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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hi, [MENTION=22494]deedoo[/MENTION]. Welcome back! I hope we do keep seeing you around. Maybe you could commit to 30 days of daily posting or something like that?? And for sure if you're tempted to drink, please come post first!! Just that break in the cycle might help you not make the choice you really don't want to make. Enjoy an AF weekend!!


      Re: Newbies Nest

      [MENTION=11704]Byrdlady[/MENTION], your soap dispenser adventure cracked me up! Isn't it crazy when we don't look outside the box and make things so much harder than it needs to be??? Kind of like we made life in the Bad Old Days. Looking back now it is so clear that I made quitting into a MUCH bigger deal than it needed to be. I'm not saying it was easy but given how afraid of trying I was, you would have thought that was almost impossible. I'm so glad to be with the people here who have done it, are doing it, or want to do it. It's a great group. xx


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Originally posted by NoSugar View Post
        Hi, [MENTION=22494]deedoo[/MENTION]. Welcome back! I hope we do keep seeing you around. Maybe you could commit to 30 days of daily posting or something like that?? And for sure if you're tempted to drink, please come post first!! Just that break in the cycle might help you not make the choice you really don't want to make. Enjoy an AF weekend!!
        Thanks NoSugar, on day 5 of librium and I'm back to the doctor on Tuesday, so for the next 30 days I will post on here.
        Day 1 of posting day 5 no alcohol.


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Good evening Nesters,

          Just had a tropical downpour of more than 2” of rain. Always an odd thing here in the mid-Atlantic region haha!

          Deedoo, hello & welcome back!
          Sticking around the nest can never hurt & usually helps out a lot. You’ve made a great decision, wishing you the best!

          Byrdie, I always refill my dish soap dispenser from the top, LOL. I am too old & stiff at this point to even consider crawling into the cabinet, haha!! Learn something new every day

          NS, the fear of quitting really was bad, I remember & it delayed my quitting much longer than it should have. Glad that’s all in the history books now!!

          Hello to Pav & Kensho, hope you are both OK. Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hola friends!

            Welcome back Deedoo. Great to see you here taking back your precious life.

            All the best with tests etc. friend Kensho! :-)

            Big waves and hello's to evabody. No ticket to no freakin boozeville here.

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hi all,
              Hope your all good today.
              Day 2 of posting, day 6 no beer.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hi all,

                Sorry for not posting much these past two weeks - I've been consumed with different political and social justice activities and exhausted at the end of each day.

                deedoo - welcome back and glad to see you're committed to posting for 30 days (and not drinking longer!)

                Kensho - I hope that the scans bring you good news, and more importantly (like either way the results turn out) I hope you're able to get an accurate your health issues so that you know how to best manage them.

                Pav - thinking of you and everyone in CA as the fires continue. Stay safe! I think I'll check out that book you mentioned. It is good to hear stories about how long-time quits come to an end, especially if the person is able to identify how much farther in advance the relapse started. When my 10+ year quit fell apart, it seemed rather sudden at the time (my pup died very suddenly) but her death was the last straw after 5-7 VERY challenging years. I never had thoughts of drinking, and that might have been my downfall because that meant I wasn't protecting my quit or keeping my tools sharp.

                Lav and Byrdie (and others?) - will the storm be hitting your area? I haven't seen the latest trajectory but I know at one point Laura was projected to turn hard right and head toward your general region of the country. One of my FB friends said her entire town was wiped off the map. She's about halfway between NOLA and Houston. It's saddening and I think especially difficult since we're still in the pandemic with no federal plan.

                Hellos and waves to Ava, Nar, Pauly, G, Belle, Julia, NS, and everyone else hanging out in the nest at all this weekend. Enjoy the end of August cuz it's almost christmas! Haha just kidding, although the passage of time this year has been weirdly fast/slow all at the same time.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Hi, All:

                  Welcome back DeeDoo. I don't remember you - I have a bad memory these days for sure. Was DeeDoo your name? Anyway - I'm sorry for the circumstances that bring you back, but don't feel shame. There is no shame in admitting you need help and asking for that help. We're here for you - let us know how we can help.

                  Byrdie that made me laugh. As I was reading the first part of the story I was thinking to myself "what's the point of a built in soap dispenser if it takes so much effort to fill...???" Haha.

                  Wags - thanks for doing that work for all of us. Good to see you pop in though.

                  Happy SOBER Saturday, everyone. I woke up with a killer headache but at least I know it isn't from alcohol. It's already feeling better and I'm sure I'll get out and about today.



                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hi Nest. Welcome DeeDoo! You are in a safe and warm place. One day/hour/minute at a time, ok? Feel free to tell us anything on your mind.

                    Byrdie, I am imagining you under the cupboard with a wrench and all... it's such a pain being under there! We worked on our faucet and it's tight! Well, now you know how to replace one if you ever need to!

                    Wags, nice to see you. I hope you are doing things that are making you feel heard and powerful and productive. In the end, we all need to feel that.

                    Thanks for the shout outs about my scans.... I got results. I am MS free!! I can't express the relief I feel. I do have neck issues, which I knew. Not sure why I had myelin protein antibodies, but no lesions!! I am beyond thrilled. Thank you guys for your support!! Maybe the neck issues and celiac were causing most of my symptoms.

                    Rainy morning here, and we will go out as a family to a coffee shop for coffee and breakfast... our ritual. Looking forward to it! Hugs to all!

                    Done. Moving on to life.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Happy Un Hung Saturday everyone.

