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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Afternoon nesters

    Pav, i hope those fires have settled down and you are staying safe.

    Kensho, no point in arguing with a drunk, its easier to walk away and keep walking.

    Life has been busy here, the 2 jobs im doing at work, has been hectic. The lockdown seems to be getting to all of us at home, i would just like to go for a coffee and sit for 17 hours with strangers. just anyone really. My online shopping is still flourishing. the new tv stand and a new buffetaht i bought was delivered. i received half of the tv stand and half of the buffet. i rang and asked ummm why didnt i recieve the 2 boxes of each item instead of one box of each and they told me that due to covid they had to prioritise medical deliveries. oh right, okay, that makes complete sense NOT. The weekend weather has been really crappy so instead of putting together the units, i have to wait. Stupid is stupid i suppose.

    Just back from a walk with Carl, there was a break in the rain so off we went and then we got wet but it was nice to get out and the dogs were going nuts inside. my son took cardi out so they are both now exhausted.

    Not much else going on with my life other than work. I did give plasma the other day but the nurse put the needle in wrong and then i nearly passed out again and damn my arm hurt and bruised very nicely. Now i cant give plasma for another month as they could not put 400mls of blood back in so that was classified as a donation. There goes my fortnightly outing to speak to humans!

    How are you going Belle and LC?

    Time for a nap, i think.

    take care and stay safe xx
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Morning nesters, Pav, you keep yourself safe, seems like California is always on fire, we're getting some of that smoke and it's making me have a runny nose in the morning and then I get scared I have the 'rona, Ava, you sound a bit down, maybe just bored, glad you and Carl got to take a walk, Winslow don't mind walking in the rain and the first place he heads is to my bed to roll around and dry off-thanks brat! Kensho, I remember feeling like that, wanting to drink after a terrible day and arguing with myself back and forth, then like everyone else it became just a habit, good for you on knowing it won't help a damn thing! Narilly, the postal service is acting dumb on purpose to seem like they can't handle voting by mail, everything was smooth before that started being talked about. Hubs is helping our former landlord who lives in Hong Kong with a rental house here that they had to evict some people from, they're both in the hospital on and off since February and haven't paid rent since then, the house is a wreck! 10 years of stuff and junk, bad carpet, needs paint ugh, I'm not helping I've done too many of those cleanups in my lifetime so far and I'm not interested in doing anymore, hubs keeps hiring these guys to do the cleaning but they wanna start drinking at 9 am so get lazy! Tried to hire some other people and they want too much money, it's kind of a messy ordeal literally haha, waves to the gang and wishes for a wonderful AF day!
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hi all - it's been a couple of years since I've been around - checked in and started a journal trying to figure out what it is I need to do. This coronavirus situation has thrown me for a loop drinking-wise. I just started drinking daily and kept it up that way - since March. Ugh. So here I am again trying to get back on track. It's so nice to see all the familiar names and see that everyone seems to be doing OK! These are strange and trying times for sure. I'm on Day 7 today. Hope to be able to keep it up!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Good evening Nesters,

          The ugly hot & humid weather is back. I knew it wasn’t over yet!!!
          We have raspberries galore here so I picked a quart & made a raspberry crumble which is good Don’t need the calories but what can you do??

          Frances, hello & welcome back!
          Sorry you’ve been having a tough time, this pandemic hasn’t been easy on anyone. Congrats on your 7 AF days, that’s wonderful!!! Keep moving forward, no going back. Don’t forget about the Tool box for lots of great ideas. I believe stopping in here daily & making yourself accountable is a great tool. Settle in with us!

          Pauly, my husband got involved with cleaning out a few old houses over the years too. These were big houses with some nice things where the owner died & a lawyer was in charge of emptying & selling the houses. He did come home with a few interesting odds & ends. I have zero interest in doing anything like that any more.

          Ava, I was thinking yesterday that we hadn’t seen you for several days.
          I have noticed some days absolutely feel worse than others since the pandemic hit. This is something we have no control over, that makes me feel easy. We can’t throw in the towel just yet, I think it’s going to be a while until we see the end of this virus. We owe it to ourselves to come out of this mess as healthy & happy as possible. We have worked so hard, this is no time to quit looking after ourselves, right? You keep taking good care of yourself & Carl :hug:

          Hello to teh rest of teh crew & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hi, All:

            Frances, good to see you back but not if you're not feeling well. When you say you "hope to be able to keep it up," I think of Yoda - Do or Do Not. There is no Try. Saying the word "hope" is like leaving the door open a crack for me - I had to say I don't drink, and then set up my life, my habits, my actions, to make that so. I know you can do it !

            Good to see you pop in also, Pauly. That sounds like hard work, cleaning out an apartment that is like that. Especially in the heat and smoke. Good luck. Hope you're doing ok.

            Ava, glad you can Carl got out. It has been hard to get out here because of the smoke, but there was a shift in the wind today so we headed to the coast where the wind kept it pretty clear. It was nice to be outside without coughing. I feel so bad for all of the people who are losing everything and having to evacuate in the time of a pandemic! Usually we don't see fires until earlier. They are maybe expecting more lightning over night so people are freaked out here and packing. I think we'll be ok where we are - keeping my fingers crossed.

            Happy SOBER Sunday.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hello everyone.. just wanted to let you all know you are all in my prayers every day. Sending blessings your way. Life is a gift .
              "Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never -- in nothing, great or small, large or petty -- never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. " by Winston Churchill .


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hi everyone,

                Sorry I missed a few days - I was really busy with work and then had a few days with no work (just play and projects -- house/yard/garden stuff) and somehow now it's Monday again. Glad to read back and see folks checking in and doing well despite fires and restrictions and other challenges.

