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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hi, All:

    Forgot to say Hi julia yesterday. Glad you're sober and well.

    Nar, that sounds like a lovely day - a mini vacation.

    NS, I saw this the other day: Zero: A new approach to non alcoholic drinks. I actually like a good/unique tasting non alcoholic cocktail. I used to shy away from ordering them at a bar or restaurant because they're so much more expensive than my seltzer, but every now and again I order a specialty non-alcoholic cocktail and it is fun. I figure it is a log cheaper than the martini I used to order. Maybe get your SiL to make you one?? Although, really, that much fuss over a drink IS boring...

    I agree, that it WILL pass, but I think there will be a lot of damage that will be very hard to recover from. There is an estimated 30million more families who will be losing homes because of their inability to pay rent this month. So sad and depressing. I am so grateful that I have a job still. I hope those of you who have precarious employment are doing ok.

    I do know that no matter what I won't drink through this. Then I really would be so depressed I wouldn't be able to get out of bed.

    Take care, Nest,


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Happy Un Hung Wednesday everyone.

      30 million people losing homes Pav? I cannot even imagine...

      Thank goodness we don't drink.

      I still am not working and who knows when I will find work again but thank goodness that my hubby has a good job. I have always worked though and I find it hard not to have my own income coming in.

      Stay sober everyone.

      "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
      "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

      AF April 12, 2014


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hey all!
        Kensho, drinking sure did consume everything I did and thought. My 5 o’clock was getting earlier and earlier (2:30). I actually knew that whatever I did after I had that first drink was going to suffer and the likelihood of my remembering what I’d done was low, so I tried to make sure that I didn’t do anything that required a lot of thought. If something came up, I tried to make good notes on it. You wouldn’t believe the mornings I sat down and saw my notes from the day before and had NO recollection of the conversation or event. Sheesh. It was awful. I’m so happy that we have broken that exhausting cycle.
        I got that book review written, I stole Wag’s words about his being genuine and spanning a breadth of poetry styles. I was going to say he had diverse verse but it didn’t seem appropriate. Glad that’s done!
        Happy Hump day, all, hope everyone is staying safe and healthy! Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Good evening Nesters,

          Had more rain here today bringing our monthly total to 8.5” already & it’s only the 12th - geez!
          My lawn will be growing more of those giant mushrooms I guess

          I am so grateful we have a strong & steady group here. It’s important to have good support during a crisis. The US is hurting badly right now & I feel every one’s pain. I truly believe that once we change our leadership in November we will begin to heal collectively. Can’t wait!

          Hello to Kensho, Pav, Narily & Byrdie & everyone else dropping by.
          Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hi Nest. It's morning here for me again. It's a little hamster wheel-y these days. But the sun is shining and I have a coffee in my hands.

            PAV, I love a good mocktail, and though its against my inclination to spend $7 for something fancy - it never bothered me before when it had alcohol in it. And it certainly doesn't bother my husband to spend $20 or more on drinks at a dinner. I have saved us so much money over the past few years... I'm going to enjoy a yummy treat! I love one in particular that has ginger beer, strawberry puree, and mint leaves. It's considered "culinary art" to eat a fancy meal... why can't we have fancy drinks and call enjoy their many flavors? I don't think that's boring.

            30 million is a difficult number to swallow. A negative thing about our culture right now is that we have made it so that we can insulate ourselves completely into our own reality and have no idea what's going on with others. Just because I have work and no one is terribly sick doesn't give me the right to ignore that others are suffering. We have a social responsibility to think as a whole and take care of each other. I have had enough of this "me only" attitude.

            Hi Narily, Lav and Byrdie. Is your house ok Byrdie? It must not be made of straw....

            We are camping this weekend for three nights. I absolutely hate packing, but being in nature melts my stress away. Excited for it. Happy Thursday to everyone.
            Last edited by KENSHO; August 13, 2020, 08:21 AM.

            Done. Moving on to life.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hi, All:

              Kensho, I'm jealous of all of the camping you get to do. Have fun.

              Lav, as usual we've had NO rain - I always wish you could send yours our way. We are heading into our hot, dry, fire season. Last year we had rolling blackouts in CA when our electric company thought the weather (hot wind) might cause a fire. One time we went without power for FIVE days! Now how are we going to hold remote learning school in the event of a blackout, when everyone is relying on computers? And what happens when some town has to evacuate due to a fire - where will they go? I worked at a fire shelter last year a few times - there were 100s of evacuees in a warm and stuffy area. Coronavirus??? So, I am hoping for rain, no wind, no fires... Yes, Lav, I am grateful for this group.

              Nar, sorry you still don't have a job. I am glad your husband does, but I know it would be tough for me not to work for that long. Are there ANY prospects? Pauly, how is your job going? Mr. G?

              Take care of yourselves and stay sober!


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Good morning everyone.

                Grateful to be UnHung this morning.

                I have had some interviews Pav, but no offers yet. Something will come up, things are slow because of the pandemic and oil consumption is down. I am trying to get into a different industry and that is difficult. We will see! Thanks for asking xo.

                Good job writing the review Byrdie, glad that is over

                Have fun camping Ken.

                I agree Lav, it is great to see a strong group here. You guys raaawk- right G?

                Have a good one!

                "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                AF April 12, 2014


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Well, they had gin and tonics last night and it turns out my daughter had a reaction to the quinine in the tonic. I didn't verbalize the "ha-ha" that was running through my head!

                  I agree that it is a good time to have a familiar support group - so grateful for all of you. xx


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Greetings Nesters,

                    Damp day, very humid still.....
                    My grandson is here AGAIN, haha I think he likes not having to compete with is older brother for a few hours. I’ll be returning him shortly!

                    Kensho, enjoy the camping, sounds nice. Nature does a lot for me too but living where we do I don’t have to pack up & go looking for it anymore, Lol

                    Pav, the fire season is always so worrisome. I feel for all of you.
                    As far as the scheduled blackouts & home schooling I have no idea how they plan to handle that, geez. I’ll do a rain dance for you, promise

                    Narilly, I think I built up some pretty strong defense shields years ago to protect my quit. Nothing & no one can break thru, haha! It’s just the way it has to be!
                    Good luck in the job search, never a simple thing.

                    NS, I can handle the tonic but not the gin, LOL
                    I am grateful I never have to test the waters on that topic again

                    Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Originally posted by KENSHO View Post
                      30 million is a difficult number to swallow. A negative thing about our culture right now is that we have made it so that we can insulate ourselves completely into our own reality and have no idea what's going on with others. Just because I have work and no one is terribly sick doesn't give me the right to ignore that others are suffering. We have a social responsibility to think as a whole and take care of each other. I have had enough of this "me only" attitude.
                      Hola friends!

                      All ok here despite the madness. Great words friend Kensho! I agree that we have a responsibility for others, especially if we are able to. If we don't look out for each other on a local and global scale, then we are stuffed as a species. Nature always gives. Have a bewdy with your beautiful family.

                      Yo Nar! Raaawkin gurl. Hope you're going ok there.

                      Hi Pav. 30 million people to lose their homes. Was there a govt. rent subsidy/assistance that has stopped? There was some govt. assistance right? We have a fortnightly subsidy the govt. pays here for existing unemployed folks and a new subsidy since around april for employees and businesses who lost jobs/income. This will be extended through to around January i think, but at a reduced level. Also banks have put mortgage payments on hold last few months, but they will likely be wanting regular payments again from around 1 million homes by january.

                      It doesn't look like regular jobs are gonna be available anytime soon, so lots will be in trouble. A stressful time no doubt for many many people around the world. I reckon the mental health fallout is more damaging than the virus.

                      I am one of the lucky ones. I have shelter, a job/income, my sanity/health, and a guitar.

                      As long as i think positive and do something i love everyday, i'm ok. Take care of yourselves evabody.