                      Thank you Pauly for the compliment, you are so nice. Yes, we have to stay vigilant, that was a good reminder Pav. I had a drinking dream the other night and I didn’t even think it was a dream. It felt like it really happened. I took a sip of this cooler and that’s all. But that did not happen and that kinda freaked me out because it seemed so real.

                      Hi Deedoo, good job coming here, you can do this. Distract yourself from drinking, go for a walk, go to different places for grocery or dining. You’ve got this. Like NS says, keep posting.

                      Byrdie, that is funny. I have the same sort of soap dispenser. Lol

                      Ken, I hope you are ok. No matter what, drinking won’t make anything better, you know that!

                      It is starting to cool down here. Only going to be in the mid teens today (60-65F for all you Americans!) Not hot like Africa here lol

                      Big waves to you G, xo and Wags, LC, everyone.

                      Don’t drink today, it’s gross.

                      "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                      "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                      AF April 12, 2014


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Hi Nesters...I just realized how long it has been since I officially checked in. I often come here without logging on, just to get a 'boost'.

                        The other day I had a visual realization of what the AL beast is. I stopped at a co-worker's house to drop off some office supplies (as we are still working from home but I had to stop at the office to pick up some things). She has a part pit-bull dog who is sweet as can be, but very buff and looks very strong. She loves her 'momma' and when her momma came outside, she was jumping on the door and it seemed that she would knock it off the hinges with how strong she was. I saw the door being pushed out repeatedly but not opening (it must have a good latch). I now envision the AL beast like that...sometimes trying to bash my door down. I envision myself pushing on it tightly to keep it closed. I think this started when someone (forgive me for not remembering who) mentioned that I might be leaving the AL door open a crack. This visual has stayed with me whenever I even think of being tempted.

                        Something strange has happened though. Even with all the stress in my life, I have started sleeping through the night without waking up at all. I haven't done that in years, even during the almost 5 years I was AF before. Unfortunately when I finally wake up I have to pee so bad...after all the years of the '3am pee'. idk what is going on. perhaps it is self preservation to get me through this stressful time. Surely being AF has a lot to do with it.

                        Good day to everyone wherever you are. I'm going to read back now. I just wanted to check in before something comes up to prevent me from doing so.

                        Alcohol does me no favors.

                        Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Morning nesters

                          Frances, happy double digits (by now you will be). I know my life and work has changed dramatically since i gave up drinking, i still work in neurology but have a way better job with better pay and responsibility. i do know i could never have done this job if i had been drinking. Give yourself some time to think which direction you want to go in, there is no hurry unless you have to do years and years of study that is!

                          We had a beautiful day yesterday, 20 degrees and i am sure every man and his dog was out, in lockdown. I went to the drs and came home, too many people out for my liking. our numbers are under 100 so hopefully in 2 weeks we will start opening again. The dr said it could take weeks to settle down so i am going to take the pain relief, it seemed to take the edge off yesterday but i am seeing my neurologists on Tuesday so will get them to look at it. I have a new headache nurse stating on Monday which is wonderful, she can take some of my work off me but i am sure she will be snowed under in no time at all.

                          Today it is crappy, windy as hell so i will do a bit of furniture rearranging with help from my son who does not know this yet.

                          Welcome Deedoo, how long had you been sober for before you drank again? great work on your 3 days sober, the numbers will rise before you know it.

                          Pauly, i joke with the kids about al. on my sober birthday they ask if i want anything at the shop and i say a bottle of scotch, 2 bottles of wine and see how i go. i know they would never buy it and i know i would never drink it. I could never go through stopping again, so why start, like smoking really, i would love to have a smoke but i know how hard it was to stop.

                          Pav, they are talking about some of our firefighters going over to you. trying to work out the logistics with regards to covid and quarantining and all that requires.

                          Byrd, love the soap dispenser, i would have done exactly the same thing. Maybe men have more common sense than wome!

                          Belle and LC, i hope you are both well and safe.

                          take care xx
                          Last edited by available; August 29, 2020, 04:04 PM.
                          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Good evening Nesters,

                            We’re getting hit with storms off & on today. I think they are hurricane Laura related because they’re tropical like downpours. Tonight we are expecting a cold front from Canada ~ thank you Canadians
                            I am so over all this heat & humidity. It’s going to take months for my hair to relax a bit, haha!

                            Belle, good to see you!
                            There are so many good reasons to not drink. I’ll take a sign as a reminder any time!

                            Ava, I only wish the US was doing as good a job containing Covid. There’s too many Covidiots here I’m afraid.
                            Keep yourself safe.
                            I don’t know that men have more common sense but most of them are more mechanically inclined I think. I was just thinking way back in the 70’s when I was working in ICU I used to carry a small screwdriver in my pocket because those old monster ventilators we used were always falling apart

                            Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              We are getting some remnants from Laura today. It was supposed to hit Washington, DC, which was ok by me, ha!
                              Kensho, so glad MS wasn’t the diagnosis! I hope more answers are revealed as to what the issue is!
                              Welcome Deedoo! Keep up the great work. One day at a time!
                              Great to see everyone checking in! Hugs from hot, humid, NC! Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Hi, All;

                                Covidiots! Love it Lav. Hope you stay cool and warm enough...

                                Good to see you, Belle. Glad you're sleeping and KEEP THAT DOOR SHUT!

                                Not much new. Been fighting a killer headache for a day now - it is just a cold I believe but now everyone is so paranoid I might work at home for a couple of days.

                                Happy SOBER Sunday.

