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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hi Nesters!

    It seems like everyone is doing well! At least as well as can be under the circumstances. Crazy difficult times, but as everyone has said, at least the difficulties that are added with drinking don't have to be a part of it!!

    Wags, we've been having some temps like yours, and as well without AC.. would have loved to have a huge trough in which to cool off! Thankfully we're getting the relief rain brings for the next week or so.. How's your pup been doing?

    I'm like you, Lav, I can't really stand the heat anymore! So though everyone else is complaing about our summer this year, I'm rejoicing! It was hot enough last year for the next few.. Congrats on the new additions to your family! How does the older crowd usually feel about the young arrivals?

    Gman, loved what you said about this place being the sanest place on the internet! I think I have to agree with you there.. I'm trying to be very careful about how much "news" I let enter my brain.. the information seems to change every couple of days so I'm mostly sticking close to home, not getting too outraged at what's going on outside my area of control. Great that you still have some work.. I'm finding (as you've maintained for the past 600++ days) that having a bit of a daily routine/ritual is helping balance my state of mind!

    Ava, yes, what are you doing for the weekend seems like a long lost question to ask! I don't even really know when the weekend is any more.. we're green lighted here at the moment, but most people still seem to be staying pretty close to home.. that is except the 20,000 who went out protesting for their rights yesterday. Hmmm.. Glad you have a couple of pups to hang out with.. you are allowed to take them out on walks a bit, right?

    Byrdie, I read that the hurricane is now a tropical storm.. is that right? Are you all ok?

    Ok. I'm going to head out for a walk now that there seems to be a break in the rain..

    Just wanted to check in and send love to you all..
    Hang in there everyone.. big fat hugs from a long distance..xx


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Morning nesters, LC, you're smart to avoid the news haha, I just posted on another thread that the info changes daily it seems, so I'm just taking care of what I need to do to keep us safe from the virus, very scary times right now and here I thought by now it would be under control, now I wonder how it's gonna be by Christmas, worse? Better? Ugh it's exhausting, the only thing that they really closed here is bars yet some of them got around the closing by serving food cuz that was one of the criteria for staying open, makes no sense to me, everyone sounds good, well as good as we can be I guess, I have the covid blues and just trying to get by day by day, wonder how Julia is doing haven't seen her in a bit? Hope ok, waves to the gang and wishes for a happy AF day for us all
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hi, All:

        Belle, for sure when I imagined my life 10 years ago it DID NOT look like this! There is always a curveball when you least expect it. Being sober through all those trials has been a huge improvement for me, and it will be for you, too. Alcohol "seems" like a good enough solution but we here all know it isn't for us... Take care.

        Wags, enjoy your horse trough! We don't have AC here, either, as the Pacific Ocean usually does its job. It is hard on those hot days.

        Pauly - so funny. I was just talking to my sister (again - she's one of the few people I see) and I didn't tell her this, but I was BORED. No one has any new stories so we always get back to talking about covid horror stories or political horror stories. I am getting sick of it for sure, but I guess we have to settle in - this is a marathon not a sprint.

        Byrdie - talk about insult to injury - a hurricane?! I can't believe that a lady wants to come visit during a hurricane. FFS, what's wrong with people.

        Ava, do you order groceries online, too, or just other things? I know some people here who never go into a store... I didn't for the first two months (my husband is the shopper) but I've been helping him lately. It seems better when there are two of us.

        Mr. G - you're so positive. Keep up the good energy and thanks for sharing it with us. I got in a hike or a run/walk every day of this vacation week. Some trips to the beach, outside meals with family - it was very relaxing. Thanks for asking.

        Hi, LC. Hope all is well. Lav, how are the chicks? Kensho, it sounds like you made a good, informed decision.

        Hi to everyone else. Happy SOBER Sunday.


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Just wanted to pop in and say hi. We are busy with family visiting, working, and trying to get ready to be away from home for 2 1/2 weeks. I’m not sure why we are paying a bunch of money to go quarantine ourselves in a different house in a different state but my husband really wants to get away. There will be some fun outdoor things we will be able to do so that will be nice. But part of what I like on vacation- going to little boutiques and resale shops, dining at local restaurants, getting pedicures, stuff like that - isn’t in the cards. At least I don’t have to figure out how to acquire, hide, and dispose of the wine evidence!


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Sunday greetings to all

            The temp is 88 but feels like 97 because of all the humidity & you know what that does to my hair, haha!!
            The chicks are doing fine & the older ones have no idea they’re even here. I do the introduction in steps, for now I am the mother chicken
            I’ve been watching the track & progress of the hurricane which is now a tropical storm. Looks like it won’t be getting here until late tomorrow or Tuesday morning. I am thinking of our coastal living friend Byrdie & hope she’s hunkered down OK :hug:

            NS, enjoy your get away, I’m sure you’ll find something you guys can do ‘safely’.