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Pav - I worry about the fire season too. We have similar threats here in the PNW but as a CA native I still keep tabs on my home state and have lots of family there as well. It looks like the whole west coast is heading into a heat wave this weekend. Hope your ocean air conditioning works for you! I'll be hiding out in our soaking tub

                        G - the US handling of Covid has varied from state to state (not much coordinated at a national level, which is part of why we're still F'ed right now). Many states did have moratoriums on evictions or foreclosures, as well as enhanced unemployment benefits, but most of that help ended on July 31. Our congress has been trying to reach a new agreement but things are so divisive and politicized here that the two main parties each point fingers at each other in blame for doing nothing. We'll have to see what Pav tells us about California, but here in my state to the north of CA, our governor extended things so people can't be evicted or foreclosed on due to inability to pay rent/mortgage until I think Jan or Feb 2021. I agree with you on the mental health angle - I expect it's gonna be quite dire. I love the note you ended on: "As long as i think positive and do something i love everyday, i'm ok." YES!

                        Kensho - have a great time camping! It will be well worth the packing for sure.

                        Nar - I hope the right job comes along your way as soon as you would like it too - maybe something you don't even have on your radar right now. Have you ever thought about starting a biz or working as a contractor? I'm not sure what you do or whether that's even possibly in your job field.

                        Byrdie - glad the ideas for the review helped, and extra glad you were able to get 'er done!

                        Things are pretty good here in Wagland. Our pup is struggling a bit again but I think we'll get things sorted and back on track soon. It's just hard when they don't feel well

                        Happy end of the week to you all, and hope you've got great weekends coming up! Hellos and waves to everyone :heartbeat:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hi, All:

                          Here the eviction moratorium ran out when the federal subsidies ran out but it varies county by county (another reason this is so bad here). There are. a lot of people who are "precariously" housed - they rent a room from someone else. In many cased I know there are two bedroom apartments with families in each bedroom and one in the living room. Because they're not on the lease, they can be evicted at any time, and then the original renter couldn't afford the whole rent - a big cascading effect. I think we'll HAVE to act at some point. The already considerable non-housed encampments have gotten HUGE, and of course the large hotels sit empty. I am so grateful for what I have, and I also know that we need to figure out something!

                          Well, Wags, your heatwave came down here - temps in the 90s and 100s here - very very rare. Thank goodness it is a weekend and I might be able to drive to the coast to try to cool off (although I imagine the whole state will head for the coasts so it might be best just to sit tight. Sorry your pup isn't well again - so stressful that they can't tell you what is going on!

                          Fingers crossed Narilly. I was talking with a friend who had to quit her job because her husband got sick. She has encountered ageism for sure - she is VERY capable and had an amazing career and now she can't get a call back. And it is in an industry where there are still jobs... I believe it is more difficult for women over 50 (or around 50) than men as well. I hope you find something you love.

                          NS, I love seeing a hint of schadenfreude in your post. You are such a nice, sweet person... I have seen they are now making non-alcoholic spirits, so there is NA gin now, too. That would be WEIRD...

                          Happy Weekend,


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Greetings Nesters,

                            Not quite as hot & humid as it has been which is a relief but still not my fav fall weather yet.

                            Hi G & I’m with you in the positive thinking. It helps more than most ever know

                            Wags, sure hope your CA family is safe from the fires. Looks as so awful on TV.
                            I hope your pup feels better real soon!

                            Pav, sure hope you can find a cool spot this weekend. This prolonged heat really wipes people out, ugh!
                            Non-alcoholic spirits - why bother? Lol. I never got into the non-al wines or anything, thought they would just mess with my head if you know what I mean.

                            Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hola friends,

                              Right on Lavstar. It's not always easy to think positive and be kind to ourselves, but if i've tried it before and know that i feel good due to it, then i know i can at least try to get back into something close to a positive state of mind when things are looking hopeless. For me that's similar to my knowledge that getting out the door for a walk or run around the block or to a tree or post 50 metres down the road, helps me feel good. It's an option i am aware of and can use.

                              Thanks Wags and Pav for that info on the situ there. We had some empty hotels here taking in homeless people for a few weeks during the first covid wave around march, assisted by our state government i believe. But big hotels sit empty here too. Sheesh. Complex and difficult! Hope your pup feels better this weekend Wags. Hope you git some beach in Pav or at least cool off.

                              No freakin ticket to no boozeville here. They tried to sell me one online, but there are a few scammers out there....

                              Wishing evabody a safe peaceful weekend.

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Hi, All:

                                Not much to report. An unusually warm evening yesterday and another scorcher on the way for today. Now we worry about fires and blackouts as many schools try to start distance learning...

                                Stay safe.

