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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hey all!
    Yustaday, I decided to organize my craft beads. Two days later, I’m still working on it. Years ago, a couple of neighborhood girls would come by and we would spend the afternoon beading. Years of just throwing them back in drawers has resulted in a hopeless jumble so I’m working on that, and it’s been nice to get off the computer (and the problems if the world) and unplug a little.
    Kensho, my heart goes out to you. Relationships are hard. I wanted to strangle hubs just today. These are stressful times. It’s hard when everyone’s needs aren’t being met. I hope you are able to find a common platform so you both can thrive. I’m thinking of you.
    Wags, that is mighty miserable with no air conditioning. Years ago, we went to Aspen and there was a big heat wave and the cars and hotels had no a/c. I thought we were going to die. My heart goes out to you. We are hot, too. That darn storm has our attention now, too.
    So good to see everyone. Stay safe and sober! Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Re: Newbies Nest

      It sometimes seems like the news just keeps going in the wrong direction... then I have my cup of coffee and listen to the birds out my window in the calm morning. It seems there is chaos, but there's also calm, ration, kindness, strength and fortitude. I think the world will start to make some positive changes eventually, but for now, I will appreciate my peaceful morning.

      AVA, glad you are taking time for yourself. Pups are the bestest friends to get us to do that!

      BYRDIE, those projects overwhelm me so much, until I get going and then I'm so glad they are no longer a nuisance! Do you still ever make jewelry?

      I am on the "Pro Chicken" committee for the homeowner's association in our neighborhood, distributing flyers in the next couple weeks. LAV, any "pro's" that I must include for owning chickens? I don't know that I would get them immediately, but I think we should be able to have them. Our area is mostly rural, and the adjoining neighborhood allows chickens. But there are some stickler people here who just can't open their minds. We have several very loud yap-dogs right next to us that are MUCH louder than the gentle clucks of chickens. Chill out people and stop being so rigid.

      WAGS, yes, my husband is fighting looking at himself. The thought of not having yummy food and beer is akin to torture (let alone look at his behaviors and admit he has flaws). I've lived with it for a long time and have that stubborn LAV survival instinct, but the thought of me being sick and imagining how he might react got me pondering things more. He is acting like nothing happened at the moment. I guess me expressing my fervent intent to leave him if he is not supportive shut him up! He's a good person, and such a compliment to me in so many ways - he just likes to stay stuck himself a bit. He was never taught that when we examine ourselves, go through the fire and make changes - we come out alright on the other side. His parents are hopelessly stuck. I have learned through the process of sobriety that we survive pain, and come out better on the other side. Grow some bravery dude.

      Anyway, last day to decide if kids are riding the bus today. Big decision, because I will be the responsible person to drive two kids there and back at different times. Makes it hard when I have appointments and meetings an hour away. Just not sure how I'm feeling about them going to school at all. I personally know three people who had Covid, and still have serious lasting health problems. They didn't die, sure, but one still gets dizzy, another is deaf in one ear now, and the other is having major leg pain/numbness and can't walk well. All in their mid-40's. So don't tell me that this Covid stuff is nothing. I'm getting tired of that.

      Feeling a little confrontational today - I'll have to watch that! Best to everyone. It's better on this side. Go through the pain or fire or whatever you need to do to get here!
      Last edited by KENSHO; July 30, 2020, 09:19 AM.

      Done. Moving on to life.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hi, All:

        Wow, that's a tough choice, Kensho. What would a ride on the bus look like? Maybe your kids sitting together? How would they be spaced? And you're in CO right? Can't really have the windows open in the snow. Transportation is one of the biggest block to opening schools (to some degree) safely, in my opinion. I know we tend to report problems in forums like this - rather than the good times. But with his insistence in cooking with booze and his telling you you're boring, I would say it is definitely time to have a talk about support with your husband.

        Lav, that's funny. Maybe you can market your dog slim down routine. Cold watermelon sounds good...

        We visited a friend and took off on a walk from her house - and returned 8.5 miles later - we just kept walking and walking. It was very nice!

        Happy SOBER Thursday.



          Re: Newbies Nest

          Are schools open to all the kids, Kensho? They haven't figured out how to do that where I live. There isn't enough space to keep them apart. I'm glad my grandsons are staying home. I just don't think preschoolers and kindergardeners are ready for so many safety rules. It is going to be another big challenge for their parents, though. And I can't imagine the 5 y old sitting in front of a screen for 5 hours a day. Hopefully that plan will change!!


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Good evening Nesters,

            The chicks arrived at the PO at 6:59 am. I got there just before 8:30 to pick them up & bring them home. They all look happy & healthy & have been eating & drinking non-stop all day, haha!
            Still super hot, nothing new there. I have also seen reports of a hurricane brewing up Byrdie, oh boy! A hurricane in a pandemic sounds like a horror movie.

            Kensho, my son is also trying to get the rules changed for keeping chickens where he lives. Only 7 miles from here yet very different. Personally I think having fresh eggs that haven’t been stored in a warehouse for months is the #1 Pro. Having a few hens & no roosters is ideal for a more suburban setting. I don’t even keep a rooster, they’re too mean. Teaching your kids about animal care & the responsibilities involved is a plus+. Sharing extra eggs with friends & family is nice too. It’s a good idea to read up on possible predators in your area so you can be prepared. We’ve had issues with fox, owls. & hawks here. Yuo may not have all that where you are but also consider neighbor dogs & such.
            I’m keeping faith that your husband will eventually have a change of mind when he sees you are sticking to your plan.

            Pav, trying to lose weight after age 50 is damn near impossible. I am jealous of my dog, haha!!

            NS, my granddaughter’s school district just announced they are doing all virtual for now & it will involve 3 hours of instruction/day for her 4th grade class. Not too bad since she’s been doing virtual ‘camps’ all summer so she’s gotten used to it. I imagine the younger ones will need a lot of encouragement.

            Nothing else to report so I’ll say hello to all & wish everyone a safe night in the nest!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hello evabody.

              I think you are all legends! Life sure ain't real easy right now. That is all.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hi G. Sending you some breezy, easy vibes. It will turn around.

                SO after talking with the middle school principal, and reading stacks of safety and protocol literature, we have decided to let the kids go to school. They will go 2-3 days per week on a staggering schedule, and do the rest online. Masks 100% required. Lots of rules and discipline in place. I feel it still has risk, but will offer some social and intellectual stimulation with the min. risk possible in a school setting. I will drive them vs. riding the bus. We are lucky to have school principals and superintendents who are taking this seriously. I fully anticipate that it could change this fall and become fully online.

                Headed to the city today for some design shopping and errands, and considering taking the kids. They really need to get out of the house!

                Welcome to the new LAV chick posse! I'm sure they are filled with attitude! Lucky little girls.

                Not much else for now. There seem to be some missing nest friends... where are they?
                Last edited by KENSHO; July 31, 2020, 08:39 AM.

                Done. Moving on to life.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Schools here have decided on no in-person classes at least through October, and they'll be planning and re-evaluating as things unfold between now and then. I think it's smart for now, although I know there are many parents for whom this approach will be difficult. Sigh...

                  Still in the midst of a heatwave here and hoping it will break soon. Anything over 90 is really hard in this part of the country. We have to rely on water and fans as cooling agents since AC units are scarce. We have a "cold soaking tub" in our backyard -- actually one of those metal oval-shaped horse troughs that people sometimes now use as planter boxes -- and sitting in that for several minutes helps drop core temperature enough to get through another hour or so, or to get to sleep at night. It's a lifesaver!

                  Not much else to report from here except hooray for Friday. I have to teach most of tomorrow and only part of today, so I'm starting my weekend this afternoon in order to offset tomorrow.

                  Stay safe, stay well, stay sober everyone!


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Checking in here after a tough week...and being a Friday I want to make sure I am accountable and do not try to 'reward' myself in the wrong way. It just seems that the hits keep coming and everything looks worse by the day. This morning I found out that my favorite hairdresser (been with her for 13 years) is moving 4 hours away. I'm really happy for her but waaaaahhhhh for me. of course there are worse things, and I don't even want to talk about them...

                    Just want to stay accountable. This is not the life I envisioned many years ago.

                    However, if I stay sober, perhaps I'll survive. If I go back to drinking...all bets are off.

                    Have a good day, everyone.

                    Alcohol does me no favors.

