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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Good morning! Snow on the ground here, and chilly. But it's Friday, one full week of online school done, and it was a positive thing!

    I'm. being called to make the eggs and sausage I promised, so I will be quick.

    PAV - YES! Lonely and leave me alone... I noticed that too! It takes me effort to socialize, but I DO feel better after.

    Wags, I run or bike - and lift some. My new favorite is the Peloton App - I do really well in a class environment with kickin' music, so that's right up my ally. I don't have a peloton, so I look funny on our old stationary bike, but it works.

    LAV, would love to know when you find that "right" mask pattern! We agreed to let someone clean our house yesterday after extensive questioning about her behavior and family's behavior. She was dealing in bleach and Lysol - and agreed to wear the mask I made, so we allowed her to come. We want to support her as she is out of work. I was seriously on the fence, and it was probably not the best idea, but we did it. AND all the grandparents (our parents) want masks. SO I'm getting out the sewing machine. You guys should see the fabrics I have... super fancy! Glad I didn't return them before Covid hit!

    Julia - huge kudos to you for your 3 months, especially during a difficult time! You are gaining strength by the bucketful now!!! Keep it going!

    Our friends send us a text with a video titled, "Old men hitting the beer bong". My husband asked if I responded, and I am not even going to watch it. He still doesn't get it. he leaves his wine in the main fridge - I asked him to put it on the back shelf and stuff it way back. I am ok with it being there, I just don't want to SEE it. HA!

    Stay sober, stay strong, keep building sober muscles!! We will get through this! Kids are hungry!

    Done. Moving on to life.


      Re: Newbies Nest

      i need to start excercising too! i only walk with my dog now. firm walking, and mostly about 1 1/2 hours a day, but it's not enough.
      i've learned that literally all the dumbells and other tools for training have been sold out for weeks. my love has bought a rowing machine. i'd love to have one myself, but it would drive my neighbours crazy.

      sad to hear your husband not getting it Kensho. and at the same time: all the more amazing that you are managing to stay sober. wow.

      thanks for the messages people i appreciate it a lot, it's so nice that this moment doens't just pass by.

      by the way, with a president that says sick and dying people should stay alive at least long enough to vote for him in November, i can sure see how your country is very afraid... my god.
      Last edited by julia1970; April 3, 2020, 11:34 AM.
      AF since Jan 2nd 2020


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Happy Un Hung Friday everyone. eggs and sausage sound great Pav.

        by the way, with a president that says sick and dying people should stay alive at least long enough to vote for him in November, i can sure see how your country is very afraid... my god.
        This made me laugh out loud Julia and I totally agree with you.

        I really miss going out for breakfast and coffee, I did not realize how much I loved it until now yeah, it is weird how we are walking by people and averting eyes and breath. I have been going out for short walks since it has been so cold (-20C). Today it is -11C which is a bit better. I walk over to my mom's and stand outside the window and talk to her on my phone everyday. Weird times.

        Pauly, yeah its funny, I don't mind being left alone either.

        Have a good one.

        Don't drink today.

        "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
        "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

        AF April 12, 2014


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hi gang,

          Hi Nar. -11C? Balmy........

          Julia, 90 days? Wowza! Congratulations mi amiga. We don't need dumbells. Bodyweight does the job. Push ups, chin ups, squats and some general stretching. For dumbell exercises, u can use shopping bags for each arm. e.g. dumbell curls. Simple eh?

          Hi Pav. I don't know if u need to worry about not getting exercise in. You are so busy, and rest is good. But a 5 minute simple workout each morning might be the ticket.....e.g. as above - 5 x pushups. 5 x squats. then some general stretches. Maybe do a dumbell or shopping bag set of bicep curls or shoulder presses. When i'm busy getting myself to work, i always squeeze in a set of pushups and chinups. I just do something as it banishes any silly guilt i might be having for not working out. You're a legend.

          Friend Kensho raaawkin the bike class!

          Masks are a good sideline. My take is i'm best erring on the side of caution until we get a better understanding of how this virus operates over the longer term.

          Big waves and hello's to evabody. Keep it rolling and be kind to yourself.

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            Re: Newbies Nest

            morning nesters

            Home with a cold, not thinking it is anything else but just isolating in my room, my daughter is bringing me in so many hot cups of liquid as apparently that helps kill whatever it is that i am not thinking about. i feel more human today but really heady. I will just take my drugs and stay in bed. Kids have their flu shot so that is a positive. I have now run out of data on my internet so trying to get some organised with work so i can hotspot.

            Congrats Julia on 3 months, great job.

            Kensho, just move the wine, he will get the hint. Its like having a big child sometimes. I move all al if it feels tempting, if they dont do it the first time i ask then it could end up anywhere ha ha. they have learnt.

            I passed on the suggestion to mum about masks and then got the "i have no elastic" so i told her to order online of which she said i am not going to just order elastic. ok, i tried.

