Good Sunday Morning, Nesters!
Gosh, where to start.. it's been an emotionally busy few days! A week and a half ago, my eldest and her boyfriend of 3 years asked my permission to get married. She's only 18.5 years old and not finished with school yet, but she's found what she wants to do for a living and is taking the steps to get there.. they explained to me that getting married was important for them, making the commitment to eachother and making a statement within the religious community. He's Muslim and she decided a while back, after reading the Koran and lots of discussion, that she wants to be, too. It's taken some time for me to work through my fear of the unknown, my stereotypes, to be open to hear the truth. Everything going on in the U.S. right now, is helping me so much to see where my own biases (that I didn't even necessarily know were there!) are. Anyway, long story short, I agreed with an open heart and they spontaneously set the date for this past Wednesday. Because of my family being far away in the States, and his being far away in Gambia, it was a small affair with her best friends and his. Her dad, my dumb ex husband couldn't pull himself together to come.. I guess I was glad that he was self aware enough to know that he might be judgemental/in a bad mood/whatever, but also such a shame for him to miss out on such a special and important day in her life. It was a really nice ceremony and the Imam took about an hour to explain to all of us in German, the ins and outs of a marriage in Islam.. it was beautiful, touching. He also encouraged us to come to a class to learn more.. it seems they're really trying to dispel some of the negative views/biases people have. So she'll continue to live at home with me during the week this next year while she finishes up at school.. it's just down the street from us. That also makes me happy.. I'm not quite ready for her to move out!
Wags, I really liked what you wrote a couple of days ago. I'd be really interested to hear which news sources you're reading/listening to, if you don't mind sharing. I'm also trying to keep on top of things, listen closely to what people are saying. I feel like I'm able to see and hear people of color in a way I couldn't/didn't before. I never would have called myself a racist but now I can see that I've been guilty of ignorance/not paying enough attention/not calling people out/not listening well enough and not listening to many very important voices. The racism against Hispanics in the city I grew up in (Phoenix) is atrocious. I'm really done with that.
Al, I wanted to congratulate you on 7, now 12 days of sobriety!! Awesome!
Julia, well done to you, too! Not many things I like more than going to bed with a book.. what are you reading?
Pav, I also want to ask what movie you watched again? That's happened to me many times.. with series as well, having to go back and watch episodes I can't remember at all.

Ava, Cardy is such a honey.. I missed the story as to how she came into your life, but I guess she's a rescue. How long have you had her and how old is she? So nice for little Carl to have a calm friend!
Byrdie, scary with the numbers still being so high there.. I'd also just stay put. They've basically opened everything here up again.. even the fitness studio, with an optional mask rule. Our numbers have stayed consistently low, but I'm kind of waiting for them to go up again. How'd your hair colour turn out? You're way braver than I am!
G-man, funny, but that's actually how I'm looking these days! Maybe we're twins, Lav! You're sounding great, of sound mind!
Ok, time for me to get some brekkie..
Big hugs to everyone and wishing you a nice day. Cool and overcast here today, which I'm happy about!xx
Oh, funny German thing.. I belong to a hiking group on Meetup and they're having a nude hike today.. 13km, nicky nacky. I thought, what?! And it seems it's really a thing here.. there are a couple of nudist hiking trails that people go to.. but you're allowed to hike nude on any. The things I don't know about!:eek-new: