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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Welcome to the club, [MENTION=20476]KENSHO[/MENTION] :wink:

    I have celiac friends who had their neurological problems (e.g. restless leg, MS symptoms, tremors, numb toes) resolve on a gluten free diet so I hope that is the case for you. Things that I didn't even know were problems since I had had them most of my life and thought they were normal got better so maybe all sorts of pleasant surprises are in store for you. Best of all, it is so easy to eat GF now compared to 1990 when wheat and gluten did not have to be included on labels.

    I am one of the people who is having trouble with this site. It is almost always down or slow at the time it is convenient for me to check in. So today, after a 2-hour zoom call that was enough to make a person drink :haha:, I decided to check in.


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hi Nesters,

      It's the end of my Wednesday and I'm just beginning to feel normal.. had a really off day! I'm still not so good at handling those sorts of days.. drinking only crossed my mind briefly as a non option. Around 7:30pm it stopped raining so I went for a nice walk which improved my state of mind. Tomorrow will be back to normal, surely!

      Byrdie, that was me 2 weeks ago.. I really feel for you as I tend to suffer from fever blisters both when I'm coming down with something and when I'm stressed.. or even when my body's really stressed from eating a lot of junk food! Hope they go away soon. Don't touch!!:hug:

      Welcome back, Kensho!! I love the idea of a gypsy road life retirement.. I'm sorry to hear of your test results, though as you mentioned, at least you know now.. and as NS said, the other symptoms could all clear with a gf diet.. that was the case with my stepdad as well.. Good luck with your interview!

      Lav, I was like your grandson today.. I didn't really stop eating at all! Ha! But at least I forced myself to overeat healthy foods.. but still.

      Hi Pav! Hi NS!
      Hi to everyone checking in today.. big hugs! xx
      Last edited by lifechange; July 15, 2020, 02:07 PM.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Originally posted by paulywogg View Post
        they're selling baclofen now as a treatment for "controlling your drinking" it's become mainstream and I see commercials and hear them on the radio, of course someone branded it differently
        yes, well... taking one drug to enable taking another one seems to me like fitting right into the description of addiction... so sad how the pharmaceutical industry is taking advantage of this. at best it's only treatment of (only some of!) the symptoms, not of the actual problem. and the problem is preventing growth and connection in so many ways. man... what a waste that seems to me...
        i'm happy i turned to baclofen when i found no other way to escape from hell. it got me to where i am now. but i can tell you it wasn't an easy route. i had to take a very high dose to get any effect. which of course has an impact on your mind and body. as did weaning off: it launched me into a severe sleeping disorder, that ended up forcing me to take the antidepressants i've been weaning off from this last half year. i am a serial weaner haha.
        but it appears to have changed something in my brain&body so that i never fell back to the alcoholic hell i once was in. of course my life as a whole also has changed thoroughly since then, i am so much more connected in all kinds of ways now. if i'd have been more connected back then, i might not have needed to turn to meds in the first place.
        end of story: i am very happy to be clear of (almost) all substances now. i would never want to take downers like baclofen for longer than absolutely necessary.
        LC,you asked: i still take the one last drop of antidepressants (eq 2mg) i've been taking since i think the beginning of April. the only reason i'm not stopping that now, is that i am learning to ride a motorcycle. this is scary enough without withdrawal symptoms
        i never thought i needed it for anything more than getting over that sleeping disorder. and i'm sleeping all right.

        Byrdie, sorry to hear about the blisters... hope they heal up soon!

        i am a very-nearly-vegan too by the way.

        back to my things. i have some drawing to do and some meditating, before going to bed.

        Pav, Lav, Wags, NS, Ken, G, Byrdie, LC, and everyone else: i wish you a lovely day and night, in whichever order.
        Last edited by julia1970; July 15, 2020, 02:43 PM.
        AF since Jan 2nd 2020


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Good evening Nesters,

          All alone today, no visitors. That gave me a chance to actually get a few things done.
          I feel safe seeing my grandkids, they have all been kept at home & away from friends & the general public. When one of them requests a visit I always say sure

          Byrdie, sorry about the fever blisters, they suck. I have only ever had one or two many years ago. Your immune system must be reacting to something, possibly stress too. Thank goodness the meds are better these days. Glad your doc is keeping you safe. I’m not allowed to go in to see my NP simply because of my age so we’ve been handling stuff with phone calls. That’s fine with me! PA announced new guidelines today including restaurant capacity, down to 25 from 50 & bars not serving food are closed!! But take-out drinks, Are OK. How swell is that to know people are walking around with take-out alcohol or even worse driving??

          Pav, my grandkids’ school districts have not decided yet how they are opening. They are announcing online meetings for parents this week but no decisions have been made. Guess we will have to wait & see. With the way new cases are rising daily across the state I think they should be planning online classes. But that’s just my opinion. I can’t see 4th graders willing to wear masks & face shields all day.

          Kensho, getting back in work mode after vacay is tough. Ease into it if you can. Try not to worry about the past, you can’t change it but you have learned a lot. GF eating is much easier even now than it was 9 years ago when my daughter went thru a tough time after having my granddaughter. I helped her find GF foods & ate them with her when I could. Her arthritic symptoms suddenly disappeared & she gave up the GF foods. That was weird.
          Kids eating all day long just cracks me up especially when they follow up with a full dinner. Where do they put it all? Haha!

          NS, I sometimes wonder if I should ditch gluten myself. Clearing dairy out of my life resolved a lot of problems but not all. Hmm.
          Have you seen the new shopping cart handle wraps? You make them with velcro closures. My velcro order has arrived so I’m making some for friends

          LC, we all have those days from time to time, just human nature I guess. Waiting it out & not attacking it with AL is the best way to handle them! Thank goodness we know better now.
          Pigging out on veggies does not count as a real pig-out, Lol

          Julia, good to see you & glad you are doing well. Trying to find balance in life can be difficult but we have to keep trying, we’ll get there!

          Hello to everyone else & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hi, All:

            Sorry, Kensho, but at least you know. It IS easier to have a gf diet these days... Lav, how did you determine dairy was the culprit? Just elimination diet?

            NoSugar - I like seeing you pop in - I hope you get back the ability to check in at your regular time.

            LC, I hear you on the unstructured time. Back to routine!

            Not much here. Someone is leaving at work - bad timing but we'll figure it out. It is stressful and challenging in a good way as well.

            Happy SOBER Thursday.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hi LC! Thanks for telling me about your stepdad, that is encouraging I was never good at those “off” days either. I still don’t like them, but I’ve come to regard them as something that will pass, and they always do. I don’t give them much weight any more, and I’m just gentle with myself until they lift.

              Julia, that infuriates me that someone is main-streaming baclofen! What type of greed treats addiction with pills marketed so casually? Congratulations on being nearly substance free, you are sounding good! Enjoy that motorcycle!

              Lav - means a lot that you are the chosen person for your grandkids! I’ll bet that wouldn’t be the case if you were still drinking? I always knew gluten affected me, but it was not until I did the more sensitive saliva tests that looked at about 6 different markers that celiac was apparent. Evidently, the blood test only looks at one gliaddin antibody, and I happen to be low in that one. The rest are sky high!

              Where is everyone else? It is an unsettling time and I’m glad to be back in the nest. My interview went well yesterday and I have another inquiry to address today. Apparently people are seeing their homes more closely and want to change them! Good news for me.

              Have a sober day everyone!

              Done. Moving on to life.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hi Nestlings,
                I'm finally checking in. It seemed like there were problems with the site a couple of times I tried to log in. Even this time it took a while.

                I've been busy dealing with my son's legal problems...yes it has been going on for a long time. Really stupid case around something that he did when he was 17/18. I guess it hasn't been high enough priority, but now I think people just want to get it off the books. It is really scary thinking about what some of the possible outcomes are. Plus we may need to change attorneys because this one doesn't seem to be very interested in doing anything. I hired a 'mitigation expert' (there is a more correct name, I just cannot come up with it now) and she is very sharp and savvy. She is doing work that the lawyer should have done and I think she might kick his butt into action. I feel like we are doing everything we can to help son. But I feel sick all the time. At least I'm not sick and hungover.

                But it is almost driving me to drink. This is so hard.

                Take care all...stay sober.

                gotta go, work is calling.
                Last edited by BelleGirl; July 16, 2020, 10:16 AM.

                Alcohol does me no favors.

                Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  NS, I sometimes wonder if I should ditch gluten myself. Clearing dairy out of my life resolved a lot of problems but not all. Hmm.
                  Lav, I suggest that anyone who has nonspecific "complaints" that seemingly cannot be diagnosed give a GF diet a try (which you actually did, Kensho, when you did the Whole-30 and felt really good!). It certainly won't hurt anyone and may just resolve some chronic problems and annoyances. The one thing we do almost each and every day is eat and unless we deliberately avoid it, we consume gluten at most meals. When I was at my sickest in the summer of 1990, I realized I felt relatively better when I didn't eat at all (making me think that the doctors were looking in the wrong place when they kept looking for cancers). I tried to reduce the foods I ate, thinking they might be culprits (wine, chocolate, dairy) but those I kept (oatmeal, toast, etc.) turned out to be the bad guys!! Many people who eat GF are treated as nut cases or really self-involved but the thing I always point out is that no one would continue to eat this $$$$ way indefinitely unless they noticed a big benefit. (Byrdie - my daughter and nephew get those blisters in their mouths and throats when they eat gluten - so far their noses have been spared!).

                  I'm sorry about your problems with your son, Belle. That is a constant cloud over everything. You're making a good choice not to drink and to be fully present to help him. And you don't have to worry about sending off an idiotic email to the lawyer after an evening of drinking (speaking from experience here...).


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Good morning everyone.

                    Byrdie, those blisters sound awful and Belle, the stuff with your son too ��xo

                    Lav, I agree with Pav that you could sell your stuff. I would buy it for sure.

                    My husband’s side of the family has Celiac and so I have been cooking gluten free for awhile. My MIL was diagnosed back in the 60’s when they called it Sprue back then can you imagine having it back then? There are so many gluten free products availability now.

                    My husband texted me when he was out the other day and asked me if I needed him to pick up anything. I almost said a bottle of wine! Crazy. It was weird, I wasn’t even thinking of drinking. It’s scary though. Just shows how we have to stay vigilant.
                    We’ve got this!

                    Talk soon xo.

                    "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                    "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                    AF April 12, 2014


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hi Nesters,

                      Thursday evening here.. it was a much better day than yesterday, as is usually the case.. it's so strange to be out of sorts with oneself. But as you mentioned, Kensho, I went easy on myself. Exercising or walking each morning has been great for setting my intention/mindset for the day.. so on days off I've decided to begin with some stretching/meditation.

                      Belle, I'm sorry to hear that you're still dealing with your son's legal situation. It does seem like a long time going.. but it sounds positive with the new expert you've got working for you and I hope you'll find some solutions soon. Drinking would definitely only add to the problems!! So I'm glad to hear you aren't going there.. stay strong and focussed. you've got this!..:hug:

                      Pav, I hope you find a new, great co-worker to take the place of the one leaving.. it sounds like it could be a positive change..? From what you wrote.. It seems like you're working a lot this summer. There must be so much to restructure and coordinate before the beginning of the school year.. is that right?

                      Hi Nar! Crazy about the wine.. after so many years without. Did you ask him to bring something else instead? How's your summer been going? How is it with Covid in your area?

                      Well, not to much to report. I went into work for 2 of my 6 hours today.. it's so weird being there now. I can't say I really like it. It feels like there's a lot going on behind the scenes that we aren't being told. But I guess that's the case with a lot of businesses. I just hope they're being honest about us starting up again next year. Until then, not a lot I can do.. as far as work goes. Crazy times we're in right now..

                      Hugs and love to all of you stopping by today.
                      Last edited by lifechange; July 16, 2020, 02:16 PM.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nesters,

                        We’ve had clouds overhead all day which made it feel a touch cooler. I took the opportunity to vacuum the dog hair & little boy stink out of my car, haha!! I’ve been wanting to do that for a while but it’s been so hot out. Grateful for a cleaner car.

                        Pav, yes, I did the elimination thing to see what food group bothered me the most & as I had pretty much guessed it was dairy. Cleared up the GI issues instantly & after a short time my joints felt like they were new. I did all that nearly 20 years ago & now my joints are 20 years older so there’s so changes going on. I am a huge bread baker & eater, pasta too but I try to keep it to a minimum. I tried the GF products years ago with my daughter but my husband refuses to eat them. He can be such a pain, Lol.
                        I hope you can manage at work without too much problem, changes are going to happen

                        Belle, please don’t let your son’s issues drive you to drink. Keep your focus on yourself & you won’t be sorry.

                        NS, as I just mentioned above making my house GF & DF would be fine if it was just me here. I don’t want to have to double cook everything if you know what i mean. I’m just wondering why I’m so lucky To have multiple digestive issues, haha!

                        Narilly, I am missing my usual craft fairs this year where I’ve been selling lots of stuff. This virus has interrupted absolutely everything, sad.
                        Next time your husband texts, tell him to bring you dinner or dessert!!

                        LC, glad you’re doing better. Hopefully things will be getting back to near normal very soon. Hang in there

                        Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all.

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hi everyone,

                          Like some others, I've had a difficult time getting on here. I'm gonna post quick for now and follow up tomorrow morning with a longer post (hopefully). Interesting talk about DF and GF diets. I'm curious - do any of you who have discovered you're intolerant to dairy and/or gluten or wheat ever crave those things? I've heard that we sometimes crave things that are actually horrible for us (I guess al is an example, but in a slightly different way).

                          Belle - hang in there and definitely don't drink! Sounds like you're doing all you can for your son.

                          Byrdie - hope those blisters clear up quickly. That doesn't sound fun at all.

                          Kensho - welcome back from your travels. If you had to pick one favorite place you visited, which one would it be?