                Pav - my heart is with CA, as it is every fire season. I can't even think about the loss of life (people and animals), the loss of trees, historic landmarks, etc. I heard that Santa Cruz and north of there might have gotten enough rain to dampen the fires at least somewhat. I'm glad you're safe.

                Lav - it's fun hearing the updates as your chicks grow up and learn new skills!

                Frances - welcome back and congrats on making it through your first week +. Since you've been here before, you know the routine: read and/or post every day to help you stay connected and resolved, put together (or refine) your tool kit for getting through all of the things that will try to break your quit, and just don't drink -- no matter what. Glad you're here!

                Getting started on another good week here in Wagland. Our heat wave finally broke and it should be nice weather for the coming week. I'll take it!

                Take care everyone :heartbeat:
                Last edited by wagmor; August 24, 2020, 09:28 AM.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Happy Un Hung Mon everyone.

                  Pauly, that is a sad story about the landlord. I have cleaned a lot of those places myself, what a pain.

                  Rasberries, I love Rasberries Lav. Make some jam!

                  Hello Ava, Byrdie, Wags, Pauly, G, LC, everyone.

                  Nice to see you Shades and keep coming back, like Wags said: [QUOTEFrances - welcome back and congrats on making it through your first week +. Since you've been here before, you know the routine: read and/or post every day to help you stay connected and resolved, put together (or refine) your tool kit for getting through all of the things that will try to break your quit, and just don't drink -- no matter what. Glad you're here!][/QUOTE]

                  Off to Costco today, I've got my mask, it's all good.


                  "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                  "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                  AF April 12, 2014


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hi Everyone! And a special hello to Frances! Missed you here. So glad you returned to say hi! What are your goals regarding alcohol? We're here to help in any way we can. I know drinking is a huge numbing agent now when things are quite uncomfortable in the world, but I truly believe we are so much better equipped to deal with the challenges without it! Let us know how we can support you.

                    I'm just doing "Monday". Nothing unusual to report. Lots of smoke in the air, and it's my little girl's 11th birthday! Making her lasagna tonight (and a paleo sweet potato version for myself).

                    Keep your witts about you everyone, alcohol helps nothing!

                    Done. Moving on to life.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hi, Nest. Glad to see you here, Frances. Vacation was good but came home to a lot of work and yard to deal with. I'm doing ok just taking one thing at a time and not worrying about the rest (not my natural approach but definitely a good one to work on!). Glad you're all doing ok despite so many weird challenges coming at us. xx, NS


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Hey all!
                        Shades, so good to see you, hope you are keeping well!
                        Frances, like Pav, I made the decision to be sober so worked backwards from that. Anything that didn’t support that decision got tossed! Once the decision is made, the rest is simple. Rinse and repeat. Congrats on the 7 days, that is terrific! Here’s your Full Moon! :butt: a whole week, AF!
                        Julia, you doing ok?
                        Pauly, great to see you.
                        Pav, bless you, so much going on, wishing you safety over there.
                        NS, welcome back to the fray! Look at you, all refreshed!
                        dame ole, here, not much going on, which is fine by me. Hugs to all, Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Greetings Nesters,

                          Sunny & hot ~ still summer!
                          Life is going OK so I am grateful. I even got an invitation to meet an old friend for lunch this week & that makes me happy

                          Hello Shades, nice of you to drop by. I hope everything is going well for you.

                          Pav, hope your day was a good one!

                          Wags, enjoy your nice weather break. They never last long enough for me, haha!

                          Narilly, I try to avoid making jams & jellies because of all the sugar involved. Whatever we don’t eat from the raspberry harvest we’ll freeze for smoothies & stuff.

                          Kensho, Happy Birthday to your daughter! I hope she enjoyed her lasagne, yum

                          NS, glad you’re back & getting settled into your routine. One day at a time is the best we can do so no worries :hug:

                          Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hi, All:

                            Just checking in with not much to report. The smoke cleared up last night - we'll see how it is this morning. There were all sorts of wind and lightning storms predicted that never materialized so we are a lot better off than expected. Keep sending your positive thoughts out west. Kensho, to you, too.

                            I have a friend - she is quite a bit older - who just gave up alcohol "for a bit" and she is so amazed at how much energy she has and how much less depressed she is. She knows she is an alcoholic but at this point (she is 78) she doesn't want to give it up for good - she wants to drink into the sunset. We'll see what she decides, but for the moment she is so much better off. Seeing changes happen so quickly and profoundly is a good way to keep sober myself. I remember the depression and low energy, especially on certain mornings. Thank goodness I don't have to go back there.

                            Take care all. May the weather be what you need.



                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Happy Un Hung Tuesday everyone.

                              It is always good to have a reminder of why we don’t drink Pav. I had a drinking dream the other day and it was so real I had to remind myself it was only a dream. Thank goodness.

                              Yeah Lav, sugar is the problem isn’t it? That’s why we love No Sugar, haha.

                              It is s beautiful day here, sunny blue skies. Love it.

                              Have a great day everyone!

                              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                              AF April 12, 2014


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Greetings Nesters,

                                Hot & humid here with off & on showers & distant thunder. I think this will go on the rest of the evening. Good cue to stay inside & enjoy the AC

                                Pav, glad you’re getting a break from the smokiness.
                                Interesting about your friend. Maybe she will decide she likes a clear head more that her bottle of whatever. You just never know.

                                Narilly, I’m not getting any smaller & that’s with avoiding sugar as much as possible, haha! It seems the older I get the bigger I get, some curse maybe? Haha
                                Hope you enjoyed your sunny day, we get one tomorrow!

                                Saying Hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                                Last edited by Lavande; August 25, 2020, 05:00 PM.
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