            Pav, Pauly, LC, we’re luckier than we realize to be dealing with this pandemic post addiction. I can’t even imagine trying to keep the supply line open right now. Something i think about every single day

            Hi Mr V, good to see you!

            Ava, I just read an article this afternoon about your area concerning the 8 pm to 5 am curfew. It’s actually a good idea I think because some people are not taking this thing seriously.
            Keep yourself safe & happy too!

            Hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Quick Monday morning check in. They come fast and hard after a week off - my internal clock settles in on a slightly later bedtime and wake time, so it is like having jet lag... Grateful to have a job I like to return to...

              NS, happy travels. That actually sounds lovely - lots of new outdoor adventures.

              Stay cool and frizz free, mother hen!



                Re: Newbies Nest

                Howdy Nest. I am thankful for my screen door this morning, so I can have the crisp morning air but not the mosquitos. Horrendous creatures. I don't particularly like spiders, but will save them if in my house. I find that there's a special place in hell for mosquitos though...

                Thanks for the validation about school PAV. Are you happy with the opening procedures (or lack thereof) where you are?

                Byrdie, I hope Isaias (how the heck to you say that?) doesn't get much stronger at your stretch of the beach. Hope you're hanging in there.

                NS, I have GREAT memories of our summer trip a few weeks ago, but more because it was all new scenery and the nature part was not affected by Covid. The cities were quiet, but seeing new things was refreshing. It may be a lovely change of pace for you and your husband!

                A prominent design vendor called me a couple afternoons ago, slurring and near crying. She had obviously been drinking. Then she called me the next morning, and repeated much of what she had originally said, obviously unaware that she had called me before. We are taking about a multi-million dollar business owner here, calling me drunk! I do like her a bunch, and we get along - but I may have new understanding about why she sort of disappears from correspondence sometimes. I hope she is ok! I'm so glad not to be drinking!

                Monday again. Back to trying to earn some $. All I need is enough. Our "get rich if you work hard enough and at all costs" thing in America is not good for our health.
                Last edited by KENSHO; August 3, 2020, 09:13 AM.

                Done. Moving on to life.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters,

                  Getting some light rain now which I suppose could be the outer bands of the storm. Tomorrow morning into the afternoon we will see gusty winds & loads of rain. I’m all prepped, keeping fingers crossed.
                  Thinking of our friend Byrdie who is probably seeing the storm right now.

                  Pav, it’s too late, my hair has sensed the tropical humidity, haha! Hope your day was good!

                  Kensho, my skin crawled just a littlE when you mentioned that phone call. So GRATEFUL that we won’t ever do anything like that ever again!
                  All my working life I was like you - making enough money & not worrying about what I didn’t have. My husband was the money freak but he was willing to pull a lot of OT. Even now, retired from 2 jobs with 2 pensions he’s up & out at 5 or 6 am to drive the Amish & their produce to the auction for $. I couldn’t make him stop if I wanted to LOL

                  Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Mr V - I only wish our trough had the view in your picture! Our backyard is a nice little oasis thanks to my wife, but no ocean view

                    Belle - sorry to hear things are so rough right now (or still). I hate when life seems to pile on with one thing after another. Hang in there and don't drink!

                    NS - your escape sounds lovely, and hopefully the change of scenery plus the break from whatever projects or tasks you might see waiting for you as you look around at home will be a nice respite.

                    Our heat wave has finally eased off a bit, at least cooling down enough at night to provide some relief. Our pup is doing so much better. We had her annual physical exam with our new vet (who we love) last week and she did a "senior blood work panel" since our pup is now 10 years old. It came back with all good news, so if we can continue to manage her megaesophagus condition and prevent any more pneumonia, her quality of life should stay high.

                    I also had one student decide he'd like to meet for an hour every single weekday in August, and we struck a prepayment deal that gave me a good income and gave him a good discount. Between his payment and a few other students, it is reassuring to know that I've already been paid enough to meet my expenses for the whole month -- now I just need to do the work! I've been feeling on the edge of burnout for several months now, I think largely due to the stress of the virus and the political climate. I can now take my foot off the gas for the next few weeks and still stay afloat, and I plan to make the most of it!

                    Hellos and waves to everyone stopping by the nest. Hope you all are having good weeks so far! Don't drink.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Lav, the humidity did my hair in, too. My DIL offered to cut it and I let her (after having turned down my husband's offers for weeks...). She did a good job.

