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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hi all,
    Sticking with my commitment day 3 posting, day 7 no beer.


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hey Nesters,

      It’s a lovely sunny 75 degrees out no humidity - can I get a YAY?? :yay:
      This summer has been brutal in so many ways for just about everyone. Can’t wait to see it go!

      Hey Byrdie, glad Laura was just another annoying menace for us & not the real thing. Feel bad for the folks in western Louisiana.

      Pav, we both had bad headaches last Sunday which was unusual. Then I realized it was likely due to the flu shots we got The day before. Stay home for a few days if you need too & keep an eye out for other symptoms. Hope it’s nothing :hug:

      Dee, CONGRATS on your 7 AF days!! The first week is the hardest & you have conquered that. Keep moving forward & you’ll have no regrets

      Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night for all in the nest!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: Newbies Nest

        It was hot and humid here today, Lav. I was hoping for lower humidity, I guess it will come in time.
        Great job, Deedoo, so happy to see you staying the course. Few decisions I have made have been better than the one I made to get sober. Keep up the great work!
        You aren’t missing anything here. In my mind it’s still February and here we are almost in September. Yikes. Have a great evening, Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hi Evaone. Hot, humid and headaches, huh? We actually woke up to temps in the high 40's (f)! Autumn is here, September a day away.

          I had a rough day yesterday, mood and brain wise. I think I was accidentally served gluten the night before. I'm also reacting to coffee when my system is inflamed (its a cross-reactive to gluten), so I was on edge and felt really down. I LOVE, LOVE coffee, and we just bought an espresso machine. I sit here sipping chai that is tolerable, longing for the days when coffee will be my friend again.

          Not much else to report here. I have a call about doing SEO on my website, and a client meeting with a difficult lady. Rest of the time will be helping kiddos stay on task for online school, and getting a workout. Laundry folding tonight... I have a mountain of clean clothes in my bedroom!

          PAV and LAV, hope your heads are feeling better today. Stay well everyone!

          Done. Moving on to life.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Morning nesters, Kensho that's great news that you don't have MS!! What a relief and it probably is just the celiac acting up in a different area, Bells good comparison to the chunky dog trying to get out, I once read an article that the Al voice is like sleeping toddlers=don't wake them! Made good sense to me,Byrdie I'm stuck somewhere in February or March too lifetime just advertised they're gonna start playing Christmas movies in October, when the heck did they decide that and why is it nearly Oct already???? Time Warp city that's for sure, Ava, I know you'd never drink, sometimes I joke around like that too but after my March madness I think I really got a sense that alcohol just don't help me at all so maybe it was a learning experience. Thought about sneaking off to California for a quick weekend but with the fires, restrictions and whatever I think I'll just wait til next year (praying it's better!) Off to the DMV this afternoon to renew my driver's license so I had to wear decent clothes for the picture haha, been living in T-shirts and leggings (yes even at the salon cuz I wear a huge smock anyways) feels weird wearing slack pants yuck! Anyhoo wishes for a fab poison free day for us all!
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Kensho - that's FANTASTIC news!!!! Now you can focus on the symptoms without this big question or concern looming over you (or big reality setting in). Hope you are now on the path to wellness.

              Lav - jealous of your cold front coming in, as we're on our last nice day before a week-long heatwave hits. Ugh, what a way to start September. Anyway, with the heat and humidity you've had this summer I think you all deserve the break that is headed your way

              Pav - hope your headache passes and you feel better soon!

              Byrdie and Pauly - my subconscious thinks it's still sometime back in spring as well. If I'm not fully "present" when talking or thinking about something time-related, my brain defaults to April/May. Byrdie you must be extra disoriented by this weird year. I hope that things start to unfold and open up for all of us and that Byrdie you either find something new for work or you are able to relax into retirement -- whichever you prefer.

              Frances and deedoo - congrats on making some of your first milestones in your quits. Keep on doing what you're doing, and if you're struggling at all, check out the Toolkit (see link in my signature below) or ask here for ideas.

              Hellos and waves to everyone stopping by the nest today. Happy end of August, start of September, and start of new weeks to you all!


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Happy Un Hung Monday!

                Hope you all have a great day.

                I will post more tomorrow- don't drink today.

                "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                AF April 12, 2014


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Hi all,
                  Sticking with it, day 4 posting, day 8 no beer. I'm back with the doctor tomorrow and the addiction counselor sent an e-mail to say she would give me a ring tomorrow, so hopefully things are moving in the right direction. I haven't been around these boards in a while and i haven't got used to a few of the changes as yet, likes?? please don't think I'm ignoring anyone. more a case of ignorant rather than ignoring . The old librium brain doesn't exactly help either so hopefully the dose will be reduced tomorrow. I'll get the hang of it eventually


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hi all - checking in and hoping everyone's having a good Monday.

                    Ava – thanks for the congrats on double digits. Day 15 today and feeling pretty good about it, though I’m still having lots of ‘thoughts’. These days are tough. Like you, I miss getting out and seeing people at shops or restaurants etc. – and I’m pretty much an introvert! And here in the US there are so many things besides COVID going on. It is really a depressing time.

                    Kensho – glad your tests turned out negative for MS – that’s great news! Also - I think you’re right about it not always being about the quantity of AL. If I’m obsessing about drinking, then clearly I have a problem. I definitely drank more than you’re “supposed” to - - WAY more actually. Since I got back to drinking abnormally again (which I guess is really my normal though I hate to admit it), I can never imagine just having one glass of wine. It’s always at LEAST two and more commonly 3 or 4. Then on weekends well who’s counting?! 2 years and 9 months AF for you …WOW! Congratulations!