            Pauly, one daughter has moved back home as she has no work, the other daughter is down to working 1 day a week but she is isolated atm after coming in contact with some one who has covid. luckily she shares a house with a guy who's parents own the house so they have waivered her rent. she is very lucky. hairdressing is an essential service at persent. I get where you want contact but dont. i miss my work, i miss the drs and staff that i do talk to. i seem to be having more patient contact and boy humans really push your buttons but the annoyings ones are more annoying and the lovely ones are more lovely.

            This weekend i have to help my daughter pack her flat up and move back home, she cant afford to pay the rent and her partner is in New Zealand with his family. She is sad but its a different world atm and we just have to do what we have to.

            take care and be safe xx
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Julia, congrats on 3 big months! :three: this is yooooge! And you did it all by yourself! When I was a hygienist, I could easily tell the pot smokers. The back of their front teeth were green! I’m so glad you are finding success.
              Pav, I was reading an article today that said the highest increased item that has been sold this past week was brewers yeast! Holy carbs! You are not alone in your yearn for yeast! There’s a bread baking bonanza! Us cakers are up in arms.
              Julia, we ARE extremely concerned about our leadership. It’s like a Twilight Zone.
              Its only Friday, not a ticket to BoozeVille! Stay safe and sober! Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Good evening Nesters,

                Mostly sunny but with a super chilly wind today, Brrr! Good day to stay in after trying to walk with my dog this morning. The wind literally pushed us into a crunchy old corn field about a half a mile down the road so we made a big U turn, haha!!! I stepped up my walking program a few weeks ago because I found I was having B/P spikes, scary! Initially I lost 2 lbs but they have come back & gone a few times so all I’m doing is shifting water weight. But, my B/P is much better & I’m happy with that.

                Kensho, our governor announced today that we all need to be wearing cloth face masks when we go to the grocery or drug store. Good thing I have a stash
                I think I like this one for the best fit BUT remember men are nurses & doctors too so you can consider making some a little larger How to Make a Face Mask - Fast and Easy - Free Pattern and Video Tutor |

                Since I had to stay in & ran out of Daiya dairy free mozzarella cheese I made some of my own. Haven’t made it for a while but it’s easy - throw everything in the blender then pour it in a bowl & refrigerate until it’s solid. I love having extra time on my hands, Lol

                Pav, for easy bread recipes take a look at the King Arthur flour website. They have tons of super easy recipes & you can use any kind of flour. Just be sure you buy fresh yeast & proof it & you’re good to go. My personal fav is Oat, OatBran, anything like that. You can grind up oats in your food processor & skip buying oat flour. I fiddle with every recipe I find to make them dairy free & lower in sodium & it all comes out just fine. Have fun, it’s a good hobby

                Wags, glad your work & self care routines are working out!

                Hi to G, Julia, Narilly, Ava, Pauly & Byrdie & anyone I’ve missed. Have we seen LC this week?

                Wishing everyone a safe & healthy night in the nest!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Hi, All:

                  Thanks, Lav. Byrdie, it is true, I have a hankering for carbs... We'll see if I get to baking them or just eating them.

                  G, that's a good idea. I tend to be an all or nothing - I have to do a 45 minute workout or it isn't worth it. I can squeeze shorter workouts in for sure. Thanks for the reminder.

                  Ava - how'd you catch a cold? I feel like isolation and hand washing should keep us all sterilized. My allergies are crazy, so I feel like I have a cold, but it isn't going away...

                  My husband has upped his drinking for sure. He has a job he can do from home, but the work has slowed down, so he can sleep in and feels like he's on vacation a wee bit. Not healthy, but I guess it is his form of carbs. He still has an easy off switch that I never had.

                  Hope you all have restful and peaceful weekends. I'll get a workout in, and maybe some cooking or housecleaning. Or maybe I'll just veg. We'll see!

                  Happy SOBER Saturday,


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    thanks for the tips G. i also came up with the plan to take a back pack with some heavy books when i'm walking to make my walks a little more intense and do some sqats and stuff while at it. let's see how it works out.

                    while cleaning my house today i found a big fat tobacco rolled heavy dutch weed joint in a crack under the door to my bedroom balcony. i put it in my mouth and decided to smoke a few drafts and then throw it away. but then i went to the toilet and pulverized it instead.
                    i had been wondering were that joint had gone to! i was stoned when it got lost (last summer i think). and i searched and searched for it! getting paranoid, thinking the neighbours had gotten on my balcony to take it! i was embarrased, thinking they were making a fool out of me.oh my god, what a scene..

                    hope you are doing very fine dear people!
                    Last edited by julia1970; April 4, 2020, 03:51 PM.
                    AF since Jan 2nd 2020


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Good evening Nesters,

                      Quiet day here in the nest. Hope everyone is staying home & busy with healthy activities
                      Just back from my long doggie walk, much better with no wind blowing us all over the place!