                      I'm starting to look forward to time away. Starting the packing today.

                      Your work situation sounds good, Wags. It is great you can give yourself a little break.

                      That is sad about the woman you talked to Kensho. I look back and wonder how many stupid phone calls I had. None would have been work calls, thank goodness, but still...

                      Byrdie, I hope you have power and your home and condo are ok. That dumb hurricane headed straight toward you. Let us know when you can!


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Happy Un Hung Tuesday everyone. I finally am able to post today. I can't believe how busy I am and I am not working, sheesh.

                        It has been super hot here for the past two weeks but not humid. We are waiting patiently for the rain though.

                        NS, great that you are going for a little vacay. I went to my friend's cabin at the lake the other day and it was super fun. I have known her and her family since I was a kid so it was really nice.

                        Ken, I wonder how many calls I made like that woman you were talking about, eeew. It makes me cringe to thing about it.

                        Glad your pup is ok Wags. I laughed when G asked if your bath was a horse trough. That would be a big tub, big enough for a couple of people

                        Byrdie, that is so crazy that people are going to your place with a hurricane on its way. I think some people are just dumb, what can you do? Survival of the fittest I guess.

                        Talk later everyone.

                        "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                        "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                        AF April 12, 2014


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Greetings Nesters,

                          The tropical storm has come & gone leaving 5.6” of rain, lots of leaves & small branches down but no damage, thank goodness! Byrdie reported in on FB earlier today & she’s OK
                          The sun actually came out after all that turbulence, crazy. My chickens are out in their yard now jumping in mud puddles haha!

                          Wags, glad you have income secured for a while, that’s a relief!
                          Our vet does the senior blood panels too. They can get a pretty good idea of what’s going on with your dog. Glad he’s OK.

                          NS, my husband would be allowed to cut my hair the day after hell freezes over but not until then haha! Glad. You got a decent cut from your DIL

                          Narilly, we have plenty of humidity to spare if you need some, no kidding. This is not my weather, not at all! Stay cool!

                          Hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for everyone!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Good grief, what a night. The hurricane started in earnest around 8 last night. It actually strengthen as it came in, usually, the weaken, so thus was a surprise. A bit later, the tornado warnings started coming in. At one point, we had two at the same time. There was a tornado about 4 miles away and the other turned out to just be an area of rotation, but it was a half mile away. We scrambled downstairs and waited that out. We had an 83 mph gust around 11, it was loud and scary. The hurricane shutters we put up rattle and the house moves, shakes and groans. Yes, groans, it’s weird. Like an injured whale trying to resist an assault. We lost power around 11. The eye went over around 11:30 and lasted about 2 hours. Then we got the backside. Power was out here for about 6 hours, there are places on the island still without. My heart goes out to them, it was hot today. We had a leak develop in the sun room otherwise, just a lot of yard debris. Spent the day cleaning up.
                            I am reminded when we went through our first hurricanes in 1996. I remember it because I was drinking heavily. I was a mess. I was no help in fact, I was a liability. I just hate that. I’m so glad that I’m not carrying that burden now. Thank you to all who kept me in your thoughts and prayers. Hugs to all! XO, Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hi, All:

                              Phew, Byrdie - what a scary situation. What if there was an evacuation order in the middle of a pandemic? Where would people go? I have a friend whose parents live on the gulf side of Florida and they said they wouldn't evacuate, they'd wait out the storm. What a shit show. So glad you're safe and sound.

                              Lav, chickens love puddles, right? Glad you escaped the damage, too.

                              Excellent news, Wags, what a relief. Glad you can catch your breath for a while. Have they decided HOW they'll administer those tests yet?

                              Nar, glad you've been busy and had fun.

                              It sure is hard to remember those bad times for sure. We have been going through old pictures and in too many of them I have "that look." I'm with the family and participating, but I know I am not all there. I am so grateful I got rid of alcohol when I did.

                              Happy SOBER Wednesday.



                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Good morning everyone.
                                Holy crap Byrdie! That is crazy- a shit show like Pav says. (Pav, that is one of my sayings too!)

                                We are going down to the river today to hang out because its going up to +30C. The river is a 10 minute walk from our house so it is really nice. Me and hubby will have a picnic, go swimming a people watch. I don't have to worry about packing an AL, thank goodness. I remember getting drunk in the hot weather, it was NOT pretty.

                                I have been listening about the news in Lebanon, my heart goes out to them. I know some people who have relatives there, What a terrible terrible thing to happen, it makes me even more grateful for what I have.

                                Pav, ya "that look", I hate that look. I wonder if other people can see it.

                                Enjoy today everyone and don't drink.

                                "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                                "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                                AF April 12, 2014