                    Byrdie – it’s been awhile since you mentioned about the weight loss but I wanted to say congrats! How did you do it? I’ve gained about 10 since COVID and am trying to get back down so that my pants aren’t so daggone uncomfortable! I’ve been wearing out all my elastic/drawstring shorts and capris and I have very few ‘long’ options so I’m hoping I’ll be able to wear my regular jeans but that won’t happen if I don’t shed some weight! Of course after reading your post, I guess there's no guarantee those will fit even if I do lose the weight - Ha!

                    Hello to NS, Lav, Pav, Narilly, Deedoo, Pauly, Wags and everyone else! Here’s to another AF day!
                    Last edited by frances; August 31, 2020, 02:18 PM.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Good job, Frances and deedoo! Get these early days behind you and you'll never have to do them again.

                      I'm glad you don't have MS, Kensho. People w/ autoimmune disease often have antibodies that are associated with other autoimmune diseases. For example, I have the RF factor but (thankfully) do not have rheumatoid arthritis. Maybe it isn't specific for RA and maybe the antibodies you have aren't actually diagnostic for MS, they are just often or usually present in people with MS. Anyway, I hope you feel better and get your coffee back soon! Coffee is my last Big Vice and I'd really like to keep it. The 50/50 caf/decaf plan I started in January still is working so I'm going with that as long as possible!


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Netsers,

                        It’s been a damp & dreary day in Lav-land but that’s OK. Did the food shopping I needed & stopped for a quick haircut, came home & spent some time mask sewing. Not a bad day afterall!

                        NS, my Mom had a severe flare up of RA in her early 60’s. She never knew she had it until then. I was tested years later after c/o painful & swollen joints but tested negative. Years later I finally figured out it was dairy causing all that inflammation - so weird.

                        Kensho, if all your tests come back negative & I hope they do try an elimination diet. That’s how I finally figured out what was going on with me. When I began the dairy free diet I had already decided the next thing to go would be gluten if I didn’t get any relief. I know you already have a lot of knowledge on all that, keep building on that.

                        Frances, don’t worry too much about the weight right now. Focusing on the most important thing, your quit is #1.
                        I keep changing shapes myself & have decided it’s age related, what can you do?

                        Dee, you’re doing great!

                        Hi Narilly & everyone!

                        Wishing a safe & comfy night in the nest for all!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hola friends,

                          It is September 1 here. First day of spring! New beginnings, some lovely energy around even despite a little covidiocy on a few fronts lol. All ok here. Strumming guitar and making lots of new music.

                          Good news friend Kensho! You raaawk ya know?

                          Great work on Day 8 Dee.

                          Raaawkin day 15 Frances.

                          Big waves and hello's to evabody.

                          Apologies to any Trump fans, but this woman is funny -
                          How to Compilation Volume 1 - YouTube
                          Last edited by Guitarista; August 31, 2020, 08:12 PM.

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            G - Sarah Cooper in the video you posted is hysterical. She has become fairly well-known for her trump videos but she's also the author of a pretty funny (but accurate) book about 100 Tricks to Appear Smart in Meetings. Love her!

                            Lav - sounds like an excellent day!

                            Frances - congrats on 15 days! Those thoughts will come and go, gradually coming less and going more, over time as I'm sure you know. What are your favorite tools for getting past them when they hit you? A lot of folks here in the nest like to think of "pushing" or "playing" as two big strategies. Pushing means pushing the thought away, getting your mind on something else, or standing firm and literally rejecting it, telling it to go away. Playing is about diving into the thought and acknowledging it but "playing the tape forward" or envisioning exactly what you spoke of: one drink turns into 2 or 4 or ??? And then what happens? For most of us we say/do things we regret, we feel sick, we lose sleep, we damage relationships. Is either of these a better fit for you? I personally use both, with a moderate preference for Play.

                            deedoo - your plan sounds like it's working, hooray for that!

                            Happy Monday/Tuesday everyone! Don't drink.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hi, All:

                              Good to see you sticking with it, Frances. Re the conversation of amount, I'm a fan of what Robin Williams said - the further I get from my addiction the worse it gets.

                              Pauly and Ava - I joke, too. Weirdly, I also say things like "we'll need a drink after THIS one," and other comments like that. I have to really pay attention to come up with something else to say because it is so common to say out loud that we all "deserve" a drink after something hard or stressful. Pauly, I don't recommend coming to CA, at least up north. The smoke is oppressive. Do you get any of it your way?

                              Mr. G, we have the opposite feeling of September - summer's OVER! I know a lot of people like autumn, and I don't mind it. I just don't like darker days and I DEFINITELY don't like Christmas movies in October.

                              Lav, why did you pick dairy first? What were your symptoms? I actually have a harder time imagining life without dairy than I did imagining life without al. I can't tell if my achiness when I wake up is just age or if I should start paying more attention...

                              Not much to report. Headaches persist. I think they are a mix of smoke, stress, and hormones.

                              Happy SOBER Tuesday.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Good morning everyone.
                                My daughter left this morning on her way to do her Respiratory Therapy classes. She will be in the next province (British Columbia) and will be about 7 hours drive away. It is pretty exciting for her to be doing this especially during Covid times.

                                Pav, that sucks that you still have a headache. I think the smoke really contributes to that. Thank goodness you don't drink.

                                Yeah, those drinking jokes are very common. I always find it weird when I hear them and don't really know how to react so I just smile.

                                Yup, it is definitely cooling down here but still in the 20's this week (70's f) which is perfect weather really. It is getting darker earlier which kinda sucks but what can you do.

                                G, that video is hilarious. I can't even believe those things were said in the first place, duh.

                                Way to go on the 15 days Frances.

                                Deedoo- I agree with Wags, your plan does seem to be working.

                                I am going to apply for a job now so I will ttyl.


                                "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                                "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                                AF April 12, 2014

