an electric oven. Does that make a difference?

                                My husband does the shopping. I get worried, but in life he is careful and meticulous, so I know he is out there. I think he should wear a mask, we'll see.

                                Happy SOBER Friday. Stay safe out there.

