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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    The problem with me and cold turkey is that phasing just doesn't work, I have been buying al daily because I can't keep any quantity in my flat because I will just drink it all. Last time I was here, I mentioned the real issues in getting medicalhelp in Aberdeen now they have a "one stop shop" for substance abuse, no other Doctor will touch the issue or even give any meds. It took so long to get an appointment last time that I'd given up and gone back onthe wine... I have to do this myself.


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Originally posted by tonyniceday View Post
      The problem with me and cold turkey is that phasing just doesn't work, I have been buying al daily because I can't keep any quantity in my flat because I will just drink it all. Last time I was here, I mentioned the real issues in getting medicalhelp in Aberdeen now they have a "one stop shop" for substance abuse, no other Doctor will touch the issue or even give any meds. It took so long to get an appointment last time that I'd given up and gone back onthe wine... I have to do this myself.
      Sorry to be so long in answering. I'm at work and had to take care of some things. In my VVVHO, phasing is much more difficult than cold turkey anyway. Really not good that new system of the doctors not treating substance abuse patients. What does one stop shop mean anyway? Just ridiculous, in my opinion. Anyway, just hang in there - things will get better as the day goes on. It's really just a matter of getting through short periods of time, as I said before....
      For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
      AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hi all,
        Missed posting yesterday as I was just to exhausted, today is day 18 AF so I feel human again. Tonyniceday I feel your pain, as mine is not that long ago. But at least I had access to my GP who was brilliant, she had no problem prescribing Librium and some other one to stop the sickness. I could NOT have gone cold turkey. Its a disgrace your local doctor can't prescribe something for you. The first couple of days that I did manage to keep anything down it was flat 7UP/Sprite so at least I was getting fluids and sugar into me. Hope you feel better soon.


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Good morning peeps. Yes PAV, it is time to act. I just want to be a functioning nation, thinking about the future, taking care of our host (Mother Earth), taking care of each other, solving problems, preventing problems. We all need to find our inner warrior and put energy towards these things (not just me, me, me, money, money, money, screw your neighbor). It really is a mind shift and I think it starts with each of us being willing to do the work and demand it of our fellow humans. I am all for debate and healthy disagreement, but only if we're trying to solve the same problems. We can't even seem to agree on the problems because there is so much disinformation out there that they are all up for debate. When did dishonesty become acceptable??

          Rant over... Tony - nice to see you! Are you still in the restaurant biz? (were you ever in the restaurant biz?) You mentioned that no one knows your issues. I am wondering what would happen if you told a few people? It helped SO me much to make the problem more real. Eat, eat, eat and like PAV said, distract your brain. You can do this! We are here for you!!

          The mindset that worked for me with quitting was realizing that no matter how much I tried, alcohol would never, ever, bring me happiness. I had to decide to reach for happiness - decide I preferred that to misery. It made the difference.

          Love to all, especially those in fire or hurricane paths. Stay safe and think positive!

          Done. Moving on to life.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hi, All:

            Tony, how are you today? Getting some Dr. to help would be good. And maybe at least one person who is physically with you to monitor things and to help you through this rough part?

            Dee Doo - Glad you're pulling through. How are you feeling about sobriety? By day 18 I was feeling pretty proud of myself. I got low later, but that was still the honeymoon for me.

            Crazy crazy dark skies yesterday - we had lights on at noon. I am very much OVER this whole thing. Climate change is an emergency, I can tell you from the West Coast.



              Re: Newbies Nest

              Originally posted by deedoo View Post
              Hi all,
              Missed posting yesterday as I was just to exhausted, today is day 18 AF so I feel human again. Tonyniceday I feel your pain, as mine is not that long ago. But at least I had access to my GP who was brilliant, she had no problem prescribing Librium and some other one to stop the sickness. I could NOT have gone cold turkey. Its a disgrace your local doctor can't prescribe something for you. The first couple of days that I did manage to keep anything down it was flat 7UP/Sprite so at least I was getting fluids and sugar into me. Hope you feel better soon.
              Congrats on day 18, Deedoo. Fantastic - almost three whole weeks under your belt! That first month is right around the corner. Well done!!
              For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
              AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hi all, I've been slobbing it all day today but now it's time to shave, shower and go to the shop. Unfortunately due to the virus the alcohol aisle is unavoidable as that is where the socially distance queue for the checkouts is.... not looking forward to this as on previous occasions I would avoid that aisle like the plague...


