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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi SpinningJ and welcome. Sounds like you are in the right place. Well done on 5 weeks AF. At least you know what to expect and now you have us for support you will soon be well on your way past 5 weeks again. I know what you mean about being a different person when drinking. You heard Pink sing? "Looking for myself sober'? That's a big part of this recovery business. I am so glad I dont have to deal with black outs anymore.

    Talking of black outs, I had a dream last night where I got drunk and blacked out. when I woke up from the black out, I had rung an old friend of mine and couldnt remember what I had said to her. I was so frustrated in the dream not knowing what I had said (as I havent spoken to her for so long and wanted to catch up on her news). Then I saw another friend I hadnt seen for years and he told me while I was in the black out I had stripped off and swam naked (which was always a possiblity in my previous life! OOpps). I felt so ashamed and embarrassed in this dream that when I woke up I could still feel it. A good reminder for me what it is like when I drink without having to actually go thru it and experience that horrible black out again. The sub-conscious mind is an amazing thing!

    Anyway I am getting thru my witching-day. Fridays - yuk i hate them....and so far so good.
    Hope everyone makes it thru the weekend and gets to Monday with all goals intact.

    Bye for now.
    I finally got it!
    "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


      Newbies Nest

      Hey, don't feel ashamed. that's for sure. AL is a dreadfull thing.

      5 weeks, wow that's fantastic. Nevermind you slipped, those things happen. Just be motivated to start again. That's teh most important thing ever!!!

      You get knocked down, you get up again. This isn't a race with a finish line. The race itself is the goal. Just keep going. As long as you're trying you havn't given up, right?!!
      AF since 15th March 2010

      The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


        Newbies Nest

        Thanks thats cheered me up I will keep going. I think with everything Ive been through cos of AL I am lucky to be alive. My Gaurdian Angels have had their work cut out looking after me! When I don't drink I really happy so why do I start again?? Ive got too much to loose lovely husband and kids etc.
        Thanks for the welcome


          Newbies Nest

          Hey Spinning.

          I know how ou feel, believe me. I actually had 3 and a half months AF under the belt last year and guess what threw it all way. Took me another year to get back on track. And I have a lovely wife and two little kids. it's an aweful disease this.

          Just keep going tho. Don't put your expectancies anyhigher then being sober today. tomowwor must worry aobut itself.
          AF since 15th March 2010

          The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


            Newbies Nest

            I did 6 months AF last year then thought I could moderate! I doesn't work for me so now I will just have to accept that. My Uncle died due to Al abuse in his 40s . I'm sure I will feel better when Ive had some sleep and Im not on my own! Got friends visiting tom which should cheer me up and they dont drink
            Thanks for listening
            Have a good weekend.


              Newbies Nest

              WOOW. 6 months!? That is fantastic.

              I had similar feelings. I just thought I could handle a couple of drinks at a special occasion (my sister from Germany had visited) and thought I could handle it in general then. I mean I could do 3 months wihtout, surely i'm healed of my ill drinking patterns, right? .... right???.... aehm... well...

              Shew. really will have my guard up this time though. You see, you just have to learn out of these situations. I know that I can't moderate, full stop. Yes, these thoughts come, ag, i can handle one how, but i realise immediately it's bollox.

              It's so great you're trying again. You can do it. And just keep going really, it's not about how often you fall, it's about how often you get up.
              AF since 15th March 2010

              The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


                Newbies Nest

                Thought I'd check in - first part of the day over and feeling good, they are all off to the pub so I have come home to prepare the feast for this evening, that should keep me out of mischief this afternoon

                Hi Spinning nice to meet you and good luck on your journey :l
                Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                  Newbies Nest

                  :thanks: :new:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Spinning. 6 months AF that's fantastic. I have nearly 5 months (yay) and havent tried to moderate yet. I did order a glass of wine last week when I was at the pub, however chickened out of drinking it. It just sat in front of me all night as I was too scared that I would throw away all the hard work I have done over those months. This site is what keeps me sane and away from the booze. Glad you found it too. A good nights sleep and you will feel stronger in the morning.
                    I finally got it!
                    "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                      Newbies Nest

                      Thats Brilliant I bet you are glad you didn't drink it ! I think this site is just what I need aswell. Well I went to the shops and didn't get tempted to buy wine ! I hope I can sleep tonight. I'm trying to sus out how the site work which is keeping me busy


                        Newbies Nest

                        BTW Panno, I have to admit, when I saw you new Avatar I thought it was a no painting sign first :H
                        AF since 15th March 2010

                        The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


                          Newbies Nest

                          It looks a bit like a brush, hey?
                          AF since 15th March 2010

                          The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good Morning and Happy Friday!

                            Hey Gang -

                            HippyChick - yucko dream... Nice to wake up and know it was a dream, eh?

                            And Panno - great new avatar to go into this challenging weekend!

                            Mama, Fennel, Sunni, Nora - hey girls!!

                            Everyone else - have a GREAT day - let's do this thing!



                              Newbies Nest

                              Oops - hey Johnny!!!


                                Newbies Nest

                                By the way, anyone heard from Runningwind?