                    Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Belle, as they say, if you’re going through hell, keep going! The news is grim out there. We are now racing for a hurricane. It looks like it’s heading our way. Just what we didn’t need.
                      Kensho, I did whip out 4 necklaces during my bead sorting. I had been meaning to make something from those interesting beads, so finally made it happen.
                      Our schools are going to be all virtual for the first 9 weeks. Our state is really not doing well, I’m glad to hear it will be delayed, hopefully we can get our numbers down.
                      I am dumbstruck by people. A lady wrote on our local Facebook boards that she was coming in for vacation on Sunday and wanted to know what would be open so she could take her kids. #1 we are expecting a hurricane on Monday. Stay home. #2. We’re in the middle of a pandemic and our area is a hot spot. Stay home. Sorry, Im in a mood, too. Mankind maybe too selfish and stupid to survive this.
                      It’s only Friday, not a ticket to BoozeVille! Stay strong, all, Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Greetings Nesters,

                        Temps in the 80’s today & still very humid with a few off & on rain showers. Just like summer I guess!
                        Chicks are doing fine, eating like pigs, haha!! No wonder they grow so fast

                        Byrdie, obviously that woman is not paying attention to anything going on. Reality bites, we all know that.
                        Thinking of you on the coast & several friends of mine now residing in Florida. I hate these storms, especially now with everything being so crazy. Keep yourself safe, Rubi too!

                        Belle, sorry you’re losing your hair stylist, doesn’t seem fair.
                        We are truly blessed to not be dealing with AL right now with so much going on. I am actually extra grateful!

                        Wags, sorry about your heat wave. We are used to it here in the east & have AC but I will never like the heat, ugh.
                        Having the soaking tub is awesome, enjoy as much as possible

                        Kensho, as long as the schools remain flexible everything will be OK. No one knows which way the virus is going to turn in the fall unfortunately. I hope the kids adjust to their new schedules without too much fuss.

                        Hey G, what’s up with you? I agree nothing is easy these days but I’m glad we’re all in this together :hug:

                        Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hola friends!

                          Wags, you bathe in a horse trough? Now that's cool!

                          This joint would have to be the sanest place on the internet. Lot's of brilliant, balanced, generous people here (yep u). Which is no surprise when you consider everyone has walked through hell and many have come out the other side. As Byrdy say's 'if you're going through hell keep going'. It's true. I find i need to keep growing as a human in the direction of my best self. This is one path to less suffering and less misery, and a path towards contentment.

                          Great to see u Belle. Living sober is such a freeing place to be. Our self confidence returns, and for me, i feel i can do anything. First thing i had to do was build my own special world within. An oasis i can go to inside full of self care, self respect and love. Take care of yourself.

                          Byrdy, hope that hurricane loses steam.

                          Friend Kensho - Raaawkin.

                          How r u Pav? How was your week off?

                          All ok here Lav. I still have an ongoing job/income. I'm one of the lucky ones. It means i retain a little routine by going to work regularly. I did have 2 pt. time jobs up until last week. Lost one job as the org. weren't successful reapplying for tender, but can survive on the other income. Gonna use the extra time i now have to work for myself on some investment stuff. Starting out with reno of older properties, uplifting value, then selling on. Classic age old strategy but there's still a buck in it. Regard's to the Stella.

                          Big waves to all.

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Good evening Nesters!

                            Hope everyone is busy having a terrific AF day
                            Everything is good here, chicks are happy as well as the older crew - The Stella
                            Just had my son & grandsons here for some burgers, it was a nice visit!

                            G, I’m glad you are staying level headed & doing such a great job maintaining. We owe this to ourselves, good self care :hug:
                            Good luck in your investment future, sounds interesting.

                            Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Evening nesters

                              Glad your chickens arrived safe Lav, they will be grown before you know it.

                              Had some beautiful weather the last couple of days, i hope when i have a few days off it will be as nice. Though we are now in stage 4 restrictions for 6 weeks so lots of online shopping for me.

                              G, i hope you are still able to get to work.

                              Wags, i am jealous of your outdoor tub, sounds lovely and refreshing on a hot night.

                              No real news to report. I wonder whatever happened to the question "what did you do on the weekend" and you actually did something. If they cancel one of my f2f clinics i will be pretty busy for the next few days but i am hopeful i can send out letters so patients have a reason to travel.

                              stay safe and take care xx
                              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Nice place, ya got there, Wags!Screen Shot 2020-08-02 at 8.22.05 AM.jpg