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Originally posted by tonyniceday View Post
                  Hi all, I've been slobbing it all day today but now it's time to shave, shower and go to the shop. Unfortunately due to the virus the alcohol aisle is unavoidable as that is where the socially distance queue for the checkouts is.... not looking forward to this as on previous occasions I would avoid that aisle like the plague...
                  Hey Tony! Can you not go to another shop for your supplies/groceries? Just to avoid the temptation. If not, then try to picture in your head that all those bottles are enemy soldiers or something that threatens you. Or look straight ahead at the person in front of you and not to the side. Dunno, I guess you'll figure something out. We sometimes have to be very resourceful in avoiding temptation...
                  For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                  AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hey Stirly, there are 3 shops nearby, all set up the same way and they are the only ones close which sell tobacco, and I'm out! Im still very shaky so I don't want to drive somewhere else today


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Originally posted by tonyniceday View Post
                      Hey Stirly, there are 3 shops nearby, all set up the same way and they are the only ones close which sell tobacco, and I'm out! Im still very shaky so I don't want to drive somewhere else today
                      Good point. Hope you can sail right through the store and back home. No point in caving in and having to start all over again. Tomorrow will be so much better, trust me. I've been there many times. Just get through it one hour at a time. Like we said - all you ever have to do is not drink today....!!
                      For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                      AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Well that's done and for the very first time the queue had wrongly formed in the wrong aisle....never seen that before.

                        I'm still that shaky that when I was dressing after my shower, I couldn't stand on one leg long enough to put a sock on the raised bad is that!


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Originally posted by tonyniceday View Post
                          Well that's done and for the very first time the queue had wrongly formed in the wrong aisle....never seen that before.
                          Well, Tony, let's just take that as a sign the universe is behind you and wants you to succeed :smile:!

                          I'm not so great on one leg stone cold sober so I'm not judging that. I'm so glad you're back and ready to get this done.

                          @KENSHO, I'm trying to be a warrior, not a whiner, but yesterday was tough. I've been through some training to work for Biden remotely. I hope every little bit helps.

                          @Pavati, you are living through climate change while some continue to deny it exists. Take care :hug:.
                          Last edited by NoSugar; September 10, 2020, 12:30 PM.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Originally posted by tonyniceday View Post
                            Well that's done and for the very first time the queue had wrongly formed in the wrong aisle....never seen that before.

                            I'm still that shaky that when I was dressing after my shower, I couldn't stand on one leg long enough to put a sock on the raised bad is that!
                            What NS said - the universe wants you to succeed!! Not so great at the one-legged things myself, so I usually just sit down. Always looking for a way to adjust... :smile: Really glad you got through the shop ordeal tho'.
                            For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                            AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Greetings Nesters,

                              Awaiting heavy showers all evening that we really do not need. Wish I could send all this moisture to the west coast. Thinking of all of you out there :hug:
                              I’ve been keeping myself busy inside where the AC is so appreciated.

                              Tony, I have heard every quit is rougher than the previous. I hope you are OK this evening & plan to make this your final & forever quit so you don’t have to go thru all this again. That thought has kept me on plan for the past 11 1/2 years. You can do it too if that’s what you really want.

                              Hello to everyone checking in & wishing a safe night for all in the nest!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Tony, I’m so happy to see you and that you are pushing forward! I’m not great on one leg either. This is why I don’t get why girls take showers! There you are, water going every which way, trying to stand there and shave your legs! When I was on the road and the hotel didn’t have a tub, it looked like I shaved with a chainsaw. Showers are mayhem. I’m so glad you caught a break on the visit to the store Your sober muscle will get stronger each and every day. There will be a day, SOON, where the thought of drinking makes you sick! It does for me. I know you know this, but your work will pay off many times over. We are all standing with you in that aisle, in fact, I’m up on that shelf with a big umbrella and I’m not afraid to bop you with it if you think of grabbing a bottle, box or jug! I hope that helps! Like that old lady on Laugh In years ago!
                                We filled out our absentee ballots and hand delivered them to the board of elections today. Then I got a flu shot. It was my first time in a store since February. It was weird.
                                Pav, we are getting hurricanes every year now. We have got to wake up and address what we are doing to our climate. It’s scary.
                                Nora, thinking of you. That was one of the hardest points in my life, I’m so sorry you are in that vigil now. My heart is bleeding for you.
                                Stirly, you are a peach! Great to see you!
                                Hugs to all, Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

