Hi Evabody. Back from camping. We had to change plans last minute due to fires here, so we camped in the Snowy Range of Wyoming. Beautiful, and blue skies! I love being out in nature - it makes me feel small and important, all at the same time. Humble and cared for. The stars were incredible. Anyway, lots of smoke here too PAV. I've resigned myself to just be doing inside things and focus energies there. It's gloomy out, but it will also pass.
LAV, glad the little chicks are making their way through chick-childhood. Soon enough they will be laying for you!
Byrdie, congrats on your nephew! I would absolutely love to hold an infant again.
Wags. What a dream. Glad you are having a positive vet experience... it makes all the difference!
LAV, true-dat about taking care of ourselves first. There is no other way.

I narrowly escaped a heated political yelling match while camping. My husband later asked why I left, because I'm usually the rational discussion person with these topics, and I told him it was because I watched the other guy sip on whisky the entire day and knew he had no ration left. Alcohol really creates unneeded hostility at times and I wanted no part of it.
Anyway, hope everyone has a good day. I've already exercised and that feels good. I've gotten into the habit of breaking a good sweat most days, and I feel so much better for it!