                          Pav and others who work in schools and/or have school-aged kids - I hope that your schools all figure out how to move forward in a way that is safe and supportive of students, teachers, other staff, parents, etc. Not sure what that solution is to be honest and it's probably not universally the same but more case-by-case.

                          Ok let's see if this post holds together and goes up on the thread. Have safe days and nights in the nest everyone!


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hi Nesters,

                            Well I did it...I did drink last night. But what is more important is that I stood up to my husband this morning and told him under no circumstances shall he bring any booze into the house. I pulled out the two bottles that he had in the garage fridge (mind you, I need to go in there occasionally to get things) brought them into the kitchen and said either get rid of them or put them in a place I will never find them. Enough is enough. As Byrdie says "I can resist anything except temptation" and having an open bottle of vodka in the fridge was an ever looming temptation and I went for it l last night. I love to drink plain tonic water, and dumping some vodka in it last night was a poor decision...but I have been under such duress (an excuse I know) I went for it with a big F-it. He asked me if I drank last night and I answered truthfully 'yes'.

                            He can keep all the beer around that he wants in the outside fridge, I don't really care for it. It always made me too burpy and bloaty. Once in a while he cooks with wine...and I always stay away when he is cooking so that is not a problem. But the hard liquor has always been my problem. He bought the vodka for some fish recipe (somehow it really makes fried fish batter turn out really good) but of course bought a big bottle and he NEVER drinks it. And apparently while he was at the liquor store he bought a large bottle of his favorite gin. It has been a couple weeks and he hasn't even cracked it open yet. what the hell??? as someone here mentioned before, is he just trying to test (or torture) me?

                            Well I won't have it any more. He had little to say this morning and took those bottles somewhere. They are no longer my problem. And I will not be one to just go to the liquor store and buy something...but if it is in the house, and open...all bets are off.

                            It was time to take a stand for my sobriety. Don't know why I did not do it sooner. I guess I used to be afraid of hubby for some reason...but I am not anymore. I am woman hear me roar............

                            Love to you all...who constantly show me the way.

                            Alcohol does me no favors.

                            Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hi Everyone.

                              Sounds like celiac has touched many here… I’m trying to feel positive amidst some migraine stuff. Hopefully it’s die off of the bad bugs in my gut. I'm worried about MS and have decided to get the (expensive) scans. LAV, I was told by my functional doc that some of us are genetically pre-disposed to have a hard time handling toxins. We have plenty in our food and environments - and we ALSO drank too much alcohol. It fits that more and more people are being diagnosed with autoimmune stuff. Interestingly, the doc is putting my 23andMe raw DNA data into a program he has so that he can somehow focus in on my genetic weaknesses and boost those systems (like metabolic or endocrine). I’ll let you all know how that works… it still mystifies me!

                              Narily, funny how those habits still come out some times!

                              PAV, I do so appreciate the evolving work you must be doing in the educational system. It must be stressful. Take care of you!

                              LC, I’ve decided it’s about being adaptive right now. Take what we have, and be ready for what comes next. It’s exhausting but freeing at the same time!

                              LAV, it’s amazing how good I feel with a clean car! The small things… I think you should stock up on crafts so you can have a mega sale when they open!

                              Wags, I loved Zion, Kern River campground and Santa Barbara/Sonoma. Hard to pick one.. they all have the appeal of just being “different than here” and I love that sense of adventure! The Kern River campground had a restaurant/burger stand right next to it, and a very clean and fun river to play in! RE gluten, my doc said some types are addictive because they can actually produce psycho-morpho properties that mimic opiates in our brains. I personally crave carbs at times, but not anything like I craved alcohol.

                              Belle, way to put yourself first!!! Proud of you! Get this done and everything in your life will improve, probably your relationship with your husband as well. Good for you!

                              Byrdie, where are you? I found a cake you could make and satisfy multiple needs…

                              TP cake.jpg
                              Last edited by KENSHO; July 17, 2020, 09:51 AM.

                              Done. Moving on to life.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Happy Un Hung Friday everyone.

                                Good for you Belle, putting your foot down with your hubby. He probably has no idea how having his booze around effects you. Non allies just don’t get it.

                                Hello LC! COVID has gone up here over the past few days. Our area is on a COVID watch but the rest of the Province is ok. We hopefully will get it under control. I see lots of people wearing masks and distancing but the bats are open and young people are not so careful. Canada wide our numbers are going down thankfully. We are probably similar to Germany I’m guessing.

                                Lav, my daughter has a milk allergy and I try to accomplish that. It is hard because it means no cheese. Poor girl. She is 25 and is only here until the end of August then she goes back to school for Respiratory Therapy. So i can handle it

                                Have a great Friday everyone.

                                "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                                "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                                AF April 12, 2014