                      Pav, I hoped you figured out one thing to do today & had fun with it, haha. Baking a loaf of bread can be therapeutic believe it or not

                      Julia, I had to laugh about picking up the stale old joint & considering lighting it up. I probably would have done the same thing but considering I don’t smoke anything anymore. Good job tossing it & saving yourself a lot of grief later.

                      Well, hello to everyone & wishing a safe & comfy night in the nest for all!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Morning nesters

                        Lav we have the winds here. It is a miserable day outside but i will try and get out for a walk.

                        Pav not sure where i found a cold but we are at that time of year where the weather is up and down like a yo yo but now getting more cold than hot.

                        Feeling a lot more human today so that is good. My boss was telling me that we have 4+ drs in isolation after they were in contact with another positive dr and i had been chatting to them all the other day as they are part of my team. I will never stop filling out our work covid assessment form the way i am going but the hospitals main aim is to keep the workers safe for when we are needed, which i hope is never.

                        Finally set up my new office space and everything has its place which of course wont last long. looks good at the moment and carl has his bed next to me. He loves being near me.

                        Time for a coffee and then we are going into my daughters unit to pack it up. She is sad but as i tell her the whole world has changed honey and we are all sad but its how we handle this that is important.

                        take care x
                        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Morning nesters, Julia that was crazy finding that old joint, glad you tossed it probably would have been all stale anyways Lav and Pav I have some brown bananas that are begging to be made into a banana bread but I keep ignoring them for some reason, been a carboholic myself these past weeks but I guess I was before all this too haha, my daughter is really upset over all of this, I think cuz she has the two small boys she's upset by the uncertainty and all the rumors that keep going around which only makes things worse I'll wait til I hear things from the horses mouth before I jump to conclusions! It's amazing how easy doing hair is looking back and the hard part of doing these odd jobs now, she's doing instacart and has to go to so many different stores, buy it, lug it up to their apartment or house and she's very frustrated, yesterday a guy bought 14 cases of Bubly and lived 3 floors up, she was livid haha, anyways much love from Vegas, stay safe and sober my friends
                          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hi, All:

                            WOW, 14 cases! That's commitment. Don't know if you have the old Joy of Cooking, Pauly, but I think their banana bread is very good. Not too healthy, if you know what I mean...

                            Lav, I thought of you as I got out for a dog walk in the wind and rain. It was blustery, but so good to get out. Then I made soup and lemon bars - so no bread yet. Yeast is on the grocery list for the next time we get out. Glad you got out.

                            Ava - Sorry for your daughter, but glad you two get along and you have the room for her as well.

                            Julia - that's funny. I imagine getting paranoid about your neighbor was a terrible feeling. So glad you pulverized it! That's building the sober muscle!

                            Not much else to report. My son is definitely finding alcohol as a friend in this. I'll give him this week - he's officially on spring break. And then tighten up the reins a bit.

                            Good think we don't drink. This COULD get ugly.



                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Well, I’ve checked out the front porch and then surveyed the back deck, everything seems to be in order! Ha!
                              Julia, so glad you disposed of that joint. The last thing any of us need now is an active addiction, I just can’t imagine!
                              A classmate of mine has floated the idea of reviving our high school class page on FB and each person offer some of their expertise on various subjects where they have strength to share. What a great idea! My classmate owns a small restaurant in Savannah, so I can’t imagine the hardship he is facing, what a great idea of his to have these Master Classes, of sorts. We have a classmate who is an interior designer, he was thinking she could offer ideas to spruce up our stale homes. We have another who is an exceptional gardener another who is a librarian. So we’ll see if that can gain some traction. Now that I have the front and back porches in order, I have the time! :haha:

                              These are certainly trying times. I think each and every one of us should pat ourselves on the back for weathering this awful storm sober. Well done to us!
                              Stay safe, everyone! Butt bumps, Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                i've had a wondeful weekend with my man. it's like we are falling in love again, now that we're both sober, and on top of that i am so much more susceptible to our contact and love and all since i''m almost off the antidepressants.
                                the weather was beautiful, the first really beautiful day, going outside without a coat, i love that. spring is coming! and with it some more sinusitis because of the pollens, but you can't have it all. i feel good!

                                that idea about the master classes is a beautiful one Pav!

                                i cannot bake. i am quite content with myself when i make good meals for myself, i am easy to please in that area as well. i love simple things (and ilove eating out as well!). i i've never baked a pie in my life, leave alone banana bread. that sounds so great!
                                i love to eat, but kitchen stuff is not my thing, i was brought up in a way that seems to have disabled that as an option for good.
                                sometimes i put in all my effort to make a special dinner for a friend or my man and i like that very much, though i make a huge mess, and i pick out of a very limited range (like 5 ) of special recipes (meaning: special for my doing). somtimes i try something new and add that to my repertoire.

                                yes, so good we don't drink!! happy to be in this with you dear people! hope you are fine.
                                Last edited by julia1970; April 5, 2020, 03:35 PM.
                                AF since Jan 2nd 2020